Fuck my parents


Yea my parents have been pissing me off lately. I am 16 and a decent student in school and I am nice to them but they have been pissing me off lately by it seems like just trying to make my life miserable. I am about 2 be perminatly grounded b/c my parents are asshats like that.

So school year started and I was pretty free and I didn't really abuse my freedom at all I went out once or twice a week during the weekend and like once a week during the week for like an hour or so. Then i got pogress reports and I had 2 D's one in an AP Class (US History) and one in an honors class (english) (and btw I am looking into being an engineer so these classes are not the most important) but my GPA was still like 3.2 or so.

Well to make a long story short for like the last 4 or 5 months or so I have only been able to go out once a week and not allowed to do anything afterschool (besides what my mom wants me 2 do like tennis and things like that, I love how I was able to drive her around for like 2 hours thursday and help her out but I am never allowed to be out like that during the week) I always have 2 come straight home and stuff, like I went out to eat one day (Japan express $3 student meal AC) becasue I didn't get to have any lunch at school and she starts yelling at me.

I now have tutoring afterschool 2wice a week and I have to stay on during lunch twice a week and go to teachers. I am not allowed to touch the TV or xbox during the week and my mom has even stated bitching at me on weekends now if I just try to watch like a 30 min show. I know I am just going on and on about stuff but I need some advice. like my parents do this to bring up my grades yet since they started it, it has made my grades actually go down and making my life miserable.

I really try in school and stuff but my teachers royally suck ass this year. My mom always says shit like "you can be studying" like if I try to watch TV ever even on weekends. Like she expects me 2 study and work 24/7/365. So what can i do?? I need advice on how 2 get my parents to back off and chill out. like shit just keeps getting worse. My friends dad even told me he thinks my parents are out of thier mind.
Others will say this meanly...but please make some paragraphs. its VERY hard to read in its current state...
You could kill them. They wouldn't bother you anymore.

Keep in mind that this was a joke and I don't want someone trying to sue me after this.
want to get your parents off your back? Turn 18 and move out. Until then, they are in control. Also, use paragraphs and not using "2" every other word may help as well, I imagine your mom would castrate you should she see that sample of writing you just made.
I was expecting another DLF type topic, but you do have some points that make your parents seem a bit excessive in some areas, but they are just doing what they think is best for you.
You don't mention anything about having a job so unfortunately if your parents are providing everything for you, you don't have much of a leg to stand on. My only advice is to have an adult conversation with them about what you told us. Don't whine to them, just tell them your feelings and what your willing to do to compromise.
If my kid got 2 D's, his ass would be at home too. That's the big picture, if you got good grades, they couldnt care less what you did, as long as you got good grades, so I think you know what to do.
[quote name='johnnyoski']I was expecting another DLF type topic, but you do have some points that make your parents seem a bit excessive in some areas, but they are just doing what they think is best for you.
You don't mention anything about having a job so unfortunately if your parents are providing everything for you, you don't have much of a leg to stand on. My only advice is to have an adult conversation with them about what you told us. Don't whine to them, just tell them your feelings and what your willing to do to compromise.[/quote]
I do have a job, but yes I am really pretty much dependent on them and btw no offense to them or anything but I am not a finacial burden on them
You could kill them. They wouldn't bother you anymore.

Keep in mind that this was a joke and I don't want someone trying to sue me after this.
does she hit you?
your white rite?
if ur get her so mad she hits you like a smack to the face then when she does storm off she'll feel bad and wanna talk
[quote name='billyknoxville']If my kid got 2 D's, his ass would be at home too. That's the big picture, if you got good grades, they couldnt care less what you did, as long as you got good grades, so I think you know what to do.[/quote]
Would your son be at home if he had a 3.3 HS average GPA, and eagle scout, a job, and treated you with respect. (^^^ That would be me incase you were wondering)
oh man that was like the exact same thing that happened to me when i was 16! even the tennis thing! i actually got my grades up and asked if they would just chill and they sorta did. so my advice is just patience and communication. mature a little and show them that you have matured. they finally completely backed off my senior year when i was set for college and i'm totally my own man now.
I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss those classes even though you are planning an engineering career. I have a structural engineering degree, and I'll tell you what...without being able to properly communicate (verbal & written), you won't get very far.
your white rite?
if ur get her so mad she hits you like a smack to the face then when she does storm off she'll feel bad and wanna talk
dont wanna sound racsit just what ive seen happen.
I hate to say it but I partially agree with your parents. Like the above poster said, if I had kids getting D's I'd be pissed too. Especially if you are in an AP class, chances are the only reason you are getting poor grades is being lazy. This is understandable, but you main "job" is to do well in school and you aren't doing your job.

