Gamestop - Accept any game?


1 (100%)
I went to my local Gamestop today to get some cheap games to trade in at EB, and I was looking at the Gameboy Advance games on display. As I was looking about, 2 games caught my eye. Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance, and Fire Emblem.

Both the stickers on the cart looked faded, and the Fire Emblem's sticker wasn't even the same sticker that I have on my cart. It had Hector, Lyn and Elliwood on the cover. The sticker on HoD didn't look to bad besides the fading, but upon closer inspection, the Nintendo part of it said "Nitendo", lucky me, I had my GBA in my pocket with Fire Emblem in it. I took it out and showed they guy the cart, and asked him if he knew the other cart was a pirated copy. He told me no, but as long as it plays we accept it. Now, this seems like a very illegal thing to do. A company selling pirated games? And the employee didn't even seem to care. :?

Any way I could make money out of this? >_>
you deserve a spanking. CAG doesnt support priracy. i do :D but yea, if your going to make money off this, you are just as bad as they are.
No no Mr. Pirate man, I don't have the slightest clue as to how to pirate games, but there is this "crime stoppers" thing and if you give them tips on illegal activities, they give you cash. I was wondering if i should pass on free cash or not. And I want to know if it is a common thing, I have never seen this at EB.
This is absoluetly rediculious. What happens when a kid comes in and gets totally screwed to think he is getting a mint copy of Powerpuff Girls, and lo and behold it is a pirate that can't save and the little kid becomes a homocidal maniac when he grows up. Then he kills random people, all because GameStop sold pirated games.
No GameStop employee should be knowingly accepting pirated games. It can be very hard to tell with GBA games (though the things you cited should have been obvious to him). Some people simply don't know how to tell the difference, as stupid as that sounds. Every time I've seen a pirated game, I've rejected it. I have no clue if that is store policy (though it should be), I've simply always rejected them out of common sense.
The problem is is when the employees cannot tell when a blatantly pirated game is a pirated game (as in the case with my topic from a week ago). They should not be working at a gaming retail establishment.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Well, if you read my post from a week ago on a coworker of mine at GS accepting pirated games, this would be obvious.[/quote]Sorry, missed that topic.
I know that sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between a pirated game and a real game, but if it is totally obvious and they still accept it, they should not be working with games. Ever.
[quote name='xzafixz']This is absoluetly rediculious. What happens when a kid comes in and gets totally screwed to think he is getting a mint copy of Powerpuff Girls, and lo and behold it is a pirate that can't save and the little kid becomes a homocidal maniac when he grows up. Then he kills random people, all because GameStop sold pirated games.[/quote]

I'm ok with that.
[quote name='KurtCobain'][quote name='Dead of Knight']Well, if you read my post from a week ago on a coworker of mine at GS accepting pirated games, this would be obvious.[/quote]Sorry, missed that topic.[/quote]

No, it's ok, I wasn't telling you off. I just wanted to let you and others know that this isn't an isolated incident.
I actually find this rather funny, ebay has been swamped with fake gba games for quite a while but only a very few have shown up in stores, which probably means that most stores are doing a decent job actually watching out for these things.
the least nintendo could do is put holograms on the gamn carts. Sure the pirates will make their own holograms but at least it would make it harder for people to sell obvious pirated games.
well with used games if they dont work within 90 days you can return it. i work at Gamestop and at my store we have to look at the game before we can accept it (some don't occasionally,but they are supposed to). we are supposed to look at the game to see if it needs to be refurbished or not and when we look, obvious pirated games should turned down.
bread's done