GamersGate Thread

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[quote name='bshirk']I doubt that a few hundred people purchasing games at a low price could cripple a large business.[/QUOTE]
not to mention who knows what the cost for them and the keys for all we know double stacking the discount still was prob over cost.
[quote name='Stonekeep']
(Almost midnight, so it's not 12pm yet :D)[/QUOTE]
You haven't precised AM/PM in your previous post. I understood it in that way, because I thought it's more reasonable to complain rather about not working near noon than midnight.
[quote name='jeff1304']not to mention who knows what the cost for them and the keys for all we know double stacking the discount still was prob over cost.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Those games had a ridiculous markup in the first place.
[quote name='SlightlyOffTrack']GamersGate does not know what they are doing, pure and simple. They have no idea how to fix continual price glitching (it's been going on for MONTHS, this was bound to happen and STILL IS). They lie about the definition of "permanent" and don't actually own up to their mistake. They paint themselves as martyrs in their latest update about the Bethesda fiasco. They give a discount which can be exploited on blue coins because they didn't even test it first. And they give a large percentage of their loyal customer base the shaft.

There is absolutely no reason to support a retailer that doesn't support its customers.[/QUOTE]

Their CEO pretty much said he can't guarantee it won't happen again, and in fact in the days since he did say that it has happened again multiple times, just not on anything so expensive or high profile. This time.

It's really unfathomable that they keep on like this.

The Sleeping dogs mistake over at Steam literally lasted minutes before it was plugged. Yesterday Gamersgate had the Ship Simulator discount double stacked for 10 hours or so. Granted that's not a high profile game but still.
[quote name='bshirk']Agreed. Those games had a ridiculous markup in the first place.[/QUOTE]
Bethesda New Year Collection -- $28.76 -- steam keys

Brink Complete Pack
DOOM 3 BFG Edition
Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition
Hunted: The Demon’s Forge™
Rogue Warrior
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

musta been a helluva mark up?
[quote name='bshirk']Agreed. Those games had a ridiculous markup in the first place.[/QUOTE]

You know, just when I think I can't read anything more idiotic than one of your posts, I read another one of your posts.

I have to assume this is some sort of performance art.
[quote name='bshirk']Agreed. Those games had a ridiculous markup in the first place.[/QUOTE]

Although GG messed up, saying that the games had "ridiculous markup" for a pack that was less than $30 is being unfair and being a borderline asshole. A bundle with just Dishonored and Skyrim is pretty good considering Dishonored being a "new" game and Skyrim being only about a year old, let alone a bundle that also includes Fallout series and Oblivion and Morrowind.

[quote name='Motoki']Their CEO pretty much said he can't guarantee it won't happen again, and in fact in the days since he did say that it has happened again multiple times, just not on anything so expensive or high profile. This time.

It's really unfathomable that they keep on like this.

The Sleeping dogs mistake over at Steam literally lasted minutes before it was plugged. Yesterday Gamersgate had the Ship Simulator discount double stacked for 10 hours or so. Granted that's not a high profile game but still.[/QUOTE]

Please Motoki, don't remind me about that Sleeping dogs "deal" that I missed because I got home late. So mad at myself for missing that. :cry:
[quote name='Motoki']Their CEO pretty much said he can't guarantee it won't happen again, and in fact in the days since he did say that it has happened again multiple times, just not on anything so expensive or high profile. This time.

It's really unfathomable that they keep on like this. [/QUOTE]

Not really. All it means is that they haven't figured out how to fix it.
[quote name='voken']Although GG messed up, saying that the games had "ridiculous markup" for a pack that was less than $30 is being unfair and being a borderline asshole. A bundle with just Dishonored and Skyrim is pretty good considering Dishonored being a "new" game and Skyrim being only about a year old, let alone a bundle that also includes Fallout series and Oblivion and Morrowind.

Please Motoki, don't remind me about that Sleeping dogs "deal" that I missed because I got home late. So mad at myself for missing that. :cry:[/QUOTE]

He probably meant before the glitch.
[quote name='gilby']Not really. All it means is that they haven't figured out how to fix it.[/QUOTE]

And when are they going to do that exactly? It's been going on for a long time, it's just that it didn't really hit a big expensive high profile pack of popular games with Steam keys until recently.
[quote name='asheskitty']I find that to be an amusing idea, however I think they's screw that up too. :lol:[/QUOTE]
In the family of Digital Games Retailers, GamersGate is the one they keep chained up under the floorboards and feed Baby Ruths to. He means well but he's dangerous to himself and everyone else if left to follow his own initiative.

