(GFC) - Friendly Package Forwarding Service for Canada & The World


599 (100%)

GFC is Back in Business! Worldwide Package Forwarding & Item Ordering Services ^_^.

1) Direct Request (DR) Services - The service that started it all, our Direct Request (DR) Service allows you to buy just about anything you want from the USA and have us order it and ship it directly to you. This is perfect for those of you who are unable to buy from USA merchants that will not ship to Canada directly or who do not accept Canadian/International credit cards. We charge $2.00 per item ordered plus shipping. Additional fees apply for items weighing more than 5 pounds shipped or more than $150 USD in value. Our online form will calculate everything for you automatically and there's no obligation to buy anything until you check out with Paypal. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about our services.

2) Package Forwarding (PF) Services, Address & Rates - [PREMIUM SERVICE] If you want to order the items yourself, you can! You can order from any website that ships to the USA. Ship the items to our secure UPS mail box and we will repackage them and ship them to you in Canada (or any other country for that matter). Typical fees apply for this service as usual and you pay only $1.00 per package received at our mail location. Quick, easy and GREAT for limited-time sales when the Direct Request option may not be quick enough. Please note we cannot ship: meat, cigarettes or other nicotine items (including electronic cigarettes and their accessories), alcohol, weapons or gun accessories (including paintball/airsoft), pornographic materials, toxic chemicals (including several cleaning liquids), fertilizer or any items that are illegal to ship internationally. Also, any items containing NI-CD or LI-Ion Batteries can no longer be shipped via USPS (Laptops, cell phones, handheld game systems, etc.) and must be shipped via UPS instead. If you have questions about a particular item, please contact us first before ordering.  You will receive an Email invoice with PDF attachment explaining line-by-line details of all charges and full payment options. GFC PF Service Requires Premium Membership which costs $10.00 a month or $100.00 a year (discount of two free months) and is available in our GFC Store. Full details on website.

3) GYROS Updates - After you have ordered your items, filled out the forms and notified us of your order we will add your items to our GYROS page (generally within a week or less). Once your items have been received, we will invoice you for the shipping costs + our service charge. After receiving your payment, your items will be shipped out to you in a timely manner and you will receive an Email with all relevant shipping information ^_^. If you have any questions feel free to Email us at [email protected] .

Service Charges (Free Members):

GFC Charges $2.00 per item forwarded for standard or "Free" Members. Please note that an item in this case refers to each item within the packages you ship to us. So if you were to order say 2 DVD Movies, an Umbrella and a Towel, this would count as 4 items total. Items that are sold in "Lots" such as multiple baseball cards will be counted as one item, subject to our discretion. Also, UPS Charges me to pick up the packages, so there will be an additional charge of $1.00 per package received. I will add into the invoice for you when I get your iitems in.

For larger orders, an extra $5.00 USD surcharge is added for each 5 pounds your package weighs OR per $150 in value of their total contents (example: a 5 pound package would cost an additional $5.00 USD, a 10 pound package would cost an additional $10.00 USD OR a $150 item (or group of items totaling $150 or more) would have an additional $5.00 USD charged, a $300 group of items would have an additional $10.00 USD charged). Please note that this will be either a weight or cost surcharge and not both, but the greater of the two will be what is charged. An item weighing 14 pounds will still only be $10 added as it didn't yet reach the 15 pound mark. This will be shown on your invoice and will be clearly explained. In the near future, this service charge will be automatically calculated for package forwarding items the way it is currently automatically calculated on our Direct Request 2.0 system.

So Again the things to remember:

1) Ship to the address above
2) Ship all packages in my name (James Parks) and if you want to include your information as a “Gift Message” on the order, you certainly can do that. This is required though to be in my name as the UPS store will only sign for packages in my name and will refuse all others.
3) You MUST fill out the Direct Request (DR) form on the link above to let me know what’s coming
4) Once I receive your DR submission and all your items, I will invoice you for the shipping cost plus service fees.

Service Charges (GFC Premium):

GFC Charges $1.00 per item forwarded. Please note that an item in this case refers to each item within the packages you ship to us. So if you were to order say 2 DVD Movies, an Umbrella and a Towel, this would count as 4 items total. Items that are sold in "Lots" such as multiple baseball cards will be counted as one item, subject to our discretion. Also, UPS Charges me to pick up the packages, so there will be an additional charge of $1.00 per package received. I will add into the invoice for you when I get your iitems in.

