Funny ass Zelda screenshot


CAG Veteran
So as we were playing Zelda, we set it up with a name other than Link... Little did we know that there would be some odd dialogue later on:

[quote name='SaMiDaDrAgOn']I don't get it and what is that lady holdin in her arms?[/QUOTE]
"Robbing the cradle" is a slang expression for a person who is sexually involved in a person much younger then themselves.
Hahaha. That's like what I do with Animal Crossing all the time. :p I set inappropriate nicknames and then change characters phrases to other inappropriate sayings. :D
[quote name='banpeikun']I don't think it has a sexual connotation. Just any sort of romantic relationship with someone much younger.[/quote]

[quote name='f4t4lfury']Hahaha. That's like what I do with Animal Crossing all the time. :p I set inappropriate nicknames and then change characters phrases to other inappropriate sayings. :D[/quote]

You're the funniest! :roll:
I can't do that with LOZ since I'm female. Tried it with Wind Waker and couldn't get rid of the image of Link in drag so I switched it back.

man zelda is a really sucky game.... i give it a big sucky 0. why? thier isent enuff charicters to name your horse shadowfax.... ok... maybe a 9 insted of a 0 but common.... shadowfax!!!!!
[quote name='White-Wolf']man zelda is a really sucky game.... i give it a big sucky 0. why? thier isent enuff charicters to name your horse shadowfax.... ok... maybe a 9 insted of a 0 but common.... shadowfax!!!!![/QUOTE]

And I give your post a 0 for spelling and proper use of the english language!
[quote name='Rihan']And I give your post a 0 for spelling and proper use of the english language![/quote]A nine for your critique!
bread's done