Free shit that I accumulated in the past half hour.


4 (100%)
Hello and welcome to my first thread in this sub-forum. I was perusing my local craigslist for cheap laserdisc players as is my usual daily routine and I found two laserdisc player offers. One was $400 and one was free. I checked and saw that the free offer was only minutes away. I was in my car before the page finished loading. Anticipation crept through my nerves as I dialed "Jon", my connection. It turns out that he's moving and needs to get rid of the player asap. I accelerated. The apartment complex reeked of longing, the yearning for something more in life. I was that something. I arrived and we exchanged brief formalities. He showed me the laserdisc player. Score. From then on the day would be a roller-coaster of free shit. "If you like this LD player I got something that'll make your eyes light up." said Jon, a devilish grin creeping across his face. I swirled my brandy in its glass, "Show me." I was ready. He helped me carry the world's heaviest HD tv to my car. My brow soaked with the sweat and blood of a good day of data entry. "How do you feel about old computers?" Jon was toying with my every emotion. It was no longer a question about which deals I would get but how great, how awe-inspiring the deals would be. He showed me a very old macintosh and a very old pc. I don't know what they are but I took them. Shaking Jon's hand we nodded in agreement about the exchange that took place. So much was said in silence. I had helped him and he had helped me. The most genuine human interaction there is. And it was all free.
I like the narrative style, more people should use it.

"If you like this LD player I got something that'll make your eyes light up." said Jon, a devilish grin creeping across his face. I swirled my brandy in its glass, "Show me." I was ready.

I thought the story was about to make a turn for the homoerotic. but a free HDTV is much better, even if its CRT. I liked my old CRT-- HD, but with the smoothing qualities of a tube TV (I feel a lot of older polygon graphics games look worse on my LCD.)
Yes it's a big 'ol CRT. Apparently it turns off after a few hours due to overheating so I decided to give it to my friend. All I wanted was the LD player and I got an entire TV as well as other stuff. Also I didn't drink any brandy although I would have given the chance. My local record shop is selling all of their LD's for about $4 with 50% off compounded on to that. I think I'll stop by there tomorrow and flesh out my criterion collection a bit more. I know they at least have Blade Runner.
My buddy and I used to work at a big old theatre in the south. One night, he was all alone cleaning the projectors and he heard a loud banging coming from the fire exit. He walked to the fire exit slowly, unsure of why someone would be knocking on it. He got to the door, opened it slightly and peered out. No one was around but there was a near-mint copy of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" on laserdisc sitting on the top step next the door. Even until this day we have no idea where it came from. We also don't have a laserdisc player.

"And the Pulitzer Prize for 'Best Internet Message Board Post' of the year goes to...

...let's see here...

Jag-weary one thousand one hundred and forty one!"


"Wow, uh, this is incredible. As I was walking up here tonight I was just thinking of the beauty in winning an award, the pure essence of it is acceptance. When I heard about the show, I knew I had to be there, so, once again, I accelerated! Uh, but seriously, I would just like to thank the Cheap Gamers Ass community for making this post possible, and the one dude, I think his name was Johnny or something, for giving me the free shit. Thanks again, good night Alberquerque!"

What a curious post.

[quote name='valor19']My buddy and I used to work at a big old theatre in the south. One night, he was all alone cleaning the projectors and he heard a loud banging coming from the fire exit. He walked to the fire exit slowly, unsure of why someone would be knocking on it. He got to the door, opened it slightly and peered out. No one was around but there was a near-mint copy of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" on laserdisc sitting on the top step next the door. Even until this day we have no idea where it came from. We also don't have a laserdisc player.[/quote]
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Awesome tale. I love my LD player. I still watch my Star Wars discs from time to time, still the best way to enjoy the original trilogy.
[quote name='Puffa469']Awesome tale. I love my LD player. I still watch my Star Wars discs from time to time, still the best way to enjoy the original trilogy.[/quote]

Kids these days think they're hip for playing records. True hipness comes from playing LD's. I can't wait until I stop by the shop and pick up some old movies.
[quote name='flow.of.soul']are u a writer?

that was pretty sweet.

sweet free stuff 2[/quote]
Well everyone's a writer to some degree. I guess you could say that I'm just an individual that values the written word.
Are LDs worth anything? My parent's have one sitting in their living room just collecting dust. Maybe I can flip it for something :twisted:
Nice post. You can't beat free.

By any chance, do you know of a place that fixes LD players/cords? My dog bit our power cord in 1/2 while we were moving. We have a ton of movies too. Otherwise it's off to eBay.

[quote name='Cleaner7']Nice post. You can't beat free.