I don't agree with your parents making you work all the time, etc, but I would guess if you were getting good grades they would not be telling you to study. Good luck anyway.
Suck it up, you candy-ass. You're 16, you don't write for shit, and you're crying about it to game nerds on a message board; if I were your parent, I'd slap your ass around, too!

Seriously pal, pull your head out of your ass. Pay your dues, work hard, and maybe by the time you're my age you will look back and realize that your parents were just trying to adequately prepare your dumb ass for the real world; which, I might add, is a lot tougher than what you're going through right now.
i kno this is gonna sound generic and stuff..but try 2 bring up ur grades, thats prolly wats ridin em so hard :whistle2:\, i mean, whenever id get a B- in HS, i wud get the living shit yelled out of me, and she wud make me feel dumb..im sure u dont have it that bad..but seriously, just bring ur grades up..il help u in english if u want, us history cant be that bad...its history, nothings gonna change i got a 87 on the regents *lives in NY* and i didnt even look at the book, and al my teacher talked about was how he got laid over the weekend, *loved that guy tho* :D!
neways, good luck
wow your situation is really similar to mine

i have a c in ap european history and a c in english honors (btw i am a sophomore) in my other classes i have basically all 90% (my parents also push me)

i never really felt good or really enjoyed reading, and my SAT scores showed that, but it was always easy enough for me to get a B. but after freshman year, school started getting hard

i am thinking about going to regular world history and regular english at the end of the semester
[quote name='xenoman80']your white rite?
if ur get her so mad she hits you like a smack to the face then when she does storm off she'll feel bad and wanna talk
dont wanna sound racsit just what ive seen happen.[/quote]

ummm...... :roll:
[quote name='scsg75']want to get your parents off your back? Turn 18 and move out. Until then, they are in control. Also, use paragraphs and not using "2" every other word may help as well, I imagine your mom would castrate you should she see that sample of writing you just made.[/quote]
^^ Perfect example of my brother, had a 2.3 HS GPA, got in constant fights with my parents, dropped out of community college, worked on his buisness and now is 20, gets shit drunk all the time, makes about 100 grand a year, bought a new house and looking at buying a 3rd car and enjoying life.
[quote name='greydemise']i kno this is gonna sound generic and stuff..but try 2 bring up ur grades, thats prolly wats ridin em so hard :whistle2:\, i mean, whenever id get a B- in HS, i wud get the living shit yelled out of me, and she wud make me feel dumb..im sure u dont have it that bad..but seriously, just bring ur grades up..il help u in english if u want, us history cant be that bad...its history, nothings gonna change i got a 87 on the regents *lives in NY* and i didnt even look at the book, and al my teacher talked about was how he got laid over the weekend, *loved that guy tho* :D!
neways, good luck[/quote]

Regents are sooo much easier than the actual class in everything but chem. You can fail all tests and ace the regents.
Btw, English and History are important whether you'll be an Engineer or not. Employers of all types like people who can write and speak well and who know their history. It makes you "well-rounded".

Are your parents being too hard on you? Maybe. But high school is tough if you take advanced classes (as many of us did), but it pays off when you get to college.
I had friends in college who asked me to critique their papers, and I was floored by how poorly they were written.

Long story short, try not to get D's, and take each semester/whatever as it comes. We all had teachers who sucked, but high school ends eventually (thank Jehovah).
Your parents probably remember all the shit they were doing at your age and may be freaking out a bit. Trust me back at that age I thought there was no way my folks understood what I was going through, but they aren't as clueless as you may think.
[quote name='Tennisjon2002'][quote name='scsg75']want to get your parents off your back? Turn 18 and move out. Until then, they are in control. Also, use paragraphs and not using "2" every other word may help as well, I imagine your mom would castrate you should she see that sample of writing you just made.[/quote]
^^ Perfect example of my brother, had a 2.3 HS GPA, got in constant fights with my parents, dropped out of community college, worked on his buisness and now is 20, gets shit drunk all the time, makes about 100 grand a year, bought a new house and looking at buying a 3rd car and enjoying life.[/quote]

