Free XBLA game of our choice sometime soon?


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Reading about the freshly released dashboard update, something mentioned on a podcast popped into my head (I think it was 1up Yours, but it might have been one of the other 1up network shows or gamespot's hotspot) around the time of the free Carcassonne days about a free XBLA game in December(?) sometime after the dashboard update. Supposedly this was to be a game of our choice for gold subscribers. The podcasters even speculated about which game they'd be picking up for themselves. I havn't been able to find any further information about this at all through google, digg, or this forum. Anyone know anything about this - which podcast this was mentioned on, and if or when it's going to happen?
It was 1up yours 11/26 episode. They were saying this before the carcassonne release so at the time I heard the podcast I just assumed they misunderstood the Xbox press release.
It's worth noting they're drunk off their asses(small exaggeration) most of the time they do their podcasts so you should take anything they say with a grain of salt.
Hah, true enough, the rum does flow freely during those shows. Guess it was a little too good to be true :(.

Thanks for clearing this up for me!
bread's done