Games that may never see a sequel


I looked at my library of games the other day and I realized that it's been 5 years since the release of Klonoa 2. Probably one of the better (albeit underrated) platformers, it's still playable even today. With the PS3 looming, one has to wonder if we've seen the last of Klonoa on a console (not handhelds, I'm not counting those). I have some faith though, and continue to hope. What games do you think deserve a sequel but for whatever reason, likely will not?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Psy-Ops[/QUOTE]

Yea, what the fuck, ended on a cliffhanger.

This, XIII, and Beyond Good and Evil are the BIGGEST OFFENDERS OF THIS KNOW TO MAN.


Halo 2 can end on a cliffhanger, it's a given there will be a 3rd. XIII can not, the ending to that was fantastic and that's how the story will always end.
Space Station Silicon Valley, Jet Force Gemini, and Clayfighter 63 1/3 were some of the best titles the N64 had to offer. I'm not holding my breath for any of 'em.
I know technically there is a sequel for this game, but after I beat Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes I felt this had to be one of them. I was wanting to play a Gamecube remake of Sons of Liberty, feeling that the game was somewhat incomplete to me using so many aspects of that one game without actually including it. :whistle2:(
Hey, it was surprising when Klonoa 2 came out. The PS1 game was never seen by most people. It took me a year to find one cheap, not because it had been pumped up by collectors but because there just weren't that many in existence.

As for XIII and Beyond Good and Evil ending on cliffhangers, those developers knew they had something good and had every reason to believe they'd get their sequel. It wasn't their fault the games failed to reach a wide audience. Supposedly Ubisoft is still willing to put up the money for the BG&E followup.
Amplitude will never get a true sequel, though Guitar Hero is similar(and possibly better).

I really want a sequel to Breakdown, but i remember reading that the producers won't make one.

A Fear Effect sequel would also be nice, but I heard there's something going on with that series. If someone can find news on Fear Effect it would be greatly appreciated.
Agreed on Breakdown, but that sold like dirt, not surprising there would be no sequel.

Splatterhouse, just anything, even a collection. I swear to God Namco is the fucking dumbest company. Here's a fantastic horror game, let's just sit our ass on it and not do anything!

I'm beginning to think a P.N04 would come sooner.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Whenever I see a thread like this, Kid Icarus and NiGHTS automatically come to mind.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot Burning Rangers.[/QUOTE]

Ditto on Kid Icarus, first thing that popped into my head.
There have been a bunch of cases where a media license game was actually pretty fun but the source of the license tanked in box office or ratings, making any further games unlikely.

I know of one game that started life as a sequel to a successful movie tie-in but after the movie's sequel was canceled the game had to be reworked to stand on its own. The title evades me, though.
Beyond Good and Evil - game ended on a cliffhanger, was a planned series...sold like crap. Amazing game though

Psychonauts (or pretty much any Tim Schafer game for that matter)

Steel Battalion (like said above, the online one doesn't count, and since X360 isn't controller backwards compatible, that is now a 200 dollar paperweight)

Most of the best N64 games (Most of which were due to Rare and Nintendo working together)

BEETLE ADVENTURE RACING!!!! I know it was a horrible concept, having only Beatles in a racing game...but the game rocked! I wish EA would at least take the concept (the shortcuts and hidden boxes, and Beatle Battle!) and at least make a spiritual successor
Killer 7 was barely played or brought and barely nobody understood the game.

I really wish they had a Bomberman N64 3 and this should be the fifth game now.

I bet if we all pre order BG&E or found a sponcer I bet we could get it on the GCN for two more blasts.

The Problem with XII is that I never like commrecial games and believes they should be done away with. XII is based on a comic book.

I never played Psy-Ops yet.
Earthbound 2/Mother 3 (translated, I mean), as well as more sequels. Itoi is making t-shirts or some shit now. Absolutely stops the blood in my body.

Psychonauts 2, Full Throttle 2 - Shaefer, you owe me so goddamn much that if I ever become rich and hand you a few million dollars, you damn well better get your ass to make these.

