Gamestop - Bioshock Limited Edition pre-order (lots of neato stuff)


77 (100%)
I know this isnt technically a deal per se but I thought this Limited Edition pre-order looked cool and it comes with lots of little trinkets:

Price = $69.99

What you get:

The GameStop Exclusive Bioshock Limited Edition includes:

Bioshock the game
Bioshock "Big Daddy" Figurine
Soundtrack CD featuring music of BioShock plus remixes of period music
Behind the scenes DVD

So apperantly Toys R Us got the Limited Edition too. I thought my friend was bullshitting me until he sent me pics of the Big Daddy Figurine with the Toys R Us recipt.
Man if only I used my 20% coupon :/
[quote name='Masterchip']So apperantly Toys R Us got the Limited Edition too. I thought my friend was bullshitting me until he sent me pics of the Big Daddy Figurine with the Toys R Us recipt.
Man if only I used my 20% coupon :/[/quote]

I would love to see those pics!!!
Yeah guys I'm gonna take a pic of my TV with the picture on it. Thing is my camera is kinda lost.
He mentioned there was 3 of them and he picked one of those up, and they were 70 bucks
Heres to hoping they weren't a fake, he is known to be a photoshoppin' lyin' sun-nu-va-bitch
[quote name='Masterchip']Yeah guys I'm gonna take a pic of my TV with the picture on it. Thing is my camera is kinda lost.
He mentioned there was 3 of them and he picked one of those up, and they were 70 bucks
Heres to hoping they weren't a fake, he is known to be a photoshoppin' lyin' sun-nu-va-bitch[/quote]

Not meaning to 'offend' your friend,
but if he's 'known' for that ..... I doubt it's real - since this is suppose to be gamestop exclusive only. =/

I HOPE though, I'm wrong.
[quote name='guynextshore']Not meaning to 'offend' your friend,
but if he's 'known' for that ..... I doubt it's real - since this is suppose to be gamestop exclusive only. =/

I HOPE though, I'm wrong.[/quote]

Nah it's OK, he's like the most ignorant Nintendo Fanboy who thinks that Metroid 3 beats Bioshock any day when in fact he never played any demo Metroid 3.

But I know this sounds like BS, and I'm starting to think that too but I got to tell you guys, I'm not the person who goes around spreading random lies/rumors, so I apologize in advance if my friend was being the biggest a**hole ever.

The dickh*le explained it all on the phone

With Photoshop he used this picture for the box:

and this one for the reciept:

he changed the lighting for the first big daddy pic, edited and for the recipt pic he changed the item name the # and price, omitted the regular box cover of Bioshock and replaced it with a table and sent it to me. I asked him why he lie about him getting a game that would come out on Tuesday, and he said he was pissed at me for snaggin' an 08 Bumblebee transformer toy (we're toy collectors and finding an 08 bumblebee is the equivlent of the Christmas season when Ticlkle me Elmo came out- Rarest sh*t ever)and not buying one for him.

Man, now you guys are really gonna skewer gentle :O

Really really sorry for this episode guys
[quote name='Masterchip']Fake:

The dickh*le explained it all on the phone

With Photoshop he used this picture for the box:

and this one for the reciept:

he changed the lighting for the first big daddy pic, edited and for the recipt pic he changed the item name the # and price, omitted the regular box cover of Bioshock and replaced it with a table and sent it to me. I asked him why he lie about him getting a game that would come out on Tuesday, and he said he was pissed at me for snaggin' an 08 Bumblebee transformer toy (we're toy collectors and finding an 08 bumblebee is the equivlent of the Christmas season when Ticlkle me Elmo came out- Rarest sh*t ever)and not buying one for him.

Man, now you guys are really gonna skewer gentle :O

Really really sorry for this episode guys[/quote]

Rofflekeks @ your silliness.
[quote name='PrinnyOtaku']Rofflekeks @ your silliness.[/quote]
No silliness, gullibleness!

And this is pretty much me right about now::lol:
[quote name='VivaLaSam']Someone from Gamestop called me a bit earlier and said they would probably be short on all the preorders they had, company wide.

I was 1 of 4 people this store had to let know. That sucks!

Add that to possibly a good number of broken figures they may have shipped and you get one big steamy pile of dung. What the fuck ![/QUOTE]

It wouldn't surprise me if they underestimated demand for the LE and underproduced it. I doubt it will reach MGS3:S LE levels of insanity, though.

