Future of the Nintendo 3DS now up in the air


8 (100%)
Article posted today on CNN:

Today's rumors of Nintendo entertaining the idea of adding a right thumbstick accessory to the 3DS are troubling at the very least. First, let me definitively say this: a right thumbstick attachment will not save the 3DS.

Unfortunately this bit of news sounds to me like an unwise gut reaction of a company very desperate to right the 3DS ship. But the thumbstick chatter isn't all that the latest rumors have suggested. Further rumblings seem to indicate that Nintendo is working on a completely redesigned unit that will stray away from what's now widely regarded as a 3D gimmick.

Let's also not ignore the other ramifications should Nintendo actually go through with this. By completely redesigning the system, Nintendo would be turning its back on the loyal early adopters who have already purchased the system (pre and post price drop), not to mention the developers who pledged their support from the start as well. In the short term it will almost certainly have an immediate impact on current sales; who would want to buy a 3DS after reading today's rumors?

But perhaps the 3DS was doomed from the start. A high price point, a serious lack of triple-A titles at launch, and a major focus on 3D, which not only raised health concerns, but also rendered mixed results in practice. This was especially evident in games that required movement of the system itself, which almost always caused the 3D effect to come undone.

GameSpot UK suggests that adding a right analog stick would increase the ease of porting portable games over from a platform like PS Vita. But if current console porting is any indication of how seamless such a process is, we won't see too many titles make their way from such a technically powerful platform down to a lesser system without some serious performance and graphical sacrifices.

Whatever Nintendo is planning, it seems the 3DS may become this generation's Virtual Boy should a completely redesigned device (that will most likely lose the 3DS name) hit the market in 2012. While I don't think a right thumbstick can save the 3DS, a completely rebranded and refocused effort may allow Nintendo to stop the bleeding. This means a bigger commitment to quality first- and third-party titles, reasonable and thorough access to the company's back catalog of games, a more robust online experience, and hardware improvements that are on par with other current-generation gadgets (we're looking at you, 0.3-megapixel cameras).

It's also worth considering that an extra thumbstick will almost eliminate stylus-based touch-screen functionality, so maybe the new 3DS will get rid of that lower screen altogether?

At any rate, the 3DS' future is now up in the air. Will a redesign afford the company a second chance at a portable gaming market it used to dominate, or has too deep a hole already been dug? What should Nintendo's next move be?

(Sources: Geek.com, GameSpot UK, via 01net)

Link: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105...o-3ds-now-up-in-the-air/?tag=TOCmoreStories.0
its the virtual boy all over again... or is it ?

nintendo will be sure to loose anyone that hasnt bought one yet, And have read this.
[quote name='shinn']nintendo will be sure to loose anyone that hasnt bought one yet, And have read this.[/QUOTE]

loose can fit two o's because it's so loose. there. now you'll never confuse lose and loose again.

I think Nintendo's panicking because it didn't take off at the start. You have to give it time. Dropping the price this soon was a bold move and the act of a desperate company. If they redesign it so soon, they're going to piss off a lot of people. What's worse is that it's not just a cosmetic design, it's a hardware change, and new games will likely take advantage of that right thumbstick, screwing those of us that have only one thumbstick. It'd render our DS's ineligible, unless they map the right thumbstick to the touchscreen on older systems, similar to the aiming in Metroid.

They need to calm down. Once the holiday season rolls around, things will be fine.
They didn't have much choice in dropping the price. After Sony's aggressive pricing of the Vita, they knew a lot of buyers were going to sit on the fence and wait.

What is disappointing is that Nintendo gave 3rd parties a chance to shine on the 3DS, and they dropped the ball. In the end Nintendo delaying their A titles ended up being a bad strategy.
This news or rumor or whatever has had some serious ramifications ~ I've noticed lots of other sites now posting articles about their reactions, not even gamer sites!

Personally I think whoever leaked this was a dumbass and adding a second analog nub won't fix or change much. Plus the idea of an add on is absurd, how in the hell is it going to plug in and work with the system? Is it going to cover the face buttons?

Kind of frustrating because the price drop was making everything seem rosier with the 3ds. I really hope this is just a bad rumor.
I guess we'll find out after Nintendo's conference if it's true or not, but this holiday season will probably determines what happens to the 3DS nonetheless.

