Games You Logged the Most Time On


10 (100%)
No one expects actual numbers, just estimations.

Overall: It feels like a tie between these 4.
Pokemon Red (GBC)
Halo 2 (Xbox)
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (PC)
Battlefield: Bad Company (PS3)

And something that should be much easier to estimate...

Past 30 Days:
Battlefield: Bad Company (PS3)
No particular order.

Diablo 2
Final Fantasy X
Call of Duty 4
World of Warcraft is easily the leader in hundreds and hundreds of hours.
Pokemon Red (GBC)
Baldur's Gate II (with expansions) (PC)
Warcraft III
Fallout 3

If We Count MMO's:
Guild Wars (440+ Hrs before I forced myself to uninstall)
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World of Warcraft easily 100's of hrs when I played
Deus Ex at least 60 hrs beat it several times
Baldur's Gate 1 at least 120 hrs or more
Fallout 2 same as BG
Resident Evil 4 again beat it like 4 times on ps2 and at least twice on GC

Most Recently GTA IV 50 hrs at least and MGS4 40 hrs
FFXI- around 100 days, sadly.
WoW- maybe 7-10 days total.
FFVIII-I played it through at least a half dozen times.
Pokemon - played them several times
MGS3/MGO- Not sure, but had a blast playing that.
Shenmue games, play those through a few times each.

Recently, nothing stands out as I've cut back on playing games.
None that I've logged insane time.

Highest is probably Call of Duty 4 with around 90 hours between the online and single player.
Only other one close is Oblivion where I put in 80 hours.

After that just a few 40-50 hour RPGs.
- Oblivion
- Fallout 3
- Halo 2
- Gears of War
- Team Fortress 2
- Call of Duty 4
- Mass Effect
1) WoW
2) Guild Wars
3) Pokemon games, Pearl probably has the most time of any of them at 90ish hours.
4) Final Fantasy 7, 9 played both to completion multiple times.
5) Mike Tyson's Punch Out ... Still play the original til' this day.
Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast between the two versions and the different characters, I clocked in probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 2000 hours.

Tetris in all its various iterations might be a close second.

Third might be Gears of War 1, though, 2 is coming up close now.

Four might be a tie between Civilization II and Roller Coaster Tycoon.
Like Redeema, I've easily logged over 1200 hours on PSO. Most of the time was with one character on the DC. But I have all the versions spanning 4 systems.
Easily Worms 2 on the PC I played that heavily for 4 years and off and on for another 5. Got about 2200 games on there (games took 5-25 minutes) plus another 1,200 before they reset the stats. Plus prob 2,000 unranked games. Plus time chatting in lobby. I'd say 5,000 hours is a low prediction.

CS on the PC I played more infrequently over 8 years but it probably still tops 1,000 hours.

As far as console games Halo 2 takes it. It never left my Xbox for 2 years plus logged some time on my 360. Probbaly about 2,000 hours there
In no particular order, these are the 5 games I think I've spent the most time on:

Madden '98 (PS1): During my last year of college, my cousin and I played through a whole season about every other day.

Street Fighter 2 (multi-plat): I played this game every week in the arcades during high school. Played every other day my first year of college on the Genesis. And still play every so often even today on Genesis/360.

Mortal Kombat (Genesis): If it wasnt SF2 or Madden, we were playing MK in the dorms. I often pop this one in for a quick fix still too.

Double Dribble (NES): The first basketball game that really *felt* like basketball that I owned. So many days after grammer school were spent in front of my little 13" b/w tv watching the *awesome* 3 dunk cutscenes.

Tetris (multi-plat): Suprisingly, I haven played a tetris version in several years, but when in high school with the NES and Gameboy versions, I'm sure I racked up a bunch of hours.
1)Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (genesis) Played since it came out, still play and love today.
2)Zelda OOT When I had my N64 played when it came out and beat it about 6 times.
3)Diablo II was addicted to it for 5 years about 4-5 hours a day.
4)Madden every year since 04, play online all the time about 2-3 games a week (used to be 5-6 games a day when I was sinlge)
5)Cod 4 most recent game loved. everyday
Duke Nukem
Tetris for the Gameboy
Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories (the only GTA that I have ever finished)
Persona 3 - (not including FES) I got 180 hours out of my first playthrough

Tekken Tag - Including the arcades and console version I must've logged in a ton of hours. We played this game religiously in college.

Final Fantasy VII - I ran the time clock out at 99:99. If I were to guess I'd say around 150 hours. I did everything in this game. EVERYTHING
I think the top 10 games that have eaten up my time are:

NES Mega Man 3 - Played it over and over doing my best to avoid taking damage and finish the game as quickly as possible.

Final Fantasy III(US)/VI(JPN) - Multiple playthroughs trying new different character each time, making sure each character got to lv99 & learned every spell.

