Gamecube Broadband Adapter $15.56 at

[quote name='Hockey37']Is there online play for Dash? Are the servers still up?[/QUOTE]

No servers. There never were.

It allows local LAN play if you get another Gamecube, another copy of Mario Kart, extra controllers, another tv, and people to play.

It's entirely possible to have a 16 person race (2 per kart), but it requires tons of hardware.

The point: The broadband adapter is essentially worthless, especially now that we've got Mario Kart Wii coming, which does allow for true online play.

I guess you can use it for....erm...less-than-legal purposes, but even that is really limited.
Well there is a way to enjoy Phantasy Star Online Eps 1&2 or PSO Ep 1&2 Plus semi-illegally for free by connecting to a private server - the official Sega servers for the GC and recently the PC-exclusive PSO Ep1,2,4 (Blue Burst) have recently shut down or been shut down for quite a while.

Wasn't there a way to play MK: DD quasi-online with a virtual LAN thing, sorta like that xboxconnect for the original Xbox with people who didn't want to play on live?

Was called something related to Mario, but the name escapes me right now.
Yeah PSO Gamecube servers went offline not too long ago, its technically only useful for local LAN and it requires a headache of a setup. Less than legal stuff is also limited like mentioned.

I think the only reason to buy this is for collectors value. I'd buy it for that, but I got other stuff on my list anyway..
[quote name='Strell']No servers. There never were.

It allows local LAN play if you get another Gamecube, another copy of Mario Kart, extra controllers, another tv, and people to play.

It's entirely possible to have a 16 person race (2 per kart), but it requires tons of hardware.

The point: The broadband adapter is essentially worthless, especially now that we've got Mario Kart Wii coming, which does allow for true online play.

I guess you can use it for....erm...less-than-legal purposes, but even that is really limited.[/quote]Is tunneling considered illegal? Or do you speak of darker things?
[quote name='MorPhiend']Is tunneling considered illegal? Or do you speak of darker things?[/QUOTE]

I'll be honest - not sure exactly what tunneling is.

I just know that you could exploit some buffer overflow somehow (I think with one of the PSO games, actually) which could let people stream data to the system to play games. One of my friends said he saw a guy do it with Warioware (J), and that they played it before it was released in the USA. (They all remarked that whenever the doctor gave instructions on what to do, it was a lot of fun not knowing what he was saying.)

Is that tunneling?

Point being is that a resourceful and dedicated person could use it for some low-key pirating if they really wanted.
[quote name='m0rningbreakfast']Was called something related to Mario, but the name escapes me right now.[/QUOTE]

I think it was called Warp Pipe.
[quote name='m0rningbreakfast']
Was called something related to Mario, but the name escapes me right now.[/QUOTE]

It was (is) called warp pipe:

Edit: Looks like gamemoose beat me too it.

I used to play Mario Kart Online. It was kinda of neat playing online on a console back then but by today's standards it just seems like a laggy mess (although not as bad as Brawl :p). From what I remember you signed up to warp pipe and then used the tunneling program to connect to another player (AIM was used for communication). Essentially the program tricks the Gamecube into thinking you are playing a LAN game while you really are playing online.

I also had a sub to PSO EP 1 & 2 for awhile. I think I logged 200 hours into that game.

I sold my broadband adapter for $20.00 on eBay before the Wii came out. I can't think of any good reason to own one anymore.

[quote name='Strell']I'll be honest - not sure exactly what tunneling is.

I just know that you could exploit some buffer overflow somehow (I think with one of the PSO games, actually) which could let people stream data to the system to play games. One of my friends said he saw a guy do it with Warioware (J), and that they played it before it was released in the USA. (They all remarked that whenever the doctor gave instructions on what to do, it was a lot of fun not knowing what he was saying.)

Is that tunneling?

Point being is that a resourceful and dedicated person could use it for some low-key pirating if they really wanted.[/QUOTE]

That is not tunneling. Tunneling is the process described above. What you are thinking of is an exploit in Phantasy Star Online. It essentially allows piracy. Due to the complicated and unaccessible nature of the process it never really took off nor did Nintendo care.
If anyone has PSO for the GC and already owns or is buying a BB adapter, I'd be happy to walk you thru via PM how to play for free on a private server of 100+ GC strong.