I actually don't understand how the second analog nub would work anyway, it's really goofy and games would have to be reprogrammed just to take it into account. If Nintendo is really going to do that, I wish them good luck figuring it out...
[quote name='Scorch']I think Nintendo's panicking because it didn't take off at the start. You have to give it time. Dropping the price this soon was a bold move and the act of a desperate company. If they redesign it so soon, they're going to piss off a lot of people. What's worse is that it's not just a cosmetic design, it's a hardware change, and new games will likely take advantage of that right thumbstick, screwing those of us that have only one thumbstick. It'd render our DS's ineligible, unless they map the right thumbstick to the touchscreen on older systems, similar to the aiming in Metroid.[/QUOTE]

I don't see the price drop as a panic move, but a serious step to dig Vita's grave prior to its birth. Initial projections were certainly overambitious, but sales-wise it seemed to be doing alright for a new console, released on the off-season, with a national disaster that helped to kill momentum considerably. Japanese 360 sales levels I'd call a flop, though MS seems to be happy there as the zombie console of this generation. At the level of sales pre-price drop it would have done just fine in the holidays, and with the price the way it is now Ninty'll probably be able to get their sights on the real opponent of this generation, smartphones, a little quicker.

This whole rumorang about the HW redesign seems ridiculous at best, though. I mean, think about it. How's an extra joystick going to attach? I thought the USB connector was nothing more than a power port. W/o a wiimoteplus-esque solution at hand they'd be forced to take in every 3DS for repair/upgrades... which I don't see happening. Esp. not timed with a discount like this.

I could be maybe 1/8 convinced if this came about as an agreement w/ Capcom to bring Monster Hunter to the 3DS, but even there it'd make more sense if hardware controls were discussed pre-launch for what's become one of the critical portable games in Japan several years ago. That, and the PSP version's done fine w/ 1 analog stick Monster Hunter for years -- with a responsive touch screen you could definitely make the game work, sans 2nd stick, while keeping the game much more maneuverable than the previous MHP titles.
I don't think anyone should be worried until the end of the year. If it somehow fails with 2 new Mario games and Christmas sales then Nintendo might have to think of something else.

It's barely tracking behind the DS during the same period when it came out.

The Virtual Boy didn't have Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, etc franchises.

After Game Boy, GBA was my favorite, I did not like the DSx, but I love the 3DS.
I don't like how that article was written, first of all it's using multiple rumors which yes, may be true, are something that should be said more for when it does actually happen, they also make the usual virtual boy comparison which is a terrible comparison to start with due to the sales differences and how many games are already out for the 3DS.

And lastly, they throw in something saying that a second analog would kill off the touchscreen and that they have no use for the bottom screen then, which is ridiculous because the touchscreen and the fact that there are two screens add uniqueness to the games and allows more creative games to come out on the system (The same can be said for the DS)

Overall I'm still happy with my 3DS and I'll just wait to see how it all plays out, I wouldn't be surprised either way about a redesign so there's not much we can do about it now anyway.
This was a purely speculative article that was written to get people to click on it.

Given the success of the Nintendo DS, of course the follow up is going to sell slowly. There are millions of people still playing their DS, DS lite, DSi and DSi XL's. Until the 3DS can accumulate enough games in it's library that are not compatible with previous generation DS' most people will continue to play what they already have.

This Fall/Holiday season should give a much needed boost to 3DS sales. The price cut coupled with a slew of games is going to be a winning combination.

Most parents are going to walk into the store and see the 3DS on shelves priced $20 above a DSi and think "WOW, I can be the hero and buy little Jimmy/Suzie the hot new Nintendo for only $20 more than the one they wanted!" Done Deal.
It's also worth considering that an extra thumbstick will almost eliminate stylus-based touch-screen functionality, so maybe the new 3DS will get rid of that lower screen altogether?

Really? REALLY? Who wrote this garbage? Unbelievable. Nintendo is not going to give up on the 3DS. They might release a "Lite" version and maybe they will try a little rebranding to move away from the 3DS name (I actually think they should have called it the DS3 from the start since it is the third hardware/specs iteration of the system and it would be a subtle nod to the 3D features) but they aren't going to just give up completely this early in the game. Internet rumors suck sometimes.
I genuinely cannot believe how many people (not just here) are accepting this dual thumbstick rumour as fact without a single shred of substantial evidence backing the claim.
How many times did the dual analog rumors come up for the PSP?

