Free Banjo-Kazooie daily give away 12/14

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I think the next contest you should do should be that they should make a sign/paper that says something like "Pick me rockys12" and take a picture of themselves holding it?

Easy stuff there :]
Hopefully I'll win one of these times!
Everyone posts the name of a game that they have especially fond memories of. Whosoever answer resonates with you the most wins.

One entry per person and each game can only be named once of course.
Guess your occupation. If you don't currently have one (i.e. you are currently a student), guess what your occupation will be in the near future.
[quote name='rockys12']Really, are you do you live here or go to school at Mason[/QUOTE]

I have a friend there and hang out with them on campus frequently. I graduated from Old Dominion earlier this year.
Here's mine:

Guess how many different artists I currently have loaded on my iPod (or music player of choice). If the exact number isn't guessed, the person who is closest to the number without going over it wins.
I think it should be some kind of trivia/skill-based thing rather than a guessing game. That way people have a shot based on what they know instead of just luck.
Ummm.... This is for banjer kazooer... See who can make the best Banjo Kazooie themed xbox avatar? That would be pretty easy and possibly fun to do.
make people tell you the funniest thing/story that has happened to them and the person with the funniest thing/story wins the code

p.s. we all win because everybody has a good laugh
example since you like cats you would post this pic and see who can come up with the funnist caption for it
You could do a classic "Guess what's in the jar"... put a sound clip of you shaking it up on the net for us to hear and we all try to guess what it from the sound alone (or a hint if you feel like it.)
Contest idea: Name and picture of someone you'd cut off a finger for if you could bang them.

Contest has potential for sexy, funny and probably really disturbing knowing some folks here
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