Game suggestions for sister...


My sis is having her birthday on monday, and she is very into the gamecube. i was wondering if anybody had some suggestions, or great deals for a 14 year old? :)
I have a 16 year old sister, she doesn't play a lot, but she really enjoys Donkey Konga, she used to play animal crossing, and she bought the Lord of the Rings games for herself, but she's big into that.

I just asked her now, she also likes both Pikmin, Super Monkey Ball 2, and Super Smash Bros. Good luck.
I have a sister who is now 20. She plays games occasionally. She liked Super Monkey Ball 1/2, Zelda Wind Waker, the Resident Evil games, and TOS.
Beyond Good and Evil is a great game if you think shes up to the challenge. It isn't that hard but there were some parts that may be frustrating. I think she really like the storyline and identify with the main character, plus you could probably find iit for $15 dollars or less.
Donkey Konga, Sims, Super Mario Sunshine (maybe), are games my daughter likes and she is 10.
Both Paper Mario and Mario Power Tennis are extremely addicting IMO. Also if she also has a gameboy you can't go wrong with giving her a Gameboy Player.
i wud say animal crossing, for some reason every girl loves that about super mario sunshine? that should be a bit cheper now and girls love mario :D! *i say its the mustache*
luigi's mansion? super smash bros melee?
also agree with pikmin up there and windwaker
Pikmin is a must. It took forever for me to get my bro's g/f away from my gamecube. Then he bought her one. She plays the hobbit, pikmin 2. and Mario Kart.
My sister (27) loves Donkey Konga. That's one of the few games I remember her going out and buying. She also liked Luigi's Mansion.
You say she is really into the gamecube, from which one could infer that she already has some games for it. It would make our jobs easier if we knew what games she had so that 1) We wouldn't recommend those games, and 2) we could recommend similar games.
well ,she has donkey konga, sims, ssbm, mario party, so those are out. but i remember when we first got our gamecube, she was totally addicted to luigi's mansion! thanks to Guile, now i just have to find it. and if i am not mistaken, isnt luigi's mansion a player's choice?
[quote name='trustcompany1013']sims?[/quote]

Man, I was trying to play The Sims the other night, and my disc wouldn't read! I was so pissed.
[quote name='muncle']well ,she has donkey konga, sims, ssbm, mario party, so those are out. but i remember when we first got our gamecube, she was totally addicted to luigi's mansion! thanks to Guile, now i just have to find it. and if i am not mistaken, isnt luigi's mansion a player's choice?[/quote]

You are not mistaken, it is. Do you think she'd like Wind Waker and/or Sunshine?
Luigi's Mansion is PC. Get Super Monkey Ball 1 or 2 though. My sister and my girl cousin love this game. Paper Mario 2 is good as well.
14 years old.. errr what does she like anyways?
Sports? Action/Adventure? Puzzle?
Maybe Puyo Pop Fever?
Billy Hatcher?
Harvest Moon?
Mario Tennis? or Golf x.x and Party as mention
and yes yes Animal Crossing as everyone said.
harvest moon, and mario games primarily....sunshine looks good, i might get that.. but i just found out that when we rented luigi's mansion, she finished it. so i can't get luigi's mansion. i'm not sure if she will like wind waker, but i know she loves paper mario 2, but there hasnt been a great sale on it lately.
[quote name='muncle']harvest moon, and mario games primarily....sunshine looks good, i might get that.. but i just found out that when we rented luigi's mansion, she finished it. so i can't get luigi's mansion. i'm not sure if she will like wind waker, but i know she loves paper mario 2, but there hasnt been a great sale on it lately.[/quote]

If she likes RPG's get FF:CC (if you got GBA's) or TOS. I am telling you though, Monkey Ball is the way to go. It is cheap and will provide months of enjoyment for everyone of all age groups.
[quote name='muncle']O yeah, she already has Monkey ball 2[/quote]

Ok then. I also suggest Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg. The game was completely under rated, but I find it rather fun. It is somwhat like Katamari Damachi except not as strange.
[quote name='muncle']harvest moon, and mario games primarily....sunshine looks good, i might get that.. but i just found out that when we rented luigi's mansion, she finished it. so i can't get luigi's mansion. i'm not sure if she will like wind waker, but i know she loves paper mario 2, but there hasnt been a great sale on it lately.[/quote]

Animal Crossing is good, like everyone has said. Or get Harvest Moon: A wonderful Life. It looks like it is still $19.99 w/ free cow:

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[quote name='regisphilbi0']Paper Mario is only $30 at EB after $20 Mail in Voucher. I would get that, its a great game.[/quote]

i would get this, but i dont like gift vouchers
bread's done