Free 1600 MS Points Giveaway (Everyone Welcome)

I should win cause I drew you a picture Of Ninja Turtle Villains with an xbox live card


also in honor of Punch-Out's Release a video a made a while ago:
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These should maybe make you laugh..

Today, I was watching an animal behavior movie. All of a sudden, it brings up two snails going at it. I got hard watching it. FML

Today, my family was preparing a turkey for my grandma's birthday dinner when my aunt noticed a utensil on the counter and asked what it was for. My mom said it was used to keep the turkey's legs together. My aunt responded to her by saying, "Maybe you should get one for your daughter." FML

Today, my boyfriend and I were laying naked in my bed making out. All of a sudden, we hear "pop goes the weasel" outside my house. My boyfriend stops, looks directly at me, and excitedly says, "ICE CREAM MAN!" and proceeds to flip me over, grab his clothes, and run out of my room. FML
Smurf your camera takes really nice close ups. No text blur at all. Did you use macro mode?
A piece of string walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender tells the string "sorry, we don't serve pieces of string here," and asks the string to leave.

Outside, the string finds a man in the back alley of the bar. "Excuse me," the string asks, "could you fray me?" The man frays the string, and leaves the alley. Soon after, another man walks down towards the string. "Excuse me," the string asks, "could you tie me in a knot?" The man ties the string into a knot, and leaves.

The string re-enters the bar, and orders again.The bartender stares at the string for a moment, and asks "Excuse me sir, but were you in here before?"

The string looks at the bartender and says "No sir, I'm a frayed knot."
Well I guess I'll tell you a story about my friend A-Kin who you probably know as Darth Vader, a story that you are most likely unfamiliar with. they told me not to spread the real story about what went down in a galaxy far far aways, they told me there'd be... consequences... but 1600 MS Points is 1600 MS Points. anyway, you didn't hear the juice from this moisture farming son of a bantha, but Darth Vader really needed all that machinery because he had emphysema. He Force Choked people so much so that he could teach them that's what smoking does to you. While it may seem harsh, coming dangerously close to killing them was an effective tactic in a large anti-smoking awareness campaign led by Darth Vader called Sith Against Sith Smoking and Yoda. The campaign was making steadfast progress until liberal "change the world" Generation X-Wingers blew up the Death Star. After that fiasco, the Galactic Empire tried to hold them off with Tobacco Interest and Enjoyment Fighters to no avail and the Empire subsequently crumbled. A piercing sound resonated throughout space, as if millions of lungs gasped out in terror and were suddenly silenced; but at least when it came to Yoda, it was mission accomplished for SASSY.
[quote name='kylerg']Mine:

Mine by Girlfriend:

I kind of want to end the contest just from those entries alone lol but i'm going to keep it going for a few more days if possible lol. Excellent work, if that coffee reference was towards gears of war then :applause:
Ok Im gonna tell you why I should get it more than the next guy. Ok so im a poor college student and I worked so hard for everything I have so far but sadly I lost my PT job. SO i havent had a chance to buy anything for a while and have to start selling stuff from the collection. Sucks I know so you givinh me an opportunity to win will make my day and will support 360 devs by buying a game from XBLA.
Hmm...why I should get 1600 MS points over everyone else? It becomes a difficult idea to manifest. What if I were to actually win a contest presented on CAG? What if I were to simply not enter? The amount of variables is astounding...but let's see what happens in the hypothetical future if I win:

I am surprised for one. I have never won a contest like this sort and can't believe that others' entries were not won over mine. I thank you and figure out how to use the points on the Xbox, something I have never done before. Without Xbox Live, I resort back to CAG for a free code.

None of the codes seem to work. I'm too poor to go to the store, and I need money in order to get the Xbox Live code. Luckily, I see there is a poker tournament at my local church with a substantial jackpot. I decide to enter.

I lose my life savings there, beause of my gambling problem. My car is repossessed. I have to drop out of college. I can't make it to work now, since the bus doesn't go by there at the right times so they fire me. In desperate need for money and a job, I join a prostitution ring on Craigslist. I do not enjoy having to please 50 year old men, but I have to do it. It's my only way out of the mess I have gotten myself into.