[quote name='SlightlyOffTrack']Is this the kind of customer GamersGate really wants to keep? At the cost of losing those who did not get the discount?[/QUOTE]
Given that 99% of those who "didn't get the discount" probably didn't shy away from the purchase on some high moral grounds but rather because they didn't know, the servers were too crashed, they figured the games would be too devalued to bother reselling, etc, I'd say there's no reason to reward those who were basically just never in the picture.

Anyway, if I learned anything from the Origin coupon fiasco, it's carpe diem when it comes to these things.

[quote name='bshirk']Wow, a discount when there are no good sales left. Thanks Lamersgate.[/QUOTE]
Provided the discount stays on until Dec 31 as advertised, that provides you with spring/Easter sales, summer sales, Thanksgiving sales, Christmas sales, Halloween sales, a years worth of "Midweek Madness" sales, etc.

[quote name='Motoki']Yesterday Gamersgate had the Ship Simulator discount double stacked for 10 hours or so. Granted that's not a high profile game but still.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, until I thought I might want it... :bomb:
[quote name='Syntax Error']
Yeah, until I thought I might want it... :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Okay, okay. Next time I see an oddball, nichey euro-simulator on a good sale that (almost) nobody wants I will post about it. ;)
Oh I'll admit flat out that I would have tried purchasing at the glitched price if I had the chance. But I wouldn't have been surprised if I was simply refunded. The difference between me and a large majority of the people being rewarded here? I would NOT have flamed GamersGate and spewed hate all over their Facebook page. I would NOT have turned around and abused the glitch and turned it into a profit by essentially cheating my fellow gamers.

I'm not saying that we all need some sort of "reward." If they wanted to compensate people, then give them all unique one time 50% off codes or something. But this is just stupid for obvious reasons people have already summed up better than I could. Anyone who says otherwise should apply to work at GG because they'd fit right in.

It's worth noting that even major retailers like Wal-Mart have issued refunds over online pricing glitches. And if there were ever a company that could eat the money, it's them. It's not unheard of. Just don't leave people hanging for a week, and for crying out loud don't promise something you won't deliver to everyone.
[quote name='Motoki']And when are they going to do that exactly? It's been going on for a long time, it's just that it didn't really hit a big expensive high profile pack of popular games with Steam keys until recently.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure they'd love to know the answer to that question.
[quote name='SlightlyOffTrack']Oh I'll admit flat out that I would have tried purchasing at the glitched price if I had the chance. But I wouldn't have been surprised if I was simply refunded. The difference between me and a large majority of the people being rewarded here? I would NOT have flamed GamersGate and spewed hate all over their Facebook page. I would NOT have turned around and abused the glitch and turned it into a profit by essentially cheating my fellow gamers.

I'm not saying that we all need some sort of "reward." If they wanted to compensate people, then give them all unique one time 50% off codes or something. But this is just stupid for obvious reasons people have already summed up better than I could. Anyone who says otherwise should apply to work at GG because they'd fit right in.

It's worth noting that even major retailers like Wal-Mart have issued refunds over online pricing glitches. And if there were ever a company that could eat the money, it's them. It's not unheard of. Just don't leave people hanging for a week, and for crying out loud don't promise something you won't deliver to everyone.[/QUOTE]

To you, and a few others
[quote name='Diad']Bethesda New Year Collection -- $28.76 -- steam keys

Brink Complete Pack
DOOM 3 BFG Edition
Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition
Hunted: The Demon’s Forge™
Rogue Warrior
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

musta been a helluva mark up?[/QUOTE]

I meant the default price, not that glitch sale.
[quote name='voken']Although GG messed up, saying that the games had "ridiculous markup" for a pack that was less than $30 is being unfair and being a borderline asshole. A bundle with just Dishonored and Skyrim is pretty good considering Dishonored being a "new" game and Skyrim being only about a year old, let alone a bundle that also includes Fallout series and Oblivion and Morrowind.

Please Motoki, don't remind me about that Sleeping dogs "deal" that I missed because I got home late. So mad at myself for missing that. :cry:[/QUOTE]

I was referring to the default price, not the glitch sale.
[quote name='Syntax Error']In the family of Digital Games Retailers, GamersGate is the one they keep chained up under the floorboards and feed Baby Ruths to. He means well but he's dangerous to himself and everyone else if left to follow his own initiative.

Given that 99% of those who "didn't get the discount" probably didn't shy away from the purchase on some high moral grounds but rather because they didn't know, the servers were too crashed, they figured the games would be too devalued to bother reselling, etc, I'd say there's no reason to reward those who were basically just never in the picture.

