Fourth-ranking Senate Republican (Sen. Ensign) caught with pants down

Could have seen this coming.. My dad lived in Nevada for 10 years, and we always knew Ensign was a snake. It's not the affair that bothers me, it's the hypocrisy.
[quote name='JolietJake']Except democrats don't act like moral crusaders.;)[/QUOTE]

John Edwards? ;)

Cue the book deal for Ensign's wife.
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[quote name='JolietJake']Except democrats don't act like moral crusaders.;)[/QUOTE]

democrats would have been ok with it if they were both single and he left her after she gave birth and started collecting welfare ;)
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']democrats would have been ok with it if they were both single and he left her after she gave birth and started collecting welfare ;)[/QUOTE]

and republicans would've been OK with it if he was a closet gay but claimed to be struggling with the fight between his christian morality and his awful awful urges.

See how that's easy to flip back on you?

What is it about conservatives that they do as much fucked up shit but still try to force their morals down everyone else's throat? At least Bill Clinton pulled out and sprayed the dress.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']soooo you dont have a sense of humor, do you?[/QUOTE]

Actually, I do. People love my sense of humor in real life.

It's just that your jokes suck donkey nuts. You would've seen an example of my sense of humor with the Clinton joke a couple lines down.
[quote name='depascal22']
At least Bill Clinton pulled out and sprayed the dress.[/QUOTE]

LOL truly the righteous course of action.
[quote name='depascal22']Actually, I do. People love my sense of humor in real life.

It's just that your jokes suck donkey nuts. You would've seen an example of my sense of humor with the Clinton joke a couple lines down.[/QUOTE]

no, i think that you just cant take a joke when its at your (idealogical or otherwise) expense. otherwise you wouldnt have been so quick to retort with a jab and self satisfying "got em" at the end.
[quote name='JolietJake']Except democrats don't act like moral crusaders.;)[/QUOTE]

Bullshit. Did you even listen to what Obama said during the campaign?
I don't know which is worse - Conservatives who gripe about what other people do in their private lifes but can't keep their own pants up or Liberals who shout from the rooftops about sexual freedoms between consenting adults getting up in arms over stories like this.

Both groups disgust me.
[quote name='UncleBob']I don't know which is worse - Conservatives who gripe about what other people do in their private lifes but can't keep their own pants up or Liberals who shout from the rooftops about sexual freedoms between consenting adults getting up in arms over stories like this.[/QUOTE]

I don't think 'Liberals' really have a problem with consenting adults having sex, even outside of marriage or even committed relationships. I think it's more of a 'you hypocrite bastards' sort of thing since Republicans tend to run on the platform of 'family values.' Whatever that means.
Thanks for that catch. :)

Oh, you have Liberals calling for this guy to resign and crap. But I do agree - I don't think they really care that this guy was boinking a consenting adult - basically, they see a weakness and they're trying to exploit it for their personal gain. Not that Conservatives wouldn't do the exact same thing - mind you.
I just wish these people could worry less about interfering in the private lifes (heh) of others and more about, say, not selling out children to China for slave labor in 20 years...
[quote name='cochesecochese']Lives.

I don't think 'Liberals' really have a problem with consenting adults having sex, even outside of marriage or even committed relationships. I think it's more of a 'you hypocrite bastards' sort of thing since Republicans tend to run on the platform of 'family values.' Whatever that means.[/QUOTE]

This. Personally I couldn't care less about the private sex lives of public officials. I really don't think it matters. What bugs me obviously is when, as you said, these guys run their mouths about what high moral gravitas they have (implicitly denigrating the other side) while sneaking around on their wives. If you want to get some strange, go ahead, but don't be sanctimonious about others.

I'm sure John Ensign never would have cheated if it weren't for gay marriage. It's destroying the institution, I tell you.
On one hand, you have conservatives running their mouth about their moral superiorty because they believe in the sancity of marriage, then going out and having an affair with someone

On the other hand, you have Liberals running their mouth about their moral superiority because they believe that what goes on between two consenting adults should be legal, no one else's business and not something that can be used to make personnel decisions - making a big deal about someone's personal life and pretty much trying to get them fired from their job.