On the other hand, I thought BioShock would only be a modest niche success given the more complex nature of the subject matter. Looks like I was wrong on that count.
[quote name='Masterchip']So apperantly Toys R Us got the Limited Edition too. I thought my friend was bullshitting me until he sent me pics of the Big Daddy Figurine with the Toys R Us recipt.
Man if only I used my 20% coupon :/[/quote]He's full of shit. LE is a GS/EB exclusive.

I have some ocean-front property in St. Louis I'd be happy to sell you.
[quote name='shrike4242']

I have some ocean-front property in St. Louis I'd be happy to sell you.[/quote]

Is Erik Estrada involved? If so I may just bite.....:lol:
[quote name='VivaLaSam']Someone from Gamestop called me a bit earlier and said they would probably be short on all the preorders they had, company wide.

I was 1 of 4 people this store had to let know. That sucks!

Add that to possibly a good number of broken figures they may have shipped and you get one big steamy pile of dung. What the fuck ![/quote]If that's the case, I'm going to be quite pissed if I get shafted on my pre-order, as I pre-ordered the day it showed up in the EB/GS POS system, which would be months ago.
[quote name='shrike4242']If that's the case, I'm going to be quite pissed if I get shafted on my pre-order, as I pre-ordered the day it showed up in the EB/GS POS system, which would be months ago.[/quote]

Shouldn't be a problem with yours. I just pre-ordered the other day. They go up from the bottom of the list with that shaft, in chronological order from whoever was last to pre-order. They weren't 100% sure, but they let me know just in case they came up short.
If you paid it off already though, you automatically get put first in line ahead of everyone else. That's why I pre-ordered/paid off last Wednesday, cause I figured they'd be short on CEs.
[quote name='Scottish']Just went down to my local Gamestop and preordered the LE.

I was working with the Store Manager there. He hadn't gotten his in yet, but I asked if he had heard about the broken arm problem, and he said he had, and that 2k was going to have a replacement program for them.

I didn't inquire about a discount, but he seemed pretty sure about 2k replacing broken ones.

Hope that helps!


If you were to get a broken Big Daddy for 60 (becuase the broken figurine gets you a $10 off) and 2K replaces it as the manager said, would you get the LE for only...$60?
But then there is no discount like the manager said so you pay 70 for a broken Big Daddy figure and that will get replaced.
Anybody want to shed light on how this replacement deal would work?
[quote name='Neo']If you paid it off already though, you automatically get put first in line ahead of everyone else. That's why I pre-ordered/paid off last Wednesday, cause I figured they'd be short on CEs.[/quote]It's based on when you pre-ordered it, not how much money have put towards it.
[quote name='Neo']If you paid it off already though, you automatically get put first in line ahead of everyone else. That's why I pre-ordered/paid off last Wednesday, cause I figured they'd be short on CEs.[/quote]

I don't get why people come in on Saturday, well after Gamestop has already sent the # of preorders to corp to get the shipment, hell, the shipment's already in the store, then people bitch about not getting a copy.

preorder sooner, dumbasses. Don't come in when the store's received 30 copies for the 30 people that preordered weeks in advance and expect them to magically have a 31st copy.
[quote name='Scorch']I don't get why people come in on Saturday, well after Gamestop has already sent the # of preorders to corp to get the shipment, hell, the shipment's already in the store, then people bitch about not getting a copy.

preorder sooner, dumbasses. Don't come in when the store's received 30 copies for the 30 people that preordered weeks in advance and expect them to magically have a 31st copy.[/QUOTE]
While I agree it's pretty lame of the customer to come in at the last minute and pre-order, it's even lamer if the clerk goes ahead with the pre-order, knowing full and well that they won't have enough LE's to cover all the pre-orders.

I was on the fence about this game until I played the demo. I ran up to GS on Tuesday and pre-ordered one. Hopefully, I'll be able to get one.
[quote name='Master Shake']It's based on when you pre-ordered it, not how much money have put towards it.[/QUOTE]

You would think so, but that stopped being true in late 2004 with the emergence of the "VIP" program. Once you pay it off, you're in a whole new league. You go to the head of the line unless someone who pre-ordered before you pays it off in-full too.
[quote name='Neo']You would think so, but that stopped being true in late 2004 with the emergence of the "VIP" program. Once you pay it off, you're in a whole new league. You go to the head of the line unless someone who pre-ordered before you pays it off in-full too.[/quote]That's complete crap. If they have accepted your money for the item as a pre-order, with the amount they accept for a pre-order, it should be waiting for you on arrival day. It should be done in chronological order, not this "I paid first, I get to run to the front of the line" crap.

