Games that you love but SUCK at


2 (100%)
I know that every gamer has a game or two that they suck at but that they still love to play regardless. I was just thinking about how hooked i am on Madden 2004 but unfortunately i've had my ass handed back to me more times than i can count. I don't care though, the game is a blast regardless. Anybody else have games that are so fun you don't care if you're bad at it?
I consider myself bad at games in general, I just think my reaction time is slower than most. Right now I am really bad at Timesplitters 2, having trouble with the first level.
I got Guilty Gear X2 and Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 recently, and I suck at both of them so far. Both are awesome though.

I also suck at but love Pump (it up). I play DDR a lot more, but 5 buttons is so interesting.
i wouldnt say im bad at games, i just have many temporary setbacks. like ridely in metroid prime. i had to stop playing for like 6 months just to build up the fortitude to kick him in one try. it can take me forever tobeat something, but i WILL beat it
I too had a lot of problems with the first level of Timesplitters 2, but after you get used to the controls the game goes by a lot faster.
I'd have to say the end levels of advanced wars two. I can't beat them but every once and a while i picked it up and give it a few tries.
As I've gotten older I've found that I don't have the patience to sit for hours and hours like I used to trying to beat a level or a game, so if I'm having problems with something I'll let it sit and come back later, which contributes to my sucking!

I hear ya on Madden 2K4- I've been wiped up so much online it's not funny!!
Weird thing is I've beaten so many games that others would consider "hard" especially Old Skool titles like Castlevania, Zelda 2, Solomon's Key. But games that frustrate me these days usually get thrown out the door. Splinter Cell I just couldn't deal with. I SUCKED at it. Terribly. And Guilty Gear XX while I love to play it and am passable at it, I still have this feeling that really deep down, I suck bad. But I can still whip up on my "live" opponents on it. heh.
Halo! well for XBox anyways

I get my cheapass handed to me by my roomates on a regular basis.

But when I play against against my brother or friends from home I completely dominate. I'd rather dominate my roomates because theres more at stake!
I wouldn't say I suck at Halo but I'm not very good and I get owned usually but for some reason I just can't get enough of it.
Socom II. Half the time I suck, half the time I don't. My goal in online play is just to break even on kills/deaths.. but it's worth it to keep playing for those rare times you just go kamikaze and kill like 10 people in a row without dying.
Has anyone who sucks at FPS games on a console tried using that FPSMaster controller? This one EB employee was telling me how someone he knew was dominating R6 and SOCOM with it. I took his account with a grain of salt though, because obviously he was trying to push the sale on me. I always see them on shelves, I have a feeling they're going to have heavy discounts like the Airflos.
I also wanna add Gran Turismo 3 to that list. I'll kick ass in Need for Speed but when i jump into GT3 i am constantly treading off the road. Still love the game though.
I love survival horror games but I'm pretty bad at them. I always want to kill everything I see and then run out of ammo. I want blood and guts and gore! So, rather than developing an ulcer because I'm running out of bullets / health, I just use a GameShark and then I'm good to go. "Ooh, I'm a cheater! I r teh $uck!"
The first Resident Evil for GameCube. I have the hardest time killing zombies. Code Veronica on the Dreamcast and Resident Evil 0 are easier for me to play.
[quote name='magilacudy']Has anyone who sucks at FPS games on a console tried using that FPSMaster controller? This one EB employee was telling me how someone he knew was dominating R6 and SOCOM with it. I took his account with a grain of salt though, because obviously he was trying to push the sale on me. I always see them on shelves, I have a feeling they're going to have heavy discounts like the Airflos.[/quote]

My EB salesman told me it sucked ass and broke very easily (which his did within a week), & with bad button placement. Didnt feel very sturdy to me.
Amplitude, especially when I first started playing the game. It's fun and addictive, but there's so much thrown at you and little time to react to it. I'm pretty good at all the easy and normal stages, but I still suck at Brutal and Insane. The only song I can do very well on Brutal is Garbage's "Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go!)", because the pattern is not much different from normal. But get to a song like Papa Roach's "M80" or worse, Blink 182's fast moving "Rock Show", and it's all over. I totally suck at those.
[quote name='st0neface']Hitman 2. I love the game, but am just over halfway through after owning it for about 6 months.[/quote]

i totally agree! im only through about 3 missions(am in the Tubeway Torpedo) and im stuck. i SUCK at this game.