I would just prefer to wash my hands of both groups.
It's not that liberals care if he had an affair. It's that he's moral crusader against gay marriage. Conservatives claim that gays are ruining marriage when it's shown that conservatives treat their wives little better than slaves. Conservatives have made it their life mission to deny gay people the sanctity of marriage while they proceed to treat it like garbage.

So you're basically saying that conservatives can bash gay marriage all day, have affairs, and then liberals are also in the wrong because we call them out on it?
Please, the Democrat's crusading is nothing compared to the Republicans. That entire party thinks the Democrats are immoral baby killers. That and the religious right thinks it's above everyone else in the morals department.
[quote name='depascal22']Conservatives claim that gays are ruining marriage when it's shown that conservatives treat their wives little better than slaves. Conservatives have made it their life mission to deny gay people the sanctity of marriage while they proceed to treat it like garbage.


I hope you keep posting all day, you're giving me and the co-workers plenty of stuff to laugh about.
[quote name='perdition(troy']:lol:

I hope you keep posting all day, you're giving me and the co-workers plenty of stuff to laugh about.[/QUOTE]

And they're probably bigger assholes than you. Did I say anything false?

Conservatives crusade against gay marriage? Truth
Conservatives claim gays will ruin the sanctity of marriage? Truth
Those same conservatives get caught fucking other dudes or women other than their wives? Truth
Conservatives treat their wives little better than slaves? Not true for every conservative but many many of them treat women like possessions that can't make decisions involving their own body, make as much as men, or say anything when their man comes home with an STD he got from a woman he met at the Ban Gay Marriage Rallly.
Obama is against gay marriage? Truth.
Obama believes marriage should be between a man and a woman? Truth.

'I do believe that tradition and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman.'
~Barack Obama

Stop acting like the only person against gay marriage is a conservative, and that the only person who has ever cheated on their partner is a conservative. You act like its a bad thing for people to live with some kind of moral code, whether or not they follow it 100%. Oh, and by the way, your crap about conservatives not respecting a womans right to "decisions involving their own body" is just retarded. This is straight from the AP

(AP) A Gallup Poll released Friday found that 51 percent of Americans now call themselves pro-life rather than pro-choice on the issue of abortion, the first time a majority gave that answer in the 15 years that Gallup has asked the question.

So that doesn't make much sense considering polls show that only 32% of American's refer to themselves as republicans. Wait, does that mean some democrats are against abortion? Making them treat women like possesions like those dang conservatives? :(
[quote name='perdition(troy']Obama is against gay marriage? Truth.
Obama believes marriage should be between a man and a woman? Truth.

'I do believe that tradition and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman.'
~Barack Obama

Stop acting like the only person against gay marriage is a conservative, and that the only person who has ever cheated on their partner is a conservative. You act like its a bad thing for people to live with some kind of moral code, whether or not they follow it 100%. Oh, and by the way, your crap about conservatives not respecting a womans right to "decisions involving their own body" is just retarded. This is straight from the AP

(AP) A Gallup Poll released Friday found that 51 percent of Americans now call themselves pro-life rather than pro-choice on the issue of abortion, the first time a majority gave that answer in the 15 years that Gallup has asked the question.

So that doesn't make much sense considering polls show that only 32% of American's refer to themselves as republicans. Wait, does that mean some democrats are against abortion? Making them treat women like possesions like those dang conservatives? :([/QUOTE]

Here's some other numbers by CNN's poll,

The 1973 Roe versus Wade decision established a woman's constitutional right to an abortion, at least in the first three months of pregnancy. Would you like to see the Supreme Court completely overturn its Roe versus Wade decision, or not?

30% Yes, overturn
68% No, not overturn
It's funny that you will go to Obama for a quote when it fits your needs but when it comes to Medicare, the stimulus, or anything else you don't agree with, you're all over him like a pack of dogs.

