Forza Motorsport 3 - Out Now!


66 (100%)

Limited Edition Bonuses:
The Forza 3 GameStop Exclusive Limited Edition comes with:

  • Forza Motorsport 2GB USB Storage and keychain: Show off your Forza pride with these specially branded items.
  • Forza Motorsport VIP Membership* and Exclusive Car Pack*: Want to be a top painter, tuner, driver or just more active in the community? VIP membership is the way to get yourself noticed. Includes special treatment within the online Auction House, Community Storefront and on the forums. Also includes 5 of the hottest cars from the roster of Forza Motorsport 3, available only through your VIP membership.
  • Exclusive Collector’s Edition Car Pack*: This one is for the fans. This pack includes 5 cars that have been hand tuned and hand painted by the developers at Turn 10 to fly the Forza Motorsport colors.
  • Exclusive Forza Motorsport 3 Theme: Customize your Dashboard experience with this limited availability Xbox 360 theme.


June 1st, 2009:
After a number of big announcements today Microsoft drove an Audi directly onto the stage and proceeded to run gameplay footage of Forza 3. The sequel to Microsoft's premier racing simulator will reportedly run at 60 frames per second.

With 400 cars from 50 manufacturers it was touted as the definitive racing game of this generation. The game will be ready to ship this October.


March 09, 2009:
This week, he's at it again and states in his latest pitpass report that progress on Turn 10's next game continues, and that fans are likely to appreciate what they see when the game is unveiled. Elaborating just a touch, Che points out that he has been "spending quite a lot of time just admiring the game from a visual standpoint", adding that "the past few weeks have seen the graphics really come into its own".

Having been absent from pitpass reports in recent weeks, Che states "my focus has been solely on our future project, making sure that we deliver on our aspirations for what we think are some pretty awesome community features and ways for those who love cars (and speedboats/helicopters) to interact with each other. Secrecy being what it is, now is obviously not the time to divulge such details. Besides, when we do announce our next game and show you what it looks like, it’ll be done with a bang, not just the whimper of a blog post."

The wait just doesn't seem to end, and though we're itching to put rubber on the tracks of Forza Motorsport 3, we're ever-so-slightly worried about Che's mention of speedboats and helicopters - here's hoping that's little more than a joke. Summing up the future project's visuals, the Turn 10 team tells us it's spending plenty of time with the game's photomode, and captures from the latest build are described simply as a "portfolio of car porn".


July 09, 2008:
In Turn 10's latest pitpass report (#98), Forza Motorsport's community manager, Che Chou, seems to have let his excitement for Forza Motorsport 3 bubble over.

With E3 2008 set to kick off next week, Che reminisces on the debut CGI trailer for Forza Motorsport 2 back at E3 2006. With his 100th pitpass report around the corner, and fans begging for details on Forza Motorsport 3, Che teases:

"There's stuff being worked on here at Turn 10 that I simply can't talk about right now, but the progress we've made in the last six months has been absolutely incredible. The fact that we're working on our second game for Xbox 360 means our software architects have figured out ways to push the 360 in ways I didn't think were possible in terms of both visuals and performance."

"You'll pardon me if I sound a little excited, because, frankly, I'm frickin' psyched," he adds.


June 22, 2008:
We questioned the possibility of Forza 3 being distributed on more than one disc. Our source was quick to comment that “one way or the other, the core game will be shipped on a single disc. Content won’t be sacrificed … fans will be pleasantly surprised for what’s in store.”

It is rumored that Forza 3 will have 2 discs, 400+ cars, and 100+ tracks. The game will also have real-world damage modeling.

June 15, 2008:
"We know there is a certain section of the readership that hates our guts for posting rumors, but frankly, we really don't much care. We do our best to show exactly where rumors come from, and always leave it to you to make the decision about their truthfulness for yourselves. This next one came from the same survey page that the "Xbox Avatar" rumor came from, and has all sorts of goodies in it.

