Free Arcade Fire album download "Funeral"


103 (100%)
I recently received the vinyl version of this album, which I also own on CD, as a gift. It came with a voucher for a free downloadable copy through the Merge Records website.

For those of you who don't know, Arcade Fire is an Indie Band who are best known for this particular album(Funeral). Amazon listed it as the 26th best Indie album of all-time, and it's in my personal list of top 5 albums of all time(Indie or not). It's truly Fantastic. You may also recognize one of their most popular songs, Wake Up, from the trailer for the Where the Wild Things Are movie. Though, it was never in the actual movie itself... Strange.

Anyway, all you gotta do to enter is post, though if you wanna add something funny or whatever that's fine too! I'll choose a winner at random probably sometime later tonight.

For anyone that's worried, you should be able to transfer it to iTunes or any other media player pretty easily. Good luck!

It's Over!!
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I think you should make sure its a valued CAGer but thats just my opinion. Also I am NOT entering, I have the cd, but I want to commend you for sharing some great tunes.
I've heard good things, though I know nothing about them. I'm definitely interested in giving them a listen.
winner chosen! freakyzeeky, check your inbox in a few mins. sending you a PM now. As for the rest of you, sorry! I honestly wish I could give each of you a copy, the album is really that good.
bread's done