Games that sold millions, but should have flopped.

I would have to say Gran Turismo 2, it sold very, very well and becuse of a glitch you could not even finish the game completely.
[quote name='Tromack']
The only true one that I can think of is Enter the Matrix.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this thread is over.
[quote name='redgopher']Evreryone is bashing Halo and getting away with it... but when someone mentions Fable, the red flags go up?[/QUOTE]

I love HALO and can't even fathom why someone would dislike it, but if they don't like it you're not going to change their mind. I have all 3 of the current generation systems, so it's not like I can be considered a just a fanboy when I call HALO my favorite game ever. I enjoy HALO 2 lots, but it didn't grab me the way the original did.
Anyways, I think it's like when someone says that they don't like your favorite food. You can't change their mind.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Since when did Driv3r sell millions? It was considered by many people a complete flop.[/QUOTE]

After months of hype, Driver 3 was released last week for the Xbox and PlayStation 2 to mixed reviews. However, the uneven critical reception of the driving/fighting shooting game hasn't affected sales of the game so far. According to a press release today, Atari has shipped more than 2.5 million units of the long-delayed game, which hit stores in North America, Europe, and Australia this week. Such sales numbers have already caused Electronics Boutique to predict that Driver 3 will be one of its top three sellers for June. A PC version is due in September.

Atari revealed its revenue numbers for the first quarter ended June 30, 2004. For the quarter, Atari had net income of $12.1 million, compared to net income of $23.8 million in the same quarter the previous year. Atari's revenues were primarily from the recent release of Driv3r. Atari pointed out that the revenue and net income numbers were lower this year than in the same period last year simply because last year included the release of Enter the Matrix.
I find it ironic how all the games mentioned on this list are considered to be some of the greatest games in the eyes of the avg. gamers. I would say with the exception of Driv3r every other game is thought of as the crème de la crème amongst your avg. Joe Schmoes.

I would have to say that there are very few games that truly deserve to be on this list. The Halo's and GTA's of the world are great games. Sports games are big business and if you are a college student you'll have a hard time finding anyone on campus that hasn't played Madden or is currently playing it. Most of the games mentioned on this list are what has revived the gaming industry and made it main stream.

Yes, all this games take away from the truly innovative games but in the end you might as well accept the fact that the Halo's and GTA's of the world are here to stay. Just like FF still continues to sell games to the masses even though the last 2 games have been less than stellar.

If you don't like a game just because everyone else likes it than that's your problem but to say that Grand Tourismo is stupid because you drive around in circles or that Halo is a bad fps is just absurd. The Xbox would have failed as a gaming machine without Halo. GTA is a great game although I must admit that I haven't finished any of them, they are still fun to play and they provide a unique experience. Instead of bashing these games maybe we should embrace what they have done for gaming and how they have turned gaming into big business.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Since when did Driv3r sell millions? It was considered by many people a complete flop.[/QUOTE]

Despite most of the negative press around the net and in videogame magazines, the game Driv3r is selling very well. Driv3r was released in the UK on June 22, 2004 and was ranked as #1 for two weeks in a row now since it's release. DRIV3R has also dominated the charts in Australia since it's release as well, ranking #1 on multiple Australian gaming charts.

As for the US, It is not known yet in terms of numbers as to how well Driv3r is doing. But according to the online game seller GameStop, it is listed as one of the sites Best Sellers. I have also spoken to a few retail associates in the local area (Baltimore, MD) and they have confirmed that Driv3r is in fact selling extremely well and there have been no returns. Do not be surprised if Driv3r ends up being #1 in terms of sales when the numbers are finally released. But Spiderman 2 might have a say about that in the end. We shall soon find out who the winner is at #1.

Shall I keep going?
[quote name='SBWildBill2004']Zelda Windwaker- Gay game, nothing like the n64 ones. But Twilight Princess will redeem it!

Also Onimusha 3.... lame story... same game play...[/QUOTE]

I hope you realize the irony of calling Windwaker a "gay game", yet you're getting excited about a game called TWILIGHT PRINCESS.

as for the onimusha series, you've got it backwards. The series has actually declined in sales since the release of the first game, but the latest game is actually supposed to be really good.

I'm SHOCKED no one has yet mentioned the games in the Dynasty Warriors series. that includes all sequels, "empires" verisions, and Samurai Warriors.
[quote name='Tromack'].

The only true one that I can think of is Enter the Matrix..[/QUOTE]

this is the first one that lept to my mind.

