Forget Zen Davis. It's now the "Vader Time" appreciation thread.

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If that's the new main plate, holy fuck they somehow made the antithesis of the reasonably sized logo on the WHC strap with a title where the logo *is* the belt.
It's tough to judge without seeing the full belt (or, really, even knowing if that's the front plate), but... well, I don't hate it. I don't love it, but I was expecting worse. The new belt designer seems to be very much about big, broad strokes as opposed the intricate designs of the older belts, so this falls in line with the Divas and the Tag belts. Oh, and Punk did say that the new belt was significantly heavier than the Spinner, and that picture as a full-size front plate would certainly accomplish that.

If that is the front plate, though, the question has to become whether or not that belt will signal a unification. Do they really need *two* big gold belts (lowercase)?

I'll wait and see how this plays out, but it could be worse. Honestly. For current-day WWE, this belt is almost a masterclass in restraint.
Kelly Kelly may not be returning to WWE anytime soon is reporting WWE Diva Kelly Kelly has been granted time off from WWE.

A source in the report notes that Kelly Kelly has been going full-time on the road since 2006 and needs some time off. The source went on to say how she has been with the company since she was a kid, signed at a young age and sacrificing any life outside of WWE.

It is believed by many in the company she won't be returning anytime soon, if at all. She recently has been putting her real name Barbi Blank out there for non-wrestling related bookings. The bio on her Twitter page displays this and her willingness to take outside endorsements and projects,

Kelly Kelly last appeared on WWE television on 5/21 episode of RAW.
[quote name='Scorch']New belt leaked.
It's.. eh..

[quote name='Tsel']Kelly Kelly may not be returning to WWE anytime soon[/QUOTE]

Must be a slow news day.
This may sound harsh but good riddance to Kelly Kelly. Sable had more grace than her. Heck, Lita had more grace than her in the ring.

Interesting new belt plate. I also hope it's a side plate. If it's the main plate, it's salvagable if they make the WWE logo red with black shading and add black to the main border.

Honestly, anything is better than the spinner. They could bolt on a giant gold cock with dangly gold balls and a hashtag on the shaft, and it would be better than the spinner.
[quote name='Scorch']New belt leaked.

It's.. eh..


I'd be okay with this being the center plate if it wasn't the scratch WWE logo. I am SO sick of that logo. It looks messy, isn't symmetrical and lacks style and class. Of course, so does the company that it stands for, but hey.

That plate with the old-school chrome-esque "WWF" logo (minus the F of course) would be much better, and make the word "championship" have that same chromed look to it.
I don't think that's the main face plate for one reason:

Where does the champion's name go?

That's been an important aspect to all of the world titles as of late, especially because when they sell replicas of the belts, you can custom order your favorite superstar's name for the name plate, or your own name, or both, or as many as you want. The Undisputed belt had this option, the Spinner belt had this option, the WWE US titles have always had this option, the WCW/WHC belt has had this option, the WWECW belt had this option, the last IC title had this option, the Raw WWE Tag Titles had the option, the Smackdown World Tag Team Titles had the option, the WWE Cruiserweight belt had the option, and even the Diva's Championship has this option. I think the only reason Cody's belt doesn't have it is because they weren't clever enough to think of a way to work it into the retro design, and the Penny Tag Titles don't have them because tag team wresting has been in the shitter for years.

Make no mistake, the ability of WWE to sell replicas is a huge focus of these title belts. The Divas belt has been reported to sell well with girls - after all, why wouldn't it? Its very "girly" with the butterfly and way more gender specific than the Women's championship. That's why we've had the spinner belt for so long (though I think it's ability to spin has been gone longer than it was around, at this point). As ugly as it is, a certain segment of the audience is gobbling up those replicas. That's why you have the Big Gold Belt for the traditionalists, but even that's been tweaked and modified from the WCW version.

Additionally, I don't think that's the the main faceplate because it's just pure gold and fake jewels. Why wouldn't there be any detail to the actual logo or to the word "Champion"? Whether it be black or red or whatever. It might pass for a side emblem on the belt but even for that it's not very detailed.

