FPS on PC or X360


9 (100%)
Anyone having trouble deciding whether to pick up the upcoming FPS for the PC or X360 (eg. Prey, Timeshift, even Oblivion)? With a lot of games available for both PC and X360, I'm trying to decide which genre is best suited for which platform.

Obviously mouse/keyboard is king over the controller for FPS, but the achievements on X360 is an incentive as well.

Games on PC require a little bit of tweaking as opposed to X360 games (pop the disc in and go), but PC games get all the freebie community mods and free online play, and instant saves with F5.

PC games are also more prone to crashing (Prey demo crashed on me), while Xbox360 games are less likely (although very much possible as well).

I have a 7800GT so graphics are similar enough. But sitting down on a couch and playing is sometimes preferrable to sitting on a chair in front of a computer (then again, maybe it's because my desk sucks as a computer desk).

Price point not much of an issue since I wait for price drops and sales anyway.

Right now I'm leaning more towards FPS and RPG's for PC, and adventure/action (TR: Legends, Condemned, etc.) for X360. I'm not a fan of RTS but I believe that suits the PC better too, control-wise.

Decisions, decisions... what are other's opinion on this?
I'd rather play FPS games with better controls and better graphcis than have some achievement points which are utterly meaningless. Plus, the PC gets some FPS games that the Xbox 360 doesn't... sure the Xbox gets Halo, but if you want good FPS exclusives, you're gonna need the PC. As for stuff like Condemned, that's best played with a mouse and keyboard and TR Legends can be played fine with a gamepad on the PC. And as for crashing issues -- the 360 has those as well. Hell, with my current PC, I've ever even experienced a single crash while I've noticed some instabilities with the 360 (especially when messing around with the dashboard while in game.) If you have a PC for gaming, there's very little incentive to even bother with a 360.
I hate sitting at a computer to play games. I'll choose consoles 99% of the time. I actually prefer a controller for FPS's and I do like the ease of playing on the 360 and the overall Live community. I guess the only games I would play on the PC are RTS's. I almost bought F.E.A.R., but decided to wait on the console version.
[quote name='Chacrana']If you have a PC for gaming, there's very little incentive to even bother with a 360.[/QUOTE]

Not true- Far Cry Instincts and it's expansion is a completely different game than the PC version.

Plus- the console games, you put them in the system and they work. For my PC games, I have to download the freaking patches, get the no-CD crack's and or fixed images. I own all of my PC games- but listen- I have over 200 and I want to double click the fucking icon and play.

Plus playing on the couch and having my wife cuddle up to watch is always a plus.

So.... as a married man, I'm leaning to prefer the consoles if only because the controler allows for my wife to cuddle up and watch as opposed to a PC's Keyboard Mouse. Keyboard mouse control is awesome, but if they just changed out the right analog pad for a trackball, I think I'd be sold.
[quote name='friedram']Not true- Far Cry Instincts and it's expansion is a completely different game than the PC version.

It also wasn't very good. Braindead AI and the level design wasn't anywhere near as good as the original Far Cry's. Just my opinion though.

Anyway, OP, do you have a decent TV? As in, an HDTV? Because you could hook up your computer to it and play games like FEAR the way they were meant to be played.
[quote name='friedram']Not true- Far Cry Instincts and it's expansion is a completely different game than the PC version.

Plus- the console games, you put them in the system and they work. For my PC games, I have to download the freaking patches, get the no-CD crack's and or fixed images. I own all of my PC games- but listen- I have over 200 and I want to double click the fucking icon and play.

Plus playing on the couch and having my wife cuddle up to watch is always a plus.

So.... as a married man, I'm leaning to prefer the consoles if only because the controler allows for my wife to cuddle up and watch as opposed to a PC's Keyboard Mouse. Keyboard mouse control is awesome, but if they just changed out the right analog pad for a trackball, I think I'd be sold.[/QUOTE]

Um... you complain about having to put in a CD to play a game on the PC, yet you're still putting in a CD to play on a console. I don't remember there being No-CD cracks on consoles, so that point is kind of odd. I put games into my PC and they work too without patches... I can't remember the last major game that absolutely had to be patched to be played the way it was intended.

It looks like for the Xbox 360 there are patches to download now too, and most games I've played either have updaters from the main menu (Titan Quest) or I can spare the 5 minutes needed to download a patch. Not to mention on the PC you get mods, free online all the time, and if you have a decent enough computer your game is going to look and run better, not to mention better controls.

And as for the crashing issue, I haven't had a game crash on me in over two years and I've played pretty much every major one.
It depends on the game really. For RTS I prefer the PC. For nearly everything else, I prefer my consoles.

I am biased towards the consoles because I have an HD projector however.

Nothing says "weeee" like a game on a 120" display in HD.
[quote name='Chacrana']Anyway, OP, do you have a decent TV? As in, an HDTV? Because you could hook up your computer to it and play games like FEAR the way they were meant to be played.[/quote]At 1280 x 1024 resolution?
[quote name='Chacrana']Anyway, OP, do you have a decent TV? As in, an HDTV? Because you could hook up your computer to it and play games like FEAR the way they were meant to be played.[/quote] Yep, got a 2002 Toshiba HDTV, so unfortunately it was the year before they started to implement DVI inputs.

