Game of Thrones discussion thread - Season 5 debuts April 12th

I thought so too but last year they didn't either. I was surprised when checking my dvr last year and saw a new episode recorded.

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Hold the door!
I'm disappointed in not being blasted in the face by the internet by Hold the Door memes yet lol.

Last night's episode was so choppy; didn't flow well at all and did things so matter of fact.
Arya is ready but not ready, yet being given another chance? Her character has barely changed so I don't understand why now is the make or break time for her. Feels like she's just being pushed along to keep up with a story that is being rushed at this point.

Bran is a non-factor at this point. I'm sorry but his presence up to now is just to explain white walkers and a few past events to the audience and has zero impact on the world. WTF was with that reveal of "oh, by the way: white walkers were made by dryads to protect trees/prophets of doom and we just shoved some dragon glass into a man to do it". No lead-up and unnecessary information quite honestly. We could have gone the entire series and just understood that white walkers just 'are' and been content. Now it's like, THAT'S THE WHOLE EXPLANATION? TO PROTECT TREES? Wow.

Hodor. It's interesting that he's the first character to die a noble death (I can't think of one that didn't a) deserve it for being evil b) punk death or c) injustice). However, Martin tying his name to that event was either planned from the start or trying to be clever after obviously seeing one of many online jokes making the connection already (What do you call a door to a brothel? Hodor). In either case, it was pretty lame. He was such a minor character lately that his sacrifice felt empty to protect a worthless character at this point as well.

This new Greyjoy character whom I can't even remember just showed up an episode ago and just like that claimed the Iron Isles? That was quick. This show has always taken its time to develop things like this but it's starting to feel very rushed.

And finally, are we really going to go down this path again with another lord of light fanatic? This new 'lady of the light' showing up to assist Tyrion just had me rolling my eyes. I'm not sure why, but this episode just felt so completely weird and uncharacteristic for GoT that I flat out rejected everything being tossed out there. Maybe they're feeling the pinch to wrap things up with two additional seasons left (I think?) and it's taking a toll on the storytelling. I can't believe I'm saying this but right now Dany's story is the most interesting out of all of the show.

That's kind of a new low heh.

The opening scene for last night's episode was phenomenal.
First off, Sansa has turned into an absolute badass. The long suffering boredom of her plight has certainly made this pay off more than worth it. This is so much better than her last "I'm a strong person" event when she left the Vale and did the emo-makeover. That was groan-worthy, whereas her interaction with Baelish last night put her up there with the greats who can command armies with their voice alone.

That was, best I can tell, the very first time you ever see Baelish actually scared. There's been plenty of times he's faced the barrel in the past and did it with his sneering confidence but last night he looked genuinely terrified that he wasn't walking out of that barn alive. He's faced down the council of the vale, Joffrey, Ned Stark, the Lannisters, and screwed them all with an unmatched confidence and bravado. It was Sansa fucking Stark that finally rattled him. And yes there was the backup from Brienne of Tarth that gave Sansa some confidence and backup muscle but Sansa is finally the first person to figure out his bullshit and recognize him for the sniveling weasel he is. Just an amazing interaction.
I like how Jon has acquired this new awesome party. He's ready for his RPG adventure.

fuck time travel. Srsly. This show is such a different show then from what it first started as.




The whole thing with the Iron Islands and the Kingsmoot has the same type of streamlining done to it that was done for Dorne.  Not sure if you've read the books, though the whole thing in the book for the Iron Islands is done much differently.  I'll do a separate spoiler for those items, in case you've not read the books and would like to. 

1) Theon is not back at Pyke when the Kingsmoot happens, he's just escaping with Jeyne Poole (the character that Sansa replaces when marrying Ramsey, though the character was a fake Arya not a fake Sansa in the books), so the Kingsmoot happens without him around and it's just Asha (the character Yara is supposed to portray) trying to claim the Seasalt Throne. 

