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People complain and call it a patch, but it adds loads of new content and a new campaign, from what I'm reading. Most patches don't give new content...

I guess you could liken it to XCOM: Enemy Within. It's the same game, but it just adds stuff and makes everything better.
The reason they call it a patch is because it made some substantial overhaul changes for the better to the game but instead of, you know, patching Fallen Enchantress with those changes and releasing the new campaign as a DLC they abandoned Fallen Enchantress and then just made the expansion AND the patch that went along with it a new game that includes all the stuff FE plus the changes and the new campaign.

It's really a crappy way to do things. Most games when they release an add-on will patch the base game with any core changes they've made. Diablo 3 just did this. Sims 3 regular does this. It's just the normal thing to do.

It's basically the equivalent of if Blizzard left Diablo 3 in its pre-patch state with the auction house and all of that, then made Reaper of Souls its own new game that has all the substantial changes for the better to the base Diablo 3 plus a new campaign. You know how much outrage there would be over that?

Stardock only gets away with it because nobody cares about their games.

People complain and call it a patch, but it adds loads of new content and a new campaign, from what I'm reading. Most patches don't give new content...

I guess you could liken it to XCOM: Enemy Within. It's the same game, but it just adds stuff and makes everything better.
The reason they call it a patch is because it made some substantial overhaul changes for the better to the game but instead of, you know, patching Fallen Enchantress with those changes and releasing the new campaign as a DLC they abandoned Fallen Enchantress and then just made the expansion AND the patch that went along with it a new game that includes all the stuff FE plus the changes and the new campaign.

It's really a crappy way to do things. Most games when they release an add-on will patch the base game with any core changes they've made. Diablo 3 just did this. Sims 3 regular does this. It's just the normal thing to do.

It's basically the equivalent of if Blizzard left Diablo 3 in its pre-patch state with the auction house and all of that, then made Reaper of Souls its own new game that has all the substantial changes for the better to the base Diablo 3 plus a new campaign. You know how much outrage there would be over that?
Well, IIRC, it would be more accurate to say that this would be like Blizzard releasing Reaper of Souls with all of the patch changes, a new campaign, AND the existing original campaign content.

Stardock only gets away with it because nobody cares about their games.
In fairness, I think there is a subset of mostly TBS gamers and people who like its skinning products who are diehard Stardock apologists. At one point, Stardock was actually one of the good guys. It released substantial free patches for Galactic Civilizations II and the Political Machine games. There were some paid DLCs for GC II but they were cheap for buyers of the original game and added substantial new content. Stardock really only started nickel-and-diming people when Sins of a Solar Empire was released and it really came to a head with the Elemental -> Fallen Enchantress -> Legendary Heroes fiasco.
I played a good 12 or so hours of Fallen Enchantress: LH and thought it was boring anyway.  Couldn't get into it.  Looking back, I wish I would have skipped it entirely.

Well, IIRC, it would be more accurate to say that this would be like Blizzard releasing Reaper of Souls with all of the patch changes, a new campaign, AND the existing original campaign content.
That's what I said Mr. I'm not here to argue semantics. Even if that wasn't your interpretation of my words it's pretty clear the comparison I was trying to make.

To break this down in simple terms so I don't get internet anal nitpicked they combined the original game with a patch and expansion, called it a new game and left the original alone not even bothering to update it with the patched changes. ie you have to buy the 'new game' to get the new campaign AND the patched changes.

Yet they still sell the original (and yes I know Elemental is the real original) even though it's clearly obsolete and unpatched.

In fairness, I think there is a subset of mostly TBS gamers and people who like its skinning products who are diehard Stardock apologists. At one point, Stardock was actually one of the good guys. It released substantial free patches for Galactic Civilizations II and the Political Machine games. There were some paid DLCs for GC II but they were cheap for buyers of the original game and added substantial new content. Stardock really only started nickel-and-diming people when Sins of a Solar Empire was released and it really came to a head with the Elemental -> Fallen Enchantress -> Legendary Heroes fiasco.
Obviously not literally 0 people on the planet care about it. It's a figure of speech. Point is, it's niche. There are apologist fanbois taking up for them and those who are calling them on their shit aren't loud enough, there's not enough of them and the press isn't running with it.

If EA or Ubisoft or Blizzard pulled that nonsense they'd be crucified and rightly so.

The reason they call it a patch is because it made some substantial overhaul changes for the better to the game but instead of, you know, patching Fallen Enchantress with those changes and releasing the new campaign as a DLC they abandoned Fallen Enchantress and then just made the expansion AND the patch that went along with it a new game that includes all the stuff FE plus the changes and the new campaign.

