Free FFXI Beta for 360 owners

and that's why WoW is kicking FFXI in the ass with subscriptions. I'm avoiding WoW for fear of addiction though and when the FFXI beta ends i'll def not buy the game.

The only reason people seem to stick around in FFXI is because they already have too much or they like the FF appeal. I was never supposed to play any MMORPG ever. I blame my friends for buying me the game
Posting these since some new people might not have seen them from b4. They are great links and anything that needs to be known in the game can be found at either.

In reply to those that in some way replied to my post: The thing of is two fold. One, people dont know any better and dont truely want to learn about the jobs or armor or anything else. Two, people are freaking lazy.

I think the very worst part of this whole problem is this. We as party members are strapped for people so we get in parties with these people and or let these types of people in. In normal retail they would be forced to educate them selves and get their act together or solo(read stop playing). I know that I have seen people in retail that got labeled for being stupid about SC and not having high armor and or not playing their jobs right and you know what they got 0 parties. I bet nearly all them either got right or quite. I would think that by Kazam or even lvl 25-30 these beta people would get a clue but its just not the case cus they are being grabbed up no matter.

I tell you what I hate is trying (though I am really stopping that now) to explain the dam game to people in my party. By game I mean everything from their jobs to SC to anything else. I get STFU when I try to tell the THF about his SA ability or tell a war how to macro TP and a WS for a SC. I am just going to have to live with it and hope that time alone can weed these lameasses out. Also LS members and friends I still love to help mostly cus they listen.
I just tell myself "at least its only for 2 more months". Hopefully once retail hits, i'll be able to get my ass a worldpass to Phoenix and ill use my beta character as a smithy.
like I said in my previous post that standards are lowered. Why ? Because there are so few people they will take anyone.
Well why don't we play together more often? You guys are always quick to shoot down mine and Pimps offers to play, but complain because you get stupid party members or people with shitty subjobs....
Thanks for the advice. I usually play late (11:00pm-2:00 am) in San D'Oria. The name is Thorian. It's fun discovering things on my own, but I think at a point I will need some sage advice to truly enjoy the game. Not that I need everything explained to me, but some suggestions are always welcomed.
Tonight I will be getting Drain and Aspir quests done. If I dont get hounded again for parties I plan on farming in the mines and maybe NM hunting.

How did the dragon go for you guys last night?
I got it done in no time myself.
I plan to get my Rank4 stuff done w/in the next few days. I now have sneak/invis for my whm so it will be ez.
Finally level 10, just finish mission 3 in Windy and started fish, doesnt make much money yet to fish, spending more then i am making, any other guild that makes more money?
[quote name='Zoglog']lvl diff is a bit too high for me and brev to party with you guys at the moment.[/QUOTE]
What level are you?
I managed to find a few good parties in batallia and qufiim. None that great though...

I can't stand this crap anymore. It seems the Valkrum dunes ametuers have forced thier dumb asses into kahzam somehow. Today I got 3 invites without any tells first. I was stupid enough to join one since it's practically barren of parties and lo and behold the tank sits there for 20 seconds while I keep on getting hit. I couldnt even do sneak attack. I give them suggestions and they just continue to be morons. Hell there was 1 JP member that had experience and we were discussing skill chains and the guy said "STFU"

Btw the guy's name is "Damage" and the person that invited is from the same LS "Lynx"

As impossible as it seems the standards have been lowered even more. I don't get how these guys get to kahzam and still are so clueless. It's so annoying
Haha I know Damage and Lynx. Partied with them both. I dont truely know them however.

Ok after much work getting my fame up and questing I now have Drain/Warp/Aspir. Last night was awesome since I also got my Rank3 turned in.

Buk I offer you this idea. I was a former 67BST. Other than WHM/BLM I never had a job I ever lvled faster. Even with MPK its a great job. Once you hit 30 you would be much welcome to go BST/** with me. I will be BLM/WHM but since I duoed often with a BST/WAR, BST/THF, BST/NIN. I can tell you its not bad having only one of us be BST/WHM. Duoing BST is lots of fun. Best of all it will keep you in the game and happy till retail hits and if you decided too you switched to a public server and "then" built up whatever other jobs you wanted. Just a thought.

Mtim, dude be a BLM there is honestly not a job that you can lvl faster. You can do 1-2* solo atleast and with a little education you can go well beyond that. I started making manaburn parties in the maze at lvl 9. But even before that it can be done in other places depending on the country you are from. Of course Bastoke has the tunnel and mines to work in. Even in this beta I found groups of ppl to boss around making a mana burn party for my WHM and BLM was easy and most of those people now think of me as powerlvling God and often seek me out for other things. Some good some bad.