I think there are DVI to analog dongles but I really don't want to bother with HTPC right now. That's really the reason why I bought a X360 in the first place, to stream movies. Being able to play games was just an added bonus. My whopping 35 gamerscore is a testament to that.
This is an age old argument that has been stirred up once more. I'm not going to argue much about it, but I will say I'm an oddity, in that I perfer consoles for nearly every genre except RTS and (point and click style) RPG/adventure games. And that's simply because the controls are never really fine-tuned on console versions of the same game genres. But I starting gaming on consoles so anything else just feels a little strange and uncomfortable to me.

The problem I've personally always had with becoming a major PC gamer is having to upgrade. The lifespan of even a $1400 gaming rig can often be less than that of a $400 console. The computer gaming market is built around upgradability and is vastly become an online multiplayer market as well (though consoles have caught up quickly in the last 3 years). While the console market is designed to be simple and more streamlined at least IMHO, so in the end it's a matter of personal preference over anything else really, they are almost two totally different experiences at least in my mind.
If you're looking for FPS then you don't need to go any further than the PC.

Just the ease of control with both the keyboard and FPS... That's a world of difference (I aways regret using a pad everytime I pop a FPS on console).

And then you have the multiplayer which adds a whole new dimension and let's not forget the modding! Many of the great games have spawned from amateur mods.

PC all the way!
I buy all FPS's for the PC because the controls are so much better. I have a Nostromo N52 that I use instead of the keyboard. I don't have a 360 yet, but the fact that many of the 360 games come out on PC has made it easier for me not to get a 360. In the past month I have played Quake 4, Condemned, and Call of Duty 2, with FEAR up next. I just can't justify $400 when I already have a good PC. I will probably pick up Oblivion for the PC because of user mods.
There's a lot to do with what we grew up with. I grew up playing a lot more PC games (especially FPS and RTS) than console games, so perceptibly I prefer FPS on PC much much more than consoles. But there's a lot of people who never had a gaming PC and played their first FPS game on say, N64 (GoldenEye & Perfect Dark) and PSX (Medal of Honor). Also it's about how we enjoy FPS. I play FPS on PC to be competitive. While consoles are just getting started on competitive play in FPS (Halo 2), I do think it is still a lot more fun on PC than consoles.
Well, considering my PC is around 4-5 years old and I don't have the drive to build a new one, it's nice seeing all the FPSes come to the 360.

That being said, if I DID have a top of the line PC, it'd be no contest, PC all the way. The graphics look better, and the controls are waaaaaaaaaay ahead of consoles.

However, I have to say that developers have done a DAMN good job of translating their FPSes for use on the 360 controller. It's part of the reason why I bought a 360, because I know that it will be the FPS console and FPS are my favorite genre.
I hate having to tinker with a PC to get a certain game to work.

To me, its a lot easier to cut open the plastic pull out the disc and pop it into your console than having to dick around with installing and configuring a PC game. I'll admit that keyboards are much more precise but I just enjoy having a controller in my hand when playing a game.
Speaking of outdated system stuff, I really hope MS delivers with DX10... they're talking about getting like 6X the performance from hardware and assuming that's correct and not a load of bullshit, people's hardware should be viable for a lot longer which should definitely make the PC a better contender in the game market.
Am I the only one who dosen't have to tinker with my system to get it to work? I pop it in, install it (which is very easy), the game auto-detects settings for me (and is usually dead on) and I play it.

That's it.

Sometimes people make PC Gaming much more complicated than it needs to be.
[quote name='Roufuss']Am I the only one who dosen't have to tinker with my system to get it to work? I pop it in, install it (which is very easy), the game auto-detects settings for me (and is usually dead on) and I play it.

That's it.

Sometimes people make PC Gaming much more complicated than it needs to be.[/QUOTE]

Well I have a 7800GTX so I have to go into the options menu and max out shit.

Then again, that 10 seconds makes the game look far better than what the Xbox 360 has to offer.
[quote name='Roufuss']Am I the only one who dosen't have to tinker with my system to get it to work? I pop it in, install it (which is very easy), the game auto-detects settings for me (and is usually dead on) and I play it.

That's it.

Sometimes people make PC Gaming much more complicated than it needs to be.[/quote]
Usually, but for example, Oblivion auto-detected high settings for me. But I'm getting about 20 fps outdoors and less when moving. Sure it looks beautiful, but it's not practical to play at that frame rate so I still have to make adjustments.

Or for games like Doom 3, I had to goto the .ini files to config the resolution to 1680 x 1050.

