Fry's PS3 Slim Refurbished


Fry's has a refurbished 120 GB slim advertised for $199. I was wondering if refurbished products from Fry's are trustworthy, or would I be taking a big risk getting it?
A lot of times these refurbished products are like the ones i traded in.

For example
I bought my playstation 3 80gb old school one literally 2-3 months before slims came out. I also bought a 2 year instant exchange, meaning. In that 2 years i can change/trade in my playstation 3 no questions asked.

Literally when the 2 year date was almost expired ( traded it in the last day ).
I brought my 80gb to frys and traded it in. Since i paid 400+ for my playstation 3 i talked the manager down and since there was no more 80gbs in production anymore. I got him to give me a 320gb slim ps3.

Now my old 80gb i traded in, i had the box and everything for it. You know what they did? They printed a refurbished sticker and stuck it on the box and put it on the shelf.

When i traded it in they asked me what was wrong with it. I told them it freezes and it crashes. It slows the bluray seems to be twitchy as well and yet they put it back on the shelf.

If i were you i wouldnt trust frys. My shit was way ran down to the ground and yet they still sold it.
bread's done