GamersGate Thread

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[quote name='derkduck']Just checked and it has removed them from my shelf. No email for a refund or anything so hopefully I get one asap.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ral1121']So, I gifted myself one of the keys yesterday, only thing available on"All games" and also got refunded

and it is now installing 7.5 gb of Borderlands 2.

I should just cancel it right since I have no serial number?[/QUOTE]

If you already redeemed the key on Steam then is already associated with your account, you don't need a cd-key anymore.

The only way to lose the game at this point is if they call Steam and deactivate all the keys already redeemed.
[quote name='Bort_']If you already redeemed the key on Steam then is already associated with your account, you don't need a cd-key anymore.

The only way to lose the game at this point is if they call Steam and deactivate all the keys already redeemed.[/QUOTE]

It's going through a Gamersgate download manager right now,

it popped up after I clicked Download in "All games" tab so it isn't activated through to my Steam.

but it never provided me with a key/serial.
Shazam, just now got the refund email. Boooooo! It's gonna be a pain in the ass refunding all these people if they revoke our already activated keys.
For the record: I bought the Bethesda pack and redeemed every single key to my steam account. So far, no email, no refund, and all the games are still on my shelf. I'm very interested to see how this plays out.
[quote name='nitman99']For the record: I bought the Bethesda pack and redeemed every single key to my steam account. So far, no email, no refund, and all the games are still on my shelf. I'm very interested to see how this plays out.[/QUOTE]

Kinda similar, to my knowledge everything was activated.

Anyone know how long typically it takes for an activated key to get reversed?
[quote name='Syntax Error']They took the Bethesda packs from my shelf but no email and no refund showing on my card. Thinking about contacting my card to reverse the charges.[/QUOTE]

Just contact GG's support. I'm sure they'll refund you without hassle, but you'll have to wait 3-4 days to get a response.
I'm really curious to see how they're going to handle the refunds for people who've activated some/all of the keys. I don't think they're going to revoke them from Steam, personally. I can see them just refunding everyone and taking the activated keys as a loss.
[quote name='sunghost']Just contact GG's support. I'm sure they'll refund you without hassle, but you'll have to wait 3-4 days to get a response.[/QUOTE]
Take me less time to contact my card.
[quote name='jeff1304']I sent them a ticket hopefully they will give me borderlands 2 back if they don't I'm going to paypal[/QUOTE]

I bought 2 packs - the first was a giftable one by accident. I then bought a second regular pack because I couldn't get the first one gifted due to the site slowdown and I wanted to try to get some keys before going to bed. From the second pack, all but 2 of the keys have been redeemed by myself or sold to someone else. I've received 1 email with 1 refund, and the giftable pack is now gone from my shelf, but the non-giftable pack with most of the keys redeemed is still there. I really hope they don't revoke the keys though - that will be a pain to refund the keys I sold.
Took them about an hour to send me an email for BL2, but they refunded me for Ghost Recon, and Ghost Recon is still on my shelf lol. It's downloading now, will see if it still works.
[quote name='Mooby']Did anyone have their Borderlands 2 season pass removed from their shelf (if they happened to grab it at $7.50)?[/QUOTE]

I'm wondering this too, but honestly that isn't much of a price mistake considering you can get it for $10 from GMG. Wouldn't be surprised if they didn't do anything about it.
My Bethesda pack is still there just no keys appear. Wasn't able to get any of them since they are out till January. I just submitted a refund don't really care anymore.
[quote name='nategator']
Anyone know how long typically it takes for an activated key to get reversed?[/QUOTE]

Nobody knows. If it happens then it will be on 'Valve time'.
[quote name='ral1121']It's going through a Gamersgate download manager right now,

it popped up after I clicked Download in "All games" tab so it isn't activated through to my Steam.

but it never provided me with a key/serial.[/QUOTE]

This is really weird considering Borderlands 2 is a Steamworks title, so the only way to play it is having it in Steam.

And yeah, if you didn't get a key better stop downloading, there are not stand-alone versions of the game.
[quote name='Mooby']Did anyone have their Borderlands 2 season pass removed from their shelf (if they happened to grab it at $7.50)?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='sunghost']I'm wondering this too, but honestly that isn't much of a price mistake considering you can get it for $10 from GMG. Wouldn't be surprised if they didn't do anything about it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think they'll probably let that one pass.
[quote name='sunghost']I'm wondering this too, but honestly that isn't much of a price mistake considering you can get it for $10 from GMG. Wouldn't be surprised if they didn't do anything about it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, my thought is they probably won't tinker with that. Or something like Viking which was only a $2ish price differential and probably 'sold' no where near the amount of keys as Bethesda/2K stuff.
I got a refund email as well, but the games still exist on my shelf for my Bethesda Pack. I activated all but Fallout 3 which was out of stock...I believe everyone who downloaded games should back up their respective steamapps directory, regardless of what happens you should be able to play them in offline mode, if they do actually reverse the keys. I will be highly upset if they do, because after purchase I got the Skyrim DLC packs separately, and the dishonored DLC. Hoping they don't, their facebook page is a world of venomous rage atm. I understand it was an error, and after this Borderlands 2 cock up they likely lost some large amounts of money....but its crazy to reverse what was purchased and has been played for several days. After all, it's Christmas!
The Season Pass mistake was actually fixed relatively quickly. Within 45 minute or so. So they probably didn't sell an obscene amount like they undoubtedly did with the 4-pack fiasco.
I don't think people would be complaining as much if it was just the Borderlands 2 fiasco being reversed, but the fact that they acted like they were honoring the Bethesda glitch by telling us we'd all get keys in January is what stings a little.