2) Balon dies much earlier in the books, I believe during Book 2 or Book 3 and it's not clear at all what caused him to fall from the bridge, though it certainly wasn't a mustache-twirling Euron doing it on-camera.

3) You also get to meet Balon's other brother Victarion, who was also trying to vie for the Seasalt Throne, which brings up some conflict between Euron and Victarion.

4) There's a lot more to the Kingsmoot beforehand, as you see some backstory with Aeron Damphair (another brother of Balon's, who is a priest of the Drowned God, which is a parallel to the one you see on-screen), plus how he works up to getting the Kingsmoot to happen.

5) There are numerous other claimants to the Seasalt throne, though everyone pretty much puts their backing behind Euron when he shows up to stake his claim, including showing off Dragonbinder, a magical horn from Valyria that supposedly will allow control of dragons.  One of Euron's henchmen blows it and it makes a horrible noise, though the henchman who blows is dies in the attempt.  

6) Victarion decides to go sail off to claim Dany for himself, taking his fleet with him.  By the time we're done with books 4/5, he's getting close to Slaver's Bay.

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The opening scene for last night's episode was phenomenal.
First off, Sansa has turned into an absolute badass. The long suffering boredom of her plight has certainly made this pay off more than worth it. This is so much better than her last "I'm a strong person" event when she left the Vale and did the emo-makeover. That was groan-worthy, whereas her interaction with Baelish last night put her up there with the greats who can command armies with their voice alone.

That was, best I can tell, the very first time you ever see Baelish actually scared. There's been plenty of times he's faced the barrel in the past and did it with his sneering confidence but last night he looked genuinely terrified that he wasn't walking out of that barn alive. He's faced down the council of the vale, Joffrey, Ned Stark, the Lannisters, and screwed them all with an unmatched confidence and bravado. It was Sansa fucking Stark that finally rattled him. And yes there was the backup from Brienne of Tarth that gave Sansa some confidence and backup muscle but Sansa is finally the first person to figure out his bullshit and recognize him for the sniveling weasel he is. Just an amazing interaction.
I think Littlefinger looked much more scared when Cersei had her guards toying with him years ago (season 2, 3?).

Also, don't forget that he told her to reach out to Blackfish. I can't think of a single time where a suggestion he made was not self-serving. Is it possibly a trap? Will he provide Blackfish with an army to gain control of the group following the inevitable battle with Ramsay Bolton? I don't see Littlefinger giving up his ambitions that easily, and his only legitimate way to the top is through Sansa.

WTF was with Bran wogging while the whitewalkers were coming?

"You must leave right away."

"Am I ready?"


*commence wogging*

Considering you are running from an army, you would think leaving immediately would be a good idea. Instead they are watching a scene in the past that has no apparent importance while Hodor and Meera talk about what they're gonna eat.

Seeing Hodor's story come full circle was probably one of the hardest parts of the show to watch.

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The whole thing with the Iron Islands and the Kingsmoot has the same type of streamlining done to it that was done for Dorne. Not sure if you've read the books, though the whole thing in the book for the Iron Islands is done much differently. I'll do a separate spoiler for those items, in case you've not read the books and would like to.

1) Theon is not back at Pyke when the Kingsmoot happens, he's just escaping with Jeyne Poole (the character that Sansa replaces when marrying Ramsey, though the character was a fake Arya not a fake Sansa in the books), so the Kingsmoot happens without him around and it's just Asha (the character Yara is supposed to portray) trying to claim the Seasalt Throne.

2) Balon dies much earlier in the books, I believe during Book 2 or Book 3 and it's not clear at all what caused him to fall from the bridge, though it certainly wasn't a mustache-twirling Euron doing it on-camera.

3) You also get to meet Balon's other brother Victarion, who was also trying to vie for the Seasalt Throne, which brings up some conflict between Euron and Victarion.

4) There's a lot more to the Kingsmoot beforehand, as you see some backstory with Aeron Damphair (another brother of Balon's, who is a priest of the Drowned God, which is a parallel to the one you see on-screen), plus how he works up to getting the Kingsmoot to happen.