Actually p[robably windwaker and majoras mask.

Really any of the madden games, and most sports games as well, arent they all just rehashes? yet they sell millions.

i still play the old sports games from years and years ago.
Metroid Prime (I havent played 2 yet)
Madden 2002-2005 ( I got 2004 the other day for 1.50)
Halo 2 I loved Halo but 2 was just Halo with multiplayer and some slight updates. Def. not worth my $55 I paid. I sold it quick.
im not saying windwaker the name was gay, the game play was gay, the twilight princess reverts to the N64 style only updated. Not the cell shaded lameness.

And yes. Enter the Matrix is still the hands down shit of the crop
[quote name='SBWildBill2004']im not saying windwaker the name was gay, the game play was gay, the twilight princess reverts to the N64 style only updated. Not the cell shaded lameness.

And yes. Enter the Matrix is still the hands down shit of the crop[/QUOTE]

So you say the gameplay was gay, then say it was cell-shaded lameness. Did you play it? Because it played just like any other Zelda game. The only thing that was trying about thegameplay was the constant boating back and forth.
Prince of Persia 2. Dammit to hell I LOVED the first one and it sold like shyte. Now the sequel sold in droves and I hated the direction it went in. I guess me and the masses disagree on what makes the franchise (or made rather...) magical. Needless to say, I wont be buying PoP3
[quote name='SBWildBill2004']im not saying windwaker the name was gay, the game play was gay, the twilight princess reverts to the N64 style only updated. Not the cell shaded lameness.

And yes. Enter the Matrix is still the hands down shit of the crop[/QUOTE]

1. I'm aware of the differences, i just find it incredibly funny that someone is so concerned with the heterosexuality of his game choices is excited by something called "Twilight Princess", regardless of content.

2. From what I understand, it is essentially the *SAME ENGINE*, just different textures. So if you didn't like the GAMEPLAY of WW, you're out of luck.
[quote name='kill3r7']Instead of bashing these games maybe we should embrace what they have done for gaming and how they have turned gaming into big business.[/QUOTE]
Because that takes effort. ;)
Every hip hip gangbanger simulator that comes out on PS2 to appeal to wannabe thugs.

Gran Turismo 4

Tekken anything.
[quote name='MorPhiend']Both Halos are just bad FPSs. It's not just that certain people didn't like them. But they have been the only "killer" :roll: apps for the Xbox. That is the only reason why Halo survived. If it had been released on the other consoles, or if it had been released solely on the computer, it would have sunk hardcore. A standard has been made for FPSs and Halo doesn't come close (even if it is the only game that mostpeople can stomach on the Xbox). And Tomb Raider was horrid. If you only owned a PS, maybe you learned to like it. But I know personally, when I played it I wanted to throw the thing away. But I had the knowledge of Super Mario 64. There had been 3D games before Mario, but it never became the standard because the games weren't fun or were just frustrating. Mario got the formula right. And after that, you can't go back. I know they are different genres, but they are both 3D and it just comes down to control and simple fun. Mario has it, Lara doesn't.

The same is not true for WW and Sims though. I actually can't stand The Sims, but it is a genious formula that has struck it big in every conceivable platform. I just happen to dislike it. And the same could be said for Enter the Matrix. ETM has it's glitches, but if you can overlook that, it is actually quite an addicting game.

But this whole thread is just personal opinions. There are very few games that can be defended in every situation (like SM64).[/QUOTE]

SM64 can be defended in every situation? How? It was just like every other Super Mario with an extra dimension. I can go back and play Super Mario 3 and get the same basic game. There was nothing revolutionary about it. As for 3D games not being the standard before Mario64 excuse me but DOOM (hey if you're compare Halo to Mario).

XBox has other killer apps such as KOTOR, Steel Battalion, Mech Assault, etc.

So no, SM64 isn't one of 'those' games that can be defended in every situation.
[quote name='Leggo']I hope you realize the irony of calling Windwaker a "gay game", yet you're getting excited about a game called TWILIGHT PRINCESS.

as for the onimusha series, you've got it backwards. The series has actually declined in sales since the release of the first game, but the latest game is actually supposed to be really good.

I'm SHOCKED no one has yet mentioned the games in the Dynasty Warriors series. that includes all sequels, "empires" verisions, and Samurai Warriors.[/QUOTE]

KOEI fans embrace repetition. IE Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1-255
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I dislike Halo and Halo 2 as much as the next guy but thinking the game should have flopped just because you don't like it is a bit excesive.