I start making more money than I did at my other job. I'm my pimp's new boy toy. A rival pimp makes me an offer I can't refuse, much more money and an incentive of cash at the start. I start working for him. My first pimp, Ricardo, finds me on the street and threatens to kill me if I don't give him cash for all the men I've pleasured. I am forced at gunpoint to hand most of it over. For the next few months I make less and less, my life in much more danger than before.

I finally tell me pimp, Big Daddy George, about Ricardo. Furious, he sends a few of his goons to take care of the problem and get the money back that is rightfully his. My small town erupts into a gang war. A cop is killed. A civilian is shot and put into the hospital in critical condition. And it's all my fault.

Blaming the rising hostility in the town on my actions, I become depressed. I start doing drugs to take away the pain. The more time passes, the worse the gang war is and the harder drugs I do.

I haven't lived at home in months by then. I live in hosues of drug dealers or sleep in the beds after someone has their way with me. Sometimes I just do it for a bed. I don't even take the money. What's the point? I'm constantly hungry. I fear I have an STD but I can't go to the doctor. There's not enough money for me, and I'm afraid he'll notice I'm on drugs and call the cops.

One day I'm busy doing coke off the back of an old man. I start convulsing. I wind up on the floor of the hotel room. He leaves me in the hallway to die, and disappears to never be seen again. A maid who just happens to be nearby sees me and calls 911. I'm rushed to the hospital, barely alive. I enter a coma. 6 months later I awake. They put me through rehabilitation. My parents welcome me home with open arms.

The gang war still wages on though. I blame myself still. I get addicted to vicadin, can't find a job. They put me through rehab again to get me off of vicadin. Then I'm arrested on charges of killing a man whom I once pleasured for money. I sit in jail for days, until they clear me of the charges. While in there, I become addicted to heroin- and think I have nothing to live for anymore.

I'm sent to a clinic again. 4 months later I arrive back home finally. They hook me up with a nice, easy job in construction. My friends all visit me. They haven't seen me in years and are working their real world jobs. I envy them, and start drinking heavily. After a heavy night of binge drinking, I see the 1600 MS points card lying on the ground. Even though the Xbox 720 is out by then, I turn the old 360 on and get it working.

I finally download Braid and play it half drunk, until someone finds my body on the floor. I collapsed and threw up in my mouth, choking on it in the night and eventually dying. They turn off the Xbox and hold my funeral a week later.

If I don't get it:

I graduate college. I become successful. I go play other games instead.

...maybe I shouldn't win this...
"Submitted for the approval of the this contest, I call this entry..." : The pictures I created for forum use myself because google didn't find them for me.


Alright, So i had an idea for another "Smurf Movie" and figured i'd post it here. I don't know why i thought of this.:whistle2:s
But here's the outcome.
A little blue smurf walked into a bar and hit his hand on the bar. The bartender then put a beer in front of the smurf and carried on making drinks for the others at the bar. A biker noticed but didn’t say anything.
About five minutes later, the smurf jumped on the bar and took a swig of his beer. The biker laughed, and the smurf stared at him. The little blue creature then ran down the bar, stuck his face in the biker’s beer and said, “Blwullbll!!” The smurf took another swig of his beer, and, staring at the biker, sat back in his barstool.
The biker got upset and flipped the smurf off, so the smurf jumped back on the bar, took another swig of his beer, ran down the bar, stuck his face in the biker’s beer and said, “Blwullb!!”
The biker then had had enough. He got the bartender’s attention and told him, “If that smurf does that one more time, I’ll cut his nuts off!”
The bartender quickly replied, “Little blue smurfs don’t have nuts.”
“Well, I’ll cut his dick off,” the biker said.
“Little blue smurfs don’t have dicks.” The bartender was trying hard not to laugh.
“Whoa!” The biker was very confused.”How do smurfs take a piss?”
The bartender started laughing, then said, “You’re going to be mad.”
The bartender smiled, and, glancing at the smurf, said, “BLWULLB!!”
I don't think this is really an entry or anything, but I just wanted to say that when I saw the pic of the points card in the OP, my brain interpreted it as being huge. Like fake prize check huge.
Here are some Microrelatos or Short Short Stories (in english):

The dress was removed with great care; the head, less so.

Aliens above, universal pizza. Wrong address.

He stepped out of the shadows. Finally, he turned the light off.