5) There are numerous other claimants to the Seasalt throne, though everyone pretty much puts their backing behind Euron when he shows up to stake his claim, including showing off Dragonbinder, a magical horn from Valyria that supposedly will allow control of dragons. One of Euron's henchmen blows it and it makes a horrible noise, though the henchman who blows is dies in the attempt.

6) Victarion decides to go sail off to claim Dany for himself, taking his fleet with him. By the time we're done with books 4/5, he's getting close to Slaver's Bay.
That makes a lot more sense than what they gave us in the show lol. Seems taking a few liberties is catching up with them now.

Personally, when I first read the sections in AFFC about Pyke, I was a bit "meh" about it, though when I re-read it a second time, it was much better and pretty good IMO.  There's a real ramp-up to the Kingsmoot where there isn't really one in the show, though it likely would have been an episode to itself to do all the book material properly, so they streamlined it.  Same with Dorne from ADWD, though that likely would have been 2-3 episodes to cover what they had in the books, plus a lot better than what was done in the show. 

Seems like the plot is starting to move forward to a real conclusion. Danerys is over getting armies, White Walkers/Others got their ice zombies on the move, Jon Snow is doing stuff, etc. Still seems weird that they think they can get everything all tidied up in two more seasons. There is an awful lot of ground to cover and people to be killed still.

I'm not sure how spoilers are being done in this thread but I'm finally caught up so I'll tag everything just in case.

Only 5 episodes and there's a ton of deaths. Gezz, this show doesn't mess around. Obviously the old "Lords" are being killed off for the younger generations to take over. Jon has acquired his little band of Knight, Barbarian, Cleric, Sorceress, & Princess. And Hordor..... that one hit me the hardest. Hold the door..... damn....

I thought Emilia Clarke wasn't doing nude scenes anymore. Then again it was only her top half.

And GoT delivered the placid weiner shot. Never gets old.

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I might be in the minority but I didn't really get affected by the conclusion of last week's episode.  I still think (and throughout the entire series thus far) that Daenaryus' story is the most interesting thus far.  Her ascension has been the most compelling for me.  I haven't read any of the books so my GoT knowledge is limited to just the show.

I thought it was sad to see what happened to Hodor but he was really treated like a minor character.  Besides from last week's episode, his presence wasn't felt for two years.  I do like the explanation of his name though.  It finally came full circle and that was the payoff to me but I didn't really get bothered by his death.  Maybe it was because he was scared and it wasn't until Bran possessed him that he did anything but I thought the time travel element was the bigger deal.

I've also been curious about Arya's journey.  They've been slowly building up her assassin back story.  I imagine she's going to get to at least kill off one of the characters on her wish list.

I might be in the minority but I didn't really get affected by the conclusion of last week's episode. I still think (and throughout the entire series thus far) that Daenaryus' story is the most interesting thus far. Her ascension has been the most compelling for me. I haven't read any of the books so my GoT knowledge is limited to just the show.

I thought it was sad to see what happened to Hodor but he was really treated like a minor character. Besides from last week's episode, his presence wasn't felt for two years. I do like the explanation of his name though. It finally came full circle and that was the payoff to me but I didn't really get bothered by his death. Maybe it was because he was scared and it wasn't until Bran possessed him that he did anything but I thought the time travel element was the bigger deal.

I've also been curious about Arya's journey. They've been slowly building up her assassin back story. I imagine she's going to get to at least kill off one of the characters on her wish list.
I don't think it was the last scene that was important. I think how the last scene transpired is what was important. What Bran did and where he did it could be huge.
So we finally got confirmation that 
Coldhands is Benjen or at least I think we did unless the show and books are going in a different direction.

Also possible book spoilers 
with everybody going to Riverrun and the Brotherhood without Banners being mentioned again, I think there's really a strong chance of her appearing on the show.

