Futurama fans rejoice! 26 new episodes for 2010


30 (100%)

EDIT: http://tv.ign.com/articles/993/993144p1.html

It's official, 26 episodes to be shown in 2010


Whether the series would continue at all after that has been murky - until now that is, as we're hearing more episodes are indeed in the pipeline.

Collider.com reports that an inside source tells them that Comedy Central has ordered 13 new episodes of the series, comprising another season. Collider notes that this is still technically a rumor, but that they have been given word that the Futurama production offices have been opened and casting has begun for upcoming episodes - Don't worry, we assume that's guest actors, not any move to replace the main cast.

Collider guesses an official announcement might be coming around Comic-Con – something I think could very well be the case too.

I really enjoyed the movies so I'm excited for this.
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The movies were nowhere near as good as the original few seasons but I would still love to see some more new Futurama content.
Yeah, the movies were mediocre, but I still have faith in Futurama.

Futurama was/is 1000x better than Family Guy. It deserves a longer life.

Oh, and someone make new Stroker & Hoop episodes, too.
I thought the movies were decent. I didn't think they were any sort of abomination. But the series was better, I'll give you that.

But I'm extremely happy the series is still continuing.
I really hope this rumor is true, I need more Futurama.

If it does get picked up I wonder if they'll do a Star Trek Voyager like thing for awhile or if they'll go straight back to Earth.

[quote name='62t']Am I the only one that like the movies?[/QUOTE]
I thought the movies were decent. The biggest problem they had was that they originally planned to cut the movies into 4 episodes each for Comedy Central (which AFAIK never happened, Comedy Central just aired them as movies) so the movies were written as 4 episodes and a movie. They should of just written 4 episodes or one 90 minute movie, not both.
Could this day get better or what? First I come home to find a pot hole that about 8-10 inchs deep and I can fit both my feet end to end in it and I ware a size 12 shoe gets filled in and the dip or large bump gets fixed half assed. For my city for them to half ass somthing is great because they atleast did do somthing. Even though all this will cost me almost 400 bucks unless the city fixes my car. Then I get a check from a class action lawsuit against Olin credit union for over 400 bucks. So if the city does not fix my car this will. Now I find out this. All I have is one question and that is are they new episodes or just the newest movie cut into 13 episodes. When the first movie came out I was reading how the show was coming back only to find out it was the movie.
the time movie was really good.. i think it was the first one? the one with lars

the others weren't really up to futurama par and seemed to get worse and worse.. hopefully this 'season 7' doesn't continue that trend
I so hoooope this is true.

But, I thought I read that the only chance Futurama had of coming back was if Fox picvked it up because Comedy Central didn't have pockets deep enough to pay for the episodes if they weren't done like the past four movies?

But damn...I'm hoping this rumor is true.
[quote name='PlumeNoir']I so hoooope this is true.

But, I thought I read that the only chance Futurama had of coming back was if Fox picvked it up because Comedy Central didn't have pockets deep enough to pay for the episodes if they weren't done like the past four movies?

But damn...I'm hoping this rumor is true.[/QUOTE]

Apparently the DVD movies have been sell well, maybe Fox was willing to lower the price per episode Comedy Central had to pay so they had more DVDs they could sell?
[quote name='Kaijufan']Apparently the DVD movies have been sell well, maybe Fox was willing to lower the price per episode Comedy Central had to pay so they had more DVDs they could sell?[/QUOTE]

I don't think it's the licensing cost, but the actual production cost. I was just watching one of the commentaries (I think it was Into Wild Geen Yonder) that mentioned this.

EDIT - I think I misread what you said.

Regardless, I thought that Futurama cost around $1 million an episode (again, I'm not citing that as fact). Look at CC's other animated offerings; South Park is, well, what it is - and I think that is done "in house." Even "traditional" animated shows they have aired (Like Drawn Together) are nowhere near as well-animated (use of CGI, for example).

That is the only thing that concerns me, without up-front DVD sales to help deflect costs, I don't know if CC can simply afford the episodes.

Since it moved from Adult Swim, how well have the movies and re-runs done, ratings-wise, on CC? (I don't watch CC, but the few times I tuned in, I hated the announcer in the bumps and just put my DVDs in instead.)
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[quote name='PlumeNoir']I don't think it's the licensing cost, but the actual production cost. I was just watching one of the commentaries (I think it was Into Wild Geen Yonder) that mentioned this.[/QUOTE]
If I remember correctly, each episode of Futurama cost a ton to produce. I forgot the number I read, but I think it was pretty high.
I always failed to see the hate for the movies. They seemed to be roughly the same caliber as the show, and I maintain that everyone instead saw the show (after it had been dead for a few years and before the movies) through thick rose-colored glasses, tempered by their hatred for Fox with their ridiculous mangling of its air times and then blatant WE CANCELED CUZZA BAD RATINGS schmuck. Which is a nice way of saying new material wasn't going to satisfy anyone no matter how good or bad it was - the conclusion was foregone long ago.