Back on track, one item (not game) that everyone atleast had or knew someone that got one was the Power Glove. That was a peice of K-rap. It's not exactly a success because after the initial release people found out it sucked so it never sold again. I remember watching a TV commercial for it and it had some kid playing Punch Out using the Power Glove as an actually boxing glove. To my disapointment on Christmas Day I found out the truth. It had very tricky advertising. Does anyone remember "The Wizard" and the super cool kid that used the Power Glove named Rufus? I will now quote his famous line from the movie, " I love the Power Glove,... It's so bad." What a dork, you can't play Rad Racer as good as he did with the power glove. You lied to me Nintendo, YOU LIIIIED!!![/QUOTE]

His name was Lucas. Rufus is the character George Carlin plays in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.

I'm such a nerd... :D
The dynasty warrior franchise.

I love videogames, and I have my fair share of odd likes and dislikes ( I loved me some evil zone for the PSone back in the day) but I just cant for the life of me understand why people enjoy Dynasty Warriors.

Crappy graphics, lvl design, no real challenge besides the officers (some) in fights, AWFUL localization (voices that sound like they belong to beta testers), and basically the same game with almost nary a change (aside from the slight tweaks made to each installment), it boggles my mind. The AI is like playing Devil may cry or Ninja gaiden and having all the enemies standing around waiting for you to kill them.

The only saving grace in the series was the empires edition, which made it somewhat interesting...

Stop dynasty warriors-ZING your franchises Koei!!! Leave Kessen alone damn you, I want a return to the I or II style not this half-assed bastard son of DW you've given me this year.
God-damn FROM Software, learn to code responsive and intuitive controls in your games, your shooting armored core in the foot each time!
[quote name='sying']You have had toooo much coffee...

Here is my list
Colony Wars: Vengeance
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X-2
Kingdom Hearts
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (PS2)
Goemon's Great Adventure (N64)

Hell any RPG is nerdbait and should have flopped.[/QUOTE]

I LOVED GOEMON'S! Haven't played the others.
Halo 2. I like the game but Halo 2 changed very little and the story sucked IMO. Thankfully I got it for 38 from mtv. I like multiplayer but after you beat the story you see its nothing special.
[quote name='vienge']SM64 can be defended in every situation? How? It was just like every other Super Mario with an extra dimension. I can go back and play Super Mario 3 and get the same basic game. There was nothing revolutionary about it. As for 3D games not being the standard before Mario64 excuse me but DOOM (hey if you're compare Halo to Mario).

XBox has other killer apps such as KOTOR, Steel Battalion, Mech Assault, etc.

So no, SM64 isn't one of 'those' games that can be defended in every situation.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you that SM64 can't be defended in every situation... but disagree with how you stated it. It WAS Revolutionary... and Doom didn't have "3d" movement... you were essentially stuck on one play... (i.e. you could play it without analog controls and it would play similarly). Mario 64 cannot do that (see MArio 64 DS.)
[quote name='pumbaa']I agree with you that SM64 can't be defended in every situation... but disagree with how you stated it. It WAS Revolutionary... and Doom didn't have "3d" movement... you were essentially stuck on one play... (i.e. you could play it without analog controls and it would play similarly). Mario 64 cannot do that (see MArio 64 DS.)[/QUOTE]

I get that much but it is technically a 3D game. Like I said if he can compare SM64 to HALO then I can compart SM64 to DOOM
The Mortal Kombat 2D series. The game surivied due to fatalities and the nice digitized graphics. The game never had a great combo system and the controls weren't fluid at all. It just never had the staying power of Street Fighter or the KOF games.
[quote name='sabin23']Prince of Persia 2: Warriors Within

It sold more then the original even though it strayed away from the POP roots.[/QUOTE]

And sadly, thats why it sold millions.

And why in the third one, he's still "edgy".

Every gamer in the world cried the day that came out, but the industry could give two shits about them... they want the retards who will spend $50 bucks on that.