For larger orders, an extra $5.00 USD surcharge is added for each 5 pounds your package weighs OR per $150 in value of their total contents (example: a 5 pound package would cost an additional $5.00 USD, a 10 pound package would cost an additional $10.00 USD OR a $150 item (or group of items totaling $150 or more) would have an additional $5.00 USD charged, a $300 group of items would have an additional $10.00 USD charged). Please note that this will be either a weight or cost surcharge and not both, but the greater of the two will be what is charged. An item weighing 14 pounds will still only be $10 added as it didn't yet reach the 15 pound mark. This will be shown on your invoice and will be clearly explained. In the near future, this service charge will be automatically calculated for package forwarding items the way it is currently automatically calculated on our Direct Request system.

So Again the things to remember:

1) Ship to the address above
2) Ship all packages in my name (James Parks) and if you want to include your information as a “Gift Message” on the order, you certainly can do that. This is required though to be in my name as the UPS store will only sign for packages in my name and will refuse all others.
3) You MUST fill out the Direct Request (DR) form on the link above to let me know what’s coming
4) Once I receive your DR submission and all your items, I will invoice you for the shipping cost plus service fees.

Estimated Shipping Costs:

The following are shipping estimates for standards weights. This will give you a pretty good idea of how much it will cost to ship your item to Canada. If you live in another country, feel free to inquire by contacting us directly.

For all items from 0 - 4 pounds we typically use USPS First Class Mail:

$00.00 = 0 Pounds / Digital Items
$09.00 = 6 ounces
$09.00 = 7 ounces
$09.50 = 12 ounces
$11.00 = 1 Pound
$16.50 = 2 Pounds
$22.00 = 3 Pounds
$27.50 = 4 Pounds

For all items from 5 pounds and up we typically use USPS Priority Mail:

$38.00 = 5 Pounds
$40.00 = 6 Pounds
$42.50 = 7 Pounds
$45.00 = 8 Pounds
$47.50 = 9 Pounds
$49.50 = 10 Pounds
$52.00 = 11 Pounds
$54.50 = 12 Pounds
$57.50 = 13 Pounds
$55.00 = 14 Pounds
$62.50 = 15 Pounds
$60.00 = 16 Pounds
$63.00 = 17 Pounds
$70.00 = 18 Pounds
$72.50 = 19 Pounds
$75.00 = 20 Pounds
$77.50 = 21 Pounds
$80.00 = 22 Pounds
$83.00 = 23 Pounds
$85.50 = 24 Pounds
$88.00 = 25 Pounds

For any items over 25 pounds, we'll have to manually invoice you.

On Hold & Unclaimed Merchandise:

GFC allows you to send items to our secure UPS Package Forwarding address (listed above). After you order your items it is your responsibility to properly fill out our Package Forwarding (PF) Form on our website located here: . Once you do this, we will be notified of the items you have ordered and you will pre-pay the shipping/service charges up front for us to process and re-ship them to you.

The first 30 days are free to hold all Package Forwarding items.This is plenty of time for you to successfully order from the various stores that you want and submit our PF form to notify us. This also allows for adequate time for you to request us to combine items into a single package.

After 30 days, there will be a $5.00 USD charge per ITEM per week (flat rate fee) until the payment has been paid in full. Since you are pre-paying for the item costs, you will be responsible for both shipping to your country, our GFC Service Charges and any processing fees associated with the transaction.

After 90 days, GFC will not be responsible for unclaimed or missing merchandise sent to us at our Package Forwarding address. We suggest that you fully insure all orders sent to our address in case of loss or damage as we will not be responsible for missing or damaged goods.

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Today I finally get a day off guys from work so tonight I'll be working full speed on packing/shipping and GYROS updates. Expect nearly all orders to be caught up by Friday. Thanks! Also, I did my UPS pickup last night so I haven't updated the statuses yet for new packages. Thanks guys :) Talk to you all soon. Feel free to use this forum to ask status questions and so forth until we upgrade to our new Email system.
Hello there, I emailed you a week ago about my package forwarding order (440627794), Burton Sapphire Snowboard Boots - Women's 2008, could you please let me know if you've received it? as per UPS tracking, it's been delivered 2 weeks ago. I didn't prepay my postage, as this is my first time dealing with you, so if you could also email me the link to pay that'd be great! I'm not in a hurry to get the item, so if you could quote me the cheapest mailing method I'd really appreciate that! Thank you.
hi dongmei, I'm going through the last two weeks worth of UPS Pickups as we speak. If you didn't prepay the charges then you won't be in our system which is likely why you haven't heard from us. If you could go ahead and put your order through our site along with your item details then we'll be able to process it either today or tomorrow. Just go to:

Fill out the form to the best of your knowledge and once we locate it we can ship it out right away assuming no additional shipping is due. If it is, we'll invoice you manually to your Email. Thanks!
Hello there, thanks for the quick update, I have now resubmited the order and paid, here is the order number 850966205. I will check gyro in the next couple days for an update, thank you for all your work.

hey goomba, I placed a new order on saturday, have not entered at your site yet.