Also, there's very little difference between that image and the Non-Spinning Spinner Belt. I don't see how people can be okay with that but not with the Non-Spinning Spinner. Because it spells out Champion instead of Champ? It's basically the same shit just slightly repackaged, if that indeed ends up being the main face plate.
Good money says it's a side plate and, like KaneRobot noted, probably not even completed as far as coloring/outlining goes. kodave also made a good point about no place for a nameplate. Besides, whatever that is on the right with the name on it (business card, place card or some such?) puts the scale of it much closer to a side plate.
[quote name='Chase']This may sound harsh but good riddance to Kelly Kelly. Sable had more grace than her. Heck, Lita had more grace than her in the ring.[/QUOTE]

Lita's moonsault looked like a cat being hit by a car but she looked like Ricky Steamboat compared to Kelly. It's not harsh at all. Good riddance, get out. She smiled, raised her arm when she had a title, and later on she screamed. The end.

Never understood why she was kept around. I have my guesses, which have been at least partially supported by certain drug usin' WWE employees, but that's neither here nor there. She was "attractive" but so is everyone else on the female roster, at least in theory.

Ok, dumb question time as I have honestly not watched TNA with any regularity whatsoever in years - is this wrestler judging thing they've been doing with Joey Ryan et al a work-shoot or is it legit? What the hell is it? Do they just cut a promo in front of the judges and then they decide whether to hire them or not?
[quote name='KaneRobot']Never understood why she was kept around.[/quote]

Two reasons.

Ok, dumb question time as I have honestly not watched TNA with any regularity whatsoever in years - is this wrestler judging thing they've been doing with Joey Ryan et al a work-shoot or is it legit? What the hell is it? Do they just cut a promo in front of the judges and then they decide whether to hire them or not?

The fact that you don't know (no worries, I don't either) means it's decent tee-vee. Bully Ray is *awesome*, which says a lot since he's working with Abyss-as-his-lawyer-brother, which, on paper, is as fucking stupid as it is on tv. Bully Ray, in hindsight, makes me truly appreciate JBL during his heel run as the "JR Ewing" character (i.e., when he was constantly in the title picture).

TNA has a ton of problems, but they are doing a few things right, which is more than I can say for WWE. D. Brine and Punk make for outstanding in-ring work, but I've been less than impressed with the build/story (what story?) they've been doing for that.
I was going to say "hustle" and "respect" while inferring sexual favors in a witty fashion, but nah... she probably was blowing somebody on the roster.
So, in genuine wrestling news, my ECW Unwhatevered Blu-Ray went from "release day delivery" to "delivered sometime in late June" according to Amazon.

1) preorders exceed expectations and therefore they didn't print enough?
2) some other fuckup caused an otherwise unexpected delay?

What do you think?

[quote name='ced']she probably was blowing somebody on the roster.[/QUOTE]

I don't like to waste time blustering about. I appreciate your frankness. And agree with it.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't like to waste time blustering about. I appreciate your frankness. And agree with it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you just hate doing that. ;)
Alex Silva was hired from GutCheck because Flair was surprised by his promo and said yes even though he was supposed to say no. Pritchard is a moron and couldn't improvise on the fly to say no, so he said yes to follow Flair and thus Silva gets a job. He was never supposed to get hired.

Joey Ryan actually has an angle planned with TNA (he's part of Ring Ka King). Wait and see.
I don't have a "THE fuck IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?" macro strong enough for the Alex Silva incident if it's truly accurate.

Seriously give a contract to a guy and not use him is the answer to how to cover up a shoot? It's like they crapped the bed and decided the only solution was to push the bed, crap and all, into the backyard when all they had to do is clean the damn crap off and pretend it never happened.
[quote name='Scorch']

Yeah, that's gotta be a side plate. Though I could see it being the main plate (as it's clearly missing the jewels) and they could just make the strap a little wider to accommodate a name plate just below it. Given the right paint, that belt could look alright. Border it up with regular diamonds, put rubies in the WW logo, and use black/red/white paint to make the whole thing fit the color scheme of the attitude era logo. Black background behind the W's, and behind the word Champion. Red outlines around the WW with white letters for champion.

It could work, but not as good as the undisputed belt. Certainly better than the spinner though.

[quote name='neocisco']Wit and intelligence, of course.[/QUOTE]

Aww man, you were almost there...