I checked with my EB that has my pre-order, they've received the LE copies, and assured me I shouldn't have an issue. They haven't unboxed them yet, so they're still in the shipping boxes.
[quote name='shrike4242']That's complete crap. If they have accepted your money for the item as a pre-order, with the amount they accept for a pre-order, it should be waiting for you on arrival day. It should be done in chronological order, not this "I paid first, I get to run to the front of the line" crap.

I checked with my EB that has my pre-order, they've received the LE copies, and assured me I shouldn't have an issue. They haven't unboxed them yet, so they're still in the shipping boxes.[/QUOTE]

I know it is. They started it right before San Andreas and Halo 2 came out. I remember going there in mid-October and seeing the new signs for the program and going, "Oh shit" and going to the bank and paying off my pre-orders for GTA:SA and Halo 2 in-full. That's their whole scheme, they want as many fully paid pre-orders as possible, as soon as possible.
[quote name='badboysean']Ya I preordered awhile ago, im not going to be very happy if they are OOS if I get there in the evening.[/QUOTE]
We got an email at my store today saying that we would be getting additional Limited Edition copies of Bioshock on 360 to cover all pre-orders through the 17th.

Stores were not supposed to be taking pre-orders on the LE of Bioshock for 360 after Friday. If anyone pre-ordered on Saturday and really wants to get the LE I suggest getting to your store early and picking up your copy.
I remember when good ol' EB sold my pre-ordered (paid in full) copy of Resident Evil: Code Veronica for the Dreamcast. I went to pick it up after getting called that same day. When I got there, the clerk looked at me blankly, checked around the store, and said they sold their extra copies to walk-ins. As a "funny" mishap, they sold mine as well. Right after walking out and getting home, I get a call from the same store informing me that they "found" my copy. Ugh.
Anyways, I pre-ordered the LE version at my local gamestop on Tuesday (paid in full). I can only hope they'll have it (I hate my local gamestop and all it's smug employees).
[quote name='Sigma']We got an email at my store today saying that we would be getting additional Limited Edition copies of Bioshock on 360 to cover all pre-orders through the 17th.

Stores were not supposed to be taking pre-orders on the LE of Bioshock for 360 after Friday. If anyone pre-ordered on Saturday and really wants to get the LE I suggest getting to your store early and picking up your copy.[/quote]

If this true for all or 'most' of the GS/EB stores, I feel better in getting a copy on Tuesday morning (hopefully) :roll: .
[quote name='Scorch']I don't get why people come in on Saturday, well after Gamestop has already sent the # of preorders to corp to get the shipment, hell, the shipment's already in the store, then people bitch about not getting a copy.

preorder sooner, dumbasses. Don't come in when the store's received 30 copies for the 30 people that preordered weeks in advance and expect them to magically have a 31st copy.[/QUOTE]

Or they could actually run a business that carries games on release day for consumers to walk in and purchase.
[quote name='Sigma']We got an email at my store today saying that we would be getting additional Limited Edition copies of Bioshock on 360 to cover all pre-orders through the 17th.

Stores were not supposed to be taking pre-orders on the LE of Bioshock for 360 after Friday. If anyone pre-ordered on Saturday and really wants to get the LE I suggest getting to your store early and picking up your copy.[/quote]

Since you work at EB/GS any word on this pay in full get to the top of the list rumor? I could imagine they "could" have a system like that but it would be widly known because the employees would try to get you to pay in full, much like they try to get you to preorder things.
Pre-Ordering makes no goddamn sense. A business the size of gamestop should be able to gauge demand without requiring deposits. I don't do pre-orders anymore, mostly because limited edition crap is useless and overpriced (honestly, what would I do with a big daddy figure but hide it when people come over) and you almost always get things cheaper at other stores than the game retailers.

Bioshock is $50 this week at Circuit City, by the way. That does mean you GameStop suckers are paying $20 extra for a figurine and a disc full of moby remixes. LOL
[quote name='jer7583']Pre-Ordering makes no goddamn sense. A business the size of gamestop should be able to gauge demand without requiring deposits. [/QUOTE] would they do it? Just pick a number out of a hat '30! Were gonna buy 30 copies of BioShock!'.
[quote name='jer7583']Pre-Ordering makes no goddamn sense. A business the size of gamestop should be able to gauge demand without requiring deposits. I don't do pre-orders anymore, mostly because limited edition crap is useless and overpriced (honestly, what would I do with a big daddy figure but hide it when people come over) and you almost always get things cheaper at other stores than the game retailers.