Meanwhile I has enjoying the movies on roughly the same level I'd had with the show (save for the really fantastic episodes), only to watch every one of these supposed-more-hardcore-fans-than-I whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine about how these new ventures were terrible.

So when this new proper season comes out and I see the same thing happening (with the added hilarity of "these aren't even as good as the movies"), it'll be nice to see the fanbase cry some more because one tiny insignificant details and jokes they claim are so bayud now.
[quote name='Strell']I always failed to see the hate for the movies. They seemed to be roughly the same caliber as the show, and I maintain that everyone instead saw the show (after it had been dead for a few years and before the movies) through thick rose-colored glasses, tempered by their hatred for Fox with their ridiculous mangling of its air times and then blatant WE CANCELED CUZZA BAD RATINGS schmuck. Which is a nice way of saying new material wasn't going to satisfy anyone no matter how good or bad it was - the conclusion was foregone long ago.

Meanwhile I has enjoying the movies on roughly the same level I'd had with the show (save for the really fantastic episodes), only to watch every one of these supposed-more-hardcore-fans-than-I whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine about how these new ventures were terrible.

So when this new proper season comes out and I see the same thing happening (with the added hilarity of "these aren't even as good as the movies"), it'll be nice to see the fanbase cry some more because one tiny insignificant details and jokes they claim are so bayud now.[/QUOTE]

Strell, Strell, Strell...I will agree with you on the "hardcore" fans whining, but I have a question for you: did you watch the movies on DVD or broken up into episodes?

I really enjoyed the movies, but the last one, I will say, was the weakest of the four, and I say that stand up to the same quality of the episodes. Mind you, I watched them all on DVD - not as episodes. That being said, I will say I felt the pacing felt really bad on the last one; you could really see where the next act was the start of the next episode. Maybe it was just me, but the first 3 felt more seamless.
[quote name='Strell']Bla bla bla[/QUOTE]

Sorry, it's pretty much fact that the movies weren't anywhere near as good as the preceding series (save the really, really mediocre episodes). However, the movies were still better than most "comedies" on television, so I'm glad to see more coming down the pipe. More Futurama is never a bad thing.
I didn't even know they'd been broken up into episodes in a piecemeal fashion. Where did that happen? Did Comedy Central start airing them as such? I know that was the plan, and yes - as they stand now, that would be a bad thing. But I'd always heard they wanted to take them apart, lengthen them into more individual episodes, but tied together with a larger arc.

I watched 'em on DVD. And while I agree to some of the criticisms - lots of inside jokes, lots of referential material, lots of annoying new characters - it fell more on the fan service side of the fence than the THAT WAS SO TERRIBLE IT GAVE ME CANCER one. I don't think I've ever seen "fans" of something so furious about the material being continued, and my hunch is that it was due to this "fuck yea we proved Fox wrong!" mentality that was RAMPANT for years. People called the first one "the worst thing I've ever seen." And that's just stupid. Opinions on the remainder hardly changed - just another entitlement system bag of fuckall fuck.

So the whole thing strikes me as disingenuous, and I've yet to run into someone who can truthfully spell out their criticisms in such a way that makes me think they were disappointed sincerely versus acting like their balls had been kicked. Instead it's a bunch of posturing - there's no substance to the argument.

Just look at NeoFrank's comment and attitude. Bingo.
[quote name='Strell']I always failed to see the hate for the movies. They seemed to be roughly the same caliber as the show, and I maintain that everyone instead saw the show (after it had been dead for a few years and before the movies) through thick rose-colored glasses, tempered by their hatred for Fox with their ridiculous mangling of its air times and then blatant WE CANCELED CUZZA BAD RATINGS schmuck. Which is a nice way of saying new material wasn't going to satisfy anyone no matter how good or bad it was - the conclusion was foregone long ago.

Meanwhile I has enjoying the movies on roughly the same level I'd had with the show (save for the really fantastic episodes), only to watch every one of these supposed-more-hardcore-fans-than-I whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine about how these new ventures were terrible.