Day of the Tentacle 2/Maniac Mansion 3, Monkey Island 5 - fuck you Lucasarts. fuck you in the ass. My friends and I are actually thinking about making underground sequels ourselves just to give a big middle finger to you about these.

Loom 2/3 (which will NEVER come out and it KEEPS ME AWAKE AT NIGHT, DESPITE BOTH OF THEM BEING PLANNED FOR AND THE GAME ENDING WITH A CLIFFHANGER). I'd suggest, again, that fans make them, but this was easily one of the most thought provoking and wildly imaginative game series ever to be made, so I would hate to see it fall from glory because a shitty sequel was created.

Starcraft 2 - WHERE THE fuck IS IT???

Beyond Good and Evil - a natural response.

Paper Mario 3 - I know it will probably happen, but after finishing 2, my brain hurts from all the energy I devote to wishing for this game to appear. This is probably my most wanted game at the moment.

Gunstar Heroes 2 - We need this, not a remake of the original.

I'll think of more later...
[quote name='Apossum']Street Fighter 3 :roll: fucking capcom[/quote]

As I've said many times before, if it never got a sequel, I'd be perfectly fine with that seeing as how I feel Third Strike is the perfect fighting game, and the series would have gone out with a bang.
[quote name='Apossum']Street Fighter 3 :roll: fucking capcom[/QUOTE]

Why sequel what you can redo as far as retelling the story? Ryu has been in that same gi-wearing barefoot character design FOREVER. I say it's high time all the characters got remade with a different look. I'm not saying cornrow the flattop of Guile or something else silly: I mean a real revamp. Adding 'time' to a game messed up Tekken with its 20 year space gametime wise between 2 and 3. MK for all intents and purposes has gotten sillier with each new game. ANd I agree with the other poster: I can live with III and there never be another true sequel.
I don't know if it would count, but I wish they'd bring over Policenauts. I remember bing psyched up for it as a kid when I read about it in the mags, then nothing else was heard
Body Harvest: The pre-cursor to GTA III with aliens, sun-shields, and some of the most awesome moments in gaming history. It's begging to be made into a sequel, but it looks like Rockstar has no interest in it.

Shadow of Destiny: I heard there was a sequel planned but nothing ever came about, probablly because of the low sales. That is really too bad because the fantastic and had some of the most memorable characters in gaming history.

Weaponlord: Namco's excellent 2D sword fighting game. It played better than any of their "Soul" games but again, probablly didn't sell well enough for them to even think about continuing the series.
Zombies Ate My Neighbors/Ghoul Patrol - I always hoped for a N64 or PS1 sequel, but now I doubt we'll ever see another game in this series.

Illusion of Gaia/Soul Blazer - ^

Donkey Kong Country 3

Shadow of the Colossus
[quote name='Strell']Earthbound 2/Mother 3 (translated, I mean), as well as more sequels. Itoi is making t-shirts or some shit now. Absolutely stops the blood in my body.

Psychonauts 2, Full Throttle 2 - Shaefer, you owe me so goddamn much that if I ever become rich and hand you a few million dollars, you damn well better get your ass to make these.

Day of the Tentacle 2/Maniac Mansion 3, Monkey Island 5 - fuck you Lucasarts. fuck you in the ass. My friends and I are actually thinking about making underground sequels ourselves just to give a big middle finger to you about these.

Loom 2/3 (which will NEVER come out and it KEEPS ME AWAKE AT NIGHT, DESPITE BOTH OF THEM BEING PLANNED FOR AND THE GAME ENDING WITH A CLIFFHANGER). I'd suggest, again, that fans make them, but this was easily one of the most thought provoking and wildly imaginative game series ever to be made, so I would hate to see it fall from glory because a shitty sequel was created.

Starcraft 2 - WHERE THE fuck IS IT???

Beyond Good and Evil - a natural response.

