Gamecube Price Decrease


Anyone think the Gamecube will do its final price decrease sometime this year and if so what do you think the final price will be $79.99? $59.99? $49.99?
I'm not sure we'll see an official MSRP drop, but I'm sure stores will start clearancing them out to get them out of the way. For now it doesn't matter. They can just sit where the Wiis would be. ;)
Guess it would be a good idea. Does anyone see many Gamecube games on the shelves anymore, all the clearance sales seemed to have wiped out the selection around here. Few Weeks back, I only noticed the local BB had Carbon,Zelda and some movie license games that was about it of anything "newer", and few older games not many seem to care about anymore. I would say maybe something like 20 games on the shelf.

But the memories, the gamecube was great.

Wasn't there a rumor at one time, saying Nintendo was going to reprint Gamecube games as "wii/gamecube" games. This would be good to help finish off Gamecube Console Inventory and Increase Wii shelf Space and awareness....:lol: as if it needed more consumer awareness.

If the Price drop happened and was really good, would alot of you buy a spare/backup. I would be tempted but since the wii plays gamecube game 100% I would probally overthink they would sell out before I made my mind up?
I would be tempted but I still have my old Gamecube and now the Wii that play the games well enough. But then again, I bought a PSOne even though I already had a PS2 and original Playstation.
It is sad that by this X-mas holiday, you probably won't see any GameCubes on retail shelves anymore, including the games and other GC stuff. The Cube section in most stores that I've been to recently are pathetic as it is, with mostly Player's Choice and cartoon/movie licenced titles.

I still think they should reprint some Cube games in a double-pack. I believe two great GC games for $20-$25 would be a great deal for Wii owners who skipped the whole GC generation (especially if they came with a free Wii VC download.) Some 2-pack ideas would be: Mario Sunshine/Luigi Mansion; Metriod Prime 1&2; Pikmin 1&2; Starfox Adv & Assault; Zelda WW/4-Swords.
[quote name='mercilessming']Guess it would be a good idea. Does anyone see many Gamecube games on the shelves anymore, all the clearance sales seemed to have wiped out the selection around here. Few Weeks back, I only noticed the local BB had Carbon,Zelda and some movie license games that was about it of anything "newer", and few older games not many seem to care about anymore. I would say maybe something like 20 games on the shelf.

But the memories, the gamecube was great.

Wasn't there a rumor at one time, saying Nintendo was going to reprint Gamecube games as "wii/gamecube" games. This would be good to help finish off Gamecube Console Inventory and Increase Wii shelf Space and awareness....:lol: as if it needed more consumer awareness.

If the Price drop happened and was really good, would alot of you buy a spare/backup. I would be tempted but since the wii plays gamecube game 100% I would probally overthink they would sell out before I made my mind up?[/quote]

If there was 1 more price drop, I would definetly fork over for a Gamecube. I collect every video game system and keep the boxes and plastic even after I take out the system and start using it. Right now I'm just missing the Gamecube, PS3 and Wii. I have everything from Atari on. After I get those 3 systems. I will start working on handhelds and the systems that came before Atari.
When asked if they will make another naruto for gameucbe, they said the problem is rather retailer will be willing to stock gamecube games. Gamecube could be gone by the end of the year.
Actually in the stores near me (Indianapolis) There is about half of a four foot section still dedicated to Gamecube games in most stores. The other half is for the Wii and growing as more Wii titles are released.
The GameCube section in local Hawaii game stores aren't too big. Most stores only stock the really popular games and franchises available for the system. Its too bad, because the GCN is still a great platform. It was inevitable of course, especially now with Wii available. I do hope to see some clearance GCN games, or even GCN games remade/branded as Wii games even (minus the Wii functionality).

What took me by surprise is how quickly Wii's game inventory is growing.
I doubt that we'll see a price decrease, because I imagine that these things will continue to sell so long as there continues to be a scarcity of Wiis.
Around here teh GC sections never been too big, since the other console sections took up the whole darn store. I don't think the console will be around for too long, but the games will stick for a little longer since the Wii can play them.
Down here there is about 5 or 6 colums of non Player's Choice games and the other 5-6 rows are Player's Choice games. I'm still going to hold out for a possible price drop for the Gamecube though. :)
Fry's in Indy had a black GC for $79 when I was there earlier. Most stores I have been to have a small GC section that getting smaller as more Wii games are released. The exceptions are Fry's and TRU, which still have a nice selection of games.

It is funny that no matter how few games a store has, they always seem to have 4 Cubes at the bottom of the case.
According to a Nintendo insider (actually inside NHQ) this is the last year/Christmas for the GC. If there are any left by then (or maybe after Xmas, she wasn't clear), they would drop the price. She wouldn't say to what, but there is a chance.
Why would there be a price drop? I thought they've pretty much pulled all support for the console.

I suppose I better start buying the old titles I need before they start going the way of the segas.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']Fry's in Indy had a black GC for $79 when I was there earlier. Most stores I have been to have a small GC section that getting smaller as more Wii games are released. The exceptions are Fry's and TRU, which still have a nice selection of games.

It is funny that no matter how few games a store has, they always seem to have 4 Cubes at the bottom of the case.[/quote]

I never count Frys when it comes to the mainstream behavior. They often have lower prices than anyone regarddless of MSRP.
I'm still going to hold out for the price drop, and if there sold out by that time oh well. I'm sure I can find one for retail online somewhere.
I actually have a backup cube in my closet. As of right now it still holds the #1 console of all-time for me.
Well I lied I went to Best Buy yesterday and bought 1 of the 3 that were still sitting there (all Platinum). Damn impulsive buying of video games. GRR.
i'm pretty sure you can get one for pretty cheap now. The gameshop I frequent sells gamecubes for $59.99 and they're like brand new.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']It is funny that no matter how few games a store has, they always seem to have 4 Cubes at the bottom of the case.[/QUOTE]

Thats probably because thats how much shelf space the Cube is allotted. A standard sized shelf would hold 2 (maybe 3) Cubes. If they sell even one Cube the computer system would order another. These days it seems that if a place has any PS2s they have 6 on the shelf.
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