Don't get me wrong, these tweaks aren't a big deal and aren't time consuming. I don't have a problem doing them either by some guide off the web or trial and error. I'm just comparing it to the simplicity of popping in a console game disc and off you go in the time it takes to load up.
I personally prefer FPS on a PC. As I've stated before in other threads, its nearly physicly impossible for me to play one on a console. Though, I do have the SmartJoy Frag for my xbox, but honestly, I've rarely used it
[quote name='Roufuss']Am I the only one who dosen't have to tinker with my system to get it to work? I pop it in, install it (which is very easy), the game auto-detects settings for me (and is usually dead on) and I play it.

That's it.

Sometimes people make PC Gaming much more complicated than it needs to be.[/QUOTE]

Make absolutely no gaming adjustments to your PC whatsoever for like 3 or 4 years, then see if you can still say that while running (at playable settings) the newest game out on the market for the PC.

As a somewhat related sidenote, one thing I've always disliked a little about PC games is the way developers and publishers post system requirements. I understand the minimum requirements is for the minimum gameplay, but they should no even bother to list it is it makes the game run at 15 fps and the graphics and effects look absolutely craptacular. I feel sorry for the kid (or parents) who buys Oblivion thinking it work on his/her 4 year old HP with a 128mb FX5500 card, only to find out it plays like total crap, if at all.

I still see alot of people at work who try to buy newer PC and don't even worry about looking at (or thinking about) system requirements. They just think "it's a game and it will work", til they bring it back saying it doesn't work (and often times begin claim it's defective). I guess this is a roundabout way of getting to my overall point that no matter how simple you make PC gaming try to sound, it will not reach the "virtually idiot proof" level of simplicity that console gaming enjoys. The only way that will happen if console gmaing continues to grow more and more complicated (as it probably will) to the point that PC gaming has hit.
The problem if they didn't post minimum reqs would be that you would get that same kid who has like a P3 thinking that he could play it. Gets it home and all he sees is everything but his PC telling him hes a dumbass for even thinking about it.
I think most of the people on here are really under estimating how much better the online community is on xbox games than pc, but still the mod community on pc is great for some games, but I doubt we'll see much w/ Prey, or Timeshift.

As for the k/m vs controller argument there's really not enough hard evidence to support either so just go with what you're use to.
My PC kicks ass for the last generation of PC games, Half-Life 2, Doom 3, Far Cry all look amazing on my PC, but it had a little trouble with Prey and it will only get worse. I'm doing console from here on out until my next big PC purchase.
If u are skillful and want a challenge PC
If u arent as skillful but want to have fun, X360.

PC - no auto-aim, more precise
X360 - auto-aim, less precise
[quote name='cyrix`']If u are skillful and want a challenge PC
If u arent as skillful but want to have fun, X360.

PC - no auto-aim, more precise
X360 - auto-aim, less precise[/QUOTE]

You can't say the instrument is the sole determenant of who is or is not skilled. By this definiaiton any PC gamer should be able to wail on a console gamer in Halo for example, having played both with a mixture of gamers I can tell you that's not true.

Personally I've always felt it's the other way around to be honest, a controller for FPS games takes more skill and practice to use well from what I've expereienced mainly just because it is less precise. Being able to snipe someone with kb/mouse controls takes all of 15 minutes to learn using the same precision takes hours of gameplay with a controller IMO. As for auto-aim, few games use it as a defaults and even if they do you can pretty much always just shut if off.
I'm tempted to switch from pcgaming to say a 360 because of convenience. I like pcgames and m/k. But get sick of problems and games not running that great.

It's more tempting too when a game like Oblivion is obviously made for the console interface first and foremost.

the best scenario would just be a 360 with mouse/keyboard with pc games (not watered down console versions.)

So far tho I can't quite switch. I don't particularly care for the controller in fps console games. and the console doesn't cover a couple of the good pc genres.
[quote name='jrhawk42']I think most of the people on here are really under estimating how much better the online community is on xbox games than pc, but still the mod community on pc is great for some games, but I doubt we'll see much w/ Prey, or Timeshift.

As for the k/m vs controller argument there's really not enough hard evidence to support either so just go with what you're use to.[/QUOTE]
How do you feel the the gaming community is better on say xbox live than online pc gaming might I ask?
I got a new Video card for my PC and more Ram. I dont think I will ever look back. I can play my favorite game only on PC (World of Warcraft) Prey, HL2, UT2K4 (2k7) Half Life 2, Far Cry ( I know most are on 360 as well). Plus the mods the patches everything. I love Hitman on PC I had it on XBOX (Hitman 2) and on PC it is tons better. Counter Strike Source not on XBOX 360. When you have a family like me (Wife, Son, Dog) its a battle for the TV. But not the computer, I can grind in WOW while my watches TV, or my Son. Now If I had a 360 that is not going to happen cause my wife does not like games, other then Mario Kart, and Bust a Move.
All I am going to say is that I am used to console gaming so i prefer it. If you like playing fps on a computer than do so. I like the feel of a controller in my hand rather than a mouse and keyboard.
Whoa is this GameFAQS? Not a good question to ask on a PC board, but anyway I prefer FPS's on the PC, everything else is fine on the consoles.
bread's done