Offer Conga Line

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CAG Veteran
I talked to CHEAPY and he said it was okay for us to do these refferals as long as we keep it all in one thread. It shouldn't get locked from now on out.
OFFICIAL RULES (Guidelines for conga taken from Flyertalk forums)

This thread is for people who properly used this conga line to create a account. If you already have a account from another source, DO NOT POST YOUR REFERRAL LINK HERE.

Any referral link posts that do not follow the rules below will be ignored and/or deleted.



This is another pyramid-type deal by the same company that is doing the freeipods thing. If you don't believe it...I suggest you go check out flyertalk forums where several people have already received their TV's. It's no scam friends. This is the real thing...

Note: It is okay to sign up for both the ipod and the flatscreen.

They are also offering free flat-panel monitors and flat-screen TV's.
Really? FREE?
Yes. The way it works is that you have to sign up for an offer with one of their partners - these are businesses that give them money for referring customers. Then 8 more people have to do the same thing, using the link you are given when you sign up. Many of these offers can be fulfilled without actually spending any money., for example, you can sign up, and then just call and cancel within a week, and you will not have to pay anything at all. Many other offers are fulfilled by ordering some product, which you can then return for a full refund (be sure to read the terms carefully before signing up for any offer, you are responsible for your own actions!). A new addition is the EBAY offer which is going to make it much easier for us to move through the list in a timely manner.

Basically, this is how it functions.
Use the first link in this post as a referral to sign up at DO THIS FIRST!
Post your link, along with the name of the person whose link you used AND THE OFFER COMPLETED, to this thread.
I will add your name and link at the bottom and, if all goes well, it will be your turn at the top of the list.
Whenever someone signs up under you, report back to us about whether they have completed their offer or not. If they don't complete their offer, we need to know so that they can be removed from the list.

If you have already signed up for a flatscreen, It is NOT okay to re-register under a different email address in order to join the conga. Your referral will be disqualified if you do this. We're sorry, but that's the way this company works. You might even be disqualified for just clicking on more than one referral...

After the person you signed up under report that you have completed your offer, you get a + after your name. If you don't complete your offer in a timely manner, you will be removed from the list!!
After a person has 8 referrals, their link is taken down and the next person is at the top of the list.

Please also read the end of the thread to see if more people have signed up since the list was last updated. If they have, and you are pretty sure the top person has all 8 referrals, go ahead and use the next referer. Be sure to include the name of your referer!

Another thing that should be obvious to everyone: by definition, not everyone who joins this chain will be able to get their free flat-screen from this forum alone, you can always refer people from elsewhere to fulfull your goal. That's how pyramids work.

Here is the current list of referers, along with an estimate of how many sign-ups they had at the time of last update.



+ DaVinci42 -
+ jer0009 -
- mkelehan -
+ goato -
+ eshbums -
- Wario64 -
+ Madness256 -
+ jerfer101 -
- Praz -
+ xtchuh -
+ killermike3706 -
- Graff -

Moderator: Please post this here:
I don't get why there aren't more completes. Free offers like Real Rhapsody and AOL complete withing a day or two, I mean is it really that hard for people to take 2 mins to sign up and then cancel immediately? I think everyone is going to have to rely more on their own contacts like family and friends as referrals unless this conga starts to pick up again.
If you want to advertise your link, goto:

It's my new site. Of course, I'm excluding all video game deals. And linking everyone that's interested in them to But, I'd love for you to come on over and check out the site and forums. I could use your cheap deals.
fuckface spammer... die

*EDIT* This was for the poster above me, he made his own thread and I guess it got merged into here.
*Update* - no new sign ups & no new completes.

If you signed up under me & haven't completed/gotten credit for your offer yet, could you let me know if/when you expect to get credit? Thanks.
All you skeptics out there... you have every right to be skeptical. But the offer looks legit, since it is run by the same people who run Free ipods. is the biggest site about the free ipods offer is the biggest site about the free flatscreens offer

Both sites have PICTURES of ppl receiving their items, so I think its definitely worth a look.

I'm in Progess 3 (1 step before shipping) for free ipods. Me and some friends are just starting the free flatscreens one.
Does anybody know approximately how long the Columbia House dvd offer takes to show up as a complete? I would like to know for some friends who may be interested in signing up under it.
[quote name='jimbo34']
Both sites have PICTURES of ppl receiving their items, so I think its definitely worth a look.

Because PICTURES prove everything to be true!!!!
Since no one replied to my earlier post I'm wondering if ANY of my non-completed signups are ever going to go through. :( I've been stuck at 5 complete for a while now.
Too Bad Cheap can't advertise this on the main page. I know it isnt a Video Game Deal, but it might improve the visual since you will be playing it on a better TV.
Yeah it would really help move this line along if it appeared on the front page, but then people also might try to spam it instead of signing up according to the rules of the conga.