And how many of those turned out to be true?
I think they need to wait until the holiday season to rule this thing out, the economy isn't very good right now, its back to school shopping season and people aren't exactly thinking about buying a new console for their kids or for themselves right before back to school. The real shopping starts when the holiday season begins. You can't expect any system that is released in march to be selling in huge numbers in just a couple months during the slow season.

With the release of the Vita pushed back I think Nintendo could do very well this holiday season, they will have the only new handheld on the market and it will definitely sell.

If something happens and it doesn't sell during this holiday season, then they should be re-evaluating the system and trying to think of something new.

If Nintendo wanted to see huge sales numbers right out of the gate they should have just waited until October to release this thing. It was released prematurely, before it even had any online functionality at all.
[quote name='SaraAB']I think they need to wait until the holiday season to rule this thing out, the economy isn't very good right now, its back to school shopping season and people aren't exactly thinking about buying a new console for their kids or for themselves right before back to school. The real shopping starts when the holiday season begins. You can't expect any system that is released in march to be selling in huge numbers in just a couple months during the slow season.

With the release of the Vita pushed back I think Nintendo could do very well this holiday season, they will have the only new handheld on the market and it will definitely sell.

If something happens and it doesn't sell during this holiday season, then they should be re-evaluating the system and trying to think of something new.

If Nintendo wanted to see huge sales numbers right out of the gate they should have just waited until October to release this thing. It was released prematurely, before it even had any online functionality at all.[/QUOTE]

well done Sara.

Hope they improve the 3ds and not dump it off like they did with micro
Who the heck wrote this article? Almost every point can be easily argued and even proven wrong. Mainstream media can be so misinformed... Ugh.

Also, I don't think Nintendo is in panic mode and I don't think they're giving up on it any time soon. They've still sold millions of these things worldwide in less than half a year. It may not have been a runaway success, but it's certainly far from a failure. They're just trying to push the hardware as hard as they can to improve sales and continue their dominance in the handheld market. Also, the 3DS is actually a pretty good console. That helps.
to make it less gimmick'y just call it pokemon 8 or 9 or whatever numerical edition is next. 3D pokemon, make it deeper, longer, more customizable, better graphics. You'll have grown men and prepubescent twinks alike flocking to pre-order it.

Get'r done nintendo
[quote name='The Punisher']well done Sara.

Hope they improve the 3ds and not dump it off like they did with micro[/QUOTE]

You do realize the micro was a re-iteration of an existing platform, whereas the 3ds is a completely new platform, right? Apples to oranges, bro.
The Micro was just an option to cater to a specific audience, much like the DSi XL is

I don't own the system and I really don't want to buy it anytime soon but I also don't think its been given a fair shot on the market yet. Nintendo has to understand that in the USA video game buying and system buying is almost strictly a holiday season thing. The only people who buy systems during non-holiday seasons are the tech fanatics who have to have everything when it first comes out or adults with lots of disposable income who want to buy it for themselves. Sure there are a few parents who buy game systems for their kids birthdays which vary throughout the year but the spending is not like it is at Xmas time. I don't really know any parents here who will buy a system for their kids just because it came out that day and I know a lot of parents who love to spoil their kids. Most kids don't have $170 or $250 to buy the system themselves.

I would have been curious as to how this would have done on the market had it been released in october with a $250 price tag that was kept throughout the holiday season.
Ill be buying my 3DS tonight, the handheld will be fine imho. I remember postings when the 360 was supposed to be a flop, the ps3 was a flop, the psp even was a flop according to the interwebz....its all simply internet drama the way i see it, the 3DS will be fine. All it takes is a couple games for it to take off.
psp2 will never take off like the ds or cell phone apps. the article was just based on some rumors so who knows.

once the 3ds gets some good games this winter it'll be the hot thing to get for your kid this winter. :)
Also, Nintendo seemed to of taken care of those early adopters with 20 free games and all that stuff...if Nintendo makes an announcment and a new 3DS hits the shelves im sure they will have some program that will do something in getting the new system perhaps, i think Nintendo makes pretty fair decisions.
[quote name='SteveGo']You do realize the micro was a re-iteration of an existing platform, whereas the 3ds is a completely new platform, right? Apples to oranges, bro.[/QUOTE]

No, i was saying i hope they dont abandon the 3ds like they did with micro. (like change the hardware)

the micro was good, but they released it too late and the nintendo ds took over.