Or if you wish to play the online PC-only episode 4 (new weapons, armors, mags, enemies, bosses, ZOMG RAREZ!!1!one!i1!) I can easily walk you thru that.

I just hate to see PSO not get the recognition it so deserves (one of the first, if not THE first online cole MMO), it was more than hacker's gateway game -_-;;.
Actually, while it was ridiculously impractical when it was a new thing, now it's not so impractical. I've actually got 3 gamecubes, all purchased for less than $30 each (two were "broken", but they are easy fixes). I got two broadband adapters and when family came over we had them bring their copies of Mario Kart and Kirby and we played them networked. It was pretty cool and I intend to do that again.

FYI, I have a 17" LCD that I got from my brother-in-law as a hand-me-down. It's a bit crappy, but it works well enough and has built-in speakers. In fact we use that display and both gamecubes all the time. This setup allows my kids to play two different gamecube games at the same time, which they sometimes want to do. We have a Nintendo 64 that gets hooked up to it when we want to play that too. So... it's not quite so infeasible now, and it is a cool thing to do.

Only thing you should know is the one disappointment in Mario Kart's support is for some reason you can't play bobomb blast this way. The other battles work, but bobomb blast isn't there for some reason. On the other hand you can have up to 8 players playing at a time (16 if you count the "double" part of the game.) Kirby is different in that it doesn't allow more players, but it does give each player more screen real estate, and in Kirby Air Ride that is a significant thing. KAR is visually overwhelming when you have 3 or 4 players split up on one screen, but split over two screens it's a lot better and with only 2 players each gets their own entire screen. Unfortunately we don't have 1080 Avalanche so I haven't been able to try that game's support yet. I keep meaning to pick up a couple copies on the cheap, perhaps through goozex where it would cost $12 to get two copies.
Wow, now there's a...vintage piece of equipment. As already mentioned, the only real use for this anymore is for LAN games, and even then it's pretty limited. For reference, the games that do support LAN are:

Mario Kart: Double Dash
1080 Avalanche
Kirby's Air Ride

Of course for a LAN, you need to have one Gamecube, one copy of the game, and one broadband adaptor for every system you want to have hooked up.

It's too bad Nintendo made a few random games LAN compatible and then just completely abandoned the idea. It's funny how they even misspelled one of the games on the support page for the adaptor:
[quote name='m0rningbreakfast']If anyone has PSO for the GC and already owns or is buying a BB adapter, I'd be happy to walk you thru via PM how to play for free on a private server of 100+ GC strong.

Or if you wish to play the online PC-only episode 4 (new weapons, armors, mags, enemies, bosses, ZOMG RAREZ!!1!one!i1!) I can easily walk you thru that.

I just hate to see PSO not get the recognition it so deserves (one of the first, if not THE first online cole MMO), it was more than hacker's gateway game -_-;;.[/QUOTE]

I would like to know how to get connected to this private server. Post here or send me a PM. Thanks.
[quote name='tinman_licks']I would like to know how to get connected to this private server. Post here or send me a PM. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

I too, would love to hear how to get Blue Burst online! I had over 1000 hours invested into a level 176 RaMar back in the day. Man, I used to suck up our phone connection (dial-up, lol) for DAYS! Hmm... I eventually moved on, but I always wanted to dab into BB, but I didn't have a decent computer until the servers went dead.

I'd greatly appreciate instructions via a PM.

Ahhhhh memories. I remember playing PSO with that big ass keyboard/GCN controller monster looking hybrid controller. Damn good times. Oh, how I loved that little cube.

Tunneling was aids but I was so desperate for DD online games I put up with the bullshit. There was also tunneling with certain versions of SSB:M but I never could find the right edition of the disc. I heard it was infinitely more annoying to configure than regular tunneling.
[quote name='D. Monic']Before anyone orders this from Amazon, first check to see if a Gamestop in your area has a used one lying around. They're only $2.99. It's probably low percentage, but it's worth the 20 seconds it takes to check since it's so cheap.