im ashamed to admit, but ive also never beat the origional Double Dragon on the NES or Legend of Zelda 2.
I gotta agree with the Resident Evil games too. I love their atmosphere and the experience of playing the game but I sometimes just want bust some Kick-ass-Dante-like moves on them. The limited ammo make them very hard games for me.
Bah, Socom (#1). I suck so bad at that game. I got so bored of playing the same level over and over I just quit and haven't played it yet.
I also suck at any 'realistic' racing games. Bt some of them are pretty good. I don't think I'll ever be a racer, I like crashing into things to much.
Ugh...Smash Bros. Melee. I can have fun with that game, but I can also be frustrated as all hell. The really GOOD players have all sorts of tricks and craziness that they employ, and I don't even think most of it was intended by the game designers. In any case, you have to have nanosecond reaction times and a DEEP understanding of the game to do well in any competitive play. And that, in general, is way more work than I am willing to invest in any single game.
The last game I beat was .....wait I never have beaten anything. I just suck that badly. But I LLLLOOOOOVVVVEEEEEE video games. I always get to a certain point in the game and I'll get stuck. Then I get frustrated and won't come back to the game for a year :evil: . And in the case of RPGs I won't remember what I was suppose to be doing. So the vicious cycle continues.... :(
[quote name='carlagyrl']The last game I beat was .....wait I never have beaten anything. I just suck that badly. But I LLLLOOOOOVVVVEEEEEE video games. I always get to a certain point in the game and I'll get stuck. Then I get frustrated and won't come back to the game for a year :evil: . And in the case of RPGs I won't remember what I was suppose to be doing. So the vicious cycle continues.... :([/quote]

HAHA, same here. i've got a stack of rpg's that are saved at around 20 hrs apiece.
any and all music games pretty much. i can dance well enough, but i can't ddr very well at all. mad maestro, space channel 5, amplitude, all these games kick my ass and i somehow love them. i ask friends sometimes to play them for me so i can watch. i love gitaroo man, and i actually had the wherewithal to get through parappa 1 & 2, but man the whole simon/music genre is one i love, but suck royally at.
I suck horribly at strategy games, I got Disgaea: Hour of Darkness because I hadn't played an RPG in a long time. Well I guess I know why I don't play them anymore...cause I suck at them!
[quote name='Battousai1002']I got Guilty Gear X2 and Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 recently, and I suck at both of them so far. Both are awesome though.

I also suck at but love Pump (it up). I play DDR a lot more, but 5 buttons is so interesting.[/quote]

heh heh... Battousai sucks at butt love...

While I pretty much mastered Amplitude, some later songs (Stage 5) in Frequency I still have some trouble's kinda sad, since I would probably be able to beat them a lot easier if they were presented "Amplitude-style." Maybe the FreQ interface is just getting to me, I don't know. I still can't do that synth track of death in "End of Your World."

I'm also really liking NFL Street against the A.I., but I suck horribly online...all losses. :(

What else is there...the Tony Hawk games (online). I'm good, but not good enough to reach those tens of millions of points.
i gotta say ffx. i did good when it was on nes but after that i just went down. I actually bought ffx-2, played it for 1 day, and just left it there cause i was sooo frustrated with it
Geez, where to begin...

Advanced Wars: I'm one of those "Don't continue unless you get a perfect score!" type people. Thus, Devil May Cry falls into this, too.

Any RPG: Two words: Lengthy expositions. An RPG really has to offer me something to get me hooked. Well, they also take quite a long time...I would have beat Skies of Arcadia ages ago, if I had the time. Alas, I'm at the first dungeon. Pretty crappy, huh?

Sword of the Berserk: ****ing "run towards the camera" level...

Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman and Incredible Crisis: Mashing buttons really fast + family history of high blood pressure = one freaked out me.

I'm sure there's a lot more, these just instantly come to mind.
I suck at multiplayer Halo, as well as Crimson Skies and Project Gotham 2. But I play all three of them more often than any of my other games.
A short list of games I purchased but suck horribly at:

Amplitude - took me forever to beat normal difficulty
Gunvalkyrie - to which I blame the controls
Pump It Up - I just can't get used to the button layout
Hitman 2 - got it a week after the release, I'm still on the 9th stage
Megaman Zero - owned for a little over a year and a half, haven't successfully beaten a stage yet.

And the list goes on...
Project gotham racing 2 and ninja gaiden, both just take me too much time to master so ill probably just continue to suck until i get a legthy school vacation
bread's done