The page states that Forza 3 will ship on two discs, have some sort of "assist system", will be loaded to the brim with content (400 cars, 100 tracks, etc) and will have car deformation. Really though, the biggest news here is the possible hint (if the survey page is to be believed) that the game was constrained by the limitations of the DVD format ..."


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Forza 3 better have flying Jetson cars if it hopes to compete directly with Gran Turismo's return. With Gran Turismo snagging all those long-absent licenses, it's going to be a powerhouse. But somehow I expect the same lazy-ass tire screaching noises. Polyphony needs to send someone to a racetrack with a microphone because the tire noises in the series are sounding stale as hell. There's no variation, just a couple samples played over and over.
I hope this game has some better backgrounds. Maybe a sky that isn't just a static picture. Other than the boring backgrounds, I love Forza2
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I highly doubt this one. Forza 2 had what, 12-20 tracks, why would they add 80 more?[/quote]

Cos they need to, I'm playing through Forza 2 at the mo and the lack of tracks becomes very noticeable toward the end, they have way too many races for the small amount of tracks.

Bear in mind that there is really only 4-5 distinct venues, the tracks are made up by racing round those venues in different configurations. So you get the feeling you're doing the same thing over and over because you're not seeing anything new, just the same scenery over and over again.

I still love the game mind you and would agree that it's better than GT.
[quote name='Brak']Please don't advertise that again.[/QUOTE]

Jeez, I don't see what the big deal is. There is an ignore button after all, there's also IGNORING THE ENTIRE POST.
Real world damage? How many times are racing games going to talk about real world damage? Are they ever going to get it right?
[quote name='foxdvd']Real world damage? How many times are racing games going to talk about real world damage? Are they ever going to get it right?[/quote]
If Forza 3 has something close to GRID, i'll be extremely happy.
Oh... so... I guess no more DLC then. alrighty. So, now I'm gonna have to shell out even more money to do it all over again? Nice...

If they were able to do something like GRiD that be pretty cool, but I can't see it happening.

Why don't I play FM2 anymore? because when I put it in and select a car if i scroll too fast or too slow it freezes... Yeah, my 360 is gifted.
[quote name='lordwow']I'm not sure I'll pick this up, I found Forza 2 to be far too difficult for me to enjoy.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Danil ACE']I'll pick it up but no way will there be real damage. Racing games have been promising this BS for years now.[/quote]
I think they meant real damage compared to Forza 2's slight dents, scraps, etc. As i said earlier, if Forza 3 has damage similar to GRID, i'll be happy.
[quote name='lordwow']I'm not sure I'll pick this up, I found Forza 2 to be far too difficult for me to enjoy.[/quote]

Oh come's a racing sim. Not a hold-the-gas-down-the-whole-race type of game.
I enjoyed the first but still liked PGR better, so I held off on buying the second.
If this happens to be true I'm glad I waited to purchase the third! Wow, thats a lot of tracks and cars!
[quote name='MasterSprtn117']Oh come's a racing sim. Not a hold-the-gas-down-the-whole-race type of game.[/QUOTE]

I know how to play it. I almost 100%ed Forza 1. I still think it's too tough.
[quote name='lordwow']I know how to play it. I almost 100%ed Forza 1. I still think it's too tough.[/quote]
Tough? No. Boring? Yes. I mean, Forza 2 is a great game, but around level 30-35, you're racing the EXACT SAME tracks but with more laps. The AI is just like past GTs where it's set in it's ways. They need to make the racing more exciting and longer races/more laps is not the way.
I love racing sims, I really hope forza 3 lives up to the rumors. It's going to be hard to pull me off GT5 on my brother's ps3 though.
[quote name='SynGamer']Tough? No. Boring? Yes. I mean, Forza 2 is a great game, but around level 30-35, you're racing the EXACT SAME tracks but with more laps. The AI is just like past GTs where it's set in it's ways. They need to make the racing more exciting and longer races/more laps is not the way.[/quote]

Yeah, I'm extremely casual when it comes to Forza2, which means I play on easy and would die without my green line. I just got above level 20 and if it wasn't for being able to play my own music I would never even bother to do those 7 lap races.
[quote name='tokitoki50']I love racing sims, I really hope forza 3 lives up to the rumors. It's going to be hard to pull me off GT5 on my brother's ps3 though.[/quote]

With the way GT5 is looking, needing a $40 half game/demo to keep some sort of hope/hype going, Forza 4 will be out already.
I hope Forza adds more street venues. The same old road courses got tedious, especially those damn test courses. Horrible.

