Free Gmail Invite!!


ok heres the deal, its summer, im bored, ive got an assload of invites laying around.. ive got a number in my head, 1-100, first person to guess it gets a free invite.. one guess per person.. good luck :)
If you have an assload laying around, why dont you just give one to .. lets say.. the first 15 people or so to post?

(How many is an assload? I know a buttload is two handfulls, cause at Taco Bell when you ask for a buttload of sauce they give you two big handfulls.)
[quote name='mrpotatohed']If you have an assload laying around, why dont you just give one to .. lets say.. the first 15 people or so to post?

(How many is an assload? I know a buttload is two handfulls, cause at Taco Bell when you ask for a buttload of sauce they give you two big handfulls.)[/quote]

I agree with him.

Well, either none of us answered correctly, or the OP has stopped paying attention. How about you just give it to the person who got the closest, Price Is Right rule-style?
im paying attention, no worries :) just no ones guessed it yet, how about this.. if no one guesses it by tomorrow at say.. 3:00 my time, (its 12:15 now) ill give it to the closest.. so get in your guesses before then! still limited to one per person!
bread's done