Fruit Ninja Kinect Contest


I bought gun stringer, which came with a code for fruit ninja kinect. I already have it, so i thought i would do a contest and give it away for free.

To enter, post a reply answering the following things:

1. Why do you want fruit ninja kinect?
2. What do you think will be the highest reviewed game (not related to fruit ninja) this year by professional critics / reviewers, and why? --- (As in, what game do you think will / should have the highest metacritic score)

That's it.

Contest will end Sunday (sept 18th) at noon, then i'll choose a winner.
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i want fruit kinnect so bad, i want it because me and my family can play it together
and the avatar awards look sick and i want those bad as well.. the demo is mad fun but i would rather have the full version but im short on cash atm
thanks for the contest

the highest review would be
4/5 because of the $10 price tag for live and $1 for phones and ipad ect ect

edit: the highest rated game of the year will be
mw3 because its mw3
I want fruit ninja kinect badly, because at this moment my kinect sesor is gathering dust. So with this game i can finally use my kinect sensor bar.

highest review this year will be deus ex : human revolution because that game will never be forgotten due to the game play
i wouldn't mind getting Fruit Ninja Kinect it would be a fun game for me and the family can play i tried the demo it was pretty fun and the kids like it as well a other game that we enjoyed was Hole in the wall..

highest review this year will be Gears Of War 3 Because its going to be the best game this year :)
1: My friend is going to buy stuff for me on his Microsoft Expertzone account. I want to thank him with this game.

2: Gears of War 3 because I believe it's the most anticipated game this year.
1.I want fruit ninja kinect because i currently only have Kinect adventures for the kinect and that gets annoying very easily. I had DC but recently sold it. Fruit Ninja kinect is a great time to be had with friends and family.

2. Batman Arkham City has to be by far the GOTY or highest rated game (sorry Oblivion). To be allowed a open city feel to Gotham City and not confined like AA is one major improvement. Another would be Catwoman. To have a total different play style is great on it's own. I could keep going but I don't want to bore anyone.

Thanks poker for the contest.
I want Fruit Ninja to actually put my Kinect to good use. The demo is great fun, so it would be awesome to have the whole game.

Portal 2 will be the highest rated game. It was highly anticipated, but will probably be forgotten by the end of the year. Still such an awesome game, plus it gave us plenty of meme-worthy quotes. Spaaaaaaace!
I would like Fruit Ninja for my daughter - her birthday is Sunday - and I bought her a Kinect to go with her Xbox that I got her last Christmas.

Hard to say which game will get the highest ratings - 3 that come to mind which will all be close are Gears 3, MW 3 and Battlefield 3.

1. Why do you want fruit ninja kinect? A reason to use my dormant kinect.

2. What do you think will be the highest reviewed game (not related to fruit ninja) this year by professional critics / reviewers, and why? --- I anticipate like 98 average for Skyrim and Uncharted 3. 94-96s for Gears 3, arkham and Assassins Creed. So my vote will be on uncharted 3 because of its high prod. value, improved multiplayer and previous outtings.
I want Fruit Ninja Kinect because honestly I can really see myself having a blast playing this simple game. I also need more Kinect games for my 360, and as much as I want to get the game, I really need to save up for the upcoming games coming out this year.

Although there are a lot of great games that's been released this year and a lot more going to be released I still believe Naughty Dog will pull through again and have Uncharted 3 be the highest rated game. Going from all the great gameplay video and experiencing playing the MP beta earlier, I'm pretty confident with my prediction. Thanks for contest!
I want fruit ninja because fruit is delicious and I like to chop fruit.Highest reviewed game will be ElderScrolls V Skyrim because of it's technical achievement.
I can give Fruit Ninja to my little hyper-active cousin as an early Christmas present. From what I've seen, I know it looks fun and addictive. That should keep him off Black Ops for a while.

The highest reviewed game. That's'll be MW3 and BF3. Not only are they both the most anticipated FPS of the year (BF3: been a while since BF2 and MW3: launched a multi-billion franchise and ruined FPS altogether), there's also a heated rivalry between the two and of course that'll only bring in more attention for the two.
Other games are Skyrim, Halo, and Rage, Gears but they can't compare in terms of popularity

Nice of you to do this contest BTW poker
Just seem like a very cool game and missed all my chances to get it so far

Oh I don't know I think maybe Skyrim

Thanks for teh chance
I want Fruit Ninja badly because I have mad ninja skills that need to be used.

Highest rated game will probably be Skyrim because of it's massive open world.
i want fruit ninja kinetic because I could use a new kinetic game and the demo was rely fun. i the best game this year will be gow3
1. I want it because I do need a fun arcade kinect game. I dont want to dish out 50$ for a game and would be glad to play Fruit Ninja.