Yes, i know the 3ds is a new platform.
The only real problem with the 3ds is the lack of games. I mean my wife wanted the system and we got it at launch but there's been only one game I had any interest in and played on it Ocarina of time that I had to wait months for. Even with that game and my enjoyment of it; it seems shameful it was just a rehash of an existing title but then again this is Nintendo.
[quote name='blissskr']The only real problem with the 3ds is the lack of games. I mean my wife wanted the system and we got it at launch but there's been only one game I had any interest in and played on it Ocarina of time that I had to wait months for. Even with that game and my enjoyment of it; it seems shameful it was just a rehash of an existing title but then again this is Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

Not sure if youre a fan of Fire Emblem but dude, i just bought my 3DS tonight and im with you i wish i had a little more to choose from but its ok, i have so many games right now to still play im already swamped but let me tickle your ear with Ghost Recon.

That is one awesome and solid 3DS game, again not sure if youre into srpgs or Fire Emblem, but its basically fire emblem with guns and man im loving the crap out of it. Check it out if thats your bag any, but i agree the selection right now is slim pickins.
"It's also worth considering that an extra thumbstick will almost eliminate stylus-based touch-screen functionality,"

What kind of fabiricated bullshit is this? This is by far the stupidest statement I've read ALL YEAR.

This article is complete fake garbage.

And I don't even own a 3DS.
[quote name='EdgeOfThorns']Not sure if youre a fan of Fire Emblem but dude, i just bought my 3DS tonight and im with you i wish i had a little more to choose from but its ok, i have so many games right now to still play im already swamped but let me tickle your ear with Ghost Recon.

That is one awesome and solid 3DS game, again not sure if youre into srpgs or Fire Emblem, but its basically fire emblem with guns and man im loving the crap out of it. Check it out if thats your bag any, but i agree the selection right now is slim pickins.[/QUOTE]

Fire Emblem is great and was my first game when i got the SP.

May have to check out Ghost Recon. Thanks.
[quote name='ElektroDragon']"It's also worth considering that an extra thumbstick will almost eliminate stylus-based touch-screen functionality,"

What kind of fabiricated bullshit is this? This is by far the stupidest statement I've read ALL YEAR.

This article is complete fake garbage.

And I don't even own a 3DS.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='cochesecochese']I genuinely cannot believe how many people (not just here) are accepting this dual thumbstick rumour as fact without a single shred of substantial evidence backing the claim.[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly. Nintendo's price drop was the result of launching the handheld at a high price while so many cheaper versions of the DS, the best selling handheld of all time, are still on the market. This article is nothing more than yellow journalism to get your clicks and commentary.

Here's another rumor for you, if you want to sell it to CNN: You know, a buddy of mine works at Sony, and he told me that the four PSP versions did so poorly that Sony is all afraid of releasing this Vita and losing more money, so they're already talking about a redesign with an active TFT LCD matrix screen that you can extend to any surface, and it's scheduled for six months after the Vita is released. You know, I really pity those early adopters.
only good thing i heard about the vita is an hdmi out and that sort of reminds me of the flaws with psp and ps3, they focused way to much on non gaming stuff like a grill and mp3 player that they had just as bad of a launch selection as nintendo :)
[quote name='Kevfactor']only good thing i heard about the vita is an hdmi out and that sort of reminds me of the flaws with psp and ps3, they focused way to much on non gaming stuff like a grill and mp3 player that they had just as bad of a launch selection as nintendo :)[/QUOTE]

Vita is just a beef up psp 3000 with a extra stick. Wish they didnt abandon the umd disc format. Now what is everyone going to do with those?
[quote name='The Punisher']Vita is just a beef up psp 3000 with a extra stick. Wish they didnt abandon the umd disc format. Now what is everyone going to do with those?[/QUOTE]

Um, play them on their PSPs? The core PSP is only $130 now, no reason not to have a few PSP systems around for all the older UMD games. I have no problem with the change to a memory card retail format for the Vita, since you still will be able to buy the physical games; I don't like download only games (like they tried on the PSP Go), though I do like Steam and own plenty of games on it.
That alleged article is just about one of the most ridiculously dopey things I've ever read. I can't believe you folks are taking it seriously.

