
I just found this excellent UK deal blog over at, and I'm really impressed. He followed me on twitter, and I checked out his deals (which he posts in twitter updates for convenience) and a lot of them are very good. I haven't personally seen a few of them on CAG either, which is my usual deal hunting place.

Anyway, in the interest of spreading cheap ass gaming to my UK brothers, check this place out and support this guy. He seems to do a good job with little attention.
Hi fellas, thanks for the mention of my blog (Frugal Gaming).
I did sign up to this site last month because so many people recommended it, but this is my first post. Really impressed with the site and the podcast is now one of my favourites even though I have only listened to the last 3.

My blog is only a couple of months old so is still quite small, but its getting more hits day on day. I do manage to catch most bargains that are out there, but due to limited time I dont get to post them all on the blog so I just post the ones I think are best.

I would be more than happy to post the deals on here to, but I didn't know if that was allowed.

Now going to spend some time finding my way around CAG froums and site

Thanks again for the mention

Don't see why it wouldn't be allowed.
The way I see it, the more deals get posted and shared the more people get helped out with lower prices.
[quote name='Exu']Don't see why it wouldn't be allowed.
The way I see it, the more deals get posted and shared the more people get helped out with lower prices.[/quote]

Saving people money is what its all about, especially in this crappy financial climate:)

Has everyone gone mad in the Christmas sales? The only games I ver see reduced in shops are the ones I already own, it drives me mad:cry:
bread's done