Wasted men with wasted lives, wanting more and gaining less.
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I am running for Student Council and it could really give my campaign a egde-up saying that i won this prestigous reward/prize!
Contest will end in 24 hours (hopefully) please start submitted serious entries for a good chance at winning, i've narrowed down my options so far, but i'm hoping to have a pretty neat last minute entry.
Here's a short story I wrote:

False Facts
False Facts
By Matt Lynch
The whole population of the world could fit in the state of Rhode Island.
This is according to the small book on the waiting room table. The book is called Factoids: The Book of False Facts. Among the other books on the table, this is the one I chose. I am the only one in the room.
The moon is made entirely of cheese.
People with darker eyes have better reflexes.
I wish this one were true. Maybe I could have reacted fast enough to grab any part of my life. Maybe I could have grabbed an extinguisher and put out the fire. Instead, I called 911 and rushed outside to watch my life burn before my eyes.
It seems like every step in a new direction leads me walking into a wall.
“Mr. Decoure,” the psychiatrist says. “I’m ready to see you now.”
I walk into the room and lie on the couch. It’s my first visit. The psychiatrist sits in the chair facing me. The camera in the corner close to the ceiling is pointed at the couch.
I ask what the camera is for.
Off camera, the psychiatrist says, “It’s so I can review our session.”
“Ok, so Mr. Decoure . . .” She ruffles through her papers. “Jordan. Correct?
Alright, so Jordan, what seems to be the problem.”
I tell her I’ve stopped having dreams
“And how long has this been happening?”
I tell her since the fire.
“The fire?” she asks.
I say yes. The fire. I just finished my junior year of college and moved into an apartment. It was my first night on my own, away from my parents. I had everything packed in one room. Everything was still in boxes when the fire started. My pictures, my writing notebooks, my computer—they were all in those boxes. Everything I had done in my life was burnt in that fire.
“And how did this fire make you feel?”
I say, pretty hot around the collar. The moon’s not the only thing made of cheese.
Off camera, the psychiatrist asks, “How long ago was the fire?”
I tell her it happened a week after my twenty-first birthday. About a year ago.
“What was your last dream about?”
I tell, look at how this looks. I tell her that in the dream, I’m in a pretty plain, generic-looking house. For some reason, I’m peeing on everything. I’m peeing on the carpets, the curtains, the counters; anything that isn’t peed on, I pee on. Someone walks in and asks if I heard anyone peeing. Of course, I have to say no. Then I wake up.
“What do you think this dream means?” the psychiatrist asks.
I tell her I know what Freud would say. He would say it means I have repressed feelings from an unfulfilled childhood and by pissing everywhere, it fulfills those unfulfillments.
I know Jung would say I'm tapping into an ancestral habit of marking my territory.
As for me, I don’t know what it means.
“It’s not that you can’t dream, Mr. Decoure,” she says. “It’s that you don’t dream.”
I think to Freud.
All I know is I’m twenty-two, and I’m living at home again. I’m not returning to college for my senior year, and I lost my past and my future to a fire
Maybe I’ll run away to Rhode Island, but isn’t running away at twenty-two just called growing up?
On camera, I ask, “Can I get a tape of this when we’re done?”
Off camera, the psychiatrist just nods her head.

And also, here's a banner I made. I had a website with my friend that was called Co-op Consensus. Basically we reviewed co-op games and how the co-op worked within them. Our first major feature story was supposed to be about the Halo Trilogy and how it has evolved as a game. I spent hours writing it, making banners for it and all that good junk. The day my friend told me he would have his half written, he sent me a message saying he didn't want to do the site anymore because it was a lot of work. So all my hard work was for nothing. I'm still proud of my banner though and wanted to put it on display, so here it is:
Shiz, where did my gf's tablet pen go..CATS!

Now I have to gf wants $30+ for the pen the cats ate. :bomb:


Woke up at like 2am and felt like re-doing my original idea:

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i kinda sped through this im taking finals and got hardly anytime though here it is bigger
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[quote name='spike4536']Alright, So i had an idea for another "Smurf Movie" and figured i'd post it here. I don't know why i thought of this.:whistle2:s
But here's the outcome.

Im tired of these mother fing smurfs on dis mother fning plane!
Winner was ultimately Kylerg which his immaculate Smurf "ALMIGHTY" drawing definitely made me LOL. Not to mention his 2nd entry made me laugh pretty hard as well. Great job and thanks, for all who entered.

Runners up:
Spike4536(Simple yet hit a sweet spot on me :) )

When you get a chance Kyle please pm me for your code.
bread's done