Besides that, the Vita is in for the same treatment. It will get an initial flurry of sales to the dedicated, and then sales will tank at least as fast as they did for the 3DS once the dedicated are done buying and the masses are left, masses who think $250 is too much for a dedicated gaming handheld. Not to mention the price of the games - do we know what they are going to cost yet?
[quote name='The Punisher']Vita is just a beef up psp 3000 with a extra stick. Wish they didnt abandon the umd disc format. Now what is everyone going to do with those?[/QUOTE]

I'm really sorry, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Yes, the touchscreen and trackpad are gimmicks and I could certainly do without them, but even without them the Vita is much more than a beefed up graphical upgrade(and it's not a slight upgrade either, the things puts out incredible visuals. Especially for a portable) of the psp. Even the actual networking features seem to be lightyears ahead of what they've got on the PS3! Throw in the aforementioned stick, a couple cameras, the functionality with the PS3, and the psp is barely even a fraction of what this thing is capable of.
[quote name='crunchewy']That alleged article is just about one of the most ridiculously dopey things I've ever read. I can't believe you folks are taking it seriously.

Besides that, the Vita is in for the same treatment. It will get an initial flurry of sales to the dedicated, and then sales will tank at least as fast as they did for the 3DS once the dedicated are done buying and the masses are left, masses who think $250 is too much for a dedicated gaming handheld. Not to mention the price of the games - do we know what they are going to cost yet?[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure if there's been any official word but some of the games are up for pre-order on Amazon for $39.99.
[quote name='Kevfactor']only good thing i heard about the vita is an hdmi out and that sort of reminds me of the flaws with psp and ps3, they focused way to much on non gaming stuff like a grill and mp3 player that they had just as bad of a launch selection as nintendo :)[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, but I can barely understand this post or why it's even here? Although, I am up for a good debate defending why the Vita will have more success than the PSP, no idea why you decided to bash the Vita and not post anything about the 3DS?

[quote name='The Punisher']Vita is just a beef up psp 3000 with a extra stick. Wish they didnt abandon the umd disc format. Now what is everyone going to do with those?[/QUOTE]

Yes, consoles usually do get better with every new generation. However, you forgot about the touchscreen on the front and the touchpad on the back, plus the cameras which can do Augemented Reality as well. Also, those dual analog sticks really do help game developers and gamers to achieve better accuracy in First Person shooters among other ideas. Not that that is really revolutionary or anything for gaming, it's a first for handhelds (unless someone did it in the past?).

Anywho, carry on.

I TOLD YOU SO ... I said this day one that the nintendo 3ds will fail and i was flamed all to hell....

Lack of games kills the system...
number of games out now i would buy the system for 0
number of games that are told of that i would buy the system for 0 (since paper mario if it ever comes out your looking mid to late 2012)

I told you Nintendo would give up on the system and we will See a new handheld system (video footage not really hardwere)

AT E3 2012 .....

major side effects with people getting tired eyes. blured vison ect ect ect..... What company is going to take the risk and put out a Major title on this system and then BE SUED cause their game hurt someone Childs eyes

want to know why we are not seeing MAJOR AAA Titles for the system (even in the pre stages) cause they know This is not the system Nintendo will back.... A new system will be on the market by early to Mid 2013 IN japan and around xmas 2013 in the states with a major pokemon release ...............

I really dont care if you belive it or not... Just like noone belived me when i said the 3ds would fail day one... so BLAH

the 3ds will just be a little side system that very few will ever care about

Now for sony new System i say its got around a 50 to 70% chance to make it. but i can see this going belly up as well gaming wise within 2 years if they dont get major names out.. it will be more of a APP handheld system then a system to play Pure video games (psp like games ) on....
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[quote name='Droenixjpn']I'm sorry, but I can barely understand this post or why it's even here? Although, I am up for a good debate defending why the Vita will have more success than the PSP, no idea why you decided to bash the Vita and not post anything about the 3DS?

Yes, consoles usually do get better with every new generation. However, you forgot about the touchscreen on the front and the touchpad on the back, plus the cameras which can do Augemented Reality as well. Also, those dual analog sticks really do help game developers and gamers to achieve better accuracy in First Person shooters among other ideas. Not that that is really revolutionary or anything for gaming, it's a first for handhelds (unless someone did it in the past?).