Either way if your wanting to lvl fast I say Mage it up. Then read at the places I posted a few spots up and see where to go and what to do there to make an awesome party. Trust me on this cus those people that I got into my parties when I was their lvl I now see doing simular stuff with parties they made on their own for their SJs. In other words they had no experiance and learned fast how to lvl up quick and with little risk and effort.

I will be on tonight using Aspir and Drain to raise my stats while I farm and NM hunt some. I want to get some nice equipment now before I start lvling.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Still why sub WHM? You can heal yourself 3 times tops. WAR should sub monk so they can get the added STR, VIT, and HP. Even if you have a team of 4 WAR/WHM and a BLM, and a THF they cant take the place of a staright up WHM. It just doesnt make sense to me.[/QUOTE]

Actually, a level 22-25 warrior/level 11-12 white mage can cure himself 5-6 times with cure and have enough for dia or paralyze, or cure himself twice with cure II and have enough for dia or paralyze during a battle. During rest period MP recovers quicker and casting cure to heal health quickens the healing process. That is why a war/whm is the best for the warrior on this server when most of the time you have to solo, due to not many high level whms willing to party because they have a party already.

The full set of chainmail costs around 30k alone if you aren't stupid enough to buy it at the auction house. Weapon ranges from 8k (spear, sword)) to 20k (axe). All the other extra stuff like beetle ear rings, dahmel mantle, etc cost around another 20k. And lets not forget a subjob... if its a magic user subjob then it really starts to add up. But I'm sure you've gotten the 75k+ needed on average for most of the stuff a warrior/whatever needs at level 24 in addition to the previous stuff needed to be purchased.

Last paragraph was toward Zoglog.

After Edit: I made a mistake. I mean the War/whm is the best for a warrior subjob combo on this server for soloing or in party without a healer. This is due to not many high level WHM's being available.

After After Edit: Made another mistake. It actually costs around 46k for full set of chainmail. So, on average a Warrior/whatever at lvl 24 would need around 96k+ to get all the stuff he needs to be at the top of his game.
[quote name='BREVITY']Haha I know Damage and Lynx. Partied with them both. I dont truely know them however.

Ok after much work getting my fame up and questing I now have Drain/Warp/Aspir. Last night was awesome since I also got my Rank3 turned in.

Buk I offer you this idea. I was a former 67BST. Other than WHM/BLM I never had a job I ever lvled faster. Even with MPK its a great job. Once you hit 30 you would be much welcome to go BST/** with me. I will be BLM/WHM but since I duoed often with a BST/WAR, BST/THF, BST/NIN. I can tell you its not bad having only one of us be BST/WHM. Duoing BST is lots of fun. Best of all it will keep you in the game and happy till retail hits and if you decided too you switched to a public server and "then" built up whatever other jobs you wanted. Just a thought.

Mtim, dude be a BLM there is honestly not a job that you can lvl faster. You can do 1-2* solo atleast and with a little education you can go well beyond that. I started making manaburn parties in the maze at lvl 9. But even before that it can be done in other places depending on the country you are from. Of course Bastoke has the tunnel and mines to work in. Even in this beta I found groups of ppl to boss around making a mana burn party for my WHM and BLM was easy and most of those people now think of me as powerlvling God and often seek me out for other things. Some good some bad.

I will give blm a try, i will transfer all my stuff from my war, can i still use the great axe, or i cant use that with a blm, My friend is starting tonight, what should he start at if i start at a blm, will we be leveling up at the same time? Thanks Alot
I will give blm a try, i will transfer all my stuff from my war, can i still use the great axe, or i cant use that with a blm, My friend is starting tonight, what should he start at if i start at a blm, will we be leveling up at the same time? Thanks Alot

Have him start as a BLM or a WHM. Either way you both can duo well for many many lvls. Even when you get in parties you can force the groups to let your friend in as mages. I dont know how many parties I have been in where two mages came to us saying "Both us or none" and get this someone always bounces or gets kicked to make room. ^^

Besides that at lvl um... 16 or sooner in the maze and I am sure in the tunnels too you will for sure want to duo rather than have a full party due to xp loss. After that you each can solo near each other for safety. I know there have been many times a friend and I have soloed next to one another for safety reasons (On BLM and BST jobs).

Guys with any luck there should be a few of us ready this weekend to go get some RSE and start if not finnish Rank 4 mission. Lets all keep this in mind and work to get lvled up enough for it. Also we can start thinking about doing some Echo Warrior quests. Great XP and some gil to boot. Also some fame.
If anyone wants some help tonight with getting Kazham Keys let me know. I should be on tonight. I got all my keys so now if anyone needs the help i'll be game for it.
I just made level 12 warrior last night, and bought a great axe, where is a good place for me to level up, finally makeing money, through cooking and fishing, and buy and selling stuff to npc's. I been leveling up in Geedius, or how ever you spell it, but now i dont get many experience points.
hmmm well just got all my ninjitsu scrolls except for the paralyze one. Took awhile to get Fame but at least it's cheaper now than it is in other servers. I'd recommend u build up norg fame now while it's cheap if you plan on continuing the game after the beta. Utsusemi Tanking here I come.