Just remember, we can bitch all day... but the industry could care less... were the minority now. Its not the Sega Genesis days anymore. The PS1 changed it forever.
[quote name='vienge'][quote name='pumbaa'][quote name='vienge'][quote name='MorPhiend']Both Halos are just bad FPSs. It's not just that certain people didn't like them. But they have been the only "killer" :roll: apps for the Xbox. That is the only reason why Halo survived. If it had been released on the other consoles, or if it had been released solely on the computer, it would have sunk hardcore. A standard has been made for FPSs and Halo doesn't come close (even if it is the only game that mostpeople can stomach on the Xbox). And Tomb Raider was horrid. If you only owned a PS, maybe you learned to like it. But I know personally, when I played it I wanted to throw the thing away. But I had the knowledge of Super Mario 64. There had been 3D games before Mario, but it never became the standard because the games weren't fun or were just frustrating. Mario got the formula right. And after that, you can't go back. I know they are different genres, but they are both 3D and it just comes down to control and simple fun. Mario has it, Lara doesn't.

The same is not true for WW and Sims though. I actually can't stand The Sims, but it is a genious formula that has struck it big in every conceivable platform. I just happen to dislike it. And the same could be said for Enter the Matrix. ETM has it's glitches, but if you can overlook that, it is actually quite an addicting game.

But this whole thread is just personal opinions. There are very few games that can be defended in every situation (like SM64).[/QUOTE]SM64 can be defended in every situation? How? It was just like every other Super Mario with an extra dimension. I can go back and play Super Mario 3 and get the same basic game. There was nothing revolutionary about it. As for 3D games not being the standard before Mario64 excuse me but DOOM (hey if you're compare Halo to Mario).

XBox has other killer apps such as KOTOR, Steel Battalion, Mech Assault, etc.

So no, SM64 isn't one of 'those' games that can be defended in every situation.[/QUOTE]I agree with you that SM64 can't be defended in every situation... but disagree with how you stated it. It WAS Revolutionary... and Doom didn't have "3d" movement... you were essentially stuck on one play... (i.e. you could play it without analog controls and it would play similarly). Mario 64 cannot do that (see MArio 64 DS.)[/QUOTE]I get that much but it is technically a 3D game. Like I said if he can compare SM64 to HALO then I can compart SM64 to DOOM[/QUOTE]

When I said, "every situation," I did not mean "color palette" or "cartridge-based" or that it was glitchless or anything stupid and asinine like that. Maybe it was not worded the best. So I will restate it. The game is a revolutionary game. Period. It has had more of an effect on the industry than (possibly) anything since the original Super Mario Bros. on the NES. And this is true, whether you like the game or not. The main revolutionary thing was that it was taken to the third dimension and not only did it play well and was fun, but it felt like the Mario series was supposed to feel. It didn't feel alien. That was an amazing feat.

And even if Doom was 3-D, I certainly did not compare Mario to Halo (For crying out loud! They are in the same post, that means they were compared???). If anything, I compared Lara Croft to Mario (which was another three dimensional ACTION game of the same generation). So it is a fair comparison. And Doom didn't set any standards for 3-D gaming either. But after Mario came out, there was an eruption of "me too" platformers trying to do what Mario did, but they never succeeded.

And KOTOR, SB and MA were killer apps? My point exactly... Halo is the only one. A killer app is something like Halo. Something where 90% of the people who buy a console just buy that game because that's whatyou do when you buy that type of console. There is no second thought. Halo is just that. I could see you rationalizing KOTOR. But Steel Battalion??? Come on!:roll:
Final Fantasy 7.

(dons armor) Here me out. I like Final Fantasy, but FF7 was *not* as good as the Final Fantasies that came before it. It was a step-backwards, and should have sold little.

Mario 64. It was a fun game then, and it was still a fun game when I first played it in 2004. Good games transcend their old graphics.

And I agree about Halo. The only reason Xbox fans love it so much, is because they don't have anything else to play. If Halo had happened on the PS2, surrounded by hundreds of other games, it would have barely been noticed.

Anything developed and most stuff published by EA.

I'm not saying this because I'm an anti fanboy, its just that 99% of their stuff stucks.
[quote name='electrictroy']Final Fantasy 7.

And I agree about Halo. The only reason Xbox fans love it so much, is because they don't have anything else to play. If Halo had happened on the PS2, surrounded by hundreds of other games, it would have barely been noticed.