2. Probably Skyrim, critics died for oblivion and will do the same for skyrim. The graphics, hundreds of hours of gameplay, and fun of it.
1. I would to have have a fun game for my kinect. lets my slice n dice those fruits
2. Skyrim will be the highest score. Almost all the review sites cant wait to play it.
I want Fruit Ninja Kinect because I suckered a friend into buying a kinect (he has a huge living room), and he bought one @ full retail just so we could play around on it. After the purchase we have barely used it and I feel like a jerk for being the primary encouragement behind his purchase. We both love Fruit Ninja on our phones and have played the arcade version (with giant touchscreens) at the arcade and had a blast. Being able to give him the game would certainly make me feel better about pressuring him into his purchase, and give us a reason to play!

As far as highest reviewed game... I think it will be Skyrim. I'm not a huge Elder Scrolls fan personally, but the series has managed to win multiple Game of the Year awards in every iteration. From what I hear the additions in Skyrim are supposed to add extreme depth both graphically and gameplay wise. Furthermore it is my understanding that they are putting a huge amount of detail into the PC version which is rare for most games recently (most are quick ports from the consoles). This will give them an edge in the market and the reviews.
Personally I'm looking forward to MW3, because I really dig the storyline. However, since it does not appear to be reinventing the wheel I don't hink it will fare as well as Skyrim.

Thank you for he opportunity.
I need fruit ninja because i want to give it to my cousin who only has kinect adventures, because he has mental disabilities so he loves to play simple games he can understand. He cant afford it right now, so it would be a good present.

I think the best game this year will be MW3 just because it's another year, another COD game that will get high ratings like black ops and MW2, and then everyone will find bad things about it in a few weeks/months, but will continue to play it and buy DLC anyway. lol!
1 I want Fruit ninja because I am fat and Kinect will make me move my fat butt plus I shouldn't play candy ninja because I am fat.

2. Gears of war 3. I just got a good feeling it's going to be this years big hit.
I would like the code because everyday my brother asks me to play it and it would be a nice gift for him.

As for the best game reviewed this year it would have to be Skyrim. An open world game with so much to do and being the sequel to the game with one of the top scores.
1.)I Want Fruit Ninja Kinect Because It is Downright the best,and most fun kinect game,I Have The Demo(trial) for It and I am Low On Funds So This Would Be Most appreciated!!
2.)I Think The Best Game Reviewed This Year Will Be Gears Of War 3,Its Bigger and better than gears of war 2,and the storyline is changing into a 3-way struggle for surrvival,not to mention all the new game mechanics
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I want fruit ninja kinect because my kinect will get more use, the demo was actually kinda fun, my boy loved the demo, and it's funny watching him stand there flailing around like a ninja (or what he thinks a ninja looks like).
I think Gears of War 3 will be highest rated because it's GoW. Can't say it 'should', I didn't really like even GoW 1, but I'm sure it will be way up there.
I want Fruit Kinect Ninja because the demo was awesome and I love my kinect. I think the highest rated game this year will be Skyrim.
Just a heads up, Gears of war 3 reviews will be up on thursday, they could play a role in this contest depending on its scores.
1. Selfish answer - I want FNK because I'm genuinely interested in it. It's very rare that I want a Kinect game since most of them are gimmicky and I don't find them interesting. FNK sold me, though. I've played the FNK demo more times than any Kinect game that I've bought.

2. GOW 3. Let's be realistic, both the developers and Microsoft have invested so much in marketing that it can't possibly have any but good reviews. That's not even taking into consideration the superb work done on the game itself. So yeah, good game + good marketing = good reviews.

Oh, and thanks for the contest! :)
1. I need something to actually play for a change for the Kinect, plus I have it on my iPhone so I wouldn't mind seeing the transition between the two.

2. I love the Gears but I would have to go with Skyrim though. Oblivion opened a lot of gates to new people for the Elder Scrolls series plus a new rpg on the 360 alone kinda sells it.
1. I want to give the code to my friend since he wants the game so bad and would enjoy it very much

2. While I would like to say Gears of Wars 3 ... I'd go with BattleField 3 for having an awesome single player campaign.. i hope and a fun and destructive multiplayer portion that will keep gamers happy..
I want fruit ninja Kinect because I completely love the iOS version. Been meaning to purchase it but a little low on cash at the moment (damn tuition!)

As for for the highest rated game, it'll be MW3. Not necessarily the best game but it will be the highest.

Thanks for the contest, I appreciate the opportunity.
1. Because I want to actually get some use out of my Kinect and Fruit Ninja is pretty sweet on smartphone.

2. Honestly I think that a lot of critics still have a hard-on for Zelda. Ocarina of Time 3D was reviewed extremely well and it's only a remake! I would be surprised if Skyward Sword didn't get a perfect or near-perfect score just like every other Zelda game has. Uncharted/Skyrim/Batman will rate well, but they just don't get the critic nostalgia boost that Zelda games do.