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So we finally got confirmation that
Coldhands is Benjen or at least I think we did unless the show and books are going in a different direction.

Also possible book spoilers
with everybody going to Riverrun and the Brotherhood without Banners being mentioned again, I think there's really a strong chance of her appearing on the show.
Thing is, GRRM has said
Coldhands != Benjen, so the show is diverting from that point, unless GRRM has been messing with people and giving them misdirection on this point.

And yes, I think that
if BWB is on the horizon, then yes, it's possible she could be showing up later in the show. Would be the right tie to having her appear with the Freys dealing with taking back Riverrun. Would be nice if she did show up, though I'm not sure if the full use of her would match the parallel in the book, as that would be an interesting intersection with her and a main character. The book did have the Blackfish holding Riverrun, though it was another Lannister who's supposed to be Lord of Riverrun, not Walder Frey. Jaime was going there to take back Riverrrun, though it was a number of chapters to get there, including a stop to see Lancel, who was not in the Faith Militant.

So maybe it will lead to an actual epic battle? Perhaps after years of suffering her nonsense and whining her character will play some part? Is it possible she will lead an actual army to do actual battle in actual castles and actually kill something other than slavers and horsemen?!

My money is on dragons eat her ass.

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So maybe it will lead to an actual epic battle? Perhaps after years of suffering her nonsense and whining her character will play some part? Is it possible she will lead an actual army to do actual battle in actual castles and actually kill something other than slavers and horsemen?!

My money is on dragons eat her ass.
That's what she said!


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Wait, when did game of motherfucking thrones show up? Easily the best episode this season and one of the best ever.
I'm so glad they brought Hound back. He and Arya were the show for me and I get the feeling Martin is starting to show some fan service by selecting certain characters to survive. It's funny how this show went from all about death to all about survival. I can't wait for them to team up again; you know it's going to happen.

Ian McShane having a guest appearance was pretty cool, if kind of an empty character. I know his symbol was of one of the gods, but all I could think of was praise the sun. :rofl:

Anyone else notice Brutus from Rome was the Blackfish's nephew? Guessing he has a part to play in the future.

Also, Miranda being bi or gay seems like setup for her involvement with Dany, which I feel like is going to be her downfall. I hope so too because she's an annoying character, even worse than Dany to this point. She can take Theon with her as he has no purpose anymore.

Wait, when did game of motherfucking thrones show up? Easily the best episode this season and one of the best ever.
I'm so glad they brought Hound back. He and Arya were the show for me and I get the feeling Martin is starting to show some fan service by selecting certain characters to survive. It's funny how this show went from all about death to all about survival. I can't wait for them to team up again; you know it's going to happen.

Ian McShane having a guest appearance was pretty cool, if kind of an empty character. I know his symbol was of one of the gods, but all I could think of was praise the sun. :rofl:

Anyone else notice Brutus from Rome was the Blackfish's nephew? Guessing he has a part to play in the future.

Also, Miranda being bi or gay seems like setup for her involvement with Dany, which I feel like is going to be her downfall. I hope so too because she's an annoying character, even worse than Dany to this point. She can take Theon with her as he has no purpose anymore.
You do realize this isn't the first time we've seen Lord Edmure (Blackfish's nephew)? He was the groom in the Red Wedding and has been in captivity ever since then. He's already played a big part, but I would agree that there must be something planned for him by virtue of
not having his throat cut in the scene
You do realize this isn't the first time we've seen Lord Edmure (Blackfish's nephew)? He was the groom in the Red Wedding and has been in captivity ever since then. He's already played a big part, but I would agree that there must be something planned for him by virtue of
not having his throat cut in the scene
Lol, I didn't even remember and still don't. I guess it was kinda overshadowed by, oh IDK, THE RED WEDDING. Lol.

I liked the episode. The fact that they did THAT at the beginning was awesome. I had a hunch it was going to happen at some point.
Cold opens are awesome when they happen. I can't think we've had one in a long while, if ever.