Anywho, carry on.[/QUOTE]

Vita will be a success due because the touchscreen and the extra stick. I purchase psp the first it came out. Im not bashing it, but was disappointed about them focus more on ps3 and not the handheld. The 2nd stick is a huge plus this time round. Anyway, Both vita and 3ds will do well. It all depends on the games on those. (No more love for the umd format :( )

I agree that it was a bad move on nintendo part releasing this without clearing the other DS lineup. The only game that i would like was zelda. With mario land 3ds, mario kart, etc. i think nintendo will be fine. People just blowing this rumor up.

Again, didnt mean to bash the psp, just didnt seem like sony didnt give the support that was needed.
[quote name='slidecage']ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS

I TOLD YOU SO ... I said this day one that the nintendo 3ds will fail and i was flamed all to hell....

I told you Nintendo would give up on the system and we will See a new handheld system

AT E3 2012 .....

major side effects with people getting tired eyes. blured vison ect ect ect..... What company is going to take the risk and put out a Major title on this system and then BE SUED cause their game hurt someone Childs eyes

want to know why we are not seeing MAJOR AAA Titles for the system (even in the pre stages) cause they know This is not the system Nintendo will back.... A new system will be on the market by early to Mid 2013 IN japan and around xmas 2013 in the states with a major pokemon release ...............

I really dont care if you belive it or not... Just like noone belived me when i said the 3ds would fail day one... so BLAH


Now for sony new System i say its got around a 50 to 70% chance to make it. but i can see this going belly up as well gaming wise within 2 years if they dont get major names out.. it will be more of a APP handheld system then a system to play Pure video games (psp like games ) on....[/QUOTE]

I dont think they will give up on the system. The sales will pick up during the holiday.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']I'm sorry, but I can barely understand this post or why it's even here? Although, I am up for a good debate defending why the Vita will have more success than the PSP, no idea why you decided to bash the Vita and not post anything about the 3DS?


cuz im a Nintendo fanboy till the end and i like bashing sony for a lot of their business practices thats not really related to gaming and yet i own a ps3 and had a soe account for about 8 years hehe. i'll probably end up getting a psp hand held too if the games are good lol. :)
Thats what Nintendo gets for going high power. WiiU meets the same fate. HD has never been profitable yet and it is not about to start any time soon.
[quote name='The Punisher']I dont think they will give up on the system. The sales will pick up during the holiday.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't get through his post. It was that silly.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Thats what Nintendo gets for going high power. WiiU meets the same fate. HD has never been profitable yet and it is not about to start any time soon.[/QUOTE]

I know you've been stating this a lot, and no offense, but you are way out of touch with reality. HD TVs and consoles that display games in HD are here to stay; standard definition for gaming is dead. And I say this even though I own all the old SD type consoles still (NES, SNES, Saturn, Genesis, Neo Geo, etc.), plus many games for them. Time to move on dude.
Why all the Vita/3DS bashing? I'm excited to own a Vita next year. I'm a happy 3DS owner right now. I think some that bash the system have never even picked up and played one. As for 3DS having a dearth of games right now, that depends on who you talk to.

Dead or Alive, RE: Mercenaries (I didn't like it, but lots do), Ridge Racer, Zelda, SFIV, with Starfox, Mario Kart 7 and Mario Land on the way.

3DS Lite - Sure. I'm certain it's in development. Extra analog stick? Doubtful.
[quote name='sdragon']Why all the Vita/3DS bashing? I'm excited to own a Vita next year. I'm a happy 3DS owner right now. I think some that bash the system have never even picked up and played one. As for 3DS having a dearth of games right now, that depends on who you talk to.

Dead or Alive, RE: Mercenaries (I didn't like it, but lots do), Ridge Racer, Zelda, SFIV, with Starfox, Mario Kart 7 and Mario Land on the way.

3DS Lite - Sure. I'm certain it's in development. Extra analog stick? Doubtful.[/QUOTE]

Im lovin the 3DS lineup. Yay to Mario 3DS
What I find to be extremely silly is how review sites decide to post reviews of consoles a week or so after they are released. Could they have affected sales of the 3DS a bit? Of course that wouldn't affect everyone, but it might affect those people who only listen to reviews to determine what they believe a "good" game or "good" system is.

The 3DS still can have great success, just my confidence in the system is low right now. I do love Nintendo, but I don't think I will buy a 3DS until I buy a Vita.
bread's done