Paper Mario 3 - I know it will probably happen, but after finishing 2, my brain hurts from all the energy I devote to wishing for this game to appear. This is probably my most wanted game at the moment.

Gunstar Heroes 2 - We need this, not a remake of the original.

I'll think of more later...[/QUOTE]

I heart Strell on the LA note. That reminds me that it's too bad a Duckman game in the vein of Monkey Island never came out, just imagine what could be done with that with the old LA team.
[quote name='onikage']Shadow of the Colossus[/quote]

I think this one will have a sequel, after all it's a sequel to Ico that did about as well, and it's a first-party Sony game.

Ring of Red - I still love that freaking game.
I feel like an idiot, forgetting to mention Psychonauts! It had one of the best endings I've ever seen, and it perfectly led itself up to a sequel.
Starcraft 2 - Want it bad, but you know it's coming at some point!

Psychonauts 2 - I hope it doesn't happen. I would rather have a spiritual successor! I just feel that psychonauts is a sort of anti-sequel. I hope they don't cheapen it by trying to milk it again. Even so, Doublefine could probably pull off a sequel in a good way. Schafer is working on a new game right now, so I'm sure we'll see more gold soon.

Extreme G 4 - EG3 on the Gamecube was one of my favorite racing games this gen. I remember renting it a few years ago and loving it. Last week I found it used for like $5 and have been reliving the greatness. EG4 on the Wii... *drool*

Sacrifice 2 - Sacrifice was one of my favorite RTS games of all time and probably what will be considered the end of Shiny. Ever since "Atari" bought them, things have gone to shit.

Homeworld 3 - I want the interface of HW2 with the gameplay of HW1. Is that too much to ask?!?!?!?

Super Dodge Ball 2 - Classic NES game. Probably difficult to release in today's market though.

Mendel's Palace 2 - Would make a fucking great flash game.

Snake Rattle n' Roll 2 - Why the hell not?

Duke Nukem 3D 2 - hahahahahahaha

(I'll rack my brain for more later)
[quote name='BKPartisan']Psychonauts 2 - I hope it doesn't happen. I would rather have a spiritual successor! I just feel that psychonauts is a sort of anti-sequel. I hope they don't cheapen it by trying to milk it again. Even so, Doublefine could probably pull off a sequel in a good way. Schafer is working on a new game right now, so I'm sure we'll see more gold soon.

Agreed completely. To be honest, my obsessive love for Tim Schafer is making me ANXIOUS for that new game they are supposedly working on. Psychonauts 2 would either have to be a brand new story (just as Day of Tentacle was not _really_ Maniac Mansion 2).

I personally want Samorost 3, because I wouldn't mind MORE crazy ass minimal bleeps and bloops with little dwarfs flying around on planets that are little tree stumps, and bonking robots on their heads. I really love that series, despite the fact that I am probably the only one who would make such a big deal about a tiny little flash game.

I do have to say that I'd rather see a new game from the maker of Beyond Good & Evil, because the guy obviously has a lot of talent. I'm not saying that a sequel would be bad per say, but I don't think doing a sequel now would be a good idea. Ron Gilbert said it best in an interview when he said that "Beyond Good and Evil did poorly, and they said "well, we're going to not do another one" which is exactly the opposite of what they're supposed to do. They should have put the other one out immediately. These concepts, little new things and whatnot, they take a little while to catch on."

Gilbert is currently working on some sort of uber-secret RPG meets adventure game something or other. To those not in the know, he is the genius behind SCUMM, Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island. He has quit Lucas Arts shortly after the release of Monkey Island 2, and went on to develop Total Annihilation. He made children's software for a while (including Pajama Sam series), and he's now back with the vengeance. He is also possibly my favorite person in videogames...
[quote name='Purple Flames']As I've said many times before, if it never got a sequel, I'd be perfectly fine with that seeing as how I feel Third Strike is the perfect fighting game, and the series would have gone out with a bang.[/QUOTE]

point taken, but it's more symbolic than anything-- that capcom will still make quality fighting games. but yeah, it's not going to happen.
I wouldn't mind seeing another sequel to the Valis series (brownie points to anyone who remembers it)

Also, where's my damn next gen Punch Out game?
They should just make it like Fight Night but with more cartoony kind of characters. I've always enjoyed unrealistic sports games more than the real ones. Then again, I've never really been into real real sports.

