Game of Thrones discussion thread - Season 5 debuts April 12th

[quote name='Bloodbooger']Anyone else hear Olenna Redwyne offer up Loras to Sansa? Loras is a Kingsguard...

I really think they should have mentioned up the crippled Tyrell.[/QUOTE]

I don't remember exactly (and I'm too lazy to throw in the blu-rays) but did he join Joffery's Kingsguard at the end of last season or did he just ask to unite the families?

I'm pretty sure it was just the latter.
[quote name='Indignate']I don't remember exactly (and I'm too lazy to throw in the blu-rays) but did he join Joffery's Kingsguard at the end of last season or did he just ask to unite the families?

I'm pretty sure it was just the latter.[/QUOTE]It was the latter.
The show hasn't made a big deal about the kingsguard being 7 members and who is or isn't on it so I guess it's plausible they could have altered Loras being on it.
[quote name='Anexanhume']The show hasn't made a big deal about the kingsguard being 7 members and who is or isn't on it so I guess it's plausible they could have altered Loras being on it.[/QUOTE]As we haven't seen him in armor all season, nor have we seen him in any situation with Joffrey save the dinner with him, Margery, Cersi and Joffrey, it's hard to see if he's in the kingsguard. I don't remember him being asked at the end of last season to join, so if he did, it was off-camera.
They're probably just altering it to make it so they don't have to introduce another character (the crippled Tyrell who's name I forget).

Does Loras ever actually do anything prevalent in the Kingsguard in the books?
[quote name='Indignate']They're probably just altering it to make it so they don't have to introduce another character (the crippled Tyrell who's name I forget).

Does Loras ever actually do anything prevalent in the Kingsguard in the books?[/QUOTE]

retakes dragonstone for cersei.
[quote name='GUNNM']I hope the season finale is a big beautiful wedding. ^___^[/QUOTE]

Not sure if you're being coy. There IS a wedding this season though.
Well, around three weddings/marriages, unless they plan on stretching the third book to two seasons. I'd heard rumors of that, but no decisive info. Given how quickly some of the younger actors/actresses are aging, I don't think it's a great idea to push this show to 8-9 seasons.
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, around three weddings/marriages, unless they plan on stretching the third book to two seasons. I'd heard rumors of that, but no decisive info. Given how quickly some of the younger actors/actresses are aging, I don't think it's a great idea to push this show to 8-9 seasons.[/QUOTE]

We know 1 of those weddings isn't happening this season. Not sure about Tyrion/Sansa wedding.

The actors are already significantly older than they were in the books to start with, so I don't see it as an issue.
[quote name='Anexanhume']We know 1 of those weddings isn't happening this season.[/QUOTE]

link? PM so as to avoid potential spoiler? I'm curious which isn't happening.

I'm thinking:
Tyrion/Sansa, based on last night's episode
and the other one that perhaps we're all anticipating the most.
[quote name='mykevermin']link? PM so as to avoid potential spoiler? I'm curious which isn't happening.

I'm thinking:
Tyrion/Sansa, based on last night's episode
and the other one that perhaps we're all anticipating the most.[/QUOTE]

George's blog post

The purple (Joffrey) wedding happens last chronologically, so it makes the most sense to push to season 4. I personally think it plus the red wedding in the same season would be overload too. For reference, RW is confirmed for episode 9, so that doesn't leave time for the purple wedding to happen really. I imagine Tyrion's wedding will be a couple of scenes they can easily fit in one episode.
I think that's the hardest I've laughed in the entire series. It really puts things into perspective that despite how clever Tyrion and Cersei are, or how much power they have in the game, they still have to bow to their father. That and they're portrayed as little children bickering still, it was so perfect lol.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Not sure if you're being coy. There IS a wedding this season though.[/QUOTE]

There should be
3 4 more coming :D, though not all this season. Joffrey and Maergery's nuptials *should* be sometime early in S4, if the RW takes place in episode 9. Although the fourth (Cersei to Loras) only if Tywin gets his way, prior to getting what's coming his way.
So for those that have read book 3 and seeing where we're at being half-way through the season, does it seem likely we'll have a good hunk of book 3 in Season 4?
i just started this series and caught up to season 3 ep 5 in about 2 weeks. this show is addicting, you can't watch just one episode at a time. I guess I have too now, but i can read and join in on the discussion. my storm of swords book should arrive today so i can continue the story after season 3.
[quote name='Indignate']Please tell me you're talking about Ros.

