Game of the Year 2008.

I voted for Fallout 3, but what about Geometry Wars 2? I know it's just a natural step beyond the first Geometry Wars, but so are many of the other sequels listed.
My game of the year?


It simply blasts the competition into little itty bitty pieces. Infinitely replayable, and there's going to be a major (the developer says the biggest since release) update to it in the first two months of '09 :D
MGS 4, until next week when I play persona 4 that is, then I'll be joining the not on the list category I suspect.
Shouldn't we wait for what the VGA awards should tell us to think? I mean aren't "journalists" supperior to fans?
Fallout. I cant believe anyone would rate MGS4 or GTA IV above Fallout.

I honestly think that if MGS4 was multiplatform when it came out there wouldnt be this much "love" for it. Or maybe Metal Gear fans are that crazily devoted to the game.
So 2008 is technically not over, but for gaming it is(for the most part). So, what are your picks? Let down year or best year ever?

For me it wasn't quite as exciting as last year, but I did really enjoy a few games.

1. Little Big Planet - Such a varied game, depending on the level it could be a platformer, adventure, action game, or even shooter, and best of all it never ends. I doubted the power of the community initially, but now that it's been out for a couple of months we're really seeing quality levels out there thanks to the creativity of gamers and the brilliance of the level creator.

2. Bangai O Spirits - This game is just fun, and it's incredibly easy to play in short bursts. It's warioware for action gamers.

3. Braid - Brilliant and pretty. The puzzles were challenging, without being tedious. Each puzzle left me impressed rather than frustrated, and the art and music couldn't have been better...seriously.Oh and writing's ain't too shabby either. It's almost like the perfect game for me.

(I just realized that my favorite games of the year are all 2D....I guess 2D is coming back finally?)
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I'll have 3 diffrent ones. Console, Download & Portable:

Console - Persona 4
Download - Bionic Commando: Rearmed
Portable - Castlevania: Order of Ecclasia
Cutting through the big budget crap that awed us with *A* epic playthrough once, I'll nominate Burnout Paradise. The game itself was great if you at all appreciate video game driving. The post release support was OUTSTANDING and puts every developer in the business to shame the way they fixed issues, kept current with features (trophies/custom soundtracks/easy MP access) and completely reinvigorated a 7 month old game with the Cagney pack that added Bikes, Day/Night, Challenges, ect FOR FREE. This should be the standard, yet we'll continue to see games hold out new features for 'sequels' time after time. The DLC continues into 2009 by the way.

Go ahead and flame away :D
[quote name='QiG']Cutting through the big budget crap that awed us with *A* epic playthrough once, I'll nominate Burnout Paradise. The game itself was great if you at all appreciate video game driving. The post release support was OUTSTANDING and puts every developer in the business to shame the way they fixed issues, kept current with features (trophies/custom soundtracks/easy MP access) and completely reinvigorated a 7 month old game with the Cagney pack that added Bikes, Day/Night, Challenges, ect FOR FREE. This should be the standard, yet we'll continue to see games hold out new features for 'sequels' time after time. The DLC continues into 2009 by the way.

Go ahead and flame away :D[/quote]

Don't blame you, seems like it offers a whole lot for just one game. I'm probably going to pick it up once it hits 20.
1. Grand Theft Auto IV
2. Mirror's Edge
3. Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Left 4 Dead is a contenders for the third spot, but I've only played its demo so far. GTA4 is easily the best though and Mirror's Edge is easily second, I don't expect anything to change their positions.

Before anyone asks I will mention that I have played most of the Xbox 360's big games this year (Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Fable II, Far Cry II, Dead Space, Far Cry 2, Saints Row 2, Banjo-Kazooie, Call of Duty WaW, etc...). I didn't find any of them to be that great (or even good in some cases).
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I'll go by console:

PS3: Metal Gear Solid 4
PS2: Persona 4
PSP: Patapon
DS: Castlevania Order of Ecclesia

Not listing Wii since all I`ve played for more than an hour was Smash Bros and 360 cause I just got one.
GOTY Overall: Valkyria Chronicles

Also should be mentioned: The excellent fan translations of Mother 3 and Persona 2: Innocent Sin.
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1. Fallout 3 - Put in 85+ hours and still missed a number of locations and bobbleheads according the google maps application! The real world setting of Washington DC grabbed and held my interest like no RPG in recent memory, VATS was well-implemented, leveling was greatly improved over Oblivion, and the side missions were generally interesting with good rewards.