My question is , what is the membership option? based on my order history would it be worth it for me? email me directly if you want

Hi JamesX,

The Membership option is this. You can pay either $10 a month or $100 a year for "GFC Premium Membership". This gives you $1.00 flat rate on all items (plus the usual shipping and weight charges). If you order more than 5 items a month, it's worth it. Or if you go with the yearly membership if you buy more than 20 items a year it's worth it. In my opinion, yes it'd be worth it for you but I'm leaving it entirely optional. There are other promotions available only to GFC Premium members as well and other non-mentioned benefits as well.

We'll be launching it officially this month. More details to come (I'm still reworking the site a lot and recoding a bunch). Keep an eye out for my next post as it's relevant to your question :).
** GFC Going Dark for 30 Days for Free Members **


GFC Will be going dark for non-premium (aka "Free") Members starting on 04/15/2012 as we launch our official GFC Premium Membership program. What this means is that if you're not a GFC Premium member, you will be unable to place a new Direct Request (DR) or Package Forwarding (PF) order with us between 04/15/2012 - 05/15/2012.

The reason for this is not to shun free members, but rather to lessen the amount of orders we process during this time so we can truly rework the site and make necessary enhancements for both free and paid members. It'll also be an incentive to those who have joined as traditionally we'd just close the site down to everyone. This way if you're a premium member, your services will go uninterrupted as it'd be unfair to paid members. Free members have plenty of warning to put in an order now to get it in time before the month-long shut down. Also, all existing orders past and present will still be processed so it will have no effect on existing orders (other than the fact that we'll have more time to process them and get rid of any backlogged orders).

To make it fair to you guys we're even going to offer a launch-week FREE TRIAL of GFC Premium so you can join for free for one week, try out our services and place orders even though the site will be in lockdown mode. This will be my thank you to you for supporting me, while also limiting the number of orders as we retool the site.

Feel free to ask any questions. I'll be processing existing orders without any stop in service. New GYROS update today and tomorrow for the 16 unlisted orders on the site. Thanks guys, we appreciate your support!
[quote name='goomba478']Hi JamesX,

The Membership option is this. You can pay either $10 a month or $100 a year for "GFC Premium Membership". This gives you $1.00 flat rate on all items (plus the usual shipping and weight charges). If you order more than 5 items a month, it's worth it. Or if you go with the yearly membership if you buy more than 20 items a year it's worth it. In my opinion, yes it'd be worth it for you but I'm leaving it entirely optional. There are other promotions available only to GFC Premium members as well and other non-mentioned benefits as well.

We'll be launching it officially this month. More details to come (I'm still reworking the site a lot and recoding a bunch). Keep an eye out for my next post as it's relevant to your question :).[/QUOTE]

Tx for the info, sounds interesting. just want to clarify - flat rate for any number of items or flat rate per item - for example I am about to put an order through for 6 items right now , I would save $6 or $11?
The rate is still per item. For free members it's $2.00 per item and $1.00 for Premium Members. In the past we did the $2.00 for the first item and $1.00 for each additional item, but that was too complicated for a lot of people so I figured this would just be easier.

The Weight Surcharge per 5 pounds or the Value Charge per $150 still stands either way, but you save $1.00 on each item for the service charges. So Six items, you'd save $6. Hope that makes sense :). I'll have it all explained clearly when the service officially launches, but anyone can join now if they like.

Membership is for a full month. So if you join today on 04/02/2012 then it's good until 05/02/2012 for the one month membership. Yearly membership is the same, 12 months added to the date (ie: 06/16/2012 to 06/16/2012). Thanks!
One other thing... along with the April update we're also launching a new rewards program that stacks with the existing one. It involves a new point system called "Loyalty Points". Premium members will earn additional LP which can be applied to several areas on the site. More on this shortly ^_^ Thanks!
[quote name='goomba478']The rate is still per item. For free members it's $2.00 per item and $1.00 for Premium Members. In the past we did the $2.00 for the first item and $1.00 for each additional item, but that was too complicated for a lot of people so I figured this would just be easier.

The Weight Surcharge per 5 pounds or the Value Charge per $150 still stands either way, but you save $1.00 on each item for the service charges. So Six items, you'd save $6. Hope that makes sense :). I'll have it all explained clearly when the service officially launches, but anyone can join now if they like.