So when this new proper season comes out and I see the same thing happening (with the added hilarity of "these aren't even as good as the movies"), it'll be nice to see the fanbase cry some more because one tiny insignificant details and jokes they claim are so bayud now.[/QUOTE]
Newest rumor: Episode one will be entitled: "Zoidbergs.....In My Pants!"

You hoid it here foist!
Yeah, each movie was broken into four episodes to make a 16 episode season 5 for Comedy Central.

It's funny, though. The premise of Bender's Game could have been done as a Second Life, virtual reality thing instead of...whatever happened. (Parallel Universe? Time Change? Whatever you want to call it.) But, they even made fun of the goofiness by having Mom child them for explaining what happened. I felt it worked; too many have forgotten the MST3K creed: "it's just a TV show, I should really just relax." Relax and enjoy the ride.

I hadn't considered that point: Fans being disappointed that a series came back.
I haven't caught it on CC then for those eps - seems like whenever it's on, it's a rerun. But I haven't been keeping up.

Thanks for the discussion. Good to know there's at least one person capable of it around here versus the usual floundering.

[quote name='Stoneage']Newest rumor: Episode one will be entitled: "Zoidbergs.....In My Pants!"

You hoid it here foist![/QUOTE]

You leave my wet dreams out of this.
[quote name='Strell']Just look at NeoFrank's comment and attitude. Bingo.[/QUOTE]

I guess I never really sat down and tried to write a thesis as to why the movies weren't as good as the series. It seems trivial to me to bother considering I don't assign that much meaning to it. It is, after all, a comedy show meant to make you laugh. But that's just the point: the movies didn't make me laugh very much. I think I only laughed a few times at the last movie. I mean, it was humorous, but it just wasn't that funny. I can watch any single episode of the series and laugh a lot more than I did during the whole movie. The originality, the cleverness, the biting satire just doesn't seem to be there anymore. The characters seem to be becoming more and more just caricatures.
[quote name='NeoFrank1']I guess I never really sat down and tried to write a thesis as to why the movies weren't as good as the series. It seems trivial to me to bother considering I don't assign that much meaning to it. It is, after all, a comedy show meant to make you laugh. But that's just the point: the movies didn't make me laugh very much. I think I only laughed a few times at the last movie. I mean, it was humorous, but it just wasn't that funny. I can watch any single episode of the series and laugh a lot more than I did during the whole movie. The originality, the cleverness, the biting satire just doesn't seem to be there anymore. The characters seem to be becoming more and more just caricatures.[/QUOTE]

Alright. This is exactly the sort of thing I've tried to find on this subject - reasons, instead of just saying "it fuckin' sucked" and pretending that was all that needed to be said. I don't need a thesis - just tell me why, you did, and I appreciate that. I think the caricatures thing is dead on, by the way.
[quote name='Strell']I am programmed with a large number of powerful emotions.[/QUOTE]

lol I didnt realize the reference and it just so happens Calculon used the phrase in an episode i watched right after seeing this thread.
[quote name='NeoFrank1']I guess I never really sat down and tried to write a thesis as to why the movies weren't as good as the series. It seems trivial to me to bother considering I don't assign that much meaning to it. It is, after all, a comedy show meant to make you laugh. But that's just the point: the movies didn't make me laugh very much. I think I only laughed a few times at the last movie. I mean, it was humorous, but it just wasn't that funny. I can watch any single episode of the series and laugh a lot more than I did during the whole movie. The originality, the cleverness, the biting satire just doesn't seem to be there anymore. The characters seem to be becoming more and more just caricatures.[/QUOTE]

This pretty much sums up my feelings on the movies as well. As sequels to a show that made me laugh quite regularly, the movies just... didn't. The clever dialogue, satire, and charming characters that I originally fell in love with were completely absent - instead, the movies felt like soulless cash-ins on what used to be a labor of love.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']This pretty much sums up my feelings on the movies as well. As sequels to a show that made me laugh quite regularly, the movies just... didn't. The clever dialogue, satire, and charming characters that I originally fell in love with were completely absent - instead, the movies felt like soulless cash-ins on what used to be a labor of love.[/QUOTE]

I didn't see it that much, except for Leela. She seemed more of a parody of herself in the movies. Like they amped up her violent tendancies and focused on that. Or, the animal lover -> feminazi in the last one seemed really forced to me. She seemed far less the meddling voice of reason than she was on the show.
Now let's hope they don't suck like new Family Guy and the Futurama movies did.

And 26 episodes is great, it takes a long time for them to be made, so that gives them 2010 and 2011 to see if they want even more episodes.
bread's done