I hate to say it but if that's true your brother is lucky as hell. Nowadays if you don't have a college degree it can be very hard to find a good job.
[quote name='Mind_n_Soul']wow your situation is really similar to mine

i have a c in ap european history and a c in english honors (btw i am a sophomore) in my other classes i have basically all 90% (my parents also push me)

i never really felt good or really enjoyed reading, and my SAT scores showed that, but it was always easy enough for me to get a B. but after freshman year, school started getting hard

i am thinking about going to regular world history and regular english at the end of the semester[/quote]
^ yea i was in that place 2. My reading isn't good, like i just find reading insanly boring. and my grades were like that good and better sophomore year, just wait till u get 2 junior year, then u will realize sophomore was easy :whistle2:$
Just do your thing man, you're almost 18, and soon you won't have to put up with anything if you don't want to. Get you High School diploma, and take your parents shit. Get a job, and save up some money, and move.

I was really having problems with my parents when I was 17. I love my parents, but I knew I didn't want to be in a situation where everyone was constantly fighting for then next five years. I decide to get a job, I dropped out of High School, and got my GED.

I saved every penny, and when I turned 18 I got myself a nice little apartment. I kept working, and saving up more, and more. Lucky for me I met a girl that had similar goals as I did, and together we got a realy nice place. Now I'm 21, and have a house, a nice car, and a better relationship with my parents.

I think as you get older you have more desires to be independent, and parents are scared of that. They feel like they're losing their baby, but you gotta let them know that you're doing your best, and you'll be fine because you're a smart, and honest person.
Every teen goes through this phase. It's a part of life. And they're right, if you're getting D's, you're in trouble, because college is just around the corner. You NEED to get into college these days, it's as simple as that.
Take out the papers and the trash
Or you don't get no spendin' cash
If you don't scrub that kitchen floor
You ain't gonna rock and roll no more
Yakety yak (don't talk back)

Just finish cleanin' up your room
And sweep the dust out with that broom
Get all that garbage out of sight
Or you don't go out Friday night
Yakety yak (don't talk back)

You just put on your coat and hat
And walk yourself to the laundromat
And when you finish doin' that
Bring in the dog and put out the cat
Yakety yak (don't talk back)

Don't you give me no dirty looks
Your father's hip; he knows what cooks
Just tell your hoodlum friend outside
You ain't got time to take a ride
Yakety yak (don't talk back)

P.S. If you don't think english class is important for being engineer then you are going to make a very poor engineer.
I can tell you from experience your parents just want you to succed. I have a pain in the as dropped out of high school and left day turned 18. I joined army became a man and now relize what they was doing. I thank them now and relize it was me not them at all. Long and short they are doing this for you and it will help you succed in the futer trust me
[quote name='johnnyoski']Your parents probably remember all the shit they were doing at your age and may be freaking out a bit. Trust me back at that age I thought there was no way my folks understood what I was going through, but they aren't as clueless as you may think.[/quote]

Exactly. It's impossible to realize this when you're 16, but in about 5 years it'll make more sense. Seriously.
[quote name='greydemise']i kno this is gonna sound generic and stuff..but try 2 bring up ur grades, thats prolly wats ridin em so hard :whistle2:\, i mean, whenever id get a B- in HS, i wud get the living shit yelled out of me, and she wud make me feel dumb..im sure u dont have it that bad..but seriously, just bring ur grades up..il help u in english if u want, us history cant be that bad...its history, nothings gonna change i got a 87 on the regents *lives in NY* and i didnt even look at the book, and al my teacher talked about was how he got laid over the weekend, *loved that guy tho* :D!
neways, good luck[/quote]
Yea us isn't but I have AP history and btw I go to like one of the toughest most advanced public high school and best school district in the nation.
And btw we are on the 7 point scale i dunno if that is the norm these days
sounds to me like you have very loving parents, dont forget that and youll thank them when you arent working at the kmart the rest of your life\
[quote name='Tennisjon2002'][quote name='billyknoxville']If my kid got 2 D's, his ass would be at home too. That's the big picture, if you got good grades, they couldnt care less what you did, as long as you got good grades, so I think you know what to do.[/quote]
Would your son be at home if he had a 3.3 HS average GPA, and eagle scout, a job, and treated you with respect. (^^^ That would be me incase you were wondering)[/quote]

It would depend. A person who averages a 3.3 should not be getting two D's. There's something wrong there. Either on the student's part or some extraneous circumstance. Assuming the latter, I, as the student, would ask the teacher how or what I could work on because I am giving my best and it's just not working. And relay all this to parents.