I am so annoyed by her inclusion in the series.[/QUOTE]
Even though you don't see Joffery killing her at the end you see joffery with a crossbow and ros with arrows in her
Lol, I hate it when they cut away too soon or don't show an entire scene because it could mean they're trying to trick you or it simply was due to timing. I feel like Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory with all the possibilities of what's going on right now lol. This was probably my favorite episode so far just for the 'faceoff'. So I'm confused: did she basically tell him to fuck off or was breaking the pen her way of bending a knee? I figured it was the latter, but what she said made me wonder if she meant to try his patience to see what he'd do.

Also, I'm tired of Sam. He's proved to be a worthless character in all this and I really hope he's not just there to give us a continuation of what's happening beyond the wall/Night's Watch. Wish he'd just die already lol.
He was going to write that dude in as a kingsguard. This old bitch wants her family name to live on she broke the pen as a way of saying sure I'll let my buck of the clan marry your old daughter bitch of course sam sucks hes an obese felon living in a world with dragons and zombies.
This felt like the worst episode this season, which is weird cuz Dany wasn't even in it.

Just felt like nothing really important happened.
[quote name='Indignate']Just felt like nothing really important happened.[/QUOTE]
This episode was like a staredown contest: Arya vs the woman in red, Theon vs his captor, Tywin vs old lady I never remember lol, Little Finger vs Varys, and Jon Snow vs The Wall. To me this was sort of the turning point where everything is set in motion. It's funny you said "nothing really important happened". King George III once wrote similar in his diary on July 4, 1776. :lol:

That reminds me, the foreshadowing of the prophecy given by the woman in red to Arya has me very interested to see if she becomes an assassin. She's always been the roguish type to me!
[quote name='Indignate']This felt like the worst episode this season, which is weird cuz Dany wasn't even in it.

Just felt like nothing really important happened.[/QUOTE]

The season, taken as a whole, will no longer feel like nothing important happened this episode. Trust me.
So, it was kinda strange seeing melisandre meet with the Brotherhood, that never happens in the books. It would also appear that Gendry is doubling as Edric Storm in the show.
[quote name='panzerfaust']I really dislike the fat dude of the night's watch. I hope he doesn't have a big hero moment I have to suffer through.[/QUOTE]
I kinda liked him cause he reminds me of myself then I see myself in him and what a loser he is and then I hate him. So I agree with you

Now that ros is dead is sansa the hottest redhead on the show now?
Look, stories like this need some average nobody for people to relate to. Although technically Sam isn't a nobody, he's not a commoner. He'll make a discovery that's very important to the Watch (and really the rest of Westeros) though.
[quote name='panzerfaust']This Shea girl is bad news.[/QUOTE]
She's annoying; never liked her. When she ran off to pout I was like whatever bitch, hopefully you don't come back.
I loved Tyrion's conversation with Bronn in this episode. Something along the lines of "I don't pay you to put evil notions in my head. The ones already there don't need company". :lol:
[quote name='Clak']I loved Tyrion's conversation with Bronn in this episode. Something along the lines of "I don't pay you to put evil notions in my head. The ones already there don't need company". :lol:[/QUOTE]
I really miss the old Tyrion, before all this bullshit about women started. He used to be a scheming little bastard, but now he's all pussy-whipped and every scene of his is about the marriage. Hopefully we can get these damn weddings over with and back to his connivery.
I haven't seen Episode 7 yet, but oddly what bothered me most about Episode 6 was Ros's death. I mean Game of Thrones it seems like always has had that "one little person can make a big impact" type of feel and here you have a minor character that's been about since the start of the series. Then essentially out of nowhere she gets offed by the biggest little asshat in all of Westeros... Remember when Tyrion claimed he wouldn't forget her basically taking the bullet for Shae or how Varys said he takes care of his spies (though that was most likely a lie) but yeah, way to drop the ball on that one guys...
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I haven't seen Episode 7 yet, but oddly what bothered me most about Episode 6 was Ros's death. I mean Game of Thrones it seems like always has had that "one little person can make a big impact" type of feel and here you have a minor character that's been about since the start of the series. Then essentially out of nowhere she gets offed by the biggest little asshat in all of Westeros... Remember when Tyrion claimed he wouldn't forget her basically taking the bullet for Shae or how Varys said he takes care of his spies (though that was most likely a lie) but yeah, way to drop the ball on that one guys...[/QUOTE]

Book spoilers forthcoming

Ros is a character completely made up for the show. The whore that takes the fall for Tyrion's Shae is actually black in the book,a nd we never see her again after the mentioned exchange. Otherwise, no Ros, and we never get any evidence of Joffrey killing or torturing anyone. Just him being an insufferable little shit from Sansa's point of view.
Not really spoilers there.

Ros was made up for the show, and if I recall reading correctly, to be the audience's eyes and ears to the events happening. It was a stupid idea and I'm glad they finally got rid of her.
bread's done