The black and Latino community would've turned on Obama if he supported gay marriage regardless of his skin color. Obama couldn't have been elected President if he didn't carry a significant amount of the black community. It was simply a case of a candidate saying whatever he had to say to get elected. Was it dirty? Sure. I'm pretty sure you can find plenty of Bush promises that never became policy also.

As for your moral code, here's the difference. If you're going to shove your moral code down everyone's throats and make everyone live up to your Christian ideal, then you damn well better follow it 100%. We all live by a moral code. Maybe we don't agree with abortion or gay marriage but we allow people to live their lives as they see fit. Yes, some liberals go crazy about environmental issues but some of those issues truly affect every living being on this planet. I still havent' figured out how gay marriage could cause the end of the world.

To recap, I'm not saying the only people that are against gay marriage are conservative. I'm also not saying that only conservatives cheat on their spouses. I'm saying that if you're going to publicly rail against those things as some sort of moral crusader, then maybe you should actually follow the code you're forcing everyone else to follow.
[quote name='perdition(troy']

'I do believe that tradition and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman.'
~Barack Obama

Stop acting like the only person against gay marriage is a conservative,.....([/QUOTE]

Actually he parsed it pretty well there. In that quote he is merely confirming his understanding of “tradition” and “religious beliefs” view of marriage.
I am for gay marriage and I could say the exact same thing w/o hypocrisy.
[quote name='depascal22']It's funny that you will go to Obama for a quote when it fits your needs but when it comes to Medicare, the stimulus, or anything else you don't agree with, you're all over him like a pack of dogs.[/QUOTE]

I just got to throw this out there. It is perfectly fine for me to dislike certain things our President does and still agree with him on some issues. I agree with the fact that he believes marriage should be between a man and a woman, sorry. I agree with him that we do need to change how Muslims view America. I might not agree with how he goes about that change, but I do agree with him. It's ok to criticize a President, and still agree with him on some issues that hold true to both me and Obama. I'm not going to completely disown the man because we disagree on quite a few issues, I'm going to support him where I can. Sorry, I'm not going to treat him like people treated Bush. That's just wrong, no matter what party someone is on.
[quote name='depascal22']So you're basically saying that conservatives can bash gay marriage all day, have affairs, and then liberals are also in the wrong because we call them out on it?[/QUOTE]

I'm not saying that liberals are "wrong" - per say. Just full of themselves. They say "This is how it should be", but completely ignore that with it furthers their agenda.
[quote name='UncleBob']I'm not saying that liberals are "wrong" - per say. Just full of themselves. They say "This is how it should be", but completely ignore that with it furthers their agenda.[/QUOTE]

So, again, conservatives are allowed to pursue a discriminatory agenda without any recourse. No one is allowed to say anything or we're just pursuing our agenda. It's our evil liberal agenda that wants two people to be happy. Happiness is so evil, huh?
Please, you think that the things Republicans stand for isn't pandering? If the majority of Americans suddenly decided they were for gay marriage, the Republicans would flip faster than you can say "mission accomplished."

It's what all politicians do, we really don't know what they stand for or believe in, because i doesn't matter. All that matters is that they say the things that their base wants to hear.
They'll make it a non-issue so they don't have to talk about it anymore. Or they'll attack one small part of the issue as a way of "making a stand". They'll probably make it harder for gays to get divorced or something really asinine since they won't have the power to change the law itself.
[quote name='JolietJake']Please, you think that the things Republicans stand for isn't pandering? If the majority of Americans suddenly decided they were for gay marriage, the Republicans would flip faster than you can say "mission accomplished."

It's what all politicians do, we really don't know what they stand for or believe in, because i doesn't matter. All that matters is that they say the things that their base wants to hear.[/QUOTE]

Which is exactly why I can't stand most of the politicians. Republican or Democrat.
[quote name='UncleBob']Which is exactly why I can't stand most of the politicians. Republican or Democrat.[/QUOTE]

But yet, you use almost every Republican speaking point like you suck from Limbaugh's dick.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']democrats would have been ok with it if they were both single and he left her after she gave birth and started collecting welfare ;)[/QUOTE]
go to hell you asshole.
bread's done