Membership is for a full month. So if you join today on 04/02/2012 then it's good until 05/02/2012 for the one month membership. Yearly membership is the same, 12 months added to the date (ie: 06/16/2012 to 06/16/2012). Thanks![/QUOTE]

good so I need to put a direct request order through from my order on saturday, how do I add a membership?
JamesX, I have to add the code into my store (should be up tomorrow). Once you register then it'll automatically add the discount when you submit a new order. I'll keep you posted :) Thanks!
JamesX, that's right I do have that early entry in the store. Go ahead and use that if you'd like to join (we'd be happy to have you ^_^). We'll have a more official looking signup page soon enough :) Thanks. I'll check my Email when I get home (I'm still at work).
[quote name='goomba478']JamesX, that's right I do have that early entry in the store. Go ahead and use that if you'd like to join (we'd be happy to have you ^_^). We'll have a more official looking signup page soon enough :) Thanks. I'll check my Email when I get home (I'm still at work).[/QUOTE]

good so if I use that will my charges be reflected correctly when I place a new order?
Goomba, do I have to create a new login for the online store? It won't let me use my sign in info
Goomba , I purchased a membership , and put through a new order but my membership did not get reflected.

I have not paid yet but have received a email order number ... 2133315309

Can you please look into this and let me know my final cost. Also you overcharged me slightly on the last invoice - you charged me twice for the Basic Service Fee - please apply the credit to above order.

NOTE: your email is not working, I am sending to [email protected] but never get a reply.
JamesX, we're doing it manually at the moment. I just got home from work and will adjust your account in our system. Thanks!

RoganSarine, I don't have time to manually invoice at the moment. If you could submit through the site I'd appreciate it. Just subtract the Amazon GC Amount from the actual total and include the GC's in the comments section. Thanks!
JamesX, your account is premium now in our system so feel free to try again. As for the store, at the moment it's a seperate login (though I recommend using the same login/password). We'll be merging the two at some point but I use ZenCart so it's tricky. As for my Email, the best one to use is JJParks AT improcomics DOT org. Thanks again!
I dunno if you updated your GFC system or not, I've been busy for the last couple of months with music videos and such, but I'm billed for $21.50 because I can't apply the $10 (I can't type the items cost as -$7.36), and then you have the $10 shipping buffer fee (as generated by the invoicing software on the website).

So, I need to be refunded $20, or I guess I could
** April GFC Schedule (Estimated) **

04/05/2012 - Updating GYROS page and shipping out many existing orders.
04/06/2012 - Picking up new PF Orders from UPS Store -- Changed due to Easter Weekend Closing of UPS Store.
04/07/2012 - 04/14/2012 - Continuing to Ship and Process Existing DR/PF Orders
04/11/2012 - Picking up new PF Orders from UPS Store
04/15/2012 - New GFC Premium Membership Launches.
04/15/2012 - 05/15/2012 - GFC Free Members will be unable to place new orders while the website is fully updated to make GFC Premium changes as well as our new reward system. Free Members are welcome to sign up for a free 7-day trial of GFC Premium during this time to test it out and see how it all works.

Thanks guys!
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RoganSarine, I'm starting to do the coding to have all current credits for all customers (Canuck Bucks, Store Credit, Service Charge Credits, Shipping Buffer, etc.) available on the site. This will all be part of the GFC Bank that launches late this month. You can see all your credits, cash out certain ones (Shipping Buffer in particular) or exchange different credits for other ones. More on this late this month. In the meantime we'll just do it manually behind the scenes. Thanks!
[quote name='goomba478']JamesX, your account is premium now in our system so feel free to try again. As for the store, at the moment it's a seperate login (though I recommend using the same login/password). We'll be merging the two at some point but I use ZenCart so it's tricky. As for my Email, the best one to use is JJParks AT improcomics DOT org. Thanks again![/QUOTE]

Goomba, I just emailed you JJParks AT improcomics DOT org
Hello there,

This is May again. I am still waiting for an update on my order... I checked Gyro and my order didn't show up.. here is the order number 850966205, and it's Burton snowboard boots. I'd like to know the following:

1. do you have my item? (UPS said delivered Mar 10)
2. When are you planning on shipping it?