Oh, who am I kidding? People would complain no matter what.
[quote name='Motoki']Nobody knows. If it happens then it will be on 'Valve time'.[/QUOTE]

And if they do it it's gonna be a huge clusterfuck.
[quote name='Tsel']I don't think people would be complaining as much if it was just the Borderlands 2 fiasco being reversed, but the fact that they acted like they were honoring the Bethesda glitch by telling us we'd all get keys in January is what stings a little.

Oh, who am I kidding? People would complain no matter what.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this, although I only think people have at least some validity in their complaints with the Bethesda pack.

I'm mostly concerned about key revoking. Ugh what a nightmare.
[quote name='jrodri86']And if they do it it's gonna be a huge clusterfuck.[/QUOTE]

They don't seem to have been deterred from doing things that would piss people off in the past. It wouldn't shock me.
Honestly, it's their own fault. I understand that they have the right to refund or revoke our keys or whatever, but you think they would've learned with the Bethesda glitch. They should've gotten their shit together right after that and the Borderlands 2 glitch should never have even happened.
My hunch is that neither Valve nor 2K nor Bethesda would be in favor of revoking already activated keys. The reality is these were, in fact, legitimate purchases and not rogue keys like you had with Dead Island.

Valve, 2K, and Bethesda are for-profit businesses and 'recovering' some potential future sales by taking keys away from people isn't worth pissing off thousands upon thousands of people... who very well might not even consider 'rebuying' the game after having their key revoked.

If anything you'll probably just have 2K and Bethesda demand financial compensation from GG assuming there is an agreement in place where only the publisher can set the discounts or that the discounts have to be in some certain range.
I got the email about the Bethesda collection and Paypal saying I got a full refund this morning. Nothing was said about revoking keys and the Bethesda collection is still in my account. I got all keys except Fallout 3 and Hunted.

I really hope this is just the case of, "We cannot provide all keys for every game included in the package, so here's a refund and keep what you already have" kind of thing.

Besides, do they even have the right to revoke keys? Isn't it only publishers and developers who can revoke keys?
[quote name='Tsel']I don't think people would be complaining as much if it was just the Borderlands 2 fiasco being reversed, but the fact that they acted like they were honoring the Bethesda glitch by telling us we'd all get keys in January is what stings a little.[/QUOTE]
I'm mainly just annoyed that my refund isn't posted despite my games being gone. Called my credit card and they said they had no pending refund so they started a chargeback.

I'm actually okay with the games themselves being gone provided I'm getting all my money back. I owned most of the Bethesda games so bought the packs mainly to gift with and was sort of disappointed that they'd come so late. I never finished my payment for BL2 4-Pack so no harm, no foul. I just want my two dollahs.

In classic GamersGate fashion, I'm sure their customer service response will just make things worse though and there'll be no "additional compensation" to speak of.
Wow maybe I should just cancel my refund request and see if my keys show up in January. Doesn't look like it from what people have been stating. I wasn't able to retrieve any keys in the pack.
No Borderlands 2 4-pack and Ghost Recon in my games list now and they didn't refund me. Wasted several hours two times now. No more Gamersgate.
[quote name='bshirk']No Borderlands 2 4-pack and Ghost Recon in my games list now and they didn't refund me. Wasted several hours two times now. No more Gamersgate.[/QUOTE]

It is 10:00pm in Stockholm right now probably wont see anything till tomorrow is my guess. Unless they have people working around the clock for customer service.
[quote name='kiwimonster']It is 10:00pm in Stockholm right now probably wont see anything till tomorrow is my guess. Unless they have people working around the clock for customer service.[/QUOTE]

If not... they should. Especially after two disasters in a row like this.
Holy shit some of the posts on the GG Facebook are both hilarious and downright pathetic.

You're drunk Gamergate, go home.
theft, fraud.
The first & the last time.
Dont buy a gamersgate.
Well it was nice while it lasted gamersgate. Enjoy the lawsuits, and slow death of your company. Myself and everyone I know will boycott your site. I suggest everyone changes to greenmangaming who honour their deals.
Cause this is a fraud by GamersGate
So basically gamersgate ENTERED IN MY HOUSE and took the games I bought? Because is digital doesnt mean you can do whatever you want
The next time you put out a sale, how about testing it first before you list it, and take our money, just to refund us, and remove the purchased item from our accounts. PR stunt or not. It's not our fault your site is being run by a level 1 tech support from who knows where (Sweden). I'll also help you by deleting my account with all the games I have in there, and freeing up space on your server so you can, maybe, just maybe, keep the site running smoothly. If you can't handle the business or sell items as listed, then take down your site.

So long GamersGate, it was nice while you lasted... You may want to be Steam, but you'll never get there like this.

Now. I'll take the money you refunded me and see what i can buy from or, because the one thing I do know about those site is, they face their errors and keep their customers happy.



[quote name='jeff1304']Well they just revoked a borderlands steam key I gave to my friend from the $15 single game .... How nice .....[/QUOTE]

Can anyone else confirm this?
I bought the original $15 BL2 and it's still in my Steam library. Maybe he means the key wouldn't activate when he tried it.

Hey, on the plus side, I still have my bonus Blue Coins! :D
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