But, if I were the parent, and I knew the student was not giving their best... oooo... their ass would be grass..... seabass....
[quote name='Tennisjon2002']
Yea us isn't but I have AP history and btw I go to like one of the toughest most advanced public high school and best school district in the nation.[/quote]

Sounds like bull. High school is very easy compared to college, even "the toughest most advanced public high school".

I wish I took more AP classes in high school in topics that I didn't like because that means that you can skip those classes in college.

Those D's are going to earn you a retake for college when you could be studying something that you enjoy.
Don't want parents to nag and annoy you? Find out what nags them and then do it right. Then do it all the time. Simple put, don't give your parents an excuse. If it's poor grades, then bring them up as high as you can (if you can, bring them up even higher). If it's a job, find one that pays a lot. My parents used to nag me about having poor grades and getting a job but once I aced my senior year of high school and got a job that pays me more than my mom or my dad, that shut them up pretty good. The only thing they nag me now is to find a wife so I'm sleeping w/ as many girls as I can so I can focus on finding a nice girl later on :p
[quote name='nikkai'][quote name='Tennisjon2002'][quote name='billyknoxville']If my kid got 2 D's, his ass would be at home too. That's the big picture, if you got good grades, they couldnt care less what you did, as long as you got good grades, so I think you know what to do.[/quote]
Would your son be at home if he had a 3.3 HS average GPA, and eagle scout, a job, and treated you with respect. (^^^ That would be me incase you were wondering)[/quote]

It would depend. A person who averages a 3.3 should not be getting two D's. There's something wrong there. Either on the student's part or some extraneous circumstance. Assuming the latter, I, as the student, would ask the teacher how or what I could work on because I am giving my best and it's just not working. And relay all this to parents.

But, if I were the parent, and I knew the student was not giving their best... oooo... their ass would be grass..... seabass....[/quote]
yea i know i was really not happy about the grades, and APUS is an AP class there for weighted with 2 extra points, therefore it works with my gpa like a B. And about english well my teacher sucks. Like I do good on papers and stuff but we have only had 1 paper this year and it barely counted worth anything and I got a 25/25 on it
[quote name='Mind_n_Soul']wow your situation is really similar to mine

i have a c in ap european history and a c in english honors (btw i am a sophomore) in my other classes i have basically all 90% (my parents also push me)

i never really felt good or really enjoyed reading, and my SAT scores showed that, but it was always easy enough for me to get a B. but after freshman year, school started getting hard

i am thinking about going to regular world history and regular english at the end of the semester[/quote]

From King of the Hill:

"Failing English? Bobby, you speak english!" =D
[quote name='JimmieMac']I'm calling Bullshit on the "My brother is 20 and makes $100,000."[/quote]
I swear, no bs. He owns his own car parts import buisness. Had over 500,000 of sales last year. He just bought a $200,000 and has 2 remates (who he charges rent). I understand he is lucky and everything though and I don't want 2 be like him
[quote name='chunk'][quote name='Tennisjon2002']
Yea us isn't but I have AP history and btw I go to like one of the toughest most advanced public high school and best school district in the nation.[/quote]

Sounds like bull. High school is very easy compared to college, even "the toughest most advanced public high school".

I wish I took more AP classes in high school in topics that I didn't like because that means that you can skip those classes in college.

Those D's are going to earn you a retake for college when you could be studying something that you enjoy.[/quote]

Something I'm running into now that I'm applying to pharmacy school. There are graduate schools out there which will not honor the AP credit for retard math calculus 101. Which means you may have to take it again after graduating. ARGH. Freaking..... USC........
This is all I'm hearing:
My parents won't let me goof off because I'm screwing up in school. Waaah!

When I was in HS, I was able to sleepwalk my way through AP US History and still get an A-. I am the worst writer in the world and still managed to get B+s in my honors and AP english classes. You're just being lazy. As for you being an eagle scout and holding a job, I'd make you quit at least your job.
[quote name='Tennisjon2002'][quote name='JimmieMac']I'm calling Bullshit on the "My brother is 20 and makes $100,000."[/quote]
I swear, no bs. He owns his own car parts import buisness. Had over 500,000 of sales last year. He just bought a $200,000 and has 2 remates (who he charges rent). I understand he is lucky and everything though and I don't want 2 be like him[/quote]

I believe you, but you believe me, if you want to be a successful engineer then be prepared to work your ass off.

Business is easy, engineering is hard.
bread's done