Gah, I don't know what to do with this system...


11 (100%)
I've owned a PSP for a long time, ever since a few months after it's official release.

Now, it's cool and all . . . but game-wise, for me, it's just been lacking. But I'm not here to rant on it or anything.

I'm comtemplating selling the system right now at Gamestop tomorrow. By trading in the four games I have for it as well, I get an extra percentage as well as extra money for the system.

Now, I know you all are gonna be like "NO! NO GAMESTOP! THEY RIP YOU OFF!", but I'd rather not take the Ebay path, and quite frankly I'm pretty lazy, so this would be best.

I just don't know if I wanna let it go. I paid the full price, but have barely ever picked it up. Most play time it got was Pursuit Force, otherwise... it remains untouched for months at a time.

Should I trade it or keep it?

Want opinions, since I'm kinda unsure.
Trade it in and get a DS. The longer you wait the less value you will get, and the DS's library is stellar.
I have a DS already.

Not fans of the two games you listed, really. MGS is good, but I'm not too into stealth games and I had enough after the first and second game.

Silent Hill, horror games aren't my thing either.

I am gonna try to get it off my hands in the trading forum today. If it takes too long, I'll head to Gamestop and do it.
I say keep it.

If those 4 games are all you got, that's probably the problem.
I strongly suggest getting into the homebrew scene provided you haven't upgraded your system recently. The system is great when you can put on your old nes/snes/genesis games emulated flawlessly. Even the GBA emulator is tight now and has given me reason to play through Metroid: Zero Mission and Aria of Sorrow again. The games were great on my SP, but it's awesome playing them on the psp's screen.

Definitely read up on the homebrew stuff developed for it on and you will not be getting rid of your psp anytime soon
If you have, or are planning on getting a PS3 eventually then keep it. I was thinking about selling my PSP for awhile but once I heard about all the stuff it can do with the PS3 I decided to keep it and get a PS3 later on.
I agree with the OP, my PSP just chills. Though I DO want EEE. I don't wanna do the homebrew only because my luck I'll do it and it'll wind up bricking. Plus I kept my PSP updated ;(

I'm def looking foward to the PSone emulation since I never had a PSone. I hope they don't make this a PS3->PSP only thing. REALLY hope you can just connect via Wi-Fi and access the store..
The biggest knock (here) on the PSP is that it just has ports. For me this is not a negative since I consider the PSP my PS2 replacement. I have a PSP INSTEAD of the PS2. I'm not looking a PS3 any time in the next couple of years since I have a Wii and a 360. The pricing for the PS3 is just plain offensive in my book. As an action/sports gamer, the DS doesn't cut it but the PSP thrives. I've had 2 DS' and liked it but I am firmly a PSP fanboy when it comes to portables. It comes down to the type of gamer you are and it you're willing to purchase these titles for the PSP instead of a PS2.

[quote name='telemundus']I strongly suggest getting into the homebrew scene provided you haven't upgraded your system recently. The system is great when you can put on your old nes/snes/genesis games emulated flawlessly. Even the GBA emulator is tight now and has given me reason to play through Metroid: Zero Mission and Aria of Sorrow again. The games were great on my SP, but it's awesome playing them on the psp's screen.

Definitely read up on the homebrew stuff developed for it on and you will not be getting rid of your psp anytime soon[/quote]

I agree. Also, if you load up devhook .46 (there might be a later version I don't know) you will be able to play almost every game released for the system off of the memory stick. Morals aside, it's great to try out games before you buy them or otherwise try games you wouldn't ever buy.
bread's done