Forza 2 - Free $10 Gift Card @ Best Buy w/ coupon

[quote name='parkerpic']You can get a $10 Gift Card with the purchase of Forza 2 for the 360 at Best Buy. This is online (free shipping) and B&M with the coupon at this link:[/QUOTE]

As opposed to Forza 2 for the PS3? ;)
[quote name='vlv723']I wonder if I can print the ad out from Fry's and show it at BB to PM it....[/QUOTE]
that would be in accordance with their pm policy
i was actually tryign to get cc to match frys price today and still get the free game. they didnt have forza, so i glady accepted my gift cards =)
[quote name='vlv723']I wonder if I can print the ad out from Fry's and show it at BB to PM it....[/quote]

Cheap minds think alike... :D
I was just about to check if you could it PM'd and get the $10 off and this gift card. I didn't know if they would count it as too seperate deals, or only give you one or the other.

CC really didn't have a $20 360 game I would want.
[quote name='vlv723']Damn, it says "low price"...errr...unsure if they will accept this.[/quote]

What does that mean...
[quote name='Xerxes']What does that mean...[/quote]

i'm pretty sure they wont because there isnt an advertised price.
Hopefully tomorrow's full page ad would say the $49 price.

I'm thinking Best Buy won't honor it because:

$49.99 Forza 2+$10 Gift Card= $59.99...they'll say it's $49.99 on their site...I'll give it a shot tomorrow.
[quote name='tehdvd']i'm pretty sure they wont because there isnt an advertised price.[/quote]
I had news ads with $49.99, this is just basically another deal. I'll give it a shot tomorrow if they are in the paper as well. Most likely it will be.

Still not solution on getting Shadowrun. :cry:
bread's done