Now as for what game will DESERVE a high score the most, I'd say Arkham City. I'm sure Skyrim will be great, but it's a Bethesda game, and you know what that means: It'll be up to its ears in bugs.
I really want fruit ninja kinect because I NEED a new kinect game
The best game will be Skyrim and I do not need to say anything because we all know why it will be
i want fruit ninja kinect badly, because at this moment my kinect sensor is gathering dust and it needs some fruit cutting action to light up the room

highest review this year will be batman arkham city since it looks amazing
Thanks for the contest man!

I want the game simply cuz it is a great party game for people and works well with the Kinect.

The highest rated game I think will be Arkham City or Bioshock infinite ^^
1. I like that game.
2. difficult answer with a simple one as well.

The first half you ask for professional critics however in parenthesis you have "what you think."

My answer for number 2 is what everyone else feels fun and entertaining whether it be GOW, MW3, BF3.. etc. Its your personal choice that really matters.

Personally I like Skyrim for its deep attention to what gamers were wanting not what the studio could afford to do.

my 2 cents enjoy!:roll:
1. Because I'm getting tired of people in the supermarket giving me dirty looks for slicing up fruits at random without paying for them.
2. Best rated would probably be Resistance 3 because after witnessing the intuitive gameplay and impressive presentation, it'll be difficult to resist losing your bladder.
1. I would like to use my Kinect for the 1st time in months.
2. Gears of War 3 will be and all you have to do is look at the ratings of the previous games to judge that.
1.I play fruit ninja all the time on my ipod and i never use my kinect because i don't have any good games for it.
2.highest review this year will be TESV:Skyrim Because The Elder Scrolls series has gotten game of the year many times.
I need to prepare for the fruit Apocalypse in order to save my friends and family. Fruit Ninja is just the training tool I need to get back to peak fighting weight and better hone my mad skills.

MW3...only because GOW3 is missing the peak Christmas Sales and therefore will not be as hyped by critics.
Well I just have to admit tehre is no tragical story about it I would liek to have this game just to have a bit of fun. Played the demo liked it but just didn't have a cahnce to get it. It was given as a free game via summer of arcade. Unfortunately I did not have a chance to grab it then and I hoped I might get another chance through this.

The most criticised game of the year (in a good way) will be more than sure Driver San Francisco. The series made a comeback this year and this is the main reason for which I believe it will be in the spotlight. Further more the recent change between Atari and Ubisoft will attract additional eyes mostly beacuse people will want to check if some annoying issues have been dealt with.
Honestly, I'm wanting the game because it sounds healthy. Fruit is healthy, and ninjas are mostly healthy (I say mostly because of the Beverly Hills Ninja). I'm mostly healthy, but I think I could use the extra healthiness from slashing fruit, ninja-like. If that means losing a few pounds flailing wildly in my man cave, O.K....if that means knocking over my lamp again with a wild judo chop, so be it.

The highest rating for a game this year will (hopefully) go to Skyrim. Although, this no jumping business I'm hearing will probably drop the review score .0001 of a point.
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I'd like Fruit Kinect for my sister, who pretty much loves Kinect and would mean the one I bought for her isn't being left in dust as it currently is.

Highest rating for a 2011 game is Skyrim. Self-explanatory. It will destroy gamer's free time globally.
I want Fruit Ninja Kinect because I loved Fruit Ninja on my WP7 and I am an Achievement Whore and I want more Achievements.

I think Gears 3 will be the best reviewed game this year. I personally will choose MW3 as my favorite just because I love COD Multiplayer, but Gears will have the best Campaign and storyline, so that is why I think it will be given better reviews then MW3. It also seems like reviewers would rather give a good review to a game like GOW3 then MW3 just because COD's are so popular.
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I would love fruit ninja because the demo was a hit in my dorm room and we all played the hell out of it. I would love to have the full version.

I think the highest rated game will be Skyrim. It looks amazing. You could probably spend 200 hours in it.
I want Fruit ninja because there isn't so much cool kinect games and this one seem kinda fun and enjoyable for my whole family,as well as i am an achievement hunter and i wanna unlock the acheivements and the avatar awards.

As for the highest rated game it sure is battlefield 3 because it's been in the making quite a lot of time and it introduces a whole new different battlefield graphics and techniques that has never been showed in a game before,defintley a must have :)
I would like to get Fruit Ninja do to the fact, I haven't had enough money to pick it up to enjoy with my family & girlfriend, due to the Hurricane that hit here in New Jersey it looks like its gonna be quiet awhile.

I played it on my friends iTouch & got hooked on the game. Let my mother try it on the demo for the kinect when it first came out & she had a blast playing. Hope to win this code & playing after my room is rebuilt.

I believe the most critic acclaimed game this year will be Assassin's Creed Revelations. Every release for the franchise, it is always receives high scores from critics. Storyline is well structured, the multiplayer they added in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is being improved greatly in this next installment in this series. I see the highest metacritic score being a 9.5.
bread's done