@DaVinci - you should try to just get 3 more friends or family to sign up, I've found that its much easier to do this and you know that they are good for actually completing the offers. On that note, I think the people on the conga list who have not completed their offers have probably had enough time and should be deleted. Its really useless if you're going to sign up under someone and not complete your offer.
The OP probably got his tv and said "screw it" to this thread. I think whoever is next on the line should take over and keep the list updated, since they stand to benefit the most from it. O yeah I also have two completes and one pending, none of them from any conga lines however, just friends, if someone wants to add that to the update.
[quote name='JamesM4321']The list also hasn't been edited in a week. Has NOONE signed up or gotten a complete in a week...or did the PO just skip town?[/quote]

That's correct actually. I haven't had any new signups or completes. And I have more bad news. I just checked the site & it had this to say about all those pending people I have:

"This means that this user did not successfully join our site by clicking your exact referral link. Users must join from your link in order to get credit. This user has joined our site, but you cannot receive referral credit for them completing any offers."

So while I still have 5 complete, I now have ZERO pending! I start classes again next week, so I'll see what I can do to get more signups.
Yeah DaVinci thats bullshit. I would have signed up under you and completed earlie but I did Jer's because I figured some of your people would complete and give you 8 and it would just be a waste of my signup to go over 8. There goes half of my people, even though I know that they did sign up under my link it still says that next to their names. Even earlier today I could swear it said something different in the "What does this mean" box, which also seems to be something new they added. hopefully its just a mistake on their part and not some way to screw everyone into getting more referrals. Really, if they didn't sign up using my link then how would the site know to list their name under the status page for ME? Sounds like a bunch of crap to me, thanks for pointing it out or I wouldn't have noticed.
Just ignore that stuff about not being credited. What they mean is the person did not complete an offer but if they do complete it you will get credit... I mean they had to use your link to get into you account.
By the way op 1 complete and 4 pending
[quote name='jer0009']Just ignore that stuff about not being credited. What they mean is the person did not complete an offer but if they do complete it you will get credit... I mean they had to use your link to get into you account.
By the way op 1 complete and 4 pending[/quote]

They changed the message today to go with what we all thought it should be. So no worries there. But as far as my account is concerned, I emailed all the pendiing people a week & a half ago & noone responded. Not to mention that when I asked for a status check in this thread, noone responded. I'm seriously doubting if any of these people will complete.
Yeah I asked them about it in an email last night and just got an automated response that it might take 4-6 weeks for some offers to complete, however all my people who are actually complete happened within a day. I also emailed one person who signed up under me and was still incomplete, but haven't heard back from them after 2 days.
I'm not having much luck with the FlatScreen offer, but I may have lucked out on the iPod one. A friend is helping me, by advertising my link with his on his site. And it brought in like 10 referrals yesterday. Lets see if the 3 I need actually complete. If so, I'm trying to talk him into doing it for the I can get there on that. I have 9 pending, but doubt any will ever complete. And, noone ever answers when you e-mail them.
There are still several offers that are free and probably don't take much more effor than the ebay one, if at all. The only thing is that they require a credit card. I know Real Rhapsody was extremely easy to sign up for and then even easier to cancel. I actually had fun using it for my trial period too. AOL should be fairly simple if the reps don't give you a hard time cancelling. You don't even have to ever d/l their software, just sign up, wait a day, call and cancel.
[quote name='JamesM4321']I'm not having much luck with the FlatScreen offer, but I may have lucked out on the iPod one. A friend is helping me, by advertising my link with his on his site. And it brought in like 10 referrals yesterday. Lets see if the 3 I need actually complete. If so, I'm trying to talk him into doing it for the I can get there on that. I have 9 pending, but doubt any will ever complete. And, noone ever answers when you e-mail them.[/quote]

Good Luck. I hope it helps.
[quote name='eshbums'] it just me, or this thing losing steam? :)[/quote]

There is the possibility that it'll pick up after the semester starts.
I see that they have a free trial for Blockbuster Online now. Anyone have any experience with that, ie how easy is it to cancel after getting credited and using your trial? I probably would have tried that instead if they had had it a week ago.
DaVinci I know how you feel about the people signing up and not completing. I mean i don't have like 40 of them, but I have a couple and I just wish some of them would complete and bring me a little bit closer. Right now I only have 3 complete and those are just friends that did it to help me out.

(Edit) Why don't we get this line updated. I mean it has been going for almost a month and there are still people on the list with - next to their name. If they haven't completed by now, I think its safe to say that they aren't going to do their offer anytime soon. Signing up under these referrals would just be a waste for any new members, so lets narrow it down to only people who have done their part and get this line moving along again.
Here's a question for everyone? Which flat screen are you wanting to get once you get all of you referrals completed? I'm thinking the 27" Sony, since I already have a PS2 as a dvd player, which rules out the Magnavox. I already have a decent flat screen CRT monitor here, so I don't really need the LCD monitor yet, even though they are nice.
Guys, If Doministic doesnt update the line in the next day or so, why dont we just copy and past the main Post over to another thread and update it. I am willing to upkeep it.

Also, I can signup and do an offer for someone once the conga, restarts.
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