Games you like but no one else really did.


1 (100%)
I Has the flu and I'm really bored so I'm just goin to start a thread for shits and giggles :D

Mine would have to be Jet Set Radio Future, Kayne & Lynch, and the newest one Darkest of Days. So what are yours?
Pretty much all the Sam/Dynasty Warriors games. Basically Dynasty Warriors 2009 and what have you, and a majority of the people laugh at me when they see me playing DW6 Empires.

Other games I could think of:

Battle Fantasia - Not necessarily that no one liked it, but no one bought it at all so It's not very well known I guess. I liked it a bit

Enchanted Arms - At the time it was a decent RPG. Obviously sub-par now, but it seemed like no one wanted to give it a chance. Hell the game was supposed to be XBox 360 exclusive but that was nixed so quick because no one seemed to care at all (sales wise and game play wise).

Far Cry 2 Multiplayer - Yes the experience glitch is incredibly stupid, but what's even more stupid is the lack of people playing this game online. Very good multiplayer experience that exceeds the boring single player campaign.

Silent Hill Homecoming - The story was great up until a certain point but the graphics were breath taking. It also got rid of Silent Hill's clunky combat which was a major plus for me. Not a AAA game but I liked it a lot more then many seemed to on these boards.
Only ones that come to mind off hand is Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions. I remember this being the first game (I think) that I played for the xbox via a demo at a gamestop. I also enjoyed the fairly recent Golden Axe game that came out the other year.

Also, JSRF.
I always have more fun with the Brothers in Arms games than it seems most other people do. Just about any game has its fans though.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Silent Hill Homecoming - The story was great up until a certain point but the graphics were breath taking. It also got rid of Silent Hill's clunky combat which was a major plus for me. Not a AAA game but I liked it a lot more then many seemed to on these boards.[/QUOTE]

I really like that game. Definitely better than a certain other horror game that has the number 5 in it's title.
[quote name='Filbert']I always have more fun with the Brothers in Arms games than it seems most other people do. Just about any game has its fans though.[/QUOTE]

love the series. Perfect blend of strategy and FPS.
I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that there are any games that only I liked, but a few games that I think are seriously underrated are
-----> GOD HAND
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Why is this in the 360 part of the forums?

I Kinda want to say Rumble Roses because it was so trashy and awkward that I can't deny it appeals to me in someway or form (AKA stereotypical male).
Everyone loved Jet Grind Radio, what's wrong with you? =X

I liked Silcon Space Station for N64, not sure if anyone else really did. It was glitchy as hell back then, so probably unplyable now, and really had nothing going for it, but I played the shit out of it! :p
My question would be did anybody here actually like Vampire Rain? I heard it called so many horrible things, I stayed away from it until I was able to buy it for $5. I just started playing it, and so far, I don't hate it. It seems like most of the criticism comes from people who try to play it as a shooter. But if you play it like a stealth game (ie. play the missions without confrontation), it doesn't seem to be too bad. The controls are still a bit clunky, and yeah, the voice acting could be better, but I think it's a pretty unique game.
[quote name='TheStoneAgeKing']...I liked Silcon Space Station for N64...[/QUOTE]

Speaking of the N64. I loved Yoshi's Story. I was new to console games at that point and it was the perfect blend of difficulty and challenge. 30 melons ftw.

Also, most people hated Rogue Squadron 3 for the on-foot missions, but I thought they were passable and that the rest of the game more than made up for it.
I loved yoshi's story. Was 9 when it came out, and played the hell out of it. :)
I tried to play it on the Wii last year via VC, but couldn't get into it.
The nostalgia was there, but I just wasn't having fun, kind of bummed me.
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (no one will even try it)
Army of Two (50/50 game it seems, to most people; hate it or love it)
Dark Sector
Dead Rising (everyone I talk to hates it)
Kane & Lynch
Ninja Blade
Too Human (not really bad once you get into it, just a terrible camera)
Watchmen Parts 1 & 2

I'm sure there's plenty more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.
Legendary.... The first 20 mins or so was slow due to that being the "tutorial". after that it picked up and the story was fairly decent.

Any dynasty/samurai warrior games. Killing hundreds of chinamen=stress relief.
[quote name='TheStoneAgeKing']Everyone loved Jet Grind Radio, what's wrong with you? =X[/QUOTE]

I HATED Jet Grind Radio. I have no soul, apparently, but I started hating the main characters and I started hating that bloody DJ.

