Game Boy Micro for $25 @ WalMart (and as always, severe YMMV)


2 (100%)
I was just at a local Walmart here, and they had 5 Game Boy Micros for $25 each on clearance, I think it was the black and silver one.

I have a DS and an SP, is it even worth me picking one up? Like does it have any redeeming qualities or a decent resale value if I took them to a preplayed store????
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']**EDIT** - just saw Shrike's post....but why? What if someone other than the original OP gets the deal and can hook someone up?[/quote]

It's because when that sort of thing is allowed, deals forum threads quickly become clogged with trade/sale posts, and it gets annoying to have to sift through all of that to get to actual deal discussion. We have a trading/selling forum for requesting items.

Back on topic, I'm also a new convert to the Micro. The screen is very small, but it's still clear and readable for the games I've tried. I wouldn't bother making a special trip to Wal-Mart to look for one, though - they've been clearing them out since Black Friday, so most Wal-Marts sold out long ago. You'd probably have better luck at Sears for $35.
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']I posted that I would pay shipping if someone would grab me one at $25. I would prefer silver, but I'll take what I can get.

Not sure what happened to my original post...

**EDIT** - just saw Shrike's post....but why? What if someone other than the original OP gets the deal and can hook someone up?[/quote]Then go PM them, instead.

And as elmyra stated, threads like this can turn into nothing about the deal, and everything about "Can you get me one too?". Mess to sort through.
This is relatively old news, as this deal has popped up before. These are the leftovers from the Walmart Black Friday deal in which they previously tried to sell these special box GB Micros. The Frederick, MD Walmart was advertised here at CAG a few months back with running the same promo, so this is an extreme YMMV. It depends on whenever the electronics dept. wants to clear out these leftovers.
[quote name='Kuros']I like the micro, the size is great for RPGs on the go. The screen is ultra sharp, so it's easy on the eyes.[/quote] ...if your eyes are 6 inches from the screen. :)
One of my local Walmarts had a few left last time I checked... Does anybody know what the barcode #'s are? It'd help since I wouldn't need to bug the clerk to open the case every other week. :)
[quote name='shmurgle']...if your eyes are 6 inches from the screen. :)[/quote]

I've been playing Fire Emblem on it for the past few weeks, and this is after finishing both Zelda: Minish Cap and Final Fantasy I on the Micro. I don't hold it six inches from my face, I hold it roughly an arms' length away, and I think the text is crystal clear and easy to read.

I highly recommend buying a Micro for $25. I paid $35 for mine, and have gotten hundreds of dollars' worth of enjoyment out of it. Still glad I only paid $35 though, thanks CAG :cool:
I've been waiting to find a Micro at this price (I haven't yet). With the huge library of GBA games just having a extra device to play them on is a plus. Besides, my GBA SP is the older NES style one that doesn't have the brighter screen. I keep checking my local Wal-Mart because they still have a lot of these, no price drop yet...
[quote name='Kuros']You just need glasses.[/quote]

That went through my mind as well, you definitely don't need to hold the Micro that close to read text.


To be honest, I figured it would be a pain in the ass to read text on the Micro until I started playing Final Fantasy on it. The screen is amazing, trust me.
What is YMMV?
Wish I could have got that deal. I don't like bringing my DS to school to play games and have always wanted a Micro.
[quote name='nickm717']What is YMMV?
Wish I could have got that deal. I don't like bringing my DS to school to play games and have always wanted a Micro.

Your Mileage May Vary.
i do where glasses. :)

didn't mean to troll. I spose I'm in the minority, but the screen is way too small for text heavy games for me (tried Minish Cap and FFIV). Can't beat the portability, but it does come at a price.
bread's done