Ninja has proven to be quite costly, I went from 34k to 5k now relatively quickly.
Due to my Car breaking down then my stinking Washer Dieing on me I have not played as much. I should be back on some time tonight. Also I am the AFK king. I was in retail and I am now. Its cus I got a family I mess with and I fall sleep and such. If I dont answer its often cus I am not there. I do go back and check the log though. But the linkshell log is not kept as long as like the /t log. So if you really need me send me a /t.
[quote name='Dijital']Well I finally hit my level 18 now all I need is the skull and I got my subjob.[/QUOTE]

Well, i still need my skull too, so maybe we could get a few more of the linkshell ppl together to help us get em. Gusgen is a real pain in the ass to find ppl during the weekdays.
I took my LS off to make room for farming last night. But I am on most of your FL. (Buk I know I am on yours). I am down for this too but I would really like to make it worth while by hunting some NMs in the areas while we wait. We could get this in Windy or the maze. Anywhere there are ghouls. I have always had great luck outside windy and in the maze. But if we could also do other things (Since this is my second time to help on this) to make money like hunt NMs.
I wouldnt mind helping you if you help me Brev, as long as you think i'd be able to handle the NM's at 22 (i could also use some gil). Doesnt matter where we go, the maze wasnt that bad til Shadema got trailed by the 6 gobs, then everything that happened after that, lol.

Ive been spending my days in Dangruf Wadi farming gausebit grass & hermit rings. Did really good this morning (there was a guy selling both items for 90 gil each, lol), but ppl really start to crowd that area in the afternoon. I'd play all night like you do if i could last w/o sleep.
[quote name='zewone']We still doing 3-3? I'm about 1700tnl from level 30.[/QUOTE]
Damn dude your gay you play wayyyy too much lol. Im still on 27 with like 1700 TNL. I might as well call it quits now :)
[quote name='pimpinc333']Damn dude your gay you play wayyyy too much lol. Im still on 27 with like 1700 TNL. I might as well call it quits now :)[/QUOTE]
Its cuz your parties suck. Last night I was making over 300xp from some reasonably easy mobs.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Damn dude your gay you play wayyyy too much lol. Im still on 27 with like 1700 TNL. I might as well call it quits now :)[/QUOTE]

Guess you havent seen Brevity's "Play Time"...
I am happy, just hit level 13, hope fully, i can be level 15 by end of the weekend, wheres good to level up by myself?
[quote name='mtimisone']I am happy, just hit level 13, hope fully, i can be level 15 by end of the weekend, wheres good to level up by myself?[/QUOTE]

If you're in Sandy, go to Ghelsba Outpost and lvl on orcs, thats where i went for 11-16.
[quote name='Bezerker']Well, i still need my skull too, so maybe we could get a few more of the linkshell ppl together to help us get em. Gusgen is a real pain in the ass to find ppl during the weekdays.[/QUOTE]

Message me ingame sometime if your one im working to lvl 20 to get chocobo license then start subjob.
Ok got my 30 finally tonight. Now me and Zew can go and get most of the Advanced Jobs. Starting on monday. Taking the weekend off from gaming.
Man, im so mad, tried to kill jaggedy eye jack at half health using my 8thf/mnk and perfect dodge, barely got killed, then server went down for maintenance >
[quote name='Bezerker']Man, im so mad, tried to kill jaggedy eye jack at half health and barely got killed, then server went down for maintenance >
I wish i knew about Jack being right there (and dropping an item that sells for 30k in beta, or 2.4-4.5 million on retail servers) before hand, i would've camped the hell out of that with my 24 mnk.

From what ppl say on allakhazam, its a pretty rare drop without treasure hunter , but it was worth a try at least.


Pretty amazing that on the retail servers, people are paying a few million gil just for the Steal +1 effect. If Playonline announces that we'll be able to keep our beta characters, it'd be so worth it to stock up on NM drops, then get a worldpass to another server and sell for huge gain.

I believe there is supposed to be a 20% size increase on the HDTV font.
Servers went up for 2 minutes then were taken back down, yay!

It looks like one of the new updates is more insurance (new loading screen) because apparently people dont understand what "A black screen will appear for a few seconds, dont shut down your damn console" means.

Yea, and now playonline has a new update being worked on. They already screwed it up...
I know why they did it, I don't know why they didnt make it an option. Oh wait I do. it's because Square Enix has always been this retarded with FFXI.
bread's done