By any chance, do you know of a place that fixes LD players/cords? My dog bit our power cord in 1/2 while we were moving. We have a ton of movies too. Otherwise it's off to eBay.


What kind of cords, just power and AV? You can replace AV as long as your player allows it or you could splice a power chord back together but that takes time. Also, punish the dog.
The power cord. My problem is that the chord is actually built/installed inside the player so I can't just yank it out and replace it.

And it was my sister's dog. She did not get punished.
[quote name='Cleaner7']The power cord. My problem is that the chord is actually built/installed inside the player so I can't just yank it out and replace it.

And it was my sister's dog. She did not get punished.[/QUOTE]

Give it the old splicerooni. Or find somebody else to do it. Look up a TV repair place or something in the phone book and have them do it if you're not up to the task. There's no need to ebay it.
[quote name='cranguy']Bill, you didn't have any photos of yourself accepting awards?[/QUOTE]
Nothing worthwhile yet, still waiting for the Academy to recognize my work

Perhaps a nomination for my performance in Wild Hogs this year?
[quote name='rickonker']Is it just me or did that sound like a Penthouse letter.[/quote]

Dear Penthouse,

I never thought this would happen to me..
[quote name='GizmoGC']....I totally thought you were know...him...
That was dirty. I feel dirty. Time to harass pepsiman now[/quote]

I thought I was too...
Grr.. The curr called back and said that he found the 12 LD's he promised me and the television remote. I think he figured out today that it would take a force larger than him to subdue and rape me and now he's invited his friends over to join in the fun tomorrow.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']Hey I just finished up Sports Night on DVD which I never got to fully see on television; had no idea you were in it William. Great work.[/QUOTE]
Thank you, I'm very proud of my work on that show
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Thank you, I'm very proud of my work on that show[/quote]

What was it like working with such highly regarded comedic and dramatic actors such as Tim Allen and John Travolta on "Wild Hogs"? The movie seems to be a change of pace for you, why did you choose to do it?
[quote name='jagwire1141']What was it like working with such highly regarded comedic and dramatic actors such as Tim Allen and John Travolta on "Wild Hogs"? The movie seems to be a change of pace for you, why did you choose to do it?[/QUOTE]
Tim and John were great guys, I loved working with them, and I chose that comedy because I knew it would be a blast to make, and it was, I'm very proud of that hit motion picture, "Wild Hogs", on DVD and Blu-Ray Disc this Tuesday August 14, available in stores everywhere!
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Tim and John were great guys, I loved working with them, and I chose that comedy because I knew it would be a blast to make, and it was, I'm very proud of that hit motion picture, "Wild Hogs", on DVD and Blu-Ray Disc this Tuesday August 14, available in stores everywhere![/quote]I'm watching it tonight, so we'll see how it is. :D

I picked these up at $2.50 a pop. I'm a little cranky because the store had a nice copy of the Criterion version of Blade Runner on Sunday but it was gone when I went in there yesterday.
[quote name='jagwire1141']Hello and welcome to my first thread in this sub-forum. I was perusing my local craigslist for cheap laserdisc players as is my usual daily routine and I found two laserdisc player offers. One was $400 and one was free. I checked and saw that the free offer was only minutes away. I was in my car before the page finished loading. Anticipation crept through my nerves as I dialed "Jon", my connection. It turns out that he's moving and needs to get rid of the player asap. I accelerated. The apartment complex reeked of longing, the yearning for something more in life. I was that something. I arrived and we exchanged brief formalities. He showed me the laserdisc player. Score. From then on the day would be a roller-coaster of free shit. "If you like this LD player I got something that'll make your eyes light up." said Jon, a devilish grin creeping across his face. I swirled my brandy in its glass, "Show me." I was ready. He helped me carry the world's heaviest HD tv to my car. My brow soaked with the sweat and blood of a good day of data entry. "How do you feel about old computers?" Jon was toying with my every emotion. It was no longer a question about which deals I would get but how great, how awe-inspiring the deals would be. He showed me a very old macintosh and a very old pc. I don't know what they are but I took them. Shaking Jon's hand we nodded in agreement about the exchange that took place. So much was said in silence. I had helped him and he had helped me. The most genuine human interaction there is. And it was all free.[/quote]

The funny thing is, it wasn't his house.
That's a great score though. I'm surprised there wasn't a huge gang of resellers waiting in line at his door when you got there though.
I also agree on the opinion that more posts should be written like this one.;)
Please post more. This site needs more literate users.
I gave the tv to my dumbass friend. He informs me that it is indeed an EDTV. I ended up dragging the computers behind my friends car for a few hours and then throwing them off an overpass. It was oddly rewarding. I'm not sure why there weren't more people lined up but I'm glad I was the only person there.
bread's done