Game Trading Zone


75 (100%)
I just created an account on there. Anyone ever do business with traders on that site? How trustworthy are the traders?
Just read the ratings with whomever you're planning on trading with. Don't trade with new users or users with a low number of feedback, work with established traders. You're definitely going to be sending first for a while so get used to that.

I used to like the place but recently, it seems like it's full of dickheads who don't know how to respond to offers.
[quote name='Vinny']Don't trade with new users or users with a low number of feedback, work with established traders. You're definitely going to be sending first for a while so get used to that.[/quote]


Stick with gold star members for now. Do trades with them you feel comfortable with. I like it, but then again, I only frequent the site for about a week every 6 months.
I'm a regular there, been a member for over six years, four gold star trader (trades with 200+ unique members). The vast majority of my dealings there have been good, obviously, or I wouldn't have kept using the site this long. I have had a few deals go bad, even one in which a double gold star trader stole a N64 bundle worth over $100 from me which I sent first when I was new to the site. However, the advice above will generally keep you out of trouble there. If you aren't willing to send first to establish a good feedback history, you may as well stay away from the site. It also makes no sense to try to trade with other low-feedback members so you don't have to send first, as you're much more likely to get scammed than if you trade with established members at the outset.

The only other thing I'll say about GameTZ is that, from my experience, it's a better place to trade than it is to sell items, if you want to make as much as you can. I guess the name implies that. Conversely, you can find some good buys there. Overall, it's a very good site if you're willing to trade within the framework of the feedback system, and have the patience to trade with established traders until you build up enough feedback where you can stipulate that less-established traders send first to you.
I also trade on GameTZ and have had a good experience there. Most people are very courteous and the match system is awesome.

My only annoyance is that you can't block certain traders from showing up in your matches. I say this because there are a few traders with huge "want" lists who very rarely accept any trades. After a while you learn to ignore them, but it's annoying to have to filter these results manually.

All in all though, pretty neat site.
Expanding on what Camoor said, if you can actually get a trade pended, you will rarely run into issues with the trades themselves, assuming the trader has established themselves. It's nowhere near as headache-free as Goozex and the like, but it gets the job done.

As far as the stupid nerd wars going on between CAG and GameTZ, I'm surprised at how quickly CAG forgot what it felt like when Kotaku let one feisty CAG user speak for the entire website.
I just recently did my first trade on GameTZ and it seems like a really good system. The PM system on GameTZ was perfect unlike CAG and it's very streamlined. I do have a problem with needing so many trades just to get people to trust you though.
Almost 600 trades there with no problems. I prefer Gametz to CAG for trading because its much easier to track, however looking forward to the upcoming changes here.

As long as you have a decent sized wanted and available list you won't have any issues trading there. If theres only 1-2 games you want then it can get a bit tricky to find someone who has those games AND wants the games you want.
[quote name='gaelan']I just created an account on there. Anyone ever do business with traders on that site? How trustworthy are the traders?[/QUOTE]

The people on GameTZ signed up via the internet, just like you... hard to come up with a generalization. Most will be great to work with, but occasionally some bad apples will sneak in.

Do your research, trade with established users first (many trades, great feedback, long time on the site, etc.), don't get tempted by anything that seems too good to be true. 372 trades for me now and only ripped off once - the time I didn't follow these rules.

If you're not sure about anything, just ask - GTZ has a lot to offer and can feel kind of overwhelming at first, but community in general is quite friendly and helpful. If you're more comfortable asking things 1-on-1, ask for a Mentor (established user who will help you get your bearings.)

As far as any supposed feuding or whatever, just ignore all that BS. Clearly CAG is a great site with a lot to offer; GameTZ is also. It's a waste of time to get worked up over a few trolls messing around.
I like GameTZ because you can search so directly for games you want, and games the user trading that game wants. It's a pretty good system in itself, and I like the messaging as well as the tracking interface once the trade is set up. I strayed away for a while, while I was using goozex so heavily, but I've found a handful of users willing to trade two or so older games I have for their one newer game on GameTZ and it's come in handy as the Goozex queues can be quite long.

I'm excited to see the CAG system as well, hopefully it brings similar qualities to the table. My *only* complaint about GameTZ is that you can't see which users blatantly ignore your trades because it drives me nuts that people basically list every new game for their system and never take offers.
bread's done