Games for Windows Marketplace gets competitive, relaunching Nov. 15


4 (100%)
via Joystiq:

In November, Microsoft will reboot its Games for Windows Marketplace. In doing so, the company aims to beef up its online portal with more games -- and not just those few that align themselves with the Games for Windows Live branding -- and provide a more competitive and comprehensive retail experience. Peter Orullian, who helped develop digital distribution strategies for Xbox Live, has been tapped to effectively manage the relaunch.

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It's all a step in the right direction, but Microsoft is severely behind Steam, which revamped its entire marketplace and client earlier this year. At launch, Games for Windows Marketplace won't support many of the features its biggest competitor does, but Orullian promised me that there would be some kind of rating system put in place, eventually, and that there would be pre-order incentives for consumers. "Definitely you should show up on day one, because we're going to have a great pre-order on a title you may care about," he added. My guess? It's probably Fable 3.

"In August, we launched 'Deal of the Week' -- they do that on the console side, obviously, and I'm going to bring that over," Orullian said. Potential promotions will take into account not only how much particular items can be discounted, but their overall quality. Games for Windows' Deal of the Week won't simply be a virtual bargain bin, but aims to offer hard-to-resist sales that are often grouped into themes (similar to the XBLM strategy). For example, Orullian suggested a possible promotion in which zombie-themed content could be on sale around Halloween. "And that's my focus: to evolve the store and help gamers find the games they really care about."
I'll believe it when I see it. They will probably have 1 or 2 good sales then go right back to being overpriced on everything. What they will consider a sale will be 25% of the msrp when the game is over a year old and had price drops that made it that price or lower all ready everywhere else.
Isn't this like the third or fourth reboot of Games for Windows now?

Every few months they trot out that tired line of "THIS time we'll get it right guys! Promise!" with a new figurehead.
[quote name='animalspinners']Isn't this like the third or fourth reboot of Games for Windows now?

Every few months they trot out that tired line of "THIS time we'll get it right guys! Promise!" with a new figurehead.[/QUOTE]

The problem is MS runs Games for Windows the same way they run XBLM. The trouble with that is, there is no competition on consoles regarding dd's. So whatever you do is accepted (buyers have no choice). On the pc, you have to compete with not only Steam, but Gamersgate, D2D, GOG, Impulse, etc. Until MS understands the marketplace, Games for Windows will never be a success.
It probably would helped if MS didnt pulled out of the PC market. When you launch title are Fable 1 and GTA 3 you know it is over
[quote name='62t']It probably would helped if MS didnt pulled out of the PC market.[/QUOTE]

But but but they are putting Fable 3 on PC!!

Seriously, out of all of the games they could put on PC, they decide on Fable fucking 3? :roll:
Steam is DLC done right. I see no reason to go anywhere else. Other competitors may eventually offer similar value, but it sure as hell wont be Microsoft.
bread's done