Free Turtle Chex Mix Bar

Thank you op I just signed up for one , hopefully it comes since when I signed up for the free kashi cookie mine hasn't showed up yet and I signed up for that about a month or ago or so lol
To anyone else wondering, these taste atrocious. I'd rather head-butt a steak knife than taste these again. One of the only chocolates that I enjoy are turtles, so when I saw these at my local Target a few weeks ago, I quickly threw a box (or two (it was a 2 for $5 sale)) of them into my cart immediately after cleaning off the inside of my pants. I tried them when I got into my car and walked back in with my receipt to return one of the boxes. I work for a horrible company that gets a shit ton of different samples once every month or so and their are always a lot of extras to go around. 2 weeks ago, these were the free samples. I ended up having about 500 of these bars that I gave to family and friends and homeless shelters. Someone out there must know these bars are shitty because they're giving them away through every outlet possible. Why did I type all of this? I don't know.

PS: I'm not fat.
I already signed up once before, and it actually came and was very good.

EDIT: I signed up for the mix, not the bar. My bad.
bread's done