Free windows game from xbox with achievements towards gamerscore

The download is only 60MB

Games on demand just launched for Games for Windows LIVE (like 360 games on demand except for PC). And with it comes a free puzzle game called Tinker. I think it came free with Vista Ultimate awhile back, but now it's a GFWL game, it's free for everyone, and there are achievements. If you have a 360 gamertag already, you can sign-in with it and add up to 200GS, just like a XBLA game.

If you already have a GFWL game on your computer, you should already have the GFW client, and be able to download it from the marketplace. If not, download and install the client here:

If you don't have a gamertag already, make one here:

You can read more about the game here:

I read that another free game called Hold 'em is coming. Keep an eye out for that.
No idea why it said 9gb needed when it was far from that, but it's a pretty fun game. Does seem to have a bit of a problem responding when you go from the guide back to the game using a 360 controller, but that's probably my crap computer and/or the client. I'll have to keep an eye out for Hold 'em.
[quote name='GamerKingFaiz']It needs a 3.0 GHz processor to run?! much for this game. I'll wait it out 'till Hold'em, that should be fun.[/QUOTE]

The system requirements aren't exactly what I'd call accurate.
Guys, the requirements are actually very, very low. The 3GHz processor requirement is based on the higher clock speeds of older technology. So, if you have a processor from the last few years, which are more efficient and get more done per clock cycle, you actually have a processor that is "rated" beyond 3GHz. All you have to do is look at the video card requirement to confirm that the requirements are very low. The 6600 and x1600 are both 4 to 5 years old.
How do I get this working? I installed GFWL, downloaded Tinker (it took like 10 minutes to even start downloading), and now the Install button does nothing.
Well, the first achievement you get where you 'make Tinker dance' popped up for me, but it isn't unlocked... Any ideas to fix this?

EDIT: Okay, to fix this problem, I closed out of the game and Windows Live entirely, then started it all back up and replayed the first level.

By the way, thanks OP!
Is it just me or does the Games for Windows client require installation on the C drive? That's annoying.
Thanks OP. Just so everybody knows, this game will run on any old piece of shit. It runs fine even on my netbook with a 1.66 Ghz processor. Are the achievements bugged though? I got Robot Master as my first achievement, which says take 10,000 turns. There's no way I took 10,000 turns in the first few tutorial levels.
Cool I'm down for free games and 200 achievos, except if its another advert game (cough Yaris cough).:bomb:

Update: Hmm it doesn't seem to be downloading for me, keeps resetting, think it went to 67% and then back to 0%?!
Ok now its stuck at 99%! I looked on gamesforwindows forums and it looks like a number of people are having the exact same issue. Good thing this was a free game, jesus.
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