Gamefly. Dead island riptide ps3 $9.99 free ship. Walking dead $8.99 free ship xbox

Damn.. all these deals! I'm so tempted by Walking Dead.. but I know there is a more 'complete' edition with the Vita version.

In for Walking Dead. I've been waiting for sub-$10 since its release and missed the Spring PSN sale. Surprised it took as long as it did.

Tempted on Riptide, but not gonna pick it up. I did enjoy Dead Island but I hear the 2nd one is pretty much the same thing as the first one. I'll wait till its a bit cheaper.

Most say quite the opposite; same game, same bugs, new location.

I bought this recently the last time it was $13 on GF and I'm enjoying it. Sure, it's kind of a buggy mess like the first, but I kind of enjoyed the first and feel the same about this one. 10 bucks is an easy jumping point imo, especially if you liked the first one because it feels like an expansion as opposed to a full $60 buck game.

I actually preferred Riptide over the original. I played them back to back and thought the setting in Riptide was a little better and the expanded skill tree is nice. It is a more compact game so I was not getting board. A few new enemies also changes things up a bit and the weapon system is a little more refined. Anyway it is worth $10.

Bought The Walking Dead for PS3. Already bought and played it off the PSN, but I wanted to have a physical copy.

Sweet! Thanks for the deal OP! I ended up buying both from Gamefly and I locked in a Trade-In for :ps3: Riptide at Best Buy. I"ll basically be getting :ps3: The Walking Dead for the price of tax.  :bouncy:

gamefly: (noun) 1. The enemy of backlog reduction.

                          2. The destroyer of wallets.

Oh, anyone want to sell me on Riptide? Is it better than the original?
Best part is you can bring in your character from Dead Island into Riptide. I was able to get to level 70 without any grinding required. I started at level 38 from Dead Island.

Like others said, more of the same. I enjoyed enough to try and platinum but one of the damn collectible trophies glitched on me.

Best part is you can bring in your character from Dead Island into Riptide. I was able to get to level 70 without any grinding required. I started at level 38 from Dead Island.

Like others said, more of the same. I enjoyed enough to try and platinum but one of the damn collectible trophies glitched on me.
I didn't know you could do that, maybe I'll buy the 360 version instead so I can import

I am stationed in Italy, using a Italian IP address, and gamefly autodirects me to some UK digital gamefly site, so basically I can't get to any of these deals. Any workaround a?
I bought this recently the last time it was $13 on GF and I'm enjoying it. Sure, it's kind of a buggy mess like the first, but I kind of enjoyed the first and feel the same about this one. 10 bucks is an easy jumping point imo, especially if you liked the first one because it feels like an expansion as opposed to a full $60 buck game.
A buggy mess? I think I logged 80 or so hours on the first and I don't remember any bugs. I played it back when it released as well.

Would you recommend TWD to someone who hardly plays these type of games?
Only if you like the show. The game to me felt more like I was participating in and watching an animated version of the show rather than playing a game. It was good though, but I wouldn't spend too much on it (got it free).

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Wish Dead Island was available for 360 too but I went ahead and ordered anyway, $10 is too good of a deal for me. I'll just get some trophies and sell it on eBay someday when I get the 360 version.

These freaking Gamefly deals are making me wish I wasn't going to college and working full time instead. I haven't bought a single game from them for a while and it's killing me.

Only if you like the show. The game to me felt more like I was participating in and watching an animated version of the show rather than playing a game. It was good though, but I wouldn't spend too much on it (got it free).
The show is terrible. The game is good.

The show is terrible. The game is good.

bread's done