And there was something about spraying paint all over a /clean/ /futuristic/ city that just didn't sit right with me.

I loved Army of Two. Of course I played it with someone and we were mostly drunk. Your mileage may vary.
I had a lot of fun with Infinite Undiscovery. I don't disagree with the common criticisms against it-- the game definitely had a lot of problems, but the good things (graphics, characterization, combat) more than made up for it.
I've liked pretty much ALL of the Harry Poter games sadly. Freedom Fighters was a nice gem that people liked but it never got traction. I've also played far too much Earth Defense Force.
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[quote name='life.exe']Ninety-Nine Nights, not really a good game or anything, but I didn't hate it while I playing.[/QUOTE]

Seconded, it was just stupid mindless fun. Everyone needs a little of that every now and then.
[quote name='bardockkun']Why is this in the 360 part of the forums?

I Kinda want to say Rumble Roses because it was so trashy and awkward that I can't deny it appeals to me in someway or form (AKA stereotypical male).[/QUOTE]

I couldn't find the general gaming section, if someone could move it there that would be sweet. :D
[quote name='TheStoneAgeKing']Everyone loved Jet Grind Radio, what's wrong with you? =X[/QUOTE]

I know I did. However, I believe OP is talking about "Jet Set Radio Future", which is the considerably less beloved Xbox sequel.
[quote name='paulsend']I couldn't find the general gaming section, if someone could move it there that would be sweet. :D[/QUOTE]

It would be better as a strictly 360 thread since it is already there and most the posts have been 360.

As for me...

Shellshock 2 - Which may have been one of the scary games I have played in the past few years. It is key that you keep the darkness somewhat down in order to experience the full effect.

Eat Lead - Game was funny as hell because of all the cheap shots at the other mainstream games (Mario, Halo, etc)

Brothers In Arms - Seconded for same reasons strategy and FPS

Legendary - Story was pretty cool and fairly unique. Surprise factor was pretty good as well.

Fracture - Very unique game style and a pretty cool concept overall.
Ya know, I really like this thread because it almost feels like it's becoming a "Games That You Can Pick Up For Really Cheap That You May Enjoy More Than People Think You Would" thread. That could be useful.
[quote name='yesiamaplant']I know I did. However, I believe OP is talking about "Jet Set Radio Future", which is the considerably less beloved Xbox sequel.[/QUOTE]

Yup im talking about the sequel for Xbox
[quote name='FoxHoundADAM']America's Army was a nice gem that people liked but it never got traction..[/QUOTE]

I'm not here to contest anyone's answers, but AA is hugely popular, man.
Operation Darkness. Yes the game has several shortcomings and the some of the mechanics and the abysmal camera can ruin the game for many people, but WWII with werewolves, vampires, and zombies was fun. I had a pretty good time playing a tactical strategy game on the 360 that wasn't an arcade title. There's been plenty more since I've been playing games for over 20 years now, but that's probably the most recent I can remember.
I'm a sucker for Horror Movie Video Games.

I liked The Thing and the 2 Evil Dead games (Fistful of Boomstick/Regeneration).

The Thing is very suspenseful and ties in well with the movie (take place right after the film). The Evil Dead games...well... I'm just a fan of Bruce Campbell.

However, I won't be getting the SAW game. I'm a sucker for GOOD Horror movie video games. Not repetitive crap turned out every year for a profit.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Pretty much all the Sam/Dynasty Warriors games. Basically Dynasty Warriors 2009 and what have you, and a majority of the people laugh at me when they see me playing DW6 Empires.

We're the minority here :lol:, though I am starting to dislike the newer DW series.
[quote name='Space Cowboy YGI']
However, I won't be getting the SAW game. I'm a sucker for GOOD Horror movie video games. Not repetitive crap turned out every year for a profit.[/QUOTE]
I hope you don't buy madden or any other sports games then. :lol:
I'm keeping this strictly 360 since it's in the 360 forum.

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway - It was at this point that the series went from beloved to pooh-poohed, mostly because it stuck to what it did best and didn't try to overstep. If you ask me, not every sequel needs to completely overhaul what was already established by its predecessor(s).