SNES Chrono Trigger - Multiple endings = multiple playthroughs. Trying out new teams. Gotta love those double & triple techs.

:pc:Starcraft/Starcraft: Brood War - Story mode on each took a good bit of time, but the bread and butter of the game was competing against others on battlenet

PS1 Final Fantasy VII - Such a phenominal game. Spent a bit too much time getting all the playable characters to lv99 & getting multiple copies of the Knights of the Round materia.

:ps2: Disgaea - Item world. That is all.

:gc: Super Smash Bros. Melee - An interesting fighting game with an even more interesting cast of characters. Spent a lot of time sharpening my technique with Jigglypuff, Peach, Samus, Mario, Marth & Sheik.

:360: Fallout 3 - Huge world, multiple playthroughs (primarily for weapon skill preferences) and karma.

ARCADE Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - There were some balancing issues, but it was always interesting learning a new character or trying out a new team.

ARCADE Capcom vs. SNK 2 - A fantastically balanced fighting game with an incredable roster. It took me a number of quarters to get comfortable with the K groove.

Halo 3
Project Gotham Racing 4

In years past...

Quake III Arena
Star Trek: Elite Force

I played both of those like CRAZY. Those are really the only PC games I was obsessive about playing. I also remember putting 60+ hours into Mario Golf on the Gameboy Color before my save file crapped on me (legit copy). Longest I played a handheld game.
1) SSBM - probably logged in 300 hours trying to master all the advanced techniques
2) COD4 - around 110+ hours
3) Street Fighter IV - 100+ hours and counting
Counter Strike - my first FPS that I really got into (before playing CS I tried Half-Life and could barely get past the first few zombies)
Starcraft - my first RTS game that I really got into
Diablo II
Battlefield 2
Team Fortress 2
Left 4 Dead
World of Warcraft - only a couple hundred hours but I still regret it completely, such a huge waste of time

Nothing really comes close to the pc games but maybe the three Smash Brothers games.
Final Fantasy Tactics
(PS1-when it first came out). I had a playthrough where I got rid of all the starting characters except Ramza and Delita, and recruited characters 5 other characters with 70 Brave and 70 Faith. I then kept re-playing the plain level over and over until every character was maxed out in every class and learned everything before doing the next battle in the story. That easily took me pass 99h 99m 99s. Lol, for the rest of the game every random battle was a pain in the ass since all the creatures or ppl would be level 99 and have good equipment.

Diablo II- played it everyday from the release day for about 5-6 hours until 1.10. I could do it because I was young and still in school.
Final Fantasy VI (back when it was III)
Resident Evil 2
Mega Man 3
Mega Man X
Diablo 2
Super Mario World
Chrono Trigger
..and about 20 I'm not thinking about
I Remember I drove my girlfriend at the time INSANE when Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced came out and I would spend more time in the bathroom playing it then shitting. That or after sex would cuddle and go straight to leveling up (obviously this drove her insane).

Other then that, recently I can think of are RE5 (spent over 50 hours on it and beat it 4-5 times).

Fallout 3 I easily spent over 60 hours.

Rock Band 2, simply based on DLC alone...
Oblivion - 90-ish hrs
Persona 3 + FES - 180 hrs combined
P4 - 100 hrs
FFX - 105 hours
DQVII - 150 hours
Pokemon Diamond - 103 hours (so far)

I think I had around 100 in the original PSO, too.
I'd like to say otherwise and name an srpg ... but I put many, many hours into NCAA football 2003/4 when I was in college. They top Zelda: A Link to the Past and mario rpg. Multiple 15-year dynasty seasons at 45 min. a game. Those games are why my wife won't let me have an xbox360 today.
Warcraft 3: TFT, or more specifically, DotA. This is the only game that I never deleted from my hard drive. I don't play much and I'm not that good, but years of playing adds up.

I don't replay games much, if at all. The only games that I ever replayed and finished is Chrono Trigger and Fire Emblem (GBA). I would love to replay (or finish) many of my RPGs, but I realized I will never get the chance to do that.
I would probably have to go with Madden 2004 in the ballpark of 400-900 hours. I remember that being one of the last EA Sports games with the EA Bio feature that calculated time spent in each game and Madden 2004 had a few weeks' worth of time on its saves.
I don't think I put as many hours into any other game as I did into the PS1 version of Street Fighter Alpha 3, used to play it everyday when I was younger.
Civilization 3
Warsong (lost count of the number of playthroughs)
FF Tactics (especially FFT:WotL PS1)
Tactics Ogre
Recently it's been PixelJunk Monsters. I know!! A little PSN title eats up all my time! Other than that, I've logged many, many hours/playthroughs on the following:

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy X & XII ended up being around 80 each
and Picross DS OWNED Me for awhile there.
In college I had hundreds of hours on CS: Source and DoD: Source. With Guild Wars right behind that. Most recently I would say CoD 4 and Killzone 2.
bread's done