Bioshock is $50 this week at Circuit City, by the way. That does mean you GameStop suckers are paying $20 extra for a figurine and a disc full of moby remixes. LOL[/quote]

With the GS coupon for %10 off, it's $13 extra. I think that's worth a large Big Daddy Figurine, large packaging, a "making of" DVD, and a soundtrack.- not to mention the fun of screwing CC(sounds wrong, yeah), unless you PM.
I don't know, how does wal mart do it? How does best buy do it? how does target do it? how does every other damn place that sells videogames do it?

I don't have to go pre-order the next DVD I want at some store because the store can't figure out if people will want it. Supply and demand and amount to stock is a fundamental aspect of business and a company the size of gamestop should not have any problem figuring these things out based on previous selling history and by tracking information.

It's much easier to tell every dumbass that walks into their store to give them $5 six months in advance or they won't be able to get it.

I did forget about the CC ban going on here. We don't have one locally, the nearest is like 45 min away so I don't go there anyway.
[quote name='jer7583']

Bioshock is $50 this week at Circuit City, by the way. That does mean you GameStop suckers are paying $20 extra for a figurine and a disc full of moby remixes. LOL[/QUOTE]

Yup. Seeing as how I flipped less than about $20 worth of clearance games towards it, it's worth it.

And it comes with a Big Daddy figure.
I live about 45 minutes away from the closest GameStop but my mom has a long commute and goes by a bunch of them on the way to work so I asked her to pre-order the PC LE version. When she got home I asked her if she remembered to get the LE version and she said she didn't specify. The receipt doesn't say what version was pre-ordered just 200224 BioShock 64.34. Can any of you tell which item it is by the item number? I assume the item was $59.99 before tax so based on price it would either have to be the PC LE or the 360 regular version I would think.
I finally bought a 360 yesterday and I freaking love the demo. I'm going to do a pre-order for this today and see what happens. I can show up by noon on Tuesday :)
[quote name='seanr1221']Why hide it?[/quote]

I was thinking the same thing. I'll proudly display it along side my Prey LE figurines =D. I'd say you've got a problem if your embarassed about repping your favorite hobby (Gaming).
[quote name='jer7583']Pre-Ordering makes no goddamn sense. A business the size of gamestop should be able to gauge demand without requiring deposits. I don't do pre-orders anymore, mostly because limited edition crap is useless and overpriced (honestly, what would I do with a big daddy figure but hide it when people come over) and you almost always get things cheaper at other stores than the game retailers.

Bioshock is $50 this week at Circuit City, by the way. That does mean you GameStop suckers are paying $20 extra for a figurine and a disc full of moby remixes. LOL[/quote]
No. This is why:

Link 2
Link 3

Other ongoing auctions are starting at $199 BIN today

So, even if you think the LE is retarded and are ashamed of the figure, you could have preordered one. Sold it for a $100 profit, gone to CC, got the regular version for $50, in the end, making your copy free and making $50 for buying the game.

Or maybe some people (like me) just wanted the LE for collecting purposes because they like this kind of stuff.
[quote name='Collectordragon']I live about 45 minutes away from the closest GameStop but my mom has a long commute and goes by a bunch of them on the way to work so I asked her to pre-order the PC LE version. When she got home I asked her if she remembered to get the LE version and she said she didn't specify. The receipt doesn't say what version was pre-ordered just 200224 BioShock 64.34. Can any of you tell which item it is by the item number? I assume the item was $59.99 before tax so based on price it would either have to be the PC LE or the 360 regular version I would think.[/quote]

I'm 99 percent sure my receipt says LE on it.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']I'm 99 percent sure my receipt says LE on it.[/QUOTE]

I called the store and the guy confirmed it was the regular 360 version. What are the chances of me finding the PC LE after release? I found a new copy of Ninja Gaiden Sigma LE for the PS3 like 3 weeks after release at a GS.
[quote name='jer7583']I don't know, how does wal mart do it? How does best buy do it? how does target do it? how does every other damn place that sells videogames do it?[/QUOTE]

Gamestop is tiny compared to Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and Target. Why do you think you see clearance merchandise all over those places? Buying product is a gamble and smaller companies can't stomach it.
Sorry this is a little off-topic but since everyone is talking about pre-orders. How is gamestop/EB with giving pre-order bonuses with out a pre-order?
bread's done