Kane and Lynch - Ultimately, this game speaks more of potential than actualization, but what remains is still worthwhile. There's a good, gritty urban tale that keeps you involved even if it is a bit derivative (of Heat especially). Co-op is the best way to play.

Army of Two - If you're going to play this one solo, forget it. With two players, however, the game changes miraculously into a solid afternoon of fun.
Two Worlds, Dark Sector and Bullet Witch. Leveling up and upgrading weapons was pretty damn fun in Two Worlds. I mean it falls a million miles short of Oblivion, but I still liked it. Dark Sector I thought was a pretty good damn game. The glaive is probably one of the best weapons ever in a video game. I liked Bullet Witch as well, a lot of action for some mindless fun.
Not sure how much this stands here, but in my area no one heard of or liked these games.

Tales of Vesperia
Enchanted Arms
Lost Odyssey
I actually enjoy playing TiQal from time to time, eventhough all the reviews I've read say pass or decent but better ones out there.

I'm also playing through Wolfenstein 3D right now eventhough that title is also said to be decent but not great, (its more nostalgic for me anyway).
Too many to count. One that hasn't been mentioned, though, is South Park N64. I loved the hell out of that game and had a blast playing it. Loved the cow gun/launcher. need to see if I still have it, or if I haven't traded it in a while back. (I think I do). It'll give me reason to dust off my N64 and hook it up after not playing it for 5 years.

specifically 360, Spider-man 3. Played the hell out of the game and got 700+ achievements. Need to buy it finally and just get the rest.
[quote name='Brak']Space Giraffe.[/QUOTE]

Look..if you're not going to take this serious....;)

Honestly I'm not sure about the reception, but I had a blast with 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand. It was awesome on like 10 different levels. I'm sure a lot of folks stayed away just because of the title, but it was a ton of fun. :cool:
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I'm not here to contest anyone's answers, but AA is hugely popular, man.[/QUOTE]
What the hell was I thinking. I meant Freedom Fighters. Sorry.
[quote name='Blythe31']Not sure how much this stands here, but in my area no one heard of or liked these games.

Tales of Vesperia
Enchanted Arms
Lost Odyssey

That's one weird ass area you live in :D. Other than Enchanted Arms (which isn't terrible either), all of those games are pretty well beloved by gamers.

If we're talking 360, mine was definitely Godfather II, I had a lot of fun with it.

Another underrated game (though I played it on PS3) is Eternal Sonata. I know people liked it and it scored well, it just seems like not a lot of people ever gave it a chance. Fantastic game.
Kane and Lynch, Conan, Frontlines, Shadow Ops: Red Mercury Rising, bionic commando (Loved it, the ending was great part of the story) , StrangleHold (I think didn't get a good reception from the masses)
[quote name='TheStoneAgeKing']I hope you don't buy madden or any other sports games then. :lol:[/QUOTE]
As a matter of fact, I don't :) FNR4 was the first sports game I've bought in 7 years (and I got it for free from GS by giving them some Target clearanced games).

About 3 years ago, a friend of mine who use to work for EA told me most sports games they develop are way ahead of the console(s) their suppose to be on, so they have to "trim, shave, hold out, whatever you want to call it" until it's feasible (and PC versions are really "dumbed down" and made equal to their console counterparts). This is why they can crank one out every year (they're giving you gradual "crumbs" of the same product with standard tweaks in graphics). The Madden you play now is "technically" a Madden from 2-3 years ago. They listen to their consumer, make small changes to their gripes, exchange currencies & favors to get 8-9 review scores and everybody's happy :)

But it seems people are catching on (because idiot publishers are putting out DLC a week after a game has come out), so hopefully this might change.
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Perfect Dark Zero - I didn't care for single player, but I had a ton of fun with multiplayer. But...I did pop it in a couple of months ago, and noticed that it hasn't aged well. It's definitely not as good as newer games like CoD4 or TF2, but it was, at one time, the only game I played on the 360.

Tomb Raider Underworld - Granted, I paid $15 for it, which probably had something to do with it, but I had a lot of fun with this game. I'm definitely looking forward to the next one.
[quote name='FoxHoundADAM']What the hell was I thinking. I meant Freedom Fighters. Sorry.[/QUOTE]

Oh, okay. Well hell yes, then, that game is fuckin awesome. The soundtrack was amazing.
bread's done