Improved car livery design would be great as well. Maybe higher res decals or game related icons built in that could be related to other MS Game Studio game achievements you have unlocked.

They also need an upgrade in the GUI and race progression system. Otherwise, I think it's a better "racer" than the GT series (though the latter's latest looks fucking amazing).
They need to improve the career mode/progression system, definitely. After level 30-35 it got extremely boring. It was the same races, just longer...and that isn't fun. I want REAL damage modeling, similar to say GRID or DiRT...
First, I never played a forza before. I was cheap and I really just want a Gran Turismo for the 360.

Since GT is old and I only own a 360, im probably gonna pick up Forza 3. Haven't played a realistic racer in awhile. I want to upgrade the cars performance, mess with the transmission and most of all I want the Nurburgring in hd. Anyone that played forza 1or2 know how the customizing is done? All I remember hearing about in Forza 2, is the sale of nazi painted cars...

thanks in advance :X
Basically, you could buy parts and such, which would increase your performance (HP, handling, acceleration, etc.) as well as increase your cars 'points' which could potentially move you into a new class (A, B, C, R1, R2, etc.). So there is customization, including messing with the transmission.
[quote name='twen']We discussed this on episode 5 of the UAV Jammers:[/QUOTE]

im going to check out your podcast. nice site by the way.!

p.s. cant wait! for Forza 3
They need to announce it finally. Something like "Here is Forza 3, which is coming out Nov.4 2009, and here are a few screenshots to tide you over until it releases".
[quote name='Danil ACE']They need to announce it finally. Something like "Here is Forza 3, which is coming out Nov.4 2009, and here are a few screenshots to tide you over until it releases".[/quote]
Reading the pitpass, they said they want the announcement to be with a 'bang'. I'm assuming E3...perhaps MS's pre-E3 press conference?
Still kinda pissed. All these sequels to certain Microsoft games and they still haven't greenlighted a new Crimson Skies. Maybe Warhawk lit a fire under their ass and Crimson Skies 3 will be a Warhawk competitor. I'd have a pantsgasm if that happened.
I got a Xbox 360 last month and bought Forza 2 as one of the first time. Finished Arcade already and I've just got to level 20. It's one of the best racing sims that I've played, IMO much better than Gran Turismo 3.

With that said, I don't really mind the small number of tracks, since I like to play without any sort of help, so It's hard to remember too many tracks, especially when the gameplay is so realistic.

A couple of points:

1- More cars, a few more tracks, some sort of sponsoring system like Sega GT on the Dreamcast had, and maybe some sort of really cool online races, championships and etc, and more sounds, would really make this game better.

2- I haven't played GRID yet, so I can't comment on it.

3- Why so many people care about damage in Racing Sims anyway? Except for the novelty of crashing your car a few times for fun, during a real race, if I get too much damage, I'll just usually restart the race anyway... really, if you want to crash your car, go play BurnOut :p.

Looking forward for Forza 3, if it ever does come up.
The biggest problem with Forza 2 is the later levels (30+) really start to drag on because it's simply longer races. And with a small number of tracks, it really begins to wear thing on the fun factor :(
[quote name='MasterSprtn117']Don't even mention the endurance races...I don't dare play those.[/quote]
Just sim them for the money.
[quote name='Achuba Nanoia']IMO much better than Gran Turismo 3. [/quote]

If you said any of the other GT games in the series I'd agree but 3? Wow, take that back. That's an insult.
bread's done