Games with the most jaw dropping graphics?

MSI Magus

83 (100%)
So I finally upgraded my older small 720p tv to a nice big 60 inch 1080p Samsung with all that other big techy Jazz. It should be here in a few days so I want to order a game off amazon in the mean time to really take advantage of the TV. I already own the two Uncharted games and just replayed them in the last month or two or I would just use one of them. Same with the R&C series.

Anyone have any other recommendations? I was thinking about getting that new Naruto game since it looks like a knock out, but I do not want to pony up $50 for the game ;) Blur and Split Second are pretty cheap now and seem like pretty good options, but unless they are really wacky and over the top and more kart like I am not the biggest racing game fan.

Anyone have any suggestions for a game preferably in the no more then $30 range to take the new TV for a test run ;) Thanks!
[quote name='Brainberry']Killzone2+3, God Of War 3, Uncharted 2, MGS4, Heavy Rain and (IMO)Demons Souls was beautiful.[/QUOTE]

I agree with all but DS as I have yet to play it.
Of all the games I have played, and I have played a lot, I think Eternal Sonata looked the best.

on PSN, flower was jaw dropping when it first came out. It is still #1 best looking PSN game imo.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm is under $30 btw, and it looks pretty great (haven't played it)[/QUOTE]

Yeah it looks great, but the sequel is supposed to be both a better game and mind blowing in the graphics department. I can not justify spending $30 on this whenever the sequel is out and supposedly much better.
I thought Trine on the psn front was good looking.

Never played it but Gran Turismo 5?

Assassins creed, FF XIII, LA Noir(when it gets released)
Final Fantasy XIII outdid Uncharted 2 for me. Those are the two best looking games off the top of my head.

FFXIII is the only game where people watching me have been super impressed by the visuals.
Pretty much all of the Sony exclusives. FF13 looks great, but it's a truly terrible game in every other regard. Red Dead looks great too, but again a really poor actual game. ME2 looks amazing and is actually great, so give that a shot.
red dead redemption is not a pretty game on ps3.

Yeah. FF13, ME2 and especially Grand Turismo 5.

GRAN Turismo. There's no D. Yeah, GT5, FF13, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2 and 3, and surprisingly (to me, anyway), Tomb Raider Underworld.
I might be the odd ball on this one but I thought F.E.A.R. 2 looked really good to me. But then again the Multiplayer looked god awful.
[quote name='PuppetYuber']Of all the games I have played, and I have played a lot, I think Eternal Sonata looked the best.

on PSN, flower was jaw dropping when it first came out. It is still #1 best looking PSN game imo.[/QUOTE]

I concur. I just started playing Eternal Sonata, the developer tri-crescendo did amazing job with the graphics.

Ni no Kuni: Shiroki Seihai no Joō is another game that will have amazing art.
[quote name='Puffa469']Disgaea 3. My jaw dropped when I first played it because I couldnt figure out why I had to buy a PS3 to play a PS2 game.[/QUOTE]

You almost got me, luckily I read the whole thing before I reacted :p
[quote name='ssjmichael']Just realized none of us mentioned PSN games.

Here are some:

Wipeout HD
Fat Princess
Super Stardust HD[/QUOTE]

Yeah someone else mentioned flower and I instantly thought I may give it a spin. SSD HD aint bad and I may give it a play through as well. While i love FP though I do not think it is much of a graphical powerhouse.
It might not be what you want to hear, I don't like when people focus on graphics and gimmicks over gameplay. It never really improves the game and while I don't mean to imply that games such as Uncharted and GoW are bad, stuff like that tends to overshadow excellent games that don't need to use the latest tech. Fat Princess or MM9 and 10 are perfect examples. Just saying is all.
Graphics can actually play a huge role in how much you enjoy a game, and there's no shame in saying that. Uncharted 2 is fun because of how exciting the atmosphere is with its intense and great looking scripted events. Let's not lie to ourselves into thinking the basic cover shooting aspects are what made it so popular. The game looks brilliant and is very well paced, those are its stand out accomplishments.

Same with God of War III. Without the gratuitously detailed displays of Kratos bringing down creatures, all your left with is a pretty mundane hack-n-slash. As a God of War fan, I have no problem admitting to why the game is so enjoyable, nor do I think it's any discredit to the talent of the developer. Graphics are as much a part of game as the mechanics, sound, and narrative are.