Wits and Class were the obvious answer. :(
[quote name='mykevermin']So, in genuine wrestling news, my ECW Unwhatevered Blu-Ray went from "release day delivery" to "delivered sometime in late June" according to Amazon.

1) preorders exceed expectations and therefore they didn't print enough?
2) some other fuckup caused an otherwise unexpected delay?

What do you think?[/QUOTE]

3.) Paul Heyman was actually personally funding the production of these and produced more than he could pay for, so now the entire operation has been shut down and the set is OOP.
[quote name='Scorch']3.) Paul Heyman was actually personally funding the production of these and produced more than he could pay for, so now the entire operation has been shut down and the set is OOP.[/QUOTE]


Glad I preordered mine early. I ordered it along with the WCW Clash of Champions set from Amazon. Apparently they've shipped although I used free shipping so I'm not due to get them until the 13th.
[quote name='Scorch']I guess my joke about the mismanagement of ECW went over everyone's head.[/QUOTE]

Not every bodies head, I laughed when I read that.
When that picture loaded I could only see them from the waist up, and I just had to scroll down....
[quote name='Clak']When that picture loaded I could only see them from the waist up, and I just had to scroll down....[/QUOTE]

Do you often do this with pictures of men? :p
Wow, so that's the new NXT, eh? few thoughts:

- Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd make a great team.

- Why the hell was Tamina and Natalia's awesome 6-8-minute match relegated to the C-show that's not even televised when we constantly get 30-second shitfest Divas matches week-in and week-out on RAW?
[quote name='bhk']THQ San Diego did WWE All-Stars, which was fairly well received if I recall.[/QUOTE]

And THQ just closed that studio this week, at the exact same time as the EA press conference when UFC said they were with EA now. THQ SD was supposed to be doing the next UFC game.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Wow, so that's the new NXT, eh? few thoughts:

- Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd make a great team.

- Why the hell was Tamina and Natalia's awesome 6-8-minute match relegated to the C-show that's not even televised when we constantly get 30-second shitfest Divas matches week-in and week-out on RAW?[/QUOTE]

No that's not the "new" NXT. That's the same old NXT they've been airing forever. The "new" NXT taped in a studio environment in Florida hasn't premiered yet, but I imagine it will look more like the Impact Zone and you know, be featuring those FCW guys too.

And do you really have to ask? Women have been having good matches all over NXT and Superstars. There's just no time for them on the A and B shows since you have to cover Michael Cole in BBQ sauce.
So did anyone eventually pick up the ECW Blu/DVD? Or even the Clash of the Champions release on May 22?

Tempted to nab one (or both) with the Hastings credit I have.
[quote name='HydroX']So did anyone eventually pick up the ECW Blu/DVD? Or even the Clash of the Champions release on May 22?

Tempted to nab one (or both) with the Hastings credit I have.[/QUOTE]

I bought both, still haven't received either one.

Match listings are good, the only unfortunate thing I've heard thus far is that some of the ECW crowd chants are censored. I guess it's because it's a TV-14 release vs TV-MA. Well and the entrance music in the ECW set is altered but that is no surprise.
Just picked up the ECW blu.. After the Douglas speech where he dubbed the title to be the ECW title, the fans start an ECW chant. 2 Cold Scorpio comes back in the ring and gets on the mic and says something to Shane Douglas, but it's inaudible due to the ECW chants. The problem is, by that point, the crowd had stopped chanting. You can even tell where they looped the sound. The chants stop all at once. Joey Styles acknowledges that the chanting makes it hard to hear 2 Cold Scorpio on the mic, so I'm not sure if that's a new commentary dub or what.

Generic themes are in, which sucks but I'm okay with it. Dreamer came out to a very, very generic version of Man in the Box. If you didn't know he was supposed to have Man in the Box as his theme, you probably wouldn't recognize it. It sounds close enough to me, though.
I remember being legitimately pissed when ECW guys started showing up on WWF shows.

I was old enough to know better but I didn't realize they had the whole working relationship going on back then. In hindsight, it was an amazing angle. Actually, I guess I knew it was an amazing angle then because I was fucking furious about it and that was what they were going for.

It was still real to me dammit.
[quote name='Purple Flames']RVD hasn't aged a day since then. His voice is a little more gravely, but I'll attribute that to the weed.[/QUOTE]

For the most part yes, but he kind of had a babyface back then.
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