Sorry for being a pain, this is my first time dealing with you, and I am a little concerned, thank you.

dongmei, I just entered all of your info into the system. We didn't receive your request until 03/30/2012. We'll look through the older packages and will get right on that. Thanks :)
Hey goomba, if a PF order arrived to your shipping address 03/29 and you're doing PF pickup today, does that mean it will be shipped out in the near future? Just curious as I haven't seen it show up on GYROS as yet. The order is #1011109841. Thanks!
Derfel, the GYROS update will be live in a couple of hours (typing it as we speak). So yes if it was 03/29 then that means it'll likely ship around upcoming Wednesday. Thanks!
No problem Derfel, I think going back to this CAG forum for answering questions works well since PMs/Email and the old GFC Forums had issues. Talk to you soon.
I got all of the items logged into our system from past orders. I still have 5 left from this week to enter and then I'll upload the large GYROS update. I'll be working on shipping this weekend and then on Monday I'll be in NYC for 2 days. Busy, busy, busy. Keep you all posted as best I can. As always feel free to ask any questions here but note that GYROS typically is the most up to date. If it says "Waiting for Package" that may also mean that I received your package but haven't opened it up, sorted your items and repacked. Just keep that in mind. Thanks and good night guys :).
[quote name='goomba478']dongmei, you're all set :) Your boots are packed and shipping today. I sent a confirmation Email to you, hope you got it. Thanks again![/QUOTE]

Hello Goomba,

Thanks for the quick update, and it was part of my fault as well, I wasn't sure about the whole process hence the delay. I really appreciate your time and effort in getting this out so quickly. Regarding the extra $10 I paid to cover shipping, I am assuming you will refund that back to my card if not used? Thanks again, will definitely deal with you again.

Warm regards,

Hi May, not a problem :) I realize our system is a bit confusing to newcomers, which is why we're doing our best to make this month's site updates clear for everyone. Yes, the unused funds will be available on your account and you can request a refund at any time for the "Shipping Buffer" funds. With the new update these funds will show on the website and if you have existing shipping buffer funds available it will not have you repay them on future orders. If you do request a refund, then you'll have to pay the shipping buffer again with your next order. Thanks!
By the way guys, I planned on going to the UPS Store yesterday but didn't know they are closed for the entire weekend due to Easter. I'll be going on Wednesday instead as I'll be in NYC on Monday/Tuesday. Sorry for the inconvenience but it'll have little effect on anything as I will be focused on the 15 packages I already have in my possession and will process the new ones after I pick them up. Thanks guys!
[quote name='goomba478']Hi May, not a problem :) I realize our system is a bit confusing to newcomers, which is why we're doing our best to make this month's site updates clear for everyone. Yes, the unused funds will be available on your account and you can request a refund at any time for the "Shipping Buffer" funds. With the new update these funds will show on the website and if you have existing shipping buffer funds available it will not have you repay them on future orders. If you do request a refund, then you'll have to pay the shipping buffer again with your next order. Thanks![/QUOTE]

Hello Goomba, thank you for the reply. Yes please, if you could please refund the shipping buffer I'd really appreciate that, I am not sure when I will be ordering next so I prefer to have the amount refunded. Thank you!

Hi Goomba,

I've never used your service before, but I recently submitted an order for package forwarding. It's for a copy of Silent Hill 3 on PC.

Just wanted to let you know through here, thanks in advance!
Hi Goomba,

I would also like to have my shipping buffer refunded as I do not know when i'll use the service again, my order number is 1791735946.

Jotamide, I got your invoice and payment and will let you know once I receive your item (we'll ship it out and send you an Email confirmation). Thanks :)

Everyone else, I'm in NYC today but returning tonight and will resume GYROS updates, shipping of packages and all that good stuff. Another UPS Pickup tomorrow. Thanks!
DeepDiscount sent you something for me that was cancelled and needs to be RMA'd if you still have the invoice that came with it.

It was an Ernest double feature Blu Ray. Besides that, they should have also sent you a copy of Clerks on Blu that I have yet to submit a PF for, will get on that now. That one you can keep =)
gsrce, I'll look into that for you :) I don't think I saw that in any past orders but it may be with the new packages I just picked up today (about 20 of them or so). Also, I have your WOW cups which finally came in a couple weeks ago. We'll work it all out though. Thanks buddy ^_^

Hey guys, I don't usually ask for much in terms of advertising but I do have a request if any of you have a minute or two. I'm not sure if any of you use Dropbox yet, but if you don't could you possibly open a free account using my link? For every member that joins through my link I get an extra 500MB of space (and you do too) up to 16GB total. I've been using Dropbox a LOT lately as it lets me conveniently update my site on the road and at work, and having the extra space would be a HUGE help.

So if you could, sign up using this link:

In case you don't know, Dropbox is an online cloud storage type system that lets you store your files virtually. This lets you access the same files across several computers (even different OS') and it's super convenient. You get 2GB for free and another 500MB for every friend your refer. Please take a minute and sign up for me, I really appreciate it!
bread's done