Forza 2 CAG motor club


9 (100%)
I know its a little early but I would like to setup a CAG forza 2 clan. The first forza clan wasnt too successful since the old leader stopped playing after 2-3 weeks. I will be around alot longer since I am still playing the original Forza.
If you want in, just leave your GT, and When the game comes out I will set it all up and invite everyone.
Bumping thread since we are now a lot closer to release and the demo is amazing. If anyones interested in joining the CAG motorclub just drop your GT here!
Is this still happening? I'd like to join this car club. Also Xecutioner, I need to get you back on my friends list this week. I remember playing PGR3 with you, but for some reason you aren't on my list anymore...oh well
[quote name='FrankySox']Is this still happening? I'd like to join this car club. Also Xecutioner, I need to get you back on my friends list this week. I remember playing PGR3 with you, but for some reason you aren't on my list anymore...oh well[/quote]Oh, so you took me off your list..that's how it is? :lol: Yeah, hit me back up.
sounds good danny-o. i preordered my game from liongames, so i'm hoping it won't be too long before it arrives. i'm hoping sat. at the very latest. can't wait!
Welp, I guess Nebraska isn't getting it today. Best Buy had all the other new releases besides Shadowrun and god I even got a fucking 94 dollar speeding ticket. It costs 25 dollars to go 10 over, but with court costs and a busted seat belt it adds up to 94, should have just waited to speed until I got the fuckin game.
looks like I wont have til tomorrow, god damnit

EDIT: I have it, I'll be on very soon, and for a VERY long time. Just by looking at the cover of the game I can tell i'm going to like it alot.
hmmm. I cant find any options to start a club...there should be a system in here somewhere...its ridiculous not to. Anyone see how to start it up?
Well this is pretty stupid... But it should be in an update or maybe even a feature on the site later on... For the meantime we can setup stuff here or if you wanna just send friends requests around we can do that.

Hey guys, in regards to car clubs in Forza 2...

It's true that we couldn't get that feature into the game, but some things to keep in mind is that multiplayer games still support team racing so you can still have club battles on Live. I realize what you lose without car club support is the ability to see in any official capacity which are the top clubs running in the game. One of my goals for post-launch is to implement a feature that allows players to register their car clubs on this website, with the ability to administrate memberships, etc., and then host official car club scoreboards on based on your club's cumulative rankings.

There's a lot we need to spec out and I'll be working with Turn 10's designers to make this happen. I'm not going to promise when we can roll this feature out but consider implementing car clubs's first DLC priority. Smile [:)] Also, after I discuss with the webdevs the feasibility of car clubs on, I'll create an official thread to gather ideas you guys may have about how to make it useful as well.

Thanks, and sorry if this tidbit of news has disappointed anyone.
Count me in. GT - Wattses.

Thought it was funny today when I went to Best Buy here in Michigan this morning and they told me it wouldn't be in until 3pm. At 3, I went back and another guy said they haven't received their shipment and neither did any other Best Buy. He also said that no other stores around got the game. For the hell of it, I went to Target. They had 3 copies. I can't frickin' wait to get out of work tonight.
just wondering how far you guys are...i'm only level 8 so far...and i have a nissan silvia level 2...i got a few cars but nothign spectaculr
[quote name='LiquidNight']How on Earth do y'all even play this game?
When I played the demo, all I could do is spin in circles like an idiot.[/quote]

left trigger is your friend
[quote name='LiquidNight']How on Earth do y'all even play this game?
When I played the demo, all I could do is spin in circles like an idiot.[/QUOTE]

You have to brake before turns, not during, and slowly accelerate out of them.
bread's done