A good game is fun, that's all that matters, regardless of what areas it excels in.
[quote name='LottaGames']It might not be what you want to hear, I don't like when people focus on graphics and gimmicks over gameplay. It never really improves the game and while I don't mean to imply that games such as Uncharted and GoW are bad, stuff like that tends to overshadow excellent games that don't need to use the latest tech. Fat Princess or MM9 and 10 are perfect examples. Just saying is all.[/QUOTE]

He didn't say games with great graphics are the best games, he just wants something to look pretty on his new TV.

If I got a new TV that big I'd want to try something awesome looking out on it.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Final Fantasy XIII outdid Uncharted 2 for me. Those are the two best looking games off the top of my head.

FFXIII is the only game where people watching me have been super impressed by the visuals.[/QUOTE]

Maybe in the cutscenes. And only the ones that were done completely in CGI. Uncharted 2 didn't have any cutscenes done in CGI, they all used the in-game engine. As far as actual graphics are concerned, Uncharted 2 is far and away the superior product.

Also, I still don't understand why so many of you are so high on the GoWIII graphics. They really weren't all that good. Especially the character models for anyone not named Kratos. A lot of the backgrounds just looked sloppy to me as well, in many parts you can make out some strong pixelation quite easily, and I'm not just talking about the textures. Pandora's model just looked so awful, it's definitely not the graphical powerhouse that some of you make it out to be... The graphics just look laughable when compared to Uncharted 2, or even an AC game for that matter.
I'm not saying XIII is technically superior, just aesthetically IMO. Crysis still looks better than any game out but I'd much rather pan the camera in a game like FFXIII. Hopefully that makes sense. Some of the environments, on top of the character models, look mind blowingly pretty.

I agree that GoW III doesn't look very impressive.
[quote name='Ed_']I agree with all but DS as I have yet to play it.[/QUOTE]

Demon's Souls really isn't that jawdropping when it comes to graphics
[quote name='LottaGames']It might not be what you want to hear, I don't like when people focus on graphics and gimmicks over gameplay. It never really improves the game and while I don't mean to imply that games such as Uncharted and GoW are bad, stuff like that tends to overshadow excellent games that don't need to use the latest tech. Fat Princess or MM9 and 10 are perfect examples. Just saying is all.[/QUOTE]

I will be getting an Ipad 2 when it comes out. I did not own the Ipad 1. The reason I will be getting an Ipad2 is because the Ipad has built a huge amount of great games like cut the rope and angry birds as well as tons and tons of board games. 90% of my purchases anymore seem to be quirky little games on PSN and Steam. Graphics really do not mean that much to me so I do not need an explanation of why graphics are not important. As someone else said in the topic I simply want something for my new awsome TV.

Me and my wife are people that buckle down and save. My wifes 401k is worth more at 26 then any of her fellow employees(other then her boss)and they are mostly in their 40s. We just bought our first house and put 3x the asking price down and every month we pay about 60% extra and that is on a 15 year mortgage. We will have our house paid off in just 6 years from the date we signed the papers. We are always so uber responsible and we decided just this once to pick out a few things we really wanted and blow most of our tax return on them. We have 3 rescue dogs(one of whom is almost 9 years old)and it makes it hard to travel, thus we got a big new TV and in another month or two we will be grabbing the Ipad 2 and building a new PC. I figured as long as we are dropping like $3,000 on this stuff whats the harm in breaking my usual rule of not buying a game less its under $20 and forking out a bit extra for an awesome flashy game to go with the TV. Heh that said I find myself unable to fork out $60 for a new game. Funny I spend $1,300 on a 60" TV and can not bring myself to spend $60 on a game ;)

So yep, graphics do not matter....less your a responsible kid that for just one moment in his life has chosen to take a break and buy some cool toys ;)
I'll go ahead and put my vote in for Uncharted 2. Probably the best game available for PS3 both in terms of graphics and gameplay. Most places should have it for around $29.
[quote name='MSI Magus']I will be getting an Ipad 2 when it comes out. I did not own the Ipad 1. The reason I will be getting an Ipad2 is because the Ipad has built a huge amount of great games like cut the rope and angry birds as well as tons and tons of board games. 90% of my purchases anymore seem to be quirky little games on PSN and Steam. Graphics really do not mean that much to me so I do not need an explanation of why graphics are not important. As someone else said in the topic I simply want something for my new awsome TV.