It's really a crappy way to do things. Most games when they release an add-on will patch the base game with any core changes they've made. Diablo 3 just did this. Sims 3 regular does this. It's just the normal thing to do.
Normal unless you're Firaxis. Stardock is just emulating the master.

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Not that anyone here would do this, but I would recommend against buying Rekoil.  I haven't been able to play a round.  I'm able to load sometimes, sometimes click on a game to join (though all servers are empty) but it always crashes and freezes my computer on the menu screens.  With both Windows 7 and 8.  Haven't looked too much into any possible fixes, but it's been disappointing since I hoped to mess with the level editor.  

For those that got Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit from the Sega Humble Weekly Bundle, the two dlcs for Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit are showing 81% to 82% off but they are actually 75% off if you look at steam store price.

Hell Yeah! Pimp My Rabbit Pack - Gamersgate $0.75 (81% off) Steam *$0.75 (75% off was lowest on steam)
Hell Yeah! Virtual Rabbit Missions - Gamersgate $1.37 (82% off) Steam *$1.37 (75% off was lowest on steam)
I'm be tempted to dump my 2000+ BC on that if I actually liked the game.

Not that anyone here would do this, but I would recommend against buying Rekoil. I haven't been able to play a round. I'm able to load sometimes, sometimes click on a game to join (though all servers are empty) but it always crashes and freezes my computer on the menu screens. With both Windows 7 and 8. Haven't looked too much into any possible fixes, but it's been disappointing since I hoped to mess with the level editor.
So, better than Red Sabre: Takedown than? ;) (At least Rekoil spares you the misery of playing. :mrgreen:)

Not that anyone here would do this, but I would recommend against buying Rekoil. I haven't been able to play a round. I'm able to load sometimes, sometimes click on a game to join (though all servers are empty) but it always crashes and freezes my computer on the menu screens. With both Windows 7 and 8. Haven't looked too much into any possible fixes, but it's been disappointing since I hoped to mess with the level editor.
I couldn't even bring myself to buy it and Takedown for a dollar in that bundle. (I already had Marlow)

Apparently, even I have standards.

The reason they call it a patch is because it made some substantial overhaul changes for the better to the game but instead of, you know, patching Fallen Enchantress with those changes and releasing the new campaign as a DLC they abandoned Fallen Enchantress and then just made the expansion AND the patch that went along with it a new game that includes all the stuff FE plus the changes and the new campaign.

It's really a crappy way to do things. Most games when they release an add-on will patch the base game with any core changes they've made. Diablo 3 just did this. Sims 3 regular does this. It's just the normal thing to do.

It's basically the equivalent of if Blizzard left Diablo 3 in its pre-patch state with the auction house and all of that, then made Reaper of Souls its own new game that has all the substantial changes for the better to the base Diablo 3 plus a new campaign. You know how much outrage there would be over that?

Stardock only gets away with it because nobody cares about their games.
True, but on the flipside, if you were late to the party, you don't have to buy both a base game and an expansion and pay even more. You can just buy the new version for one price and be covered.

Of course it fucked over original buyers somewhat, but it's relatively good for people like me. They do give a pretty dramatic discount to owners of the original though, don't they? For most gamers, that kind of a discount is really good, it's just not all too appealing to us CAGs.

i might buy dungeon lords. if there have been 2012 dungeon lord games, they must be decent, right?
That's D.W. Bradley's magnum opus. Everyone needs to "experience" it at least once. They have a great business model too... Every time they patch the game, they just resell it as an improved version. Oh and if you don't know who D.W. Bradley is you need to educate yourself immediately.

Weird, no I meant CKII... that's new. It didn't used to be that way. GG only used to sell steam-less CKII.

Why is the world changing? Oh why? Oh why?
I actually have a vague recollection of that as well. But, luckily the sale is slightly worse than mediocre, so I doubt anyone would notice one way or the other.

Weird, no I meant CKII... that's new. It didn't used to be that way. GG only used to sell steam-less CKII.

Why is the world changing? Oh why? Oh why?
Paradox remove that version in GG and change it with steam version too. So that they will only update 1 version of the game.

But like you said CK2 steam version is technically drm free.


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75% off Dominions 4: Thrones of Ascension (Other DRM/Steam) - $8.75
75% off Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (Steam) - $7.49

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Save up to 75% off select Bioshock games and DLC (Ends 3/28)
damn only 35 blue coins away from free bioshock infinite columbia's finest dlc. got 500 for rating my games, still waiting for the reviews I just posted to be approved. How long does it usually take, hopefully it's before the sale is over.

damn only 35 blue coins away from free bioshock infinite columbia's finest dlc. got 500 for rating my games, still waiting for the reviews I just posted to be approved. How long does it usually take, hopefully it's before the sale is over.
i think it takes about as long as it does for playfire rewards to activate

damn only 35 blue coins away from free bioshock infinite columbia's finest dlc. got 500 for rating my games, still waiting for the reviews I just posted to be approved. How long does it usually take, hopefully it's before the sale is over.
A long fuck ing time?