Anyway, if I learned anything from the Origin coupon fiasco, it's carpe diem when it comes to these things.

Provided the discount stays on until Dec 31 as advertised, that provides you with spring/Easter sales, summer sales, Thanksgiving sales, Christmas sales, Halloween sales, a years worth of "Midweek Madness" sales, etc.

Yeah, until I thought I might want it... :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Oh, I thought it was just for the month. My bad.
I realize I'm really late to the party, but if anyone has the Bethesda New Year Collection for sale please pm me. I honestly own none of the games in the pack.
I think I might cancel the paypal claim and wait for the keys. Since I bought it as a gift and gift it to my own account I think I'm g2g.
Edit: I just did it, now to play the waiting game.
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[quote name='bshirk']I meant the default price, not that glitch sale.[/QUOTE]

Amazon does the same thing with bundles that they don't want people buying.
[quote name='asheskitty']You can multi-quote by clicking the "+" button by multiple posts and then hitting the post reply button at the bottom of the page.[/QUOTE]
If anyone would know this...
Wow... Things turn fast around here... Went from a stale no news thread to an all out flame war about, well various things from what I've been able to keep up on in the thread.

Just to confirm I too got an email this morning stating that they will honor my partial order and fill the missing keys as soon as they can. I'm just waiting for one so I'm sure when they said they'd fill orders at the end of January the meant they'd fill any partial orders that are still outstanding. Sounds like they jumped the gun with that statement. If they had made the statement after refunding any orders that hadn't had any active steam keys then I think folks would be a lot less angry.

This was my first purchase from GG and I'm not sure if I'll order from them again. They were completely overwhelmed by all these missteps. Guess I'll step back and take the "wait and see" approach. I'm pretty happy with the resolution they provided me and don't mind that I missed the 20% discount for the next year. I'd rather have the games in hand and be done for now.

I understand why they refunded any orders that hadn't activated their steam keys and I think the 20% discount seems pretty fair as long as they do refund anyone that didn't get their order filled.
[quote name='DrummerX']Interestingly, I received a full refund, and activated 10/11 games. I did "gift" them to myself, as when my order finally went through it was listed as a "gift only" purchase, and feel this may have had something to do with it. According to their statement, I'm to assume that they will provide a Fallout 3 GOTY key to me sometime as well, meaning they gave me 11 games for free by refunding me when I didn't request it? Strangest online purchase I've ever (not?) made.

I sent them a ticket letting them know I will pay them the same amount, but I doubt it is possible at this point. Obviously they were unsuccessful in their bid to revoke keys so I guess either way I don't have to worry.

On a side note, because I got refunded, I wonder if I will get the 20% off all until 2013 as well....and if I do, will it eventually lead to "well, "December 2013" doesn't actually MEAN "December 2013", it was just taken out of context, we meant "March"."

I still haven't received any email from them about fulfilling partial orders and/or getting a discount.

Though I'm in the same boat too. I activated 9 out of 11 keys and was forced a full refund. Also gifted it to myself and never sent them a ticket or anything either. So basically, we really did just get them totally free, correct?
[quote name='deviousnaraku']I still haven't received any email from them about fulfilling partial orders and/or getting a discount.

Though I'm in the same boat too. I activated 9 out of 11 keys and was forced a full refund. Also gifted it to myself and never sent them a ticket or anything either. So basically, we really did just get them totally free, correct?[/QUOTE]

Unless in the highly unlikely event they start revoking Steam keys then... yeah you basically got $30-50ish in free games.
Gaaahhhhh I have "didn't gift myself or view keys" remorse.

I have no bad feelings toward GG. Just a part of me feels like a big opportunity was lost.
Things currently thinking about once I get my keys...

To sell my second Bethesda Pack whole for ease or part it for minor profit?

To play Brink or Rogue Warrior first?
[quote name='Neuro5i5']Things currently thinking about once I get my keys...

To sell my second Bethesda Pack whole for ease or part it for minor profit?

To play Brink or Rogue Warrior first?[/QUOTE]

Whole for ease, as long as it's to me.

In my completely-non-self-serving opinion, that seems best.
[quote name='deviousnaraku']I still haven't received any email from them about fulfilling partial orders and/or getting a discount.