2. Metal Gear Solid 4 - I'm not a die-hard series fan, I even skipped part 3 entirely, but this was a graphic powerhouse with a well-told narrative that successfully reinvented one of the most reviled videogame characters from the PS2-era - not a small accomplishment! Act 5 in particular contained some very emotional scenes. I also love that this came out in June so I could really devote time and energy to it rather than come in the middle of the Christmas avalanche.

3. Bioshock - I only own a PS3, so I never got to try this last year. I generally stay away from FPS on account of my lack of skill, but the storyline and art style interested me enough to try it out. Glad I did - I backtracked over eveyry square inch of every level to make sure I didn't miss a recording - that's how good I felt the story and voice acting were. I played the good guy the first time through and will definitely go back at least one more time.

Game I wish was in my GOTY list:

Burnout Paradise - I bought this day one having been a fan of the series since picking up Point of Impact for the Gamecube back in the day. I guess I'm too set in my ways with preferring a menu system and the Crash mode. I respect the changes that were made by Criterion and their dedication in bringing out so much DLC free of charge, but I just don't get that same rush from the game as I did with Takedown and Revenge. My main frustration comes from races I lose because I took the wrong side street in the downtown, particularly the ones that end at the stadium. I guess I'm just not a sophisticated enough gamer to navigate the open world format.
[quote name='KingBroly']I made a blog post about it. Several actually.[/quote]

Anyways, I didn't play a lot of new titles this year unfortunately. I really did enjoy Banjo Kazooie though.
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9. Crysis: Warhead/Wars
8. Wario Land: Shake It!
6. No More Heroes
5. Megaman 9
4. Dead Space
3. Fallout 3
2. Left 4 Dead
1. Persona 4

Where is the 10th game? Well I haven't played Castlevania OOE yet, so that will probably be my 10th. All the other games I played this year have been good but I got bored of them and going back to replay them is very meh for me.
[quote name='coolz481']

2. Metal Gear Solid 4 - I'm not a die-hard series fan, I even skipped part 3 entirely, but this was a graphic powerhouse with a well-told narrative that successfully reinvented one of the most reviled videogame characters from the PS2-era - not a small accomplishment! Act 5 in particular contained some very emotional scenes. I also love that this came out in June so I could really devote time and energy to it rather than come in the middle of the Christmas avalanche.

I'm being a little OT, but you really should play MGS3. Loved MGS4, but it didn't affect me in the same way 3 did. Just make sure you get mgs3 subsistence.

Something about MGS4's story felt forced, I guess I felt that there was too much being squeezed into one game or period of time. I wish they developed more of the new and less of the old. For example the beautiful assassins, it would have been nice to get a more involved and detailed approach to their stories. On the flip side it 4 improved on the controls greatly and the gameplay seems to be at its best, I just wish there was more of it. Technically an amazing experience through and through though, in the same way MGS2 was on the ps2. Online mode is solid too.
My list (not in order):

Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Mario Kart Wii
Left 4 Dead
Tales of Vesperia
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Fallout 3
Apollo Justice
Okami (Wii version, never played the PS2 version)
Chrono Trigger (DS remake)
Kirby Super Star Ultra (DS remake)
I've given this a lot of thought lately and here's mine:

Fable 2

I put a ton of time into it and loved every second. I even got into all of the optional stuff that doesn't matter to the main quest, something i NEVER do in games.

Strongest contender = Gears of War 2. Granted, I don't own a PS3, but I'd imagine that MGS4 would have been a nother solid contender for me.
[quote name='Maklershed']Fallout 3 by a long shot IMO

(by the way leves, do you plan to bump this thread under lame pretenses in about six months?)[/quote]

Huh-what are you talking about?

game of the year easy...

Charles Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa


runners up:

No More Heroes
MegaMan 9
Bionic Commando Remix
Yakuza 2
Noitu Love 2
Professor Layton

technical GOTYs:

Zack n Wiki (came out late 2007)
Persona 3 FES (P3 came out 2007, but I didnt play it until FES came out this year)

and the shyt I needa play/finish:

Valkyria Chronicles
Persona 4
Fallout 3
1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
2. Fable II
3. Prince of Persia
4. Braid
5. LittleBigPlanet
6. God of War: Chains of Olympus
7. Rock Band 2
8. Gears of War 2
9. Dead Space
10. Burnout Paradise

Honorable mention:
Fallout 3
Left 4 Dead (Haven't bought it yet - otherwise it might have made the list)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo: HD Remix
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (fix the online and it would have made the Top Ten)
Hmmm...there's been some great games this year, but I'll have to give the nod to Fallout.

Gears, GTA and MGS4 definitely come close though.
bread's done