Especially since I was watching, expecting the opening sequence and then going "WTF is going on here?". Disappointed, I was not.

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Anyone else find it weird that
we don't see Edmure killed nor the village slaughtered, but we see Arya shanked?

Also, how's this for a mindfuck:
It was Willis in Hodor's body in the future. :cry:
Just a theory of mine.

Things are starting to feel very rushed again, with certain aspects that would normally take time to be fleshed out are just being jammed together quickly without explanation. I'm still unsure what part Arya and a few others have to play anymore but hopefully Martin starts connecting the dots soon.

Things are starting to feel very rushed again, with certain aspects that would normally take time to be fleshed out are just being jammed together quickly without explanation. I'm still unsure what part Arya and a few others have to play anymore but hopefully Martin starts connecting the dots soon.
G.R.R. Martin is still working on the books so what we're seeing is the tv show producer interpretation based on what he told them.
G.R.R. Martin is still working on the books so what we're seeing is the tv show producer interpretation based on what he told them.
In a semi-Cliff Notes fashion, as I'm looking at it, as there is some stuff that's glossed over or not brought over from the books, in the expense of trying to figure out how to get it closed up in 2 more episodes for this season and the rumored 12-14 more episodes beyond.

Though, there's rumors Winds Of Winter may be moving towards a 01/2017 release, which we'll have to see if it's more release date bullshit or not.

In a semi-Cliff Notes fashion, as I'm looking at it, as there is some stuff that's glossed over or not brought over from the books, in the expense of trying to figure out how to get it closed up in 2 more episodes for this season and the rumored 12-14 more episodes beyond.

Though, there's rumors Winds Of Winter may be moving towards a 01/2017 release, which we'll have to see if it's more release date bullshit or not.
Now that he is sick from Balticon, it is being rumored that the 1/2017 planned date is going to have to be pushed back farther since he can't currently write because he brought the "plague" home from the convention.

I'm preparing myself mentally for GRRM just giving up or expiring before the end.

I always felt extra bad for Robert Jordan. Yeah his series become some kind of giant lumbering mass shuffling on for decades, but his interviews and blog posts always seemed so sincere that he was going to finish it for the fans.

I think his last blog post talked about how he was going to continue fighting his illness and then he laid out how he has another book series planned like in a fantasy Renaissance world. The blog post after that was from his wife saying he had passed.

Now that he is sick from Balticon, it is being rumored that the 1/2017 planned date is going to have to be pushed back farther since he can't currently write because he brought the "plague" home from the convention.

I'm preparing myself mentally for GRRM just giving up or expiring before the end.

I always felt extra bad for Robert Jordan. Yeah his series become some kind of giant lumbering mass shuffling on for decades, but his interviews and blog posts always seemed so sincere that he was going to finish it for the fans.

I think his last blog post talked about how he was going to continue fighting his illness and then he laid out how he has another book series planned like in a fantasy Renaissance world. The blog post after that was from his wife saying he had passed.
Oh feh. He's sick from a con and that's going to push the book back more? Wow.

I'm thinking that WoW might be the last one we see from him, though I think I would like to see it make it all the way to the end, so we can just see what he's had planned all this time. I hope that he's actually been working on both Winds of Winter and Dream of Spring in staggered parallel, so we might see WoW next year and DoS by 2020/2021.

We'll be done with the show post WoW and pre DoS, though again, there's enough variations from book to show now that I'd like to see how the book ends, as I'm starting to see how they're going to be ending the show. I'll know more if I'm right on how eps 9 & 10 end up for this season.

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If the TV series ends years ahead of GRRM's eventual finale (if it ever happens), I don't know if I will be able to make myself care enough to read it (unless it is completely different).

This is coming from someone who has been following since 2003 when I bought all three books thinking it was a trilogy. Funny enough I bought the first three Wheel of Time books back in high-school thinking it was just a trilogy.

bread's done