[quote name='ZForce']I wouldn't mind seeing another sequel to the Valis series (brownie points to anyone who remembers it)

Also, where's my damn next gen Punch Out game?[/quote]
[quote name='ZForce']I wouldn't mind seeing another sequel to the Valis series (brownie points to anyone who remembers it)

Also, where's my damn next gen Punch Out game?[/QUOTE]

I like the cut of your jib, sir. I only Valis, Valis 3, and Syd of Valis on Genesis; I would've loved to play them on Turbo CD. It'd be pretty sweet to have a Ninja Gaiden/Devil May Cry game with Japanese schoolgirls.

Punch Out's lack of sequel bothers me far more than Kid Icarus.

How about a 2D Excitebike sequel? Konami does okay with their Motocross Maniacs, but it still pales in comparison. Screw that Wii Excite Trucks garbage. It's garbage, I tells ya!

It saddens me that there will never be another Deus Ex game. I personally loved Invisible War, though not as much as the original.

I'd also love to see more American-released Picross games. I know I'm the only CAG who loved Mario's Picross on Game Boy, but these games kick the hell out of Sudoku.

This is slightly off-topic, but I wish someone would take up the UFC license again and make a deeper, next-gen MMA game.
I'll echo others picks:

NiGHTS Into Dreams - How can a game so innovative just, disappear?

Shenmue - The vision of the game got so enormous (and some say out of control), they decided to split the original nine chapters into multiple games so at least part of it could see the light of day and attempt to get some return on investment. Too bad it was a) first released for the Dreamcast as it was getting buried in PS2 hype; and b) subsequently released for the Xbox with little hype. This franchise was unfortunately mistreated.

Deus Ex - What a great game. IW was okay, but nothing since has been like the first one. Not on PC, not on console. It is a giant among men. Now Eidos holds the IP and has basically ruined it in its own misfortunes.

Now my two picks:

Advent Rising - Just like Deus Ex, Majesco owns the IP but will probabably never make another in the planned trilogy. Hell, if Crash Bandicoot can get a second and third chance (and get better because of it), why can't Advent Rising?

Colony Wars - The first title was awesome with its branching missions, awesome graphics and orchestral soundtrack. The second title, well, sucked. It was buggy, the soundtrack was terrible, and the land-based missions just didn't work. The third title published by Midway was much better and a near-return to form, but it never got a chance after that.

There's probably a thousand others, and even one that was on the tip of my tongue escapes me, but that's what I got for now.

[quote name='willardhaven']Mischief Makers for the N64[/quote] I second that. I loved that game, never really understood it, but loved it.
P.S. Did anyone ever get all the crystals and see the entire ending movie?

Also, I think that the Jet Grind/Set radio series will never have a sequel. Those were some of my favorite games.
I thought Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy was an excellent platformer and deserved a sequel, but I'm not sure how well it sold. Here's hoping a sequel is on a future generation system.
[quote name='Strell']
Loom 2/3 (which will NEVER come out and it KEEPS ME AWAKE AT NIGHT, DESPITE BOTH OF THEM BEING PLANNED FOR AND THE GAME ENDING WITH A CLIFFHANGER). I'd suggest, again, that fans make them, but this was easily one of the most thought provoking and wildly imaginative game series ever to be made, so I would hate to see it fall from glory because a shitty sequel was created.[/QUOTE]


I haven't thought of Loom in fucking years.

I'd love to see a new Rygar, but I doubt it will happen.

SK recently said they're planning to make sequels to Eternal Darkness, which I thought wouldn't happen. One of the best games from this past generation.
bread's done