For those that own both new portable systems...which one are you enjoying more?


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I am the happy owner of both a PSP and a DS...and I must say...I love them both! Although I use my PSP mainly for audio/video files, my DS is my gaming mainstay. The funny thing is that I have more PSP games than DS games, when originally I thought it was going to be the other way around - PSP games cost much more than the average DS game. On my DS I only have Mario 64, Meteos, and Kirby - all of which are nice, meaty games that have kept me quite busy. The PSP games I have more or less blown through - Wipeout, Metal Gear Acid, Lumines, Darkstalkers (damn good translation BTW). Although I still go back to Lumines but prefer Meteos.

If anything, I like the DS just a tad bit more since there seems to be a more steady release of good games for it, and the release list for the next year looks good. The PSP doesn't really offer much in terms of games, especially when it comes to nice, long, and involving ones; furthermore, the release list doesn't look too appealing to me other than having many ports - if they were going to be excellent games, then I would be more excited, but for now they're games that I can't imagine myself playing again even though they were some of the best the PS2 had to offer. There aren't enough "meat and potato" games that I can sink my teeth into. Metal Gear Acid was a good game, but once mastered the game breezes by, and it's not quite as complex as I thought it would be, and it's a little too ambiguous in some areas too. Given Sony's reputation for backing their hardware i'm not worried about them losing their focus and whatnot, but they need to do something to attract more developers to the system other than making ports. It doesn't even need to graphically impressive, just a great game that can suck in players.
For 1/2 the DS and 1/3 the price of PSP, and since I needed a new phone I am a proud owner of an N-Gage. I know this isn't what the question is asking, and I know I will get flammed for saying that. But hey for $80 I got a phone, game system, media player. I like it. I suggest if you need a phone get it. Because it does have some good games and since the system failed so hard you can get fun games on for like $2 after coupons.
I did own both systems, but I recently got rid of my DS. I really enjoyed my DS while I had it. The games were fun and GBA games looked great on it, but I really didn't have time for two portables, so the DS had to go.

There were quite a few reasons why I decided to keep the PSP over the DS.

First off, I actually am enjoying the games that I do own on it. I don't own a PS2 anymore, so having a game that is a port from the PS2 obviously doesn't affect me one bit, and I just think the games that I do have look and play great. I only really use my PSP when I'm on the go, so I haven't breezed through any games just yet. I am actually very excited about the releases coming up between September and December....and beyond. I just also have found the genres that interest me as I've gotten older are just more prevalent on the PSP.

Second, The movies look great on the PSP, and it's great being able to carry a movie player in my pocket. I already own a 8.4" portable DVD player and a laptop, but my daughters usually have use of the DVD player while travelling, and I rarely travel with my laptop. The PSP is really a great portable movie player even with the high prices for the UMDs.

Third, I have a huge library of NES, SNES, Genesis, and TG-16 on My PSP. Being an adult gamer, these are the game systems that were a part of my gaming glory days. I probably spend more time playing SNES and NES games on my PSP than actual PSP games. This is just really a huge perk for me, and probably the biggest reason why I picked to keep my PSP over my DS. If I would have owned a 2.0 PSP, I may have chose differently.

Fourth, I love all the extra media files I can carry on my PSP. I have a huge collection of pictures on my PSP. It's no longer necessary to carry pictures in my wallet, as I can now show off all my most recent pictures of my daughters using a high resolution slide show on my PSP. I also have music stored, even though I have a MP3 player....It's just nice to be able to carry one device that does it all. On top of those files, I have a south park episode and some extreme sports videos from saved on it. All this and the EMU games on just the 256 memory card.....I can't wait to get a 1GB card to unlock even more possibilities.

I know the above probably makes me sound like I work for Sony, but in actuality the only home console I currently own is a Gamecube. I am an adult gamer now and have very little time for games. The Gamecube covers the little gaming time I have at home while also giving my oldest daughter a great introduction to gaming. My PSP is just a great Multi-media device that gives me that gaming time that I no longer get at home and provides all the extra perks that I mentioned above. I have nothing against the DS at all, and think it is a super system in its own right. I just think the PSP fits my personal needs a bit better.

Edit: I also forgot to mention the Web browsing and Wi-Fi play capabilities in hot spots, and the customizible backgrounds. Only the Wi-FI play is really gaming related, but just a few more perks that have me hooked.
I do enjoy my PSP greatly for the media and emulation capabilities. But now that I'm not riding the train to work every day, when I sit down with my portable (say on a 5 hour plane flight), I really want a new and unique gaming experience. Other than Lumines, the PSP just isn't cutting the mustard. And the horizon doesn't look much better.