And if you're a really hardcore GameCube collector, you can check on this...[/quote]

Can the modem adapter be used to hook up Gamecubes for multiplayer Mario Kart?
[quote name='D. Monic']Before anyone orders this from Amazon, first check to see if a Gamestop in your area has a used one lying around. They're only $2.99. It's probably low percentage, but it's worth the 20 seconds it takes to check since it's so cheap.

And if you're a really hardcore GameCube collector, you can check on this...[/QUOTE]

That's pretty smooth - how did you come up with the links to those? All I can find through Google cache searches is a link using the old product IDs.
[quote name='nwaugh']That's pretty smooth - how did you come up with the links to those? All I can find through Google cache searches is a link using the old product IDs.[/quote]

When u search something on Gamestop, go to the bottom of the results page and click "show backordered, out of stock stuff" or something to that effect.
[quote name='Purkeynator']Are there private servers set up for Dreamcast games too?[/quote]

If you're inquiring about PSO in particular, yes. As many of you may already know, the PSO (BB) servers went officially offline as of 3/31/08. You can however connect via SCHTHACK private server to connect your DC, GC, and PC>
I visit SCHTHACK on occasion to meet up with old friends from my Dreamcast days online.

As far as connecting solely your DC online, try onlineconsoles as a starting ground.

I'll apologize in advance for possibly violating forum rules?
[quote name='HughMBeing']If you're inquiring about PSO in particular, yes. As many of you may already know, the PSO (BB) servers went officially offline as of 3/31/08. You can however connect via SCHTHACK private server to connect your DC, GC, and PC>
I visit SCHTHACK on occasion to meet up with old friends from my Dreamcast days online.

As far as connecting solely your DC online, try onlineconsoles as a starting ground.

I'll apologize in advance for possibly violating forum rules?[/QUOTE]

Ah shit. I forgot about this little problem
Nevermind, thanks anyway.
[quote name='HughMBeing']If you're inquiring about PSO in particular, yes. As many of you may already know, the PSO (BB) servers went officially offline as of 3/31/08. You can however connect via SCHTHACK private server to connect your DC, GC, and PC>
I visit SCHTHACK on occasion to meet up with old friends from my Dreamcast days online.

As far as connecting solely your DC online, try onlineconsoles as a starting ground.

I'll apologize in advance for possibly violating forum rules?[/quote]
I just finished playing Blue Burst for like 4 or 5 hours straight.

Gamestop link tells me there are a few around here, I may try to pick one up and jump on the GC servers, I have some pretty high level characters on there iirc.
[quote name='help1']When u search something on Gamestop, go to the bottom of the results page and click "show backordered, out of stock stuff" or something to that effect.[/QUOTE]

Hey - thanks for that tip! I never noticed that button. Alas, it doesn't seem to do any good for finding the gamecube component cables. They aren't listed at all it seems. I wanted to find another one for my nephews GC.
I'd pick it up for $3 if I had a second gamecube, which seems like an unreality for me.

That modem adaptor is hardcore stuff indeed, and I've seen it new at two or three GS in my city (the locator shows that as well.)
[quote name='D. Monic']Before anyone orders this from Amazon, first check to see if a Gamestop in your area has a used one lying around. They're only $2.99. It's probably low percentage, but it's worth the 20 seconds it takes to check since it's so cheap.

And if you're a really hardcore GameCube collector, you can check on this...[/QUOTE]

Hah... actually in stock near me, though any use I thought I had for it is long gone. If only Nintendo had included an ethernet port on the cube... seems like they still haven't learned their lesson.
The Warppipe site is down right now, it was supposed to be back up over 2 weeks ago, but the creator is a lazy bastard and hasn't done anything about it, and wouldn't surprise me if he just wanted to forget about it all together.

The software for tunneling wasn't bad, but the further you were away from someone, the worse lag you would have. I was a beta tester for version .4.0 of the software, and had very few successful games, and actually liked .3.5 better in terms of connection speeds, but .4 had an IM client built in, and was great for ease of finding people (who you had to add to your buddy list of course).

And there are private PSO servers out there too, for Dreamcast V2, GC and Blue Burst. There are no more official PSO servers active in the US anymore, which is a huge shame, because the game is one of my favorites of all time. Just look around and I'm sure you'll find something on it.
bread's done