Me and my wife are people that buckle down and save. My wifes 401k is worth more at 26 then any of her fellow employees(other then her boss)and they are mostly in their 40s. We just bought our first house and put 3x the asking price down and every month we pay about 60% extra and that is on a 15 year mortgage. We will have our house paid off in just 6 years from the date we signed the papers. We are always so uber responsible and we decided just this once to pick out a few things we really wanted and blow most of our tax return on them. We have 3 rescue dogs(one of whom is almost 9 years old)and it makes it hard to travel, thus we got a big new TV and in another month or two we will be grabbing the Ipad 2 and building a new PC. I figured as long as we are dropping like $3,000 on this stuff whats the harm in breaking my usual rule of not buying a game less its under $20 and forking out a bit extra for an awesome flashy game to go with the TV. Heh that said I find myself unable to fork out $60 for a new game. Funny I spend $1,300 on a 60" TV and can not bring myself to spend $60 on a game ;)

So yep, graphics do not matter....less your a responsible kid that for just one moment in his life has chosen to take a break and buy some cool toys ;)[/QUOTE]

God of War 3 and Uncharted 2 are simply the best looking games this generation, no questions asked. Killzone 2 + 3 are right behind it. The 200 or so "premium" cars in GT5 look fantastic too (too bad everything else is hit or miss).
[quote name='lewchief']Don't know if you like baseball but any MLB The Show is gonna have great graphics. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this.[/QUOTE]

This. The Sony baseball games not only look the best, but they're up there with NBA 2k11 as the best sports games this gen. There's a ridiculous number of animations in them, and they all perform fluidly and can make you think you're watching the real thing. The only weak spot is the announcing, it's not quite as good as other games and can be kinda dead sometimes.
[quote name='panzerfaust']I'm not saying XIII is technically superior, just aesthetically IMO. Crysis still looks better than any game out but I'd much rather pan the camera in a game like FFXIII. Hopefully that makes sense. Some of the environments, on top of the character models, look mind blowingly pretty.

I agree that GoW III doesn't look very impressive.[/QUOTE]

Okay, I can understand that. I certainly mean XIII no disrespect, I'm one of the few that really enjoyed it. Uncharted did have it's moments for aesthetics, though, for sure. Never played Crysis(PS3 only gamer), so I can't really comment on that. The trailer for Crysis 2 does look really good, I must admit.
I played the first Uncharted in SD. Didn't care one bit. The game was great because the graphics weren't polishing a turd. If I didn't find this HD set for $200 I'd probably still be on SD. I still go back to enjoy classics with all the retro graphics and that's fine.

Speaking to nobody in particular I hate when the kiddies hype a game on the pics alone, or flame something fantastic because of some nitpick in the graphics. So many terrific games go ignored for no reason and it's a shame to see that while bullcrap like CoD unexplicably sells too much. I'm glad most people here recognize that. Guess I got nervous when I saw the topic title.
[quote name='jaydepps']I didn't play the game, but wasn't Enslaved supposed to look good?[/QUOTE]

The graphics are nice. Gameplay is not.
[quote name='whoknows']He didn't say games with great graphics are the best games, he just wants something to look pretty on his new TV.

If I got a new TV that big I'd want to try something awesome looking out on it.[/QUOTE]
i already posted in this thread but your comment made me think of when I got my 112" projector. First thing I put on was Zen was mindblowing for sure!!!

edit: wanna add Batman to the list....very pretty (and good if the debate is still going;))
Vanquish is a beautiful game, lots of action. But God of War 3 and Gran Turismo 5 are the games that will truly show the system's graphics.
[quote name='Thomas96']Vanquish is a beautiful game, lots of action. But God of War 3 and Gran Turismo 5 are the games that will truly show the system's graphics.[/QUOTE]

GT5? Yeah the photo mode looks awesome. But the ingame graphics and 80% of the cars look pretty crap to me. The gameplay is there, and thats what matters to me, but have you seen the shadows, or the spectators?

I'm surprised noone has mentioned Heavy Rain yet.
bread's done