Friggin Allergies


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I've had allergies since birth it seems, and have been getting shots damn near it. About two years ago I was finally fed up with the lack of results my doctor's treatment gave me, and decided to just let nature do what it does. I had to keep taking a nasal spray and pill everyday in order to get my parents to agree to let me try my own thing, and since dumping the hour long hassle that is getting shot in the arm every weekend, I feel exactly the same and am content with that. I'll be going away to college in a few weeks, and running back home for prescriptions/office visits isn't up my alley at all. I've played with the idea of stopping all form of treatment, or trying a cheap over the counter drug like Xlear which is all natural and supposedly good for you. The question is has anyone ever tried going completely solo, and if so how did it work out for you? Also, if anyones ever tried this Xlear stuff, did it get the job done, or just wet your nose and feel uncomfortable?
I used to has very bad allergies when I lived in Utah but ever since I've moved to NY I havent had any problems. I trashed my inhaler and dont even go to an allergist anymore. But if your looking for some good over the counter stuff I suggest zyrtek or my fav, benadryl. Also my doc used to suggest drinking coffee if I didnt have meds around so good luck w/ everything man I'm sure you'll be fine.
When I turned 15, every spring I'd have bouts of allergies due to the environtment, but all I did was take Claritin and deal with it.
[quote name='Tiphireth']When I turned 15, every spring I'd have bouts of allergies due to the environtment, but all I did was take Claritin and deal with it.[/QUOTE]

Claritin is my wonder drug. I don't know how I even existed without it.
I have the worst fucking allergies but a coworker suggested that I tried this product:

Basically its a bottle that you stick up your nose and blow saline solution into your sinus cavity. Its really disgusting but its been working wonders for my allergies. It helps washing out all the allergens that are stuck up there. I recommend this along with the other medication.
OMG what an awesome idea for a thread.

This year I have been having terrible allergies after not having them for several years. I bought a box of Actifed tablets, but they don't seem to work too well and they make me sleepy sometimes.

I was thinking of trying Clariton because I always see the commercials.

A few years back, I remember taking this little sliver of a pill that worked fantastic. I think it was called Tavist-D or something, but I couldn't find it and I'm not positive that was the name. I just remember it was the smallest pill I had ever seen and it worked wonders.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?
[quote name='Haggar']OMG what an awesome idea for a thread.

This year I have been having terrible allergies after not having them for several years. I bought a box of Actifed tablets, but they don't seem to work too well and they make me sleepy sometimes.

I was thinking of trying Clariton because I always see the commercials.

A few years back, I remember taking this little sliver of a pill that worked fantastic. I think it was called Tavist-D or something, but I couldn't find it and I'm not positive that was the name. I just remember it was the smallest pill I had ever seen and it worked wonders.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?[/QUOTE]

I took Tavist-D a loooooong time ago and it did absolutely nothing for me. Allergy medicines are funny like that, though. What works wonders for one person won't do squat for another. Like, Claritin works incredibly for me, but I've known others for whom it just flat out doesn't work at all.
Thanks for the suggestions and everything. I wish Clariton worked for me, but after maybe a month of taking it, I might as well have just been drinking the water I took it with, because it completely crapped out on me. I was put on Clariotn D for about 2 weeks, (these were both subscriptions when I used them, I think they're otc now?) and then that turned useless as well. Might as well print this page, and load up a goody bag at the pharmacy. Thanks again.
THe sinus rinse thing I suggested is hard to find. I ordered it from the 800 number at the website but I heard that Longs Drugs can special order this item. Anyways, I hope it helps (if you try my suggestion...that is).
Allergy shots are completely useless, and in most cases, don't even contain anything to help with allergies, so good thing that you quit them.

I've had allergies forever, as well as asthma. The one combination of drugs that has worked perfectly for me is Singulair and Zyrtec-D. However, due to monetary problems, I've been without my medicines for several months. I feel like shit some mornings, but most days I am OK. Nowhere near the awesome level I was at with the medicines, but I'm OK. I can function well enough, it seems.
My dad used to have allergies and he took Clariton, then he quit taking them and his allergies just went away. I never have had them. I am glad that I don't. I know a lot of people that do.
I didn't have allergies when growing up, but am trying to figure out if I have them now. I don't feel particularly sick, but will just start coughing for a few minutes then it will go away for hours. I had this happen once or twice before since I have moved here (CT), then it went away, and it has returned. It is especially bad at work for some reason. I went to PA for my father's funeral last month, and the coughing was really bad then.

I haven't gone to see a doctor about this because it seemed to go away on its own and things at work are really stressful/not enough time at the moment. Has anyone had this happen to them? Does it sound like allergies or just stress? I don't want to just take some random OTC medicine while I am waiting for things to slow down at work to see a doctor if this continues. I also have read that alot of the allergy medications have the potential to cause drowsiness, and the coughing occurs mostly during the day.

My allergies are f'n horrible. But, I take the generic Clariton everyday which helps a lot - don't know how I managed before!
I'll tell you though, where you live has a lot to do with it. Here in Atlanta it is ALWAYS humid as shit, and that is terrible for allergies. Ragweed is big here too. That is honestly one of my biggest reasons for wanting to move out of the south. When I've been out in the SF Bay area, my allergies all but vanish - hell, my allergies are even better in smog-ridden LA than they are here in Georgia!
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