Though I'm in the same boat too. I activated 9 out of 11 keys and was forced a full refund. Also gifted it to myself and never sent them a ticket or anything either. So basically, we really did just get them totally free, correct?[/QUOTE]

Based on the responses several have reported from Bethesda literally stating keys are not going to be revoked, yea it seems like we did get them free :). And I do believe you'll also get a key for your two remaining games. But what I can honeslty say as of now, I do still have the 20% discount, 10/11 games, and a refund. /shrug, I'll let you guys know how they respond to me.
Okay, I have no codes, no refund, and no 20% discount. Is there anyone else with my situation? Should I contact them now? I bought borderlands and wasn't able to redeem anything.
[quote name='Motoki']Out of curiosity does anyone know if the Rage from this pack redeems with any DLC or not?[/QUOTE]
Their original keys didn't have any (at all.) There's always the possibility that the new ones do have some, but I think that it's unlikely.
I got the codes for Skyrim, New Vegas, and Dishonored. I also got a refund and a 20% discount. Why did they refund me? I feel conflicted - I'm thinking I might reach out to them and get them to reverse the refund.
[quote name='Motoki']Out of curiosity does anyone know if the Rage from this pack redeems with any DLC or not?[/QUOTE]
It does not.

I wasn't even mad about the whole Gamersgate debacle, I didn't expect anything in return if I'm honest. They ended up refunding me and applying the 20% off discount to my account -- which was nice of them but still, I feel a bit sorry for them now. The only thing that did bother me a little was the lack of communication. Despite the refund, the 20% discount, everything that has happened, I have never received an email from Gamersgate. Lucky I keep an eye on the forums, or I would have no idea what is going on.
[quote name='Motoki']Out of curiosity does anyone know if the Rage from this pack redeems with any DLC or not?[/QUOTE]

I can confirm that it does not. Ask around, some friendly CAGs might be able to hook you up with Sewers & Authority Pack (leftover keys from Newegg retail version).

[quote name='Neuro5i5']To play Brink or Rogue Warrior first?[/QUOTE]

Hunted! I cooped it to completion... yeah I got all the keys to the games I didn't already own in the Beth pack the night of the glitch, Dishonored, Skyrim, Doom 3 BFG, Hunted, RAGE, and Rogue Warrior... and what do I complete first, Hunted.

it's a fun ARPG. It makes a bunch of references that you might miss, Conan,
Soylent Green
). The dialog and cutscenes really feel like a Conan/Beastmaster era action movie.
[quote name='asheskitty']I can confirm that it does not. Ask around, some friendly CAGs might be able to hook you up with Sewers & Authority Pack (leftover keys from Newegg retail version).

I got sewers on a pack in card in the box but no Authority. It's not the end of my world but I was just wondering if I should try and redeem one of these Rage keys (well it probably won't let me anyway) or not for the Authority pack but sounds like the answer is definitely no there.

[quote name='asheskitty']
Hunted! I cooped it to completion... yeah I got all the keys to the games I didn't already own in the Beth pack the night of the glitch, Dishonored, Skyrim, Doom 3 BFG, Hunted, RAGE, and Rogue Warrior... and what do I complete first, Hunted.

it's a fun ARPG. It makes a bunch of references that you might miss, Conan,
Soylent Green
). The dialog and cutscenes really feel like a Conan/Beastmaster era action movie.[/QUOTE]

You know Hunted, along with Brink and Rogue Warrior are games where even though I don't have them I am seriously going doing I even want these? And I usually get everything. Even Bad Rats.

I suppose Hunted sounds like it's a least worth a shot though. Or backlogging. :p
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[quote name='xRidley']I g ot refunded for Bethesda but no 20% discount on my account. ANyone else having problem with it?[/QUOTE]

Same here. I opened a ticket with them today, but havent heard back yet. I'm sure it will be at least a couple of days.
[quote name='Motoki']You know Hunter, along with Brink and Rogue Warrior are games where even though I don't have them I am seriously going doing I even want these? And I usually get everything. Even Bad Rats.

I suppose Hunted sounds like it's a least worth a shot though. Or backlogging. :p[/QUOTE]

That's crazy talk Motoki! You should take your temperature, it sounds like you might have fever. ^_~
[quote name='Motoki']

You know Hunter, along with Brink and Rogue Warrior are games where even though I don't have them I am seriously going doing I even want these? And I usually get everything. Even Bad Rats.

I suppose Hunted sounds like it's a least worth a shot though. Or backlogging. :p[/QUOTE]

I actually really enjoyed Rogue Warrior
[quote name='Motoki']I suppose Hunted sounds like it's a least worth a shot though. Or backlogging. :p[/QUOTE]

I'll second ashes, Hunted was a pretty cool game, definitely review bashed but undeservedly. The co-op is seriously a shining element so if you play it, try to get someone in there with you. There are some pretty intense battles to be had :)
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