Free Legal Music Downloads at one tried this?


From our local CBS news, we were informed of this site which allows registered users to download unlimited amount of music to their PC and MP3s for FREE! The report mentioned that this site made an agreement with some music industry companies to offer their music for free as donwloads in exchange of sharing partial amount of the website's advertising revenue.

It seems pretty cool and although it has its own rules (like renewing your free membership once a month), it also seems easy enough.

Any one tried this service before?
seems pretty legit. They are not asking for a credit card #, other than having to renew your membership every month, doesn't seem like a bad deal.
If you just want music on your PC, this seems like a good legal way to do it...... but is not compatible with my iPod :whistle2:(
Seems to only work on PC. I tried downloading it for my mac and it only has the PC application for download. Hopefully they will build this at some point to work with mac.

[quote name='shadylane']is it compatible with a mac?[/quote]
From what I read on FAQs, it is only PC compatible and you cannot burn cds but you can download unlimited amount of music to your PC and to MP3 players (up to two devices).
i just use google to find my music. free and legal but the only downside is that it doesnt have a wide selection. if i cant find it on google i turn to ISOHunt since i hate using programs like LimeWire to download music. no matter how hard you try, it will always get you spyware and slow your comp down until its reduced to 5minute startup times.
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