A week if you're lucky, but realistically around 2 weeks to a month.

I was pretty close to buying Summoner since it was just released on Steam and is on sale for 75% off on GG:

I've decided against it though since Nordic has bundled some of THQs other old games already.
Sweet price, too bad Nordic bundles literally everything now. They'd bundle the earth if they owned it.
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Harbinger is 75% off at $1.25. It's basically a sci-fi Diablo. Reviews are good, except for some complaining it doesn't work on Windows Vista/7/8 but someone else said you can just run it in compatibility mode and it's fine.

It's not on Steam but there's the caveat that Nordic my put it on Steam at some point. Doesn't seem to be one of the more well known titles though so who knows?

*Edit: Was browsing through some of the other Nordic stuff on sale. Brut/Moob/MysterD/RPG people anyone have any experience and thoughts on Neverend? Info @ GG is scared but some stuff I read around the net seems to indicate it's a decent RPG if you aren't expecting AAA (for 2006!) production values.

It's $5 so it's a little more than I want to risk on an unknown, especially an icky DRM free, but supposedly isthereanydeal puts it at the lowest price to date and GG is the only place that seems to sell it.

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I was pretty close to buying Summoner since it was just released on Steam and is on sale for 75% off on GG:

I've decided against it though since Nordic has bundled some of THQs other old games already.
I ended up getting it for $1 using Madjoki's 1000 blue coins trick + a little bit of BC I had already. That's good enough for me. I own so much other stuff already most likely it would be in a Bundle Stars for $5 with a bunch of repeats where I already own most of the others anyway.

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*Edit: Was browsing through some of the other Nordic stuff on sale. Brut/Moob/MysterD/RPG people anyone have any experience and thoughts on Neverend? Info @ GG is scared but some stuff I read around the net seems to indicate it's a decent RPG if you aren't expecting AAA (for 2006!) production values.
I know that I was about to write a reply about how much I enjoyed playing it before realizing I was thinking about The Neverhood.

Hate to ask, but can anyone confirm or deny if I can redeem the hawx or hawx 2 keys on steam or uplay?

Hawx drm page says tages, and hawx 2 page says other drm.

Thanks in advance.
Hate to ask, but can anyone confirm or deny if I can redeem the hawx or hawx 2 keys on steam or uplay?

Hawx drm page says tages, and hawx 2 page says other drm.

Thanks in advance.
Most likely just download. uPlay don't register old games.

Ubisoft so no steam.

HAWX 1 should be accurate in its Tagès description.  HAWX 2 could be Uplay as it is a Uplay enabled game, but I have no first hand evidence to support anything beyond the quote on the item page: CREATION OF A UBISOFT ACCOUNT ARE REQUIRED

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So I made a bit of an oopsie. I bought the Alexander expansion for Rome: Total War from GG because no one sells it separately besides Amazon (or Steam, but it hasn't been on sale on either website in centuries), and I just got the Gold Edition from the Sega Humble. However, I bought it under the impression that since it was purchaseable from Steam, it'd be a Steam key. And boy was I wrong. Apparently it uses SecuRom or some bullshit (I don't even know what the fuck that is).

So.. three sets of questions, 1) Does the Steam purchase even use Steamworks? 2) Is SecuRom or whatever included if I buy it from Steam? 3) How easy is it to get a refund if I don't use the keys/download/install anything?

It's my first purchase from GG, so yeah. Thanks!

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So I made a bit of an oopsie. I bought the Alexander expansion from GG because no one sells it separately besides Amazon, and I just got the Gold Edition from the Sega humble. However, I bought it under the impression that since it was purchaseable from Steam, it'd be a Steam key. And boy was I wrong. Apparently it uses SecuRom or some bullshit (I don't even know what the fuck that is).

So.. three sets of questions, 1) Does the Steam purchase even use Steamworks? 2) Is SecuRom or whatever included if I buy it from Steam? 3) How easy is it to get a refund if I don't use the keys/download/install anything?

It's my first purchase from GG, so yeah. Thanks!
1) who knows

2) maybe

3) very easy as long as you enjoy getting raped by cacti

edit: although i don't know the answer to the first two questions, according to the gamersgate website it should be pretty easy to get a refund

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damn only 35 blue coins away from free bioshock infinite columbia's finest dlc. got 500 for rating my games, still waiting for the reviews I just posted to be approved. How long does it usually take, hopefully it's before the sale is over.
yay, 2 of my reviews were accepted, who knew the bullshitting we learned in high school (writing class) would ever come in handy?

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