So, in terms of pure gaming, my vote has to go to the DS. If you're talking about overall capabilities, the PSP clearly blows it out of the water. But at this point, I think I prefer the pure gaming machine. If this is the kind of division between multimedia capabilities and pure gaming joy that we can expect in the next round of consoles, I might as well put down my preorder on a Revolution today.
[quote name='JSK414']For 1/2 the DS and 1/3 the price of PSP, and since I needed a new phone I am a proud owner of an N-Gage. I know this isn't what the question is asking, and I know I will get flammed for saying that. But hey for $80 I got a phone, game system, media player. I like it. I suggest if you need a phone get it. Because it does have some good games and since the system failed so hard you can get fun games on for like $2 after coupons.[/QUOTE]
I got the DS on launch.... Well I did enjoy it.... the PSP hype got to me around the last 2 months of the PSP launch... so i sold the DS & got the PSP.... 1st few weeks the PSP had the blings factor and while I luv ridge racer & Lumines... after 3 months owning the things...
it just became just an expensive movie player ( I also have 3 dead pixel).... and the upcoming game for it looks like a long list of PS2 ports & crap titles... PSP was the biggest waste of money I ever spent on a handheld... so I sold it last month & rebought the DS ( in the blue color). With tons of great games on the horizon... DS became my choice in handheld...

I will rebuy the PSP agian... one day.... maybe in a few year... I really like gran turismo mobile & Y's... but I already have those on my PS2... WTF..?

Another reason I got rid of the PSP is the way the general public can't figure out if it's an Movie player or gaming device... same fate that N-gage had w/ cell phone or gaming device...
I got both systems at their respective launches and I've got to say probably the DS, but that's not saying much. I've played both of them to death; however, I haven't played either one in about 2 months.

Both systems lack RPGs which captivate my soul. Add to that, I've been busy with work, don't like to go out during the summer (too hot), and hoooked on Guild Wars they have become rather lonely and dusty.

I'll still keep both since they have some interesting games coming out in the future, for now I think I've paid the price for adopting the systems earlier than I should have.
System i can suggest to people - DS
System i play more - PSP

The great games and FUN that i have with the DS makes it very easy to suggest to about any gamer or non-gamer. I love it. Meteos, Kirby, Yoshi (with non-ending in mind) and the upcoming "New Experience" games like Another Code and the surgeon game make it much easier to find a game for somebody.

PSP is an odd things for me...I OWN no games for the system. I previously owned Ridge Racer (great), Wipeout (great). Lumines (great...but got boring quick) and Hot Shots Golf (surprised the hell out of me. Great game) but i sold them when i sold my first PSP. That week that i had my psp on ebay, the homebrew scene blew up. Tested out what i could with my 32meg stick and had a blast. Traded in some stuff and got a 2nd PSP, and a bit over a month ago got a 1gig stick. Movies ripped from my dvd's, homebrew apps and games, emulators and even ripped japanese import games are all on my stick and in use at some point or another.

I enjoy the system for everything it wasnt meant to do.

The U.S. games so far have been either shoddy ports or crappy games in general (Rengoku, Twisted Metal, coded arms) with VERY few exceptions. As of right now there isnt too much hope on the horizon either, especialy when ive taken a look at the Japanese games coming in...which approximately 1/2 have been a puzzle game in one form or the other.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']I enjoy the system for everything it wasnt meant to do.
QFT. The emulation has really opened up the potential of the PSP. Liberty City Stories and/or Burnout Legends will no doubt force me to upgrade, but right now I really like the old & homebrew stuff.

But, I play my DS way more than my PSP. Now that developers are finally grasping what the touch stylus can mean for control and a second screen can show more than a map, games are really starting to shine.
[quote name='adamsappel']QFT. The emulation has really opened up the potential of the PSP. Liberty City Stories and/or Burnout Legends will no doubt force me to upgrade, but right now I really like the old & homebrew stuff.

But, I play my DS way more than my PSP. Now that developers are finally grasping what the touch stylus can mean for control and a second screen can show more than a map, games are really starting to shine.[/QUOTE]

Burnout is VERY tempting. GTA:LCS, not so much personally. What im more or less curious about is wether or not they will use specific 2.0 or 2.0+ features. If not, then there is a good chance i could still play them. Recently they made a loader that worked with Rockman Dash (Mega Man Legends)...which is interesting because it is supposed to require 1.52 to run.