Do you really think that if Sony owned the rights to Halo they wouldn't market it like crazy...common gimme a break. Halo would have sold a shit load no matter what system it came out on. Not because of the true gamer but more so due to the popularity of fps with the avg. gamer.
Every Madden.
Halo 1/2
Enter the Matrix
True Crime

These are all the ones that popped into my head instantly before I even read this thread. I'll try to think of some others.
[quote name='electrictroy'] And I agree about Halo. The only reason Xbox fans love it so much, is because they don't have anything else to play. If Halo had happened on the PS2, surrounded by hundreds of other games, it would have barely been noticed. [/QUOTE]

[quote name='kill3r7']Do you really think that if Sony owned the rights to Halo they wouldn't market it like crazy...common gimme a break. Halo would have sold a shit load no matter what system it came out on. Not because of the true gamer but more so due to the popularity of fps with the avg. gamer.[/QUOTE]

I'm not a XB/Halo fanboy by any stretch of the imagination (Nintendo fanboy in the house!) and I'm not a big on FPS but Halo would have been big on any system... certainly it would not have been as popular if it was on the PS2 but still would have been a smash hit.

MS should send Bungie a thank you note, nonetheless. The Xbox might have flopped if they didn't have Halo to generate sales early in the system's life.
[quote name='kill3r7']Do you really think that if Sony owned the rights to Halo they wouldn't market it like crazy...common gimme a break.[/QUOTE]
Sony marketing didn't help Ico did it? The game still flopped.

Nah. I still thinkHalo would be ignored by the public as just one out of *dozens* of PS2 FPSes. ----- People would be buying Red Faction, Timesplitters, and SOCOM...

...and Halo would drop into the $10 bargain rack.

The only game out of any mentioned that I think deserves to be on the list in Enter the Matrix, a buggy, clunky mess of a game that sold out the ass when it was just pure garbage from start to finish.
[quote name='SBWildBill2004']im not saying windwaker the name was gay, the game play was gay, the twilight princess reverts to the N64 style only updated. Not the cell shaded lameness.

And yes. Enter the Matrix is still the hands down shit of the crop[/QUOTE]

THe WW game plays just like the previous Zelda's, the cell-shading has nothing to do with the gameplay, it's just graphical.

Also I really don't think Halo should have flopped, this isn't an overhyped game thread. Halo wasn't a terrible game, just an average FPS IMO. It shouldn't be the huge game it is, but it definitely should not have flopped.

I could say the same about a lot of games listed here. I mean really, Wind Waker got GOTY from sites and magazines, it was by no means a terrible game that should have flopped. I disliked all the sailing but I still enjoyed the game.

Unfortunately this thread has just turned into a "list big games that you don't like thread". I would say of the many games listed Enter the Matrix is the one that screams to be on this list, a terrible game that only sold because of its license. I would also place SWG on the list, a game still in beta at release.
[quote name='msdmoney'][quote name='SBWildBill2004']im not saying windwaker the name was gay, the game play was gay, the twilight princess reverts to the N64 style only updated. Not the cell shaded lameness.

And yes. Enter the Matrix is still the hands down shit of the crop[/QUOTE]THe WW game plays just like the previous Zelda's, the cell-shading has nothing to do with the gameplay, it's just graphical.[/QUOTE]

WW is a really fun game. Calling it gay because it has cell shading just makes you look like an immature ass.
[quote name='pumbaa']Prince of Persia 2. Dammit to hell I LOVED the first one and it sold like shyte. Now the sequel sold in droves and I hated the direction it went in. I guess me and the masses disagree on what makes the franchise (or made rather...) magical. Needless to say, I wont be buying PoP3[/QUOTE]

the first POP went GH so it couldnt have sold THAT poorly
[quote name='guyver2077']god why so many halo haters on here now.


Most Halo haters are....

PC FPS players (which would at least be a reasonable reason for not liking the game as they prefer mouse and keyboard controls).

People who aren't used to having "only" two weapons in inventory.

People who had no friends to experience multiplayer with in the first Halo.

I have played a great deal of FPS on consoles (as well as PC) and the Halo series is leagues better in terms of gameplay and control for CONSOLE FPS. Not Goldeneye, not Perfect Dark, not Red Faction, not Medal of Honor, not anything else anyone could say. I enjoy PC FPS too though (Duke Nukem 3D, Elite Force - my favorite, Elite Force 2, No One Lives Forever, Quake III, Unreal Tournament, Medal of Honor, Half-Life) .

However, I don't care if people don't like Halo or any other game series as long as people give a reason other than "it sucks" because for every "it sucks" there are usually ten actual reasons why it doesn't.

I have Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and Warrior Within for Xbox. I have beaten Sands of Time and it was a great game. I have to reserve judgement on Warrior Within until I actually play through the game but I admit I wasn't pleased about the theme change when I first heard about it.
bread's done