Free Tickets to Digital Life (GameOn NY) Convention

Hmmmmm Should I travel 2 1/2 hrs for this? I got work, but I'm also plannin on visitin' Pratt. Has anyone been to one of these. Is it worth it. It looks pretty big, and interestin'.
Also, be sure to register for the DigitalLife Passport so you can get free shwag!!!

When you receive the e-mail with the free tix, there's a link to the registration for the passport in there.
where do you register for the digital passport, i got the free tix email, but and saw that it said if you want to sign up for the passport, but their was no link
[quote name='ryanbph']where do you register for the digital passport, i got the free tix email, but and saw that it said if you want to sign up for the passport, but their was no link[/quote]

For me, the text for the sign up was the link. (The passport was useless)

For people who want to go, there's one more day. I went today for a quick look and was disappointed.

Some Xbox games and a handful of PS2 games to try out. I saw a non working gamecube at a table. (Might be more, but wasn't too interested to look around.)

Good point: Girl in Blood Rayne outfit and free newest issue of Official Playstation Magazine with the Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater demo.
OMG what a terrible disappointment. They had almost nothing there that I hadn't bought (or played the demo of) in the past two months for my PS2 or XBox. The main event seemed to be rappers like Ludicris and Nore appearing for a signing to promote the new Def Jam. Damon Dash was there to pimp his new iPod ripoff. Lets see, the best part was free magazines. They were giving out the new EGM, XBN, GMR, and OPM w/demo. Games on display were things like Fable, Guilty Gear XX# Reload, Fight Club, Conker, X-Men, Guilty Gear Isuka, Def Jam FFNY, MK: Deception, Mech Warrior 2, THUG 2, Van Hellsing (?), Super Bust a Move, and a couple of other things not displayed very prominently. Me and my friends really wanted to take a picture with Blood Rayne but she was nowhere to be found. Instead we took one with the Energizer Bunny.
Also, all cosplayers just came dressed up as a Final Fantasy character. How original. I saw a grown man, in a corner, being dressed up as Yuna by a 14 yr old girl dressed up like Yaffe. I shit you not.
All Nintendo had to display was an SUV with Donkey Konga and Soul Calibur II. That - was - it. Weak. Oh yeah, aside from that ATI thought it would be funny to put a non working Game Cube and an unplugged controller infront of a nice big plasma screen at one of their displays. Not cool guys, not cool.
Some balding business dude, reliving some sad 80's xtal meth trip, was making an ass of himself at the Dance Dance Revolution display.
The Halo tournament? The lamest part. There was no big giant screen. Just a bunch of people playing Halo on small 17 inch monitors. If you wanted to see the action, you had to look over someones shoulder. My friends and i actually passed by this a few times wondering where the Game On NY tournmanet was taking place; not actually knowing that it was right there infront of us all that time.
bread's done