I wont get into an argument of who is cooler, the people with 1.5 or with 2.0, but so far that update doesn't offset what i can already do with 1.5.
DS wins hands down. It's like comparing a nice sound system to an interactive art peice. Both are as good, but it's either funtionality (PSP) or interaction (DS). I choose interaction.
I technially own both, bought the ds for my gf and the psp for myself. I have had a lot more fun with Wario Ware Touched than any other game in a long time. Reminded me of Point Blank which is my favorite game of all time. But I love my PSP for everything that it can do. I own 8 games for it, but sadly have not invested in a memory stick pro duo yet. It homebrew really what its all cracked up to be?? Also im still firmware 1.5.....Anyways I will be getting a DS eventually, but for now I am at a split decision.
Got both at launch and enjoy (and use) my DS far more. My PSP just collects dust. After the initial *WOW* of the PSP, the games out for it don't interest me and watching movies on it are just OK (although they sound great with headphones).

My vote goes for the DS, as it has helped me get through my backlog of GBA games
I know this may sound stupid and very cliche', but the DS has been out a lil bit longer than the PSP, so I don't really understand how anyone could take sides when not either one of the systems is even a year old. How about after the DS hits a year old and the PSP hits a year old someone (not me lol) could write down all the titles that came out, only counting US releases of course. Don't flame, just trying to put a lil sense into this whole thing.
I had a PSP, but dead pixels, a short battery life, and load times, made me question my purchase. So did spending $300 for the system, another $100 for a memory card...

I ended up getting a DS and loving it. Try to play a game like Kirby's Dream Course, or Meteos and not fall in love with the system.
I owned both systems at the same time for around 2 months and I actually wanted to sell both of them. The only reason why I'm keeping my PSP is because I have a 2 year warranty with it. I let go of the DS because I hated the design and having to use the stylus (the thumb thing, for the flagship game, Mario) was annoying especially if you have sweaty hands or intend to play with the system for stretches at a time. Even with the different control settings, I never found a comfortable set up. Also, the thing doesn't look nice to me, it's so huge, especially when you play it. I might give it another shot if/when they release DS ver. 2 with a different design.

You have the fingerprint/sweat problem with the PSP as well. The "cool" factor of the PSP lasted about 2 months for me, until I started getting bored of all the games. Price wasn't that big of a deal for me and I think I'd actually play my PSP more if there was a game that blew me out of the water. It really is a beautiful system. Seeing the graphics that this thing puts out makes you go "wow" sometimes. Oh well, it's collecting dust as we speak.

Like them all.

Prefer GBA (SP/DS)

Why? There are way too many AAA games to play currently on GBA (personal opinion I guess). PSP has nothing I am even remotely interested in that has been even announced yet (sick!).

Also, unless they start releasing games like Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Disgaea, Mark of Kri, etc... (not ports, games like these, but ports are fine for the valueable hard to find games that I won't afford), then the PSP will be a bust for me. Except for the ability to do homebrew and buy big ass memory sticks and watch ripped movies on (as in I already own them fools and I ripped them my self!).
[quote name='Prepster']I know this may sound stupid and very cliche', but the DS has been out a lil bit longer than the PSP, so I don't really understand how anyone could take sides when not either one of the systems is even a year old. How about after the DS hits a year old and the PSP hits a year old someone (not me lol) could write down all the titles that came out, only counting US releases of course. Don't flame, just trying to put a lil sense into this whole thing.[/QUOTE]

I didn't ask which system was better, I was asking which one they were enjoying more. I enjoy each system for their strengths, but I have to live with their weaknesses. They both have their disadvantages.
Got both on or near their launches (3 days after for the PSP), and I really like both. For pure gaming, though, I totally go for the DS now. There was a long period where it just sat there or played GBA games, but that seems to be coming to an end right now with all of the great new releases.

To me, it feels like right now, the PSP is in the same slump. I'm using my PSP more for movies and music right now. Though it looks like it too will be picking up soon, let's hope the large number of titles in the coming months for both systems end up being good. :)
I have a DS and PSP. Im a UMD movie whore, but I am honestly having more fun with my DS currently. The only problem with the DS is that most of the games Im enjoying are imports. PSP is still great though, and I know they have some awesome games coming down the line.

*crosses his fingers for a US release of Twelve*
The PSP is a great multimedia device, and pretty damn fun for gaming. Currently, my DS isn't getting all that much use. The DS has some great stuff coming in the next few months though... not many upcoming PSP games intrest me that much.

But to answer the OP's question - as of now, I am enjoying my PSP more.
I own both the DS and the PSP and so far I am pretty disappointed. The selection of games to this point has been terrible for an RPG and strategy game fan like myself. Right now I have to go with the PSP because of all the other cool stuff it can do in addition to playing games. I too have an N-Gage and play games on it more than both my PSP and DS combined.
I play my PSP more that my DS since Coded Arms came out I really like that game. I actually play my N-Gage more then my DS this is likely because I have over